stouffville ontario february 12 1931 power farming conference motion pictures disci ssions and mechanical demonstration conducted by specialists of ford motor company of canada limited will be held in auditorium theatre stouffville saturday feb 14 business before the markham twp council 10301200 oclock noon mechanical discussion will be held in d holdens ford showrooms 130210 pm film a business trip by air 210220 pm talk history of agriculture 220235 pm- talk preparation of the seed bed and conservation of soil moist ure 235330 pm film the story of corn 330400 pm talk power farming its advan tages and how it pays 400430 pm film indian lure 430445 pm film the plowing match all who are interested in ford gars fordson tractors or farming are specially invited to come d holden ford dealer the farmers information where profits begin from dept of agriculture seeding many meadows killed out by drought last summer i it your hens lay 81 eggs a year or more you should be able to show a profit a tenyear average of the cost of feeding laying hens shows that the yearly expenditure is 243 per hen with eggs selling at 35c a dozen it takes 695 dozen or 81 eggs to pay for the hens keep eggs laid in excess of that number are profit plenty of alfalfa seed sixty thousand bushels of home grown alfalfa ore available for dis tribution in ontario this year ac cording to professor w j squirrell of oac he points out that the nor mal requirements are about 30000 bushels hopes that all this seed barring that intentionally held over will be used because of its cheap ness about half the price of last year the shortage of homegrown red clover and the necessity for re- acetlyne welding is one of the main branches of our business and we have the facilities and ex perience to do you a first- class job experienced men only work on your battery if brought to our garage car repairing of all kinds tractors overhauled and made like new we are graduates of the tractor school standard garage old todd stand j- haley prop british apple market an unusually keen demand for barreled apples is rorecast by and rew fulton overseas representa tive of the ontario fruit growers association the demand on the british market from now on he says should be for both wellcolored des sert apples and for quality cookers from all accounts barreled supplies are somewhat limited he continues recent reports showing that the storage holdings of barreled apples in canada and the united states are about ten per cent less than last year this along with the increased demand on the continental markets for barreled stock is bound to leave a limited supply for the unitedking- dom an important point for packers to remember however de clares mr fulton is to have sten cilled on the outsine of the barrel the net weight of the contents strangely enough this seems to be an item strongly aesired by the european buyer and will facilitate sales when done to a marked degree soils and crops train on february 10 at oldcastle in essox county tne departments special soil and crops train started out to carry the latest information to farmers of southwestern ontario fiftynine stops will bo made dur ing the tour which will take u12 train through essex kent elgin lambton north middlesex ox ford brant and haldimand counties with one stop in each of perth and wentworth the train consists of a soils car a crops car a car for lecture purposes and a car for the staffwhich will consist of specialists on all the many pnases of farming connected with specialty crop production and treatment of soils care in selecting hens hens should be in production three weeks before starting to save tho eggs for hatching often electric lights are used to start the birds stock- implements 3 cutters for sale used implements melotte separator 2 gasoline engines vesset grinders power cutting box for sale general purpose horse note we have again taken over the agency for r a lister and co and are carrying a full line of repairs and new separators and washing machines also good ford coupe for sale frank baker stouffville mccormick deerlng agent phone 15204 laying in frebruary for march hatching eggsif not used to provide longer than a 12hour day lights will not injure a birds ability to produce hatchable eggs throughout the spring in the selection of hens besure they have vigor and nervous energy above all eise a hen that has a high egg record back of her but was herself physically wrecked in making that record is worthless as a breeder keep in mind that the laying record in tills respect tells of only her production and not ot her vigor call and see the shortening and provision sale at dominion stores this week ix memoiuam in- fond and loving memory of erwin a gray who departed this life february 10th 1930 god called the one we loved away forget him no we never will as years roll on we miss him still the blow was great the shock severe we little thought the end so near it is only those who have lost can tell the sorrow ot parting without farewell but god is good and