canadian fish take to the air from prince albert saskatchewan comes the news that flab hare taken to the air la the canadian north west to be exact they have been taken by air to market a gov ernment bulletin supplies the follow ing interesting information on this subject fish caught in lac la ronge in northern saskatchewan are flown twice daily to prince al bert a distance ot 200 miles and from there shipped by rail to chi cago ncw york and other american aud canadian centros each plane carries about 1600 pounds of fish in an unfrozen condition and lmmedl- ately on reaching prince albert they are packed in ice for shipment in do pound boxes while beauty by li wyn griffith in the welsh outlook this pattern we call good and til is but the play ot light and shade upon a hill born but to die with set of sun foredoomed to birth when night is done hu hand who held the scales of right in iron days of home la dust mote3 in the light the sword that slew at his beho3t in his dread court the swallows nest forgotten now the evil wrought in egypts town by darkbrowod kings a thing of naught tho sorrow sandengulfed the teara airplane nut beauty journeys dowp the years transportation has oeen reported sat- 1 lsfaetory it wa3 found that increasing for the northern fish made t1 fleet lit of j this fugitivo pursuit of right and fear o wrong save golden echoes of an ancient i know ot naught can oer outlive demand fashion in mans mind necessary an additional means carriage sj two motor tractors each hauling a heated caboose with a car rying capacity ot about 7000 pounds song of unfrozen lish nave been put into troubled folds record l service and a trip from the lake by or crystal words the porta write to ultimo the darkness ot heart the cool delight of venus rising from tiio deep the mirrored stars a child asleep the two tractors means approximate ly sufficient fish rati b brought to prince allien in make up a carload lot for shipment though this is the first year in which fish have been handled by pine catches from wa ters if te mre remote areas of northern rnsvatchewan and alberta j of llfo that binds our day3 in thrall have lmn successfully marketed as i to years long dead far nwnv a the cities of the united j to unborn hours and ot this now state tor several seasons past fish a phantom makes go pay thy vow from inie athabasca northern what then is beauty but the tltrcad alberta for instance have won mar ket favor notwithstanding that the distance they have to be carried from the lake to the international j boundary alone is about 700 miles the now outlook the bridal cactus a cactus was carried by a bride instead of tho more usual bouquet ot orangeblossom at a warsaw wed ding recently it wa3 stated in reply to inquiries that tho cactus brought good luck it will como as a surprise to most ot informal refreshments people to know that the cactus is reversible vestees women who make their own de tachable vestee3 have learned tho advantage of bavins these bits ot daintiness finished with equal care and attractiveness at both ends when this is done the vestee i3 quickly changed end for end in case it becomes spotted while being worn this has been found a simple way to avoid tho embarrassment o hav ing to wear an untidylooking vestee resulting sometimes from a little mis- hap at table or during the serving naval treaty terms find vitamin c heroism recognized accepted by italy in peas and bsans by humane society france and italy now reach washingtondried i peas and b3ans many ontario people receive r t can bo endowed with some of the a j r d basis tor limitation valuable food properties ot fresh awards tor bravery compromise vegetables by the simple process ot hamilton awards of bronx rome the italian government sproutlne lhem raceot stadies bt medals and parohment certificates for have now accepted proposals advanc- ft of eomlcs of brare were announced recently ed by great britain which will per- s lrteat ot agriculture w the annual meeting ot the mit its full adhesion to the london 8 revealed i royal canadian humane association naval treav i ordinarily dried beans and pru are j took place here george e cop- the proposals previously had been i f la h vitama c i hilton presient ot tho or- accepcd by the french government bat the f s f samzatlon presided and the report way produces this 2ential diet ic- adliosion of the two governments to the london treaty reached at conclu- complete absence ot vitania c in slon of the naval conference almost tho diet results in scurvv formorly a year ago which makes that pact a the dread o sailors on long sea -c-y- fivepower instrument instead of a ki ams many persons endanger taelr threepower treatv as it is now- frank buck holder