Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 5, 1931, p. 2

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farm problems conducted by prof henry g bell dept of chemistry ontario agricultural college guelph the following ara soma questions placed from tha love above tie hill and answers for our column give better results than those below gbj could you givo me the aver- white the reverse is the case in a dry- ago weights at three month periods period of a growing calf oft the beet breeds your contention does not seem to until it was thirty months old say bo borno out by experiments else- oua born tho first of may and also one where as to the advisability of broad born tho first of october i have tho casting part of the fertilizer when an figures for yearly periods but they application ot 1000 lbs per acre ori dont givo the information i want i tuoro is to be mado maine eiperi- ans calves vary a great deal la meat station and new jersey exporl their rate of growth particularly as ment station both have long time ei- there aro bo many different ways of periments on this poiut and both have liandling calves ot tho beef breeds a reached the s me conclusion that up great deal depends on how tho calf is to 1300 lb3 to tle acr dually good used during tho summer as most results aro obtained by applying all calve3 that are kept in the stable and the fertilizer with a good potato fed well duriug tho winter will lose pinter having fertilizer attachment considerable weight during tho first rather than broadcasting part ot tho few summer months the first three fertilizer as you have suggested how- months average daily gain would be ever when look3 at tuo q around 93 pounds the second three from the broader viewpoint a3 to the months avorago gain would be around eu ti3 fertilizer on the following 14 pounds tho third three months cr iu tuo rotation the answer is avorago gain would be around 143 obvious if all c tho fertilizer is coa- pounds the fourth threo months aver- fill to rows the effect will certainly ago daily gain 15 pounds tho fifth i n sed grain crop following tho giant bible three months average daily gain 17 pounds the sixth thre mouths aver age daily gain 175 pounds tho seventh three months average daily gain 175 pounds the eighth three months average daily gain 16 pounds thi- ninth three months average daily potato crop investigations show that the lateral root growth of potatoes is very rapid and quit extensive this too would point to the advisibility of handling the heavy application of fer tilizer the way you have suggested 21 what advantage has an organic gala is pounds and the tenth three fertilizerover a chemical fertilizer months average daily gain 15 pounds answered by j c steckley prof of animal husbandry jwd lwould you advise apply ing fertilizer on a potato crop before planting in using 1000 i03 per acre would it not bo advisable to apply say coo lbs broadcast three or four days before planting and the remaining 400 lbs with the planter ans the department of chemistry i3 carrying on experiments regarding amounts and placing of fertilizers when applied to potato crop3 tho in dication so far seeni3 to be that fer tilizers placed on tho level to under neath the hill of potatoes gives best results however the experiment lias not been conducted long enough to give definite answer under various conditions if one could tell the type of weather that was likely to prevail the answer would be simpler for instance in a wet summer fertilizers ans fertilizers carrying nitrogen or any other ingredient in organic form are generally claimed to be superior iu their physical effect upon the soil that is to say they are sup posed to act liko humu3 from plant sources adding to the waterholding capacity of the soil and improving its condition for bacterial growth it the amount of organic matter in the fer tilizer i considerable this contention will have sc ie weight much of the nitrogen supplied in organic carriers has to wait for bacterial action before it is liberated hence the action ot tho organic carriers is prolonged beyond that of the purely mineral carriers the nitrogen in each case is the same element that is supplied by both min eral and organic carriers hence the rapldness with which it is available will determine the suitability of the carrier ot nitrogen in the fertilizers for tho crops on which they are to be used this giant bible was made in his spare time open boo contains s04s pages by louis yvayua los angeles carpenter ia3 width of eisht feet two inches and sunday school lesson february 8 lesson vi jesus the worlds teacher luka 6 2742 golden text as ye would that men should do to you do ye also to them likewise luke 6 31 analysis i the royal law luke g 2731 ii gods example luke g 33 3g iii christian standards luke g 27- 42 i the roval law luke g 2731 introduction paul often contrasts judaism and christianity in this way judaism he says is a religion of law christianity of freedom he regarded jesus christ as the great liberator in contrast with moses tho lawgiver yet here and in other passages we w have what is called the royal law j success in life i believe success in life is within the reach of all who set before them an aim and an ambitioa that is not beyond the talents and ability which god has bestowed upon them wo should all begin life with a deter mination to do well whatever wa take in baud and if that determina tion is adhered to with