stouffville ontario february 19 1931 imagination runs riot a further reduction in announced mea prices tait bros all home killed cattle and hogs all prices 5 and 3 cents per pound lower commencing today when he launched the 42500 ton canadian pacific liner empress of britain hrh the prince of wales referring to the knickerbocker bar as the cocktail bar of that magnificent new ship is to be known said that its frequenters can let their imagination run riot in a rosy haze amid the fantastic humour of mr heath robinson the prince referred to the announcement that britain s foremost humourous artist has been given s free hand to decorate that room on the new liner which is to make its bow to canada june 22nd next developing a humourous legend of the cocktail of his own invention w heath robinson who is shown above at work on some of the panels has prepared a decorative scheme that extolls the virtues of the cocktail and depicts ingenious machinery employed in its manufacture v heath robinsons ideas of the latest laboursaving machinery in connection with the selection and preparation of cherries for cocktail embellishment are shown together with the foolproof safety aeroplane a direct descendant of the mythical cocktail bird this ceiling decoration depicts the uplifting powers of an appetizer these and other drawings will appear on the walls and ceiling of the room choice ribroast beef 17e should roast beef 15c rib boil beef 12c round steak 20c round steak roast 18e sirloin roast beef 20c hind quarters 13c compare the prices pork ham pork 1012 lbs ham pork 45 lbs shoulder r p 1012 lbs pork chops fish salmon 810 lbs white fish before you buy 18c 20c 17c 20c 12c 12c tait bros the cash butchers phone 3501 the farmers information from dept of agriculture bulletins on almost all subjects pertaining to agriculture may be had free of charge by writing to your local department of agricul ture office these bulletins give more definite and complete informa tion on many subjects which have been outlined in this column if you need advice on any particular sub ject the chances are that you can secure a bulletin dealing with it ai the local representatives office canadian onioneaters onion week did a lot to increase the popularity of canadian onions it is also brought to light some interesting facts about this rapidly- growing industry per capita con sumption of onions in canada in 1930 was about ten pounds in other words this means that a total of 100000000 pounds 30000 tons or some 2000 carloads of onions were eaten by canadian people this huge quantity came principally from two sources canadian growers pro duced 29970 tons and something over 20000 tons were imported from the united states over s750- 000 was spent by canadians on united states grown onions canadian production is increasing rapidly and is of exceptional quality vogue before the era of competitive progress the minister hopes to put agriculture on a basis where it will produce higher quality products at less cost for instance ontario far mers have lost hundreds of thous ands of dollars through parasites ill hogs hogs thus affected take con siderable more feeding than do healthy hogs a matter of several months and the farmers profit is considerably lessened as a result notwithstanding recent declines in the price of lamb and wool on tario sheep breeders were not at all discouraged at their annual meet ing it was pointed out that this country still imports wool and mut ton equivalent to half a million sheep so that there is plenty of room for expansion overhauling of farm methods in ontario tho application of scientific principles of farming the spreading of agricultural vocational training the cutting down of overhead elim ination of waste and improvement in marketing methods are some of the proposals contained in the re port of the hon tl kennedy min ister of agriculture to the govern ment which are liuely to he em bodied in the form of legislation at the session now in progress one ot the chief difficulties confronting the department has been the conversion ot farmers to the need of improving their marketing methods and gener ally departing from practices in for better seed during the past year agricultural representative f s thomas of elgin county had school children collect s50 onepound samples of the grain their fathers were sowing this winter he has set up a small fanning mill run by an electric motor in his office and he is clean ing these samples as an object les son the results of the tests will be published and he thus hopes to stfr up interest in better seed and event ually to raise the average yield ot spring grain in elgin county from around thirtyfive at present to fifty bushels per acre a marketing board organization of a provincial mar keting board to assist farmers in disposing of their products is a pro bability of the near future accord ing to hon t l kennedy minister of agriculture this board woud advise the producers when and how to market their various commodi ties agents woula tie distributed throughout canada chiefly in the large centres of population from time to time they would report up on the needs of the district in which they resided and that information would be passed on to the farmers and their organizations the system j co ing the union school sections 9 te 17 markham scarboro it read something like this they had received 35300 rrom scarboro it should have been 35300 miss marjorie miller entertained miss kathleen wurni of markham and mr thomas hastings of this line at her home on friday evening mr elmer wells having purchas ed a team of colts from his brother- inlaw allin lewis he and a helper blew in the other day to take them to their new quarters the helper was none other tian the redoubt able gordon lemon of lemonville and points north horseman extra ordinary so after a preliminary workout in the barnyard saddles were produced and attached thereon and the next question arose how to move as the collies were not taking too kindly to the those strange contrivances which rest along the middle of their vetebrae however elmer and gordon managed to mount very gracefully and started out the lane we awaited the outcome with abated breath john giplin was fast and ichabou crane went through sleepy hollow at a speed which was ridiculous and we ex pected something like this anytime but we were doomed to