ot junior transcontinental record end 17-year- old aviator of elizabeth nj at havana cuba after establishing new junior record for flight from newark nj first plane leaves i tourists to make croydon for africa trips in zeppelin imperial airways inaugurates nineday service over 5 1 1 4mile route to tanganyika loudon the first section ot tho negotiations which brought the i italian acceptance were carried on by rt hon arthur henderson for- eign secretary and rt hon a v i alexander first lord of the admiralty for great britain and ditto grandl j foreign minister and rear admiral i gulseppo siriana for italy premier mussolini himself carried on part of j the conversations the proposals advanced by great j britain jsome reports said spacify aj specified relationship to the british that of great britain and inasmuch as france previously lias accepted a specified rleatiohship to the british navy fix indirectly the relationship between the italian and french navies it is understood that the franco- italian parity controversy is in oyect postponed until 1935 when the entire naval treaty comes up for review the agreement apparently eimin- i ates at least tor five years the threat ot an italianfrench naval race the london treaty slgneu last april pre scribes limitation and reduction ot naval armament for the united states great britain and japan and j agreement on some phases of tho naval disarmament problem among i those three nations france and italy under the limitation clauses 8inch 1 ages many persons endanger health because of an uttpercelved i deficiency of vitamin 0 in tceir diot of awards was presented by h b waterman honorary secretary medals c irotize medals william james hilton vancouver for the rcsctto of martha wagnor irom drowning la the canadian pacific railway dock3 vancouvor this food deficiency also to thought chapleau to be an important cause of torn reseuo samakeese decay and ot many cases ot socalled arovnm5 tho kebesquashlng rheumatism chanleau citrus fruit tomatoes and raw u mml cabbage have been recognized as im- fqr hs resn of wjlbelm an poriant sources of vitamin c for a sefin uanscn from drowninb number of years but until recently j wawse i joseph it douglas webbwood for his rescue ot william belch front in beans had not been considered as a j possible source to obtain vitamin source from dried hearts and peas the bureau of home economics experimented with several methods of sprouting one fron of a train at massey on dec 1 1530 emmie binns vancouver tor her heroic rescue of william b williams imple method was simply to roll up rom a ollrl aeroplane going from when selecting rjadvmade veste03 lucky so far it hasnt usuallv been i3 we t0 consider this inter- credited with producing either good changeable endtoend advantage or bad fortune carried by a bride i the decoration is vertical in the wa nature of pin tucking drawnwork or iasettings of lace one has only to band ot lace to the lower end of the vestee thus making the entire piece suitable to experience ot a ride in the famous worldroaming dirigible within the union ot south africa was inaugur- reach of almost all travelers to ger- ated on feb 2sth when a nineton j many this summer graf zeppelin will also b used as taxi to egypt and spain arrangements tor lowpriced flights on tho grat zeppelin will bring the sun cruiser tonage is fixed at 146800 for great britain iso000 for the united states and 103400 tor japan sixinch cruiser tonnage grjeat britain 192000 united state3 143- 500 and japan 100450 destroyers u sheet of cheesecloth sprinkled with dried beans and keep moist until the sprouts were an inch long i sprouted seod3 long used in chi- ttese dishes have a mild flavor and i make up into tasty dishes j machine transmits written text on rajio detroit a machine which trans mits written words by radio and reproduces them instantly at any distant point or points in the same manner as a telegraph printer cir cuit has been perfected by glenn w watson local salesman the sending apparatus resembles a typewriter to which ha3 oeen at tached a revolving dc and tha re ceiving set is of similar construction as the letter key on the sending ma argosy air line left croydon jz z 11 britait lounitsttes j vrev its characteristic for the benefit ot tourists indeed it rather suggests a to the bridegroom because the aver- j age cactus is fairly well provided ala a corresponds ti the lower end ot thousands of letters for delivery various parts of africa t offered 150000 japan 105500 submarine a large crowd including colonel says an announcement of the ham- tonnage is equal at 52700 for each missioner burgamerican line3 general agents j of the three france and italy signed with the mean3 ot