the pluck for which englishmen are renowed success according to the nature and quality of our brain power is i think a certainty the first step on the ladder that leads to success 13 the firm determination to succeed the next is the possession of that moral and physical courage which will enable one to mount up rung after rung until the top is reached lord wollsey danger of curiosity there is boundless danger in all in quiry which is merely curious when a man brings a clear and practised intellect to try questions by the answer to which ho doe3 not mean to rule his conduct let him not marvel if ho feels as lite goes on a sense of desolation existence a burden and all uncertain it is tho law ot hl3 human nature which binds him for truth is for the heart rather than the intellect dr newman of christ there is no real contradi tion the scribes and pharisees sought you can teach even when v 1 1 11- fi loving our enemies consistent with 3 soldiers duties v 23 christians are to pray for their persecutors for those who swindle them and tell false tales about them they must reat people in the same spirit in whicii they pray for them v 29 amongst the jews a con temptuous pat on the cheek was re garded as a deadly insult v 30 giving alms jo beggars was in palestine almost the only available means oz social service v 32 the word translated thank implies that there should always be something extra something beyond what the world expects in the friend liness of christians v 31 to receive again as much means to get their capital back jews might not charge one another interest on loans v 35 we must show kindness for loves sake not to gut a reward but goodness is rewarded all the same vs 37 38 either thers will treat you as you treat them or god will treat you as you treat others vs 39 40 you must learn before ari a great thought a solitary thought of a great tink er will dwell in the minds ot men for centuries until at length it works itself into their daily llfo and prac tice it lives 01 through tho age3 speaking as a volco from tho dead and influencing minds living thous ands and honorably won smiles respect itespect is better procured by ex acting than soliciting for it grevlllc and you really believe that helens marriage wa3 an affair ot tho hoart ot course i do she was led to be llevs that tho rich old duffer she mar ried had a weak heart a good legacy two or three things i commend to you keep yourself in tha full air of tho world and play your part in tho worlds affairs always study rather than bs pas sive do not be so unreasonable as to expect more from ufa in tho world than llfo in tho world 13 capable ot giving john stuart mills legacy to mr john morloy handed on to edin burgh univorsity a prize tha high prize of life tha crowning fortuuo of a man 13 to bo bora to somo pursuit which finds him in em ployment and happiness whethor it bo to make baskets or broadsword3 or canals or statues or song3 to lay down a rule for every occasion of human life their code was elabor ate fussy impossible for many people to obey jesus on the other hand laid down great principles sometimes in the form of general rules such as love vouv enemies sometimes in the form of particular illustrations such as if your enemy smite you on the one cheek turn to him the other also whereas then the scribes and pharisees sought to give men a map indicating every detail of the way jesus gave men a compass and bade them guide their steps by this compass and the stars we are not to apply these com mands of jesus therefore clumsily and by rule of thumb it is the spirit not the letter which is binding f r instance under modern social condi tions is may not be christian to give to every beggar who corns to our door without asking any questions on the other hard we must bo careful not to water down the commands of jesus till they become easy and insipid in studying his teaching our task is threefold first we must try to under stand what his words meant to his hearers then what principle underlie- them and third what is their applica tion to our own conditions and duties ii gods example luko 6 35 3g tho fundamental principle underly- iny the teaching seems to be expressed in verse 35 it comes to this we are to treat others as god has treated us jesus thoughts of god and of duty are intimately associated god is the father who sends his sun and rain to bless the just and the unjust he 13 ns good to the thankless as to the thank ful he treats his children then not according to their need we there fore are to treat our neighbors not according to their deserts but their needs as god has treated us this is tho great principle of christian jus tice what our enemies need of us what beggars need what sinners need is our love and we must be willing to do for them whatever love demand3 love implies that whatever may be tho needs or troubles or sina of our neighbors we treat them n3 brothers and seek their highest good iii christian standards luke g 27- 42 v 27 your enemies to a jew would naturally mean the romans though private enemies might bo in cluded one reason why jesus was rejected and repudiated by his people wa3 that he would have nothing to do with their hatred of the romans and their longing to be it their enemies throats loving our enemies must in clude loving our national enemies is teachers you like your master must not judge and condemn vs 41 42 jesus must have smiled when he said you must cast the great