disappoint ment the horses were content to take it easy with the possible ex ception of gordons mount who ventured oft the beaten track and passed under a crabapple tree here was all the earmarks of a twentieth repetition of absalom being would extend to great britainwhere in tub oak tree out a we representatives of the marketing vve wrong gordon ducked and board would keep an eye on condi- outside of losing his chapeau was none the worse the gentlemen tions and advise as to the most fav orable times in which to dispose of ontarios exportable surplus of forn products enough confidence in the lads to journey fourth to see them we wish to correct an error which appeared in the markham council report of last week concern- dairy cattle rations continuing from last week the discussion of rations tor dairy cattle the following is recommended where no silage or roots are available al falfa or clover hay 1 14 lbs to 2 lbs to every 100 lbs live weight con centrates 200 lbs oats 200 lbs bran 100 lbs barley 150 lbs oil cake alternative concentrates in this case are 1jw lbs oats 100 lbs bran 100 lbs gluten feed 50 lbs oil cake proved to be the masters sort of a triumph of mind over matters as it were and they disappeared in the direction of herman kidds king dom leaving your humble servant very much taken back we wanted something exciting to happen but it didnt thats our hard luck the scribe stock- implements 3 cutters for sale used implements melotte separator 2 gasoline engines vesset grinders power cutting box for sale general purpose horse note we have again taken over the agency for r a lister and co and are carrying a full line of repairs and new- separators and washing machines also good ford coupe for sale frank baker stouffville mccormick decring agent phone 15204 seventh line markham haw haw haw and a flock oi snickers this is the best weve heard since hector was a pup ixist wednesday evening the motor city crew stepped into markham and left some time later with the shortend of a 5 1 tally that was quite according to hoyle but heres where we start the wiseacres nodd ed their heads and said of course they were easy on them wanted to get a big gate down at oshawa the local boys stepped right into oshawa and took the red devils into amp right in their own barnyard this was the grandest funeral that ever passed on earth and so on not so bad a wayside village stepp ing into a city of 25000 population to ring up a win and just a word to fixitup boys the game was perfectly on the lerei and the motor city stalwarts played for all that they possessed this is the unani mous opinion of everyone who had auction sale thursday feb 19 at lot 7con 2 uxbridge farm stock and implements hay and grain be longing to goldie james terms sale at one f w silversides auctioneer monday feb 23 at lot 30 con 9 whitchurch farm stock imple ments hay ana large quantity seed oats the prop of george smockum sale at one silversides auctioneer thursday feb 20 auction sale of farm stock and implements be longing to david elliott at lot 17 con 2 uxbridge no reserve 8 months credit f w silversides auctioneer friday february 27 at lot 30 con 7 whitchurch farm stock implements household furniture the estate ot late myron kushner good prices at auction public the farm stock sale on the farm of douglas woodland on the second concession of uxbridge last satur day was well attended despite the fact that it was one of the coldest and stormiest days of the winter early in the day it was thought the sale would have to be postponed hut as the weather cleared about noon the sale went on the feature of the selling was the price obtain ed for sheep the pen selling at 9 per head cattle too sold well an elevenyearold cow realized s3 not a bad price when everything is said to be so depressed a 2-year- old heifer was bid up to s70 in the implement line a binder which was throwing out the sheaves back in war days and it was not a new upair then brought 35 evidently the scarcity of sales indicated this season means higher prices for those who have an auction f v silversides conducted the sale marshes produce wealth extraordinary success has attend ed the plan of draining and reclaim ing the holland marshes near brad ford under the supervision of wh day former professor at oac in 1930 a total of 33 acres in this area yielded a return of 2g000the har vest made a total of 50 carloads and included parsnips carrots onions celery and lettuce the average yield per acre was 702 which leads mr day to say compare this with your high land crops with wheat at 70c a bushel it would re quire a yield of looo bushels per acre to equal our average marsh returns individual pieces have done much better than the average one- acre of lettuce yielded 1400 one- seventh acre of celery nearly s500 and sm acres celery 10112 only a small portion of the marshes have yet been drained they consist of low very rich soil only a few feet above the level of lake simcoe mr day has proved that a considerable area can be drainea and put under agricultural production of still greater importance man the prolific yields is the length of the season head lettuce from tnere coming on the market every day from mid- july to mid october ib- business directory legal mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan norman borinsky barrister solicitor notary associated with the legal firm oi corley keen and howard counsel j w seymour corley kc trusts and guarantee building room 605 302 bay street toronto out telephone elgin 3153 and 3154 res tr 6343 george coltham ontario ijnml surveyor surveys levels municipal engineering aurora ontario box 264 phone 864 i thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playlnjs and theory phone 4301 studio lehmans block massey harris agency in the old stand just south of post office stouffville get your repairs and new implements now j p cassidy phone 902 george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont e a grubin r o eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 19 28 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phone stouffville 2405 auction sale of f w i horses cattle swine implements i drain etc j the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 17 con 2 uxbridge thursday february 26 1931 the following property of david elliott horses gray horse rising 6 yrs jgray mare rising 12 years bay mare 5 years