selfdefence tho cactus is hardly likely there fore to win general favor as a bridal bouquet the more usal orange- blossom can after a produce rea son for its claim to be a iuckbringer according to authorities on folklore it is appropriate at a wedding be cause the orangetree bears flowers and fruit at the same time so the brides orangeblossom means that sho will have a family and keep her good looks value of farm lands wear with either end at the top now that small buttons are so much in vogue as a trimming detail a closely set line f these either in white or eclor i3 a modish center decoration for a ve3tee or georgette or voile both ot which fabrics are easily kept fresh eggshell flesh or any of tho oilwhite shade3 are excellent for combining with white or slightly ecru laco which finishes the vestee at top and bottom so eral small tucks on each side ot a center row of buttons gives the do- declines 5 an acre sired vertical trimming dark but- f w h franklin trade com in east africa and air line ofiical3 cheered off in a drizzling rain for tho present no passengers will be i hu- torthe luftschiffbau zeppelin the only those sections relating to the great machine tool i minimum fare will be charged for a manizatiott ot submarines a capital fourhour flight over either lake j eun holiday and certain other tech- passengers will ne car- lucerne the black forest or the leal phases v nkf mi hat a new scheme of naval limitation car- 1 lucerne ried in africa on this service but tyrol most ot the flights will be two passengers were aboard on tills i from friedrichshafen a tew from whereby world powers will be asked initial flight one for the continent berlin i to limit their maximum construction and tho other for karachi india in addition to serving as an outing changing at cairo machine the grat zeppelin will be mail consisted of fifty bag3 run in a taxi service to egypt spain more than 40000 letters the french itiviera and other coun tries including the ottawa value of farm lands in canada in 1930 showed a consider able declino in consequence of the toii3 on light fabrics are specially smart ju3t now the color matching tho predominating tone of the dress but there is never any mistake iu fall in the prices of agricultural ama whit9 rt buttons products says a report issued ro- mako ve3th parable cen y by the dominion bureau ot th tb on9 statistics average value of oc cupied farm lands as a whole in cluding both improved and unim proved laud as well as dwelling houses barns stables and other farm buildings is returned as 32 por aero as compared with 37 in 1929 family watch sold to former kaiser potsdam ger a gold watch that ticked for frederick the great a century and a half ago was knocked down for 5000 marks or about 1200 by provinces the average va ues o wilhelnj von h the are as follows with the previous o frcderlck succea30r3 at the years values lthu brackets prnce bera rccontly 0 iurni3 edward ibland 43 nova i ka r 2iwigrl ca3t18 a th3 propcrty tarlo 52 60 manitoba 22 26 saskatchewan 22 25 alberta 24 28 british columbia 76 90 tho averago values in 1930 of orch ard and fruit lands including build ings etc in tho chief fruitgrowing provinces aro estima cd as follows ot prince frledrich leopold von hohen zollorn a cousin ot the former kaiser who ha3 been living in switzerland the last fow years othor bidders withdrew when tho offer ot the house of doom was announced and a crowd ot bargain hunters who had como to pick up the containing inure imm tuw vu 10000 of which were sent by sari tries including the scandinavian collectors in addition the plane the ship will be made available for carried half a ton of urgent freight j charter by groups ot tourists socie- tlte aircraft travelled across eur- tie3 and clubs whenever a minimum ope to athens where tho cargo was of fifteen passengers u booked the transferred to a flying boat for tho dirigible will accommodate thirty- journey to egypt five passengers flew long tho j tentative plans have cruise over tho mediterranean mediterranean from cairo tho boat nuw iuib new 2760mllo routo to mwaftza in for a tanganyika territory completing to egypt in april definite ar- 5111 miles from london in nine j rangements have been made for a days a journey taking thirtytwo day3 cruiso over spain leaving friedrich- by ship and train j shafen on may 29 tho zeppelin will the now service is to be run each stop at seville and cruise over lis- saturday morning from croydon hon onorto vigo santander san to 23000ton warships will bo pro posed by france britain and italy it was learned at the foreign oilice recently captain ii h perry was the pilot accompanied by a mechanic the fir3t return flight leaves tanganyika march 10 and