timber out of your eve before you can see to take the splinter out of your brothers vs 43 41 the christian life is not obeying rules but having love in yoitr heart and letting love naturally ex press itself the lure of the north when once you have lived in the north land the farther away you may roam the luro of the place becomes stronger caressingly calling you home in tho midst ot a host of allurements you wistfully yearn for the land where the people aro lovers ot free dom and the heart is as free a3 the land there the vastness so grandly unfold ed in blending ot valley and hill expandeth the mind that beholds it and imparteth it3 strength to tho will but when duty decrees the location you havo nothing to do but obey tha peremptory voice ot vocation until wishing may hasten the day when you may onco again see the north land and once again broathe its clear air companion again with its grandeur and the folks who live happily there rev c g mackenzie principal columbian college new westminster bc curtained effect for the coiffure hair must assume task of softening face now that the skullcap is the fashion hair and face are assuming a new character in the presentday style theirs is tha leading role la the drama ot fashion since hat3 that re treat to the back of tho head leavo them ruthlessly exposed to tha spot- light the mode forbids brims to cast a gracious shadow across the brow or to dimly veil the eye3 the task of softening the face is left to tho hair to meet the style iu toques berets and cloches the hair should be part ed in the middle or on the side and brought down to the ear3 in close waves that curtain the forehead the manner is suggestive of that used by our grul mothers only it has twen tiethcentury verve and seductive ness rather than midvictorian digni ty and sedateness gone aro tho vivid makeups ot yesterday they have given way to a subtler form ot maquillage that gentle art lays a lighter touch on the face because it is without pro tection from the uncompromising daylight and works with rather than against the gifts of nature the wellgroomed woman buys powders that blend with her skin and uses rouge and lipstick to accentuate not exaggerate the red of her cheeks and lip3 and so cosmeticians tell us in creasing atention 13 being paid i en hancement of the eyes there are a dozen or more shades ot eye pen cils that place tenuou3 shadows over tha lids they must be used with taste and discretion to bar detection and must be suited to the color of the eyes as carefully as powder is to the complexion it is even said that the eye shadow can be made to harmonize with the shade of the hat ns if the latr cast the most delicate of reflections over the lid what new york city man bolts is wearing j best meal tr day by annabelle worthington while the farmer fmovs a hearty breakfast at leisure illustrated dressmaking lessons fur- wished with every pattern loyalty an ounce ot loyalty is worth a pound ot cleverness elbert hubbard in southern rhodesia a golt course is being utilized as a bird sanctuary why not in a thousand other places our dumb animals waiter mr browns loft his um brella again i beliovo liod leave his head it it wore loose manager i daro say youre right i heard him say only yesterday he was going to switzerland for his lungs path finder no wonder it was the strong mans turn he took a lemon and with a pencil pushed holes in it he then squeezed out the juice this lemon is now dry he said aud i will givo twentyfive pounds to anyone who i3 able to get another drop out ot it a small meek man came forward and taking a grip of the lemon squeezed a few drops out of it you win said the strong man but what do you work at im a clerk at the income tax de partment 916 a sportive model that youll take lots of pleasure with because its a lightweight woolen and just as the vancouver sua evidently be wails the deplorable habit the aver age city dweller has of boiling down a cup of coffee and culling it break fast they say stanley baldwin who used to ba prime minister of england remarked the other day that breakfist is tho finest meal of the whole day and since nothing is much pleasanter than talking about meals wo might just as well go into hat topic right now i always enjoy my breakfast says mr baldwin 1 find it the most pleasaut meal of the 0y i am get ting to be an old iau now but 1 still come down to breakfast every morn ing feeling full of great hopo faith and cheer by lunch time i havo lost a great doal of it and by even ing i am nearly giving up all lupo for this world or the next all of this of course prove noth ing except that mr baldwin does very well by himnelf at tho break fast table but it does call to mind the fast that most canadians treat their breakfasts in a most unpardon able manner breakfast ought to- bo an event it ought as it is with mr baldwin to be an occasion of lope sa and cheer but tor most t cs ii hardly so much 33 an incl- dent the chief trouble probably u that few ot us come to the tablo fully awake tho city man lies abed until the last minute then ho stumbles to his feet shaves and dresses in a fumbling- sort of way and comes to the dining room tying his tio and mumbling iteously fight ing to get out ot tho grip ot mo rpheus he gulps down his coffee and bolts his food like an rutomaton and his breakfast is in him- before ho really knows that he is eating the farmer knows better he gon- snappy as can be in its smart aim- erally does an