brown mare 5 years bay mare supposed in foal s years i horse g p 12 years jcows black cow fresh holstein cow fresh roan cow fresh jersey cow due in march holstein cow i due in april jersey cowdue in may i holstein heifer bred dec 20jersev stock implements and hay at heifer bred jan 10 2 holstein lot 30 con 9 markham the heifers 1 yr hereford heifer 1 yr property of john robinson who j holstein heifer s months jersey is giving up farming sale at lj heifer s months 3 young calves sale at 1230 f v silversides auctioneer tuesday march 3rd at lot 20 con 10 markham farm horse cattle implements no reserve sale at one a j farthing prop fred postill auctioneer tuesday march 3rd farm gordon phillips licensed auctioneer experienced in farm stock implement and furniture sales phone stouffville 8405 for terms medical dr s s ball phpslcian and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county drsira herbert freel dr ini frcel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed frl 6 to 9 pm tuea sat tues thurs sat afteruoomi by appointments ouly dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of koyal tollo t of dental surgeons and of tu university of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t bodendistel vs bvsc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college otlice at the mansion house phone 101 successor to dr j t storey r g clendening funeral director and embalmer private ambulance phone 9000 markham ontario wood first class 1200 cord w 9906 dry hardwood ratcliff phone for sale s tons timothy hay also 2 cows 4 and 7 years due in march ward halman phone 016 for sale 10 pigs shoats also young cow part holstein spring er r r johnston lot 23 con 9 iarkhain phone 7430 markham wanted farm hand married or single free house and garden for married man must be reliable fred winn baby chicks and custom hatch ing at moderate prices w a vvldeihari mt joy phone mark ham 6500 house for sale central on main street every convenience apply isaac borinsky rogers radio for sale rogers 7 tube electric radio complete 50 cash can be seen at hugh andersons tea rooms f w silversides auctioneer pigs white sow due pigs black sow months old wednesday march 4th at lot j bred 5 shoats 9 con 6 scott twp extensive l3 hens sale of farm stock etc all high implements binder m h 7 ft class the propertv of jos mower frost and wood goodhors ferguson sale at 1230 f wi rake cmh 10 ft seed drill dee ferguson silversides sale at 1230 auctioneer unionville chick hatchery 4 mammoth electric incubators in operation call and see our new 8000 egg machine with the new sanitary hatching compartment positive temperature centrel automatic humidifier this machine is now installed and in operation book your orders early prices reasonable further information available at brown bros superior store unionville f w h disc cultivator p h set disc harrowsset diamond harrows 5 sec 2furrow plow tudhope- anderson single plow fleury 21 single plow with wheel verity 21 single plow hamilton bain wag on box hay rack set farm trucks corn rack scuffler set scales cream separator nearly new churn buggy cutter set crotch harness root pulper set single harness set plow harness horse collars whiffletrees forks hoes etc about s tons timothy alf alfa hay quantity oas quantity barley quantity mixed grain quantity buckwheat quantity re quantity potatoes positively no reserve as the owner is giving up farming terms hay grainshoats small pigs and all sums of 15 cash over that amount s months credit on approved joint notes or 6 per cent per annum off for cash sale at 1 pm geo storey clerk f w silversides auctioneer i for sale choice shorthorn bulls lo to 12 months of age all reds and roans some from heavy milking dams herd fully accredit ed forrest e pugh uxbridge r r 4 or phone claremont 2104 baby chicks we are again tak ing orders for baby chicks from our barred rock flock one- thousand egg hatch every ten days early orders appreciated phone 4914 henry miller stouff ville for sale 50 acre clay loam choice market garden farm in ontario county 1 j mile from village of stouffville convenient to public and high schoolcouiity highway passes door good house and bank barn good water and running stream mrs harry gil bert phone 1110 tt for sale 7 roomed frame house and one and otichalf acre lot lot 33 rear eno of concession three onehalf mile south of east gormley this contains small orchard of apples and other fruit stable woodhousc good well and cistern miss n e cober gormley now for 1931 i have houses and farms listed for sale if you are looking for a property see me i am ready to do business with any man that is will ing to do as he wishes to be done by jacob vake electrical contractor house wiring farm work motors everything in electric estimates given chas nendick phone 257 house for svle- convenlences on for information ville 3306 six rooms all obrien ave phone stouff- n 01 ice registration of blaic for sale brick house in stouff ville reasonably priced on easy terms immediate possession noah baker brick semibuxgalo for sale nearly new with stable and two acres of garden land vicinity gormley for inrormation phone stouffville 6310 for sale or rent six room brick house for sale or rent in stouffville water electricity garden and garage r kelly sunderland ontario notice is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the municipal council of the c o lie village of stouffville on the ninth day of february a d 1931 providing for the issue of debentures lo the amount of 6180000 for the pur pose of paying for the new pave ment with necessary storm sewers curbs and gutters on main street in the said village of stouftville and that such bylaw was registered in in the registry office for the regis try division of the east and west ridings of the county of york and also in tho registry office for the registry division of the north rid ing of the county of york on the 11th day of february a d 1931 any motion to quash or set aside the same or any part thereof must be made within one month after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter eggs for hatching from rhode island red pullets large eggs 32 oz to dozen also few r i roosters for sale john mckinnon phone 6616 dated the 11th day a d 1931 of february j s dougherty clerk of the village of stouffville mrs a griffiths spirella corsetiere stouffville markham unionville