tho air liner to arrive back at croydon march 19 with afrl- j name me utwiwiiouw can mall3 in several months tho alps and to england and france whole routo will be opened and it will be possiblo to reach cape town from london in eleven days at a fare bon oporto vigo sebastian biarritz toulouse barce lona valencia malaga and gibraltar returning to germany juno 2 other trips will be made to the baltic the mediterranean over the motoring troubles the motorist adopted pleading tactics i wish youd overlook it this time f constable he said as a matter been made j ot f i wa3 hurrying to town on very important business fraid i cant help that said the policeman i never drivo fast a3 a rule but ive got to get to town quickly to see my solicitor well said the policeman youll have a bit more news for him now impulse i3 sent over the air caus ing the disc to revolve when the impulse 13 received the disc on the receiving set b turned so that the same letter 3 printed by the receiv ing apparatus each disc contains the normal characters found on a keyboard tho discs are perfectly synchronized and controlled by the radio waves thus assuring exact reproduction ot the message sent when exhibited to local scientists here the machine is believed likely to revolutionize transmission methods tor police work or others requiring circuit connections within a limited area pussywillows early fort william a large sprig ot the figures for 1929 being given with- relics of the imperial rcgimo ap plauded when the auctioneer declar ed the watch sold to tho exiled former kaiser surprisingly low prices were paid for other items some idea of tho popularity ot royal portraits in ger many tltcse days was indicated in tho prlco brought by five lithographs of prussians kings and princes the whole lot being knocked down for j1300 in brackets nova scotia 94 11s ontario 110 147 british colum bia 291 314 a new seasoning from japan an interesting condiment devised and marketed by japaneso chemists several years ago and described ot about 650 the first class boat pussywillows in full bud found on fare 13 about 450 but the air route island no 2 feb 24th by a local savea six day3 resident is said to be six weeks this inauguration is a sequel to a of schedule an oldtimer the pioneer work of sir alan cob- resident here for 37 years says he ham commenced six years ago when i neto seen a february so mild he made a great survey flight to south nor pussywillows so early la tho sea- africa and back son in the same boat it was little timothys first day at school shortly after the opening ot the first lesson he walked up to the schoolterchers desk and said i aint got no pencil the teacher with a shocked expres sion on her face said oh timothy i havent a pencil a sympathetic look crossed the small boy3 face and he replied ye aint either well were both in the same fix aint we huge liner in drydeck for spring cleaning tito industrial df little inc cu- como into wide china and janan friends in this cot in of arthur d mass has throughout now making wo road finds west favors ontario produce chentixtlly the material is sodium glutamate it i3 mado from tho gluten or protein part of wheat by acid hy- drolysis followed by bleaching neut- toronto growing tendency in the rallzatlon and crystallization it is prairie province to favor ontario thus of vegetable origin and does not farm products was found by a h wu- vlolate tho food proscriptions of any ford chairman of tho recent campaign race or religion 1 onion week who has just returned ajinomoto is white powder look- f a fip acoss canada to ascertain ing like bicarbonate of soda of such character that it keeps well and may bo dispensed from a salt shaker it has a faint but definite odor of rather srong cheese the taste however is that of the red juio from roas beef salty meaty and ppitizing this condiment is tile taakiu f chop uey and oiher cmnese dw it goe especially ivu with spr and her 1 ii make- them the resilts of tho campaign careful grading and packing in onj tirio good wero tho reasons oftored by mr wllford for increased use of ontario pridttcc buyers favored can- rtdlngrw fruit- and vegetables he said a d care in their packing and stalling had resulted in building up france of their dependability many more onion were being used pnrio provinces as the result he sail id a doctors dinnerparty dinneis for doctors depend largely tou largely on luck get a mem ber ot the profession comfortably seated at the table and set an ap petizing meal before him and its dollars to doughnuts that some urg ent patient will desire his presence before dessert is served probably mrs h w carter wifo of a washington north carolina physician knew this all along but it she didnt