hour or so ot hard- dog burrows for bone uncovers whale fossils san diego calif the attempts of a small dog to dig up a bono on the ocean sands have led natural sclenlsts ot the ottourke zoological institute here to uncover the fossilized remains of a whale they say they believe swam in tho pacific 500000 years ago the scientists established a camp on the ocean front at pacific beach and completed excavation work begun when the dog exposed part ot the skeleton paraffin guards hens feet in wet weather edmonds va3h applying water proofing to the feet ot his chickens a poultry and egg dealer hera has ex perimented in making them immune to wet weather each fowls feet wera dipped into paraffin mixed with glycerlno enough of the oil tcmainedon tho feet to en- sura dry toes for two weeks a care ful check on tha hens after feeding on wet and muddy fields showed thora was no 111 effect from tha waxed pre paration thay appeared not to bo aware of tho coating plicity double rows of stitching on the bodice sleeves and the skirt gives it double chtc and tailored finish and by the way this is all the trim it needs the belt may be of selffabric or of leather style no 291g may be had in sizes 14 16 18 20 years sg 3s and 4p inches bust its so simple to make in spite of its good looks if you like a tiny edging of bias pique it could be slipped into the neck and the sleeve c ffs wool jersey tweed fiat crepe and wool crepe appropriate size 1g requires 25s yards 51inch how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto work before he goes to breakfast so lie is not only wido awaks but has worked up a good appetite and then well he leisurely tackles a bowl of oatmeal some eggs and sau sage and fried potatoes a few grid dle cakes a doughnut or two and a couple of cups of oflee and by tho time he is throush he can face the agricultural depression with a clear conscience of course such a breakfast would land the average city man in the hos pital in short order nevertheless the farmer has the right idea break fast to him is something to be look ed forward to whereas for most of us it is just something to be- got through with late afternoon the rain come3 down gray curtains- coldly drawn by autumn fingers on the weeping hill like a weasel lurks about tho lawn drips disconsolate and mist the that observation which is called knowledge of tha world will be found much more frequently to make men cunning t an good dr johnson lot not things because they nra common enjoy for that tha les3 share of our consideration pliny tho editor well i see jones is on his feet again ye3 he was obliged to sell his auto a witness one day in a georgia court was asked by an attorney did you know tha defendant parson yas buh ah has a logical quaint- anca wld him tha negro replied what do you mean by logical ac- qualntanco well sub he replied wa is mombahs ot do same lodge mrs spuggs talking to laundry- man ill ba glad to glva you as much business as i can youve been very courteous willie ill holp too mister by getting my clothes as muddy as possible christian scienco monitor mutt and jeff- bud fishfr deep in the heart of a hose ooft honor my clliiiotis tntltdl to tha gasount n tha hos- ha boosht ten 6ml0ms and is sntttlgd to ttte drippings and trq oollv old lcaksi ri6hto i sir sldnsvl i tour honor claim that thg company owns th 6a50unftt in tha hose becausft thg hosa 8cl0n6s to th6 company- ant trie oasouna is in t op statu qu m i 1 m f jusgfi x dont know who owns the 6as0uw in thg hosg- but x just lookgi intvte hose ant its empty j p f m s3i ga mm as trie litigation is lovgr ownership of gas0um6 inthe h0s6ug will havs ktq rgfiuu vrte hosfi ojltrt gas0lin6 an start ma cas all oueft aainl otrtgrwlsft 3 casg is jnukuomlcal ft garden chill and in the room like rabbits in a hole men fortify their little hearts with fire and rub their knees and chatter to the coal their monotone and burden ot desire l a g strong in the spectator paris seeks removal of ancient railings the suggestion that the railings should bo removed from around somo of tho parks and open spaces in london has its counterpart in paris where- there is an agitation to remove the railings around ilia gardens of the tuileries and the mat ter is now receiving the attention of the municipal council it is argued that there is now no thing within tho gates requiring pro tection tho gates involve the ex pense of providing keepers to open and shut them as all the lights in tho gardens aro extinguished when tho gates aro closed in the evening the center ot paris is disfigured by a dark and dismal area self tho more you speak ot yourself tho more you are likely to lie zim merman what is a critic dad tho small boy asked of his actor fathor a critic son replied tho playor thoughtfully is a man who can tako a clock apart but doesnt know enough to put it together mother why did that young man kiss you last night modern daugh ter it might havo been because i sat on his lap and put my arms around his neck tommy b a youth of 15 was oer 51 feot high and thin as a walking 1 stick tha other day he visited an undo who said and what might your fathor mean to mako of you ji tommy ho intends mo for tho church replied tommy proudly woll well replied uncle you will suit very well in ono respect thank you- said tommy highly pleased may i ask in what respect you mean yes answered undo i think you win make a fino steeplo

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