gave us strength to bear our heavy cross he is the only one who knows how bitter is our loss never forgotten and sadly missed by wife in fond and loving memory of erwin a gray who departed this life february 10 1930 what is home without a father what are all the joys we meet when his loving smile no longer greets the coming of our feet it is not at the time that tears are shed that tells of hearts that are torn but the lonely tears of the after years an d rememherance silently borne loving companion and friend one of the best that god could lend a wonderful worker loyal and true one of a million that father was you sadly missed by son and daughter ida and harold n 07 ice registration of bylaw notice is hereby given that a by- law was passed by the municipal council of the corporation of the village of stouffvfllo on the ninth day of february a d 1931 providing for the issue of debentures to tite amount of 0180000 for the pur pose of paying for the new pave ment with necessary storm sewers curbs and gutters on main street in the sajd village of stouffville and that such bylaw was registered in in the registry office for the regis try division of the east and west ridings of the county of york and also in the registry office for the registry division of the north rid ing of the county of york on tho 11th day of february a d 1931 any motion to quash or set aside the samo or any part thereof must be made within one month after the first publication of this notice and cannot be made thereafter dated the 11th day of february a d 1931 j s dougherty clerk of the village of stouffville council met on tuesday feb 10 shortly after one oclock with reeve and warden colin in the chair and all members present the ininues of last meeting were read by clerk davidson and confirmed by all present communications were also read from the toronto general hosptial ontario good roads association from arnott solicitors re the lewis construction co from g maynard bank of commerce and stephens ot richmond hill on a tax refund deputations were nex heard from mr foote being the first to come forward this was a hangover from last meeting the done of conten tion seemed to be tho removal of his land one ss and placing it in an other it was at present in locust hill ss but he wished it to be transferred on account of it being more convenient trustee winn of mongolia was heara witli regard to the matter expressing tho opinion that it was immaterial to him school wasnt overcrowded and all that but he had no personal interest the reeve stated that in his 16 j years experience in municipal affairs i it had never been done but even so if the members ot tne council exj pressed their opinwn in favor he would have a bylaw drawn up tor the same failing this as youj were i mr james from s s 1 and 2 union was next regarding a grant for a tworoomed school james a macklin of u section nos 9 17 markham and scarboro was heard with regard to their taxes it seemed as though the assess ment of their secuan in scarboro was 7700000 and in markham was 9800000 ana while they re ceived the sum or 35300 from scarboro last year they received nothing from lmarkham producing the public school act he laid down his case with some precision also tuning in with a report from r gillies p s inspector mr gohn was of the opinion nat the matter was too large for the council and promised to lay it before the solici tor at the earliest possible opportun ity arthur emmerson and mr han cock from whitchurcri and markham respectively brought a box of gravel along we were of tne opion that it was a box lunch but the contents were far removed rom that mr emmerson had a gravel pit on the sixth concession of whitchurch oa or about lot 12 this gravel and it was a real good sample when put through a crusher would be good road material markham twp had the crusher mr emmerson had the gravel and mrhancock could supplv the power with a 1530 tractor to operate said crusher work like a charm doesnt it council promis ed to give the matter careful con sideration and instruct the road superintendent to look after it a real orator comes to the fore front he should nave been a lawyer perhaps he is allow us to introduce ii j mills councillor and fire chief for richmond hill village said village had answered or at least their local fire department had answered about is calls in the township of markham since they had purchased their irelighting outfits some 1 years ago at a cost of 5000 and had not received any remuneration whatever for their trouble with tlie possible exception of 50 from uniouyille police village after the kckardt fire last summer the time nad come for a showdown said mr mills as far as im concerned personally i would say go ahead and nolp anyone in need but i have to answer to the ratepayers of the village and there you are a suggestion was made of a fee of 2500 per call and if they were needed when they got there hint is for any length of time a fee of 50 six to eight men were on the brigade we cannot begin to tell everything