sho doo3 now not long ago says an associated pre33 dispatch from washington she invited several ot dr carters fellow practitioners to dinner read ing on while the guests were awaiting the summons to tho diningroom the telephone rang u was an emergency call lor dr dewitt kluttz and he grabbed his hat two minutes later dr p a nichol son was called to the phone he disappeared in the wake ot dr kluttz just as dinner ww served e cu for dr d t taylor and before the oyster cocktails had been finished dr b w larkln also had to leave well began mrs carter just then tho telephone rang again dr cartor answered seized his hat and rushed out of tho door mr3 carter finished the dinner in solitary stato this interesting photograph shows the gigantic propellers ot the ss majestic one ot the largest r a tits worm and how they look during ships overhauling la drydock at southampton eng taking a risk the doctor rtared hard at his client as tho latter entered his surgery i porceive that you aro in a very despondent mood he commenced in act you dont seem to care what happens to you good gracious the cliont gasped how on earth did you deduce that you camo here in a motorcar and you let our wife drive he said i the pleasure was theirs tho mistress of tho house rang the bell to call her maid jano sho said cvhen the girl ar rived did you toll those ladles who just called that i was not at home yes maam replied tho girl what did they say asked tho mistress they all smiled and said how fortunate jan answered o victoria bc to seattle wa3h nellie drake courtenay bc for iter escue o mrs irene lennon from drowning in the river near the dyke mill f e lothian deceased vancou ver for the attempted rescue ot j a hyndmaii deceased from drown ing in lynn creek north vancouver on april 23 1929 the bronze medal was posthumously awarded to mr lothian jacob gby aecesedt kitchener posthumously awarded the bronze medal for the rescue of ephraira ernst from gasfilled well sewer farm kitchener sept 2 1930 ephraim ernst kitchener for his rescue of william stevenson nd al- bamts meyer from gasfiiled well sewer farm kitchener sept 2 1930 certificate parchment certificates melville c blachford and leonard s plachtord toronto for rescue of nancy and jane simcoe from drowning near port carling muskoka july 12 1930 lloyd g fair grimsby for the rescue of mis3 frances bushman from drowning at grimsby on sept 5 1929 fred b robinson moncton nb for the rescue of miss george b barnhill from in front ot a train william cook and d s kizer hamilton for tho rescue ot robert scott and lloyd leach from drown ing in lake ontario at hamilton on june 23 1930 ruby flauder3 montreal for the reseuo ot yetta trachtenberg ida shrybman and sara kapustin from drowning in the north rlvr near shawbridge que n p mcdonald beeton for the rescue of keith erie rogers from drowning at beeton on may 24 1930 john mcdonald winnipeg for the rescue ot romain lantbier from drowning at seven sisters falls dominic sisty and logio serviss iroquois for the rescue of lester j watkins from drowning in the st lawrence canal iroquois jan 1l 1931 aubrey wilcox grimsby for tho rescue ot three boys from drowning in lake ontario grimsby beach june 30 1930 archibald mcdonald owen sound for the rescue ot cecil j mundle from drowning in the sydenham river owen sound july 8 1929 stewart a thompson iroquois tor the rescue ot cecil larabee from drowning in the river iroquois june 4 193c leonard goblo vancouver for the rescue ot donald mcalplne from drowning in the burrard inlet van couver r ii manley weinipuilt quo tj the rescue of k fisher trom drown ing in bromo lake knowlton quo august si i930 ira smith claresholm alta or rescue of david mckeo from drown ing in willow creek near clares- holm alta arthur a lock toronto for res euo ot miss margaret i snimnsj from drowning in rico lake gores landing july 19 1930 hugh ii bailey aud walter ron- aids willing moncton nb for the re3cuo ot mi33 belle mabee from serious injury at moncton harry hagen wallaceburg for the rescue of donald truan from drowning in the river sydenham wallaceburg january 13 1931 dorrance bates grand valley for attempting to reicue elgin wee from drowning in the granl mve township ot ei3t luther june it 1930 lawrence j herbert brantford for the rescue ot clarence edward from drowning in the grand rlve brantford jan 2 1931 mr hambleton brantford tat resuscitating clarence edward after he had been rescued trosf drowning in the grand rlrer brant ford jan 2 1931 the very spring and root ot hon- esty and virtue he n the felicity of lighting on good arch java has a population ot us6t2lf tbis is over two million more chan 1 education pint- j total population ot tgiano i wale3 2tf a