about it as there are too many ins and outs arguments and discussion bouquets and brick bats held over for a further dis cussion no hard and fast rule being made mr mills had a good case he certainly knew now to lay it down we thing mat any township receiving tho benefit of this equip ment should do as mr mills asked and pay something toward the up keep the lewis construction co had built a bridge on tne second con cession in 1927 at a price of 27s1 and had received only 2220 talk ed as if they might sue the brethren for the balance pus the accrued interest since 1927 in discussing the matter the reeve said that the bridge had been poorly constructed and it was on the engineers advice that the balance was witheld it was finally decided to let them whistle for it to use plain english a letter was sent to the canadian bank of commerce as follows this will he your authority to charge to the account of the town ship of markham all debenture coupons of the same as they mature and are presented to you for pay ment moved by r a smith seconded by w l clark that the treasurer be authorized to pay the following legal account naugbton and jenkins re pur chase of radial railway same to be charged to area n which de bentures to bo issued 60000 ro solicitors fees on assessment appeal on account 1000 carried applications from s m hutchi son and w j spears tor the posi tion of auditors were read named by w l ylark seconded by jas rennie that the members of the council and road superin tendent be delegates to the good roads convention to be held in toronto feb 26th z7th anc2sth carried and moved by the same two that the sixtli lino oe kept open for motor traffic as lone as reasonably possible aint dat sumpin snow fences cost isc per foot by carload or 21c in smaller quantities decided not to buy any cheaper to shovel snow the following accounts were ordered paid roacs alex duncan 6955 lome grove 540r agar 24291 j g wide- man 780 e c lockyer work on yonge st vaughan to pay half 15 fred bell 3658 fred clark 7 w g maxwells salary for january 12500 charity j w warriner 861 kerr bros 1254 richmond hill dairy 816 p j maher 906 w c townsend 1021 c whittaker 1209 geo r knowles s93 jas l mac- donald and sons 1969 c whit taker 950 jas l macdonald sons 1426 c whittaker 940 jas e miles son 29 e k gowland t878 ge neral to economist and sun dog licenses etc 43 toronto stamp and stencil co 209 2 municipal world 9 subscriptions 9 jas walker salary and mileage jan 9s30 avestern hospital re margaret clinkinboomer 1050 canadian national express 110 births spence at markham ontario on sunday february 8 1931 to mr and mrs earl s spence the gift of a daughter auction sale thursday february 12th important auction sale of high grade milk cows implements horses harness grain etc the property of e j mcmullen lot 3 2 con 3 east 4th line mark ham one mile south of gormley post office sale at one pm saturday feb 14 at lot 9 con 2 uxbridge farm stock and implements belonging to douglas woodland s months credit sale at one f w silversides auctioneer thursday feb 19 at lot 7 con 2 uxbridge farm stock and implements hay and grain be longing to goldie james termb sale at one f w silversides auctioneer monday feb 23 at lot 30 con 9 whitchurch farm stock imple ments hay ana large quantity seed oats the prop of george smockum sale at one f w silversides auctioneer thursday feb 26 auction sale of farm stock and implements be longing to david elliott at lot 17 con 2 uxbridge no reserve 8 months credit f w silversides auctioneer tuesday march 3rd at lot 20 con 10 markham farm horse cattle implements no reserve sale at one a j farthing prop fred postill auctioneer tuesday march 3rd farm stock implements and hay at lot- 30 con 9 markham the property of john robinson who is giving up farming sale at 1 f w silversides auctioneer wednesday march 4th at lot 9 con 6 scott twp extensive sale of farm stock etc all high class the property of jos ferguson sale at 1230 f w ferguson sale at 1230 f w silversides auctioneer 250 cedar posts and anchors apply stanley mortson siliam phone 2102 mount albert i22s2szsees22252esheses2ys eh2je53tep business directory legal medical mccullough button barrister solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan norman borinsky barrister solicitor notary associated with the legal firm oi corley keen and howard counsel j w seymour corley kc trusts and guarantee building room 605 302 bay street toronto ont telephone elgin 3153 and 3154 res tr 6343 george coltham ontario lnnd surveyor surveys levels municipal engineering aurora ontario box 264 phone sc4i thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville anne lehman a t c m teacher ot pianoforte playing and theory phone 4301 studio lehmans block massey harris agency in the old stand just south ot post office stouffville get your repairs and new implements now j p cassidy phone 902 george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont e a grubin r o eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry ot canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 19 28 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubin block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phone stouffville 2405 gordon phillips licensed auctioneer experienced in farm stock implement and furniture sales phone stouffville 8405 for terms dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county drs iicherbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed frl 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sal 6 to 9 pm tues aud sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am dental e s barker lds dd2 honor graduate of royal colics of dental surgeons and of ihe university of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college ot dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate ot rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t bodendistel vs bvsc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college office at the mansion house phone 161 successor to dr j t storey r g clendening funeral director and embalmer private ambulance phone 9000 markham ontario fob sale 1 st class alfalfa and and timothy mixed hay lor sale otto barkey phone ss03 stock 6 pigs 3 months old for sale also hereford cow 3 years due march 6 and good milker mrs j alsop for sale small pigs 6 weeks old apply m chapman good wood rr 1 phone claremoni 2407 ltogkks radio for sale rogers 7 tube electric radio complete 50 cash can be seen at hugh andersons tea rooms colony house for sale mrs a sehell phone 6313 stouffville for sale 7 roomed frame house and one and onehalf acre lot lot 33 rear ena of concession three onehalf mile south of eas gormley this contains small orchard of apples and other fruit stable woodhouse good well and cistern miss n e coher gormley auction sale farm slock implements etc the undersigned lias received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 9 concession 2 uxbridge township mile north glasgow on hardwood we have still quantity of hardwood for sale saturday february 14 also slabs and green wood phone the following property belonging to stouffville 990o w f kntciilt 200 credit note on any model new ford model at a reduction apply at tribune office for sale chrysler car 1927 model good running order apply to w greenbury stouff ville note this is a bargain stock for sale two shorthorn bulls about 1 year each seneca team h d baker phone 2 horse g p douglas t woodland horses house ixt for rent with j sheep and cnllle 2a acres land in new gormley shropshire ewes bred apply mrs a sehell on premises heifer due time of sale ayrshire cow due april 15 pure bred jersey bull for itoan cow full flow- sale 18 months old geo barkey black heifer rising 2 years phone 3704 i roan heifer rising years s toer rising 2 years house for sale central on main street every convenience apply isaac borinsky for sale jersey black giant pullets laying mrs j alsop phone 8702 for sale ferret for sale guaran teed to be good worker apply to james mccrelght phone stouff ville 6206 for sale choice shorthorn bulls 10 to 12 months of age all reds and roans some from heavy milking dams herd fully accredit ed forrest e pugh uxbridge r r 4 or phone claremont 2104 in memoriam in loving memory of a dear husband and father william c hopkins who passed away feb 11 1930 tls lonely here without you father there is such a vacant place where we never hear your footsteps or see your smiling face as we loved you so we miss you in our memory you arc near loved remembered longed for always bringing many a silent tear sadly missed by wife and family for sale grimm alfalfa seed jersey heifer rising 1 jj years government tested grade no 2 ayrshire calf contans no sweet clover seed 3 fall calves a b holden markham phone holsteln heifer springing stouffville 6015 i implements baby chtckswe are again tak- f cut ing orders for baby chicks from m ii oft cut our barred rock flock one se drill 13 disc mh thousand egg hatch every ten cultivator m h 1- teeth days early orders appreciated phone 4914 henry miller stouft- ville gangplow cockshut new single plow fleury set disc harrows out throw house for salvo six rooms all set harrows 4 sec conveniences on obrien ave s low trucks for information phone stouffj j horse rake deerlng vlllc 3306 i hay rack set sleighs for sale rrlck house in stouft- r pulpor vlllc reasonably priced on easy p rt terms immedlato possession noah baker cream separator magnet nearly new set heavy team breeching brick semiruxgalo for sal harness nearly new with stable and two sot plow harness 3 horse collars acres of garden land vicinity daniels incubator 400 egg capnev gormley for lnrormatlon phone peerless incubator 200 egg cap stouffville 6310 i brooder stove quantity tools for sale or rent six room terms 20 and under cash over brick house for sale or rent in that amount s months credit on stouffville water electricity j approved notes or 6 per cent per garden and garage r kelly annum off for cash sunderland ontario jsale at 1 f siversldes auctioneer