us rum chaser shells nova scotia vessel canada acquires nsw perk officials claim vessel ten miles from shore within us waters when fatal shell fired canadian- captain killed ottawa jan 25th the government searchlights on the group of vessels made an official statement here to night that an immediate explanation would be asked of the washington government as soon as ofllclal notice and fired three blank shots in order to forestall any attempt to escape the josephine k headed for the open sea they said with tho govern ment cutter in close pursuit several is received of the fatal shooting of shots ue across her bows and capt william cluett of lunenburgrj whm ne conl to flee the officers ns by the united states coastguard shot at whsl vessel halts after captain fatally wounded now york shot down when his vessel the josephine k was fired up on by united states coast guardsmen off ambrose lightship last night capt william p cluett a canadian citizen said a onepounder was fired directly at her was on fs last trip luuenberg ns captain cluett was on his last trip as a liquorrunner after threo years as captain of the josephine k without previous con tact with the coastguard during his o luuenberg ms diei early today uhrlstmas visit he had expressed him- in the united states marine hospital self to major ryder as dissatisfied on staten island with the game and ready to get out of a onepound shot ripped through tho it though still in his twenties he cabin of the josephine k as she was had made an enviable reputation as a fleeing before the advance of the coast j sound seaman and for some years l 1 cuttor no 115 according to the after coming here from baloram new- official announcement capt cluett toundland hi3 birthplace had follow- was at the wheel of his vessel whti ed the coastal trade steady reliable iie was brought down of consistent good habits he was just the coast gu patrol boat with a beginning to reach fairly comfortable crew of four under capt cecil m circumstances he is survived by his gabbett was cruising about four miles wife june cluett and two small sons northeast of the lightship which marks tho entrance to new york harbor when she came upon four boats hud dled together one was the josephine k a british oil screw vessel lying alongside her coast guardsmen reported were the barge brooklyn the tugboat dauntless no c and a small speed boat bight men were seized on the jose- five and three years old in a few weeks she wiil become the mother of their third child wives of those who toil on the sea are nover demonstra tive and a stunned silence followed by a few quiet teats were the only outward signs of grief a brother of the dead captain was engineer of the josephine k and an imore rock breaks away at falls officials report i niagara kalis oat jan 23rd an- i other large fall of rock close to pros- ipect point is reported to have taken place by canadian bridge officials i and others on this side under a cer- i tain condition of wind the new bare j rock may be seen at the foot of the j falls some distance down river from the weekend fall accurate measurements compiled by reservation tngineers show that 75000 tons of hard lockpir limestone rock fell over the weekend a third more than the total fall and erosion during uuininion government ij et am3 flower 1ot island lu3 peninsula as national park the place gets its name from such unique formations a3 seen in photograph above radio enthusiasts criticizs aird report ottawa with the opening of parli ament approaching the department of marine is receiving hundreds of letters on the merits and demerits of the sir john alrd report on radio broadcasting it is expected that some action will he taken on the re commendations of the report at the coming session and radio enthusiasts from the atlantic to the pacific have been expressing their views to the dominion governorsgeneral to have special flags loudon governorsgeneral of brit ish dominions soon will have new new color process makes debut new york a new process of color i photography which permits an un- i limited number of prints to be made the past 90 rears the figures were i from one set of nesatives n jast reached by comparison of new photo- been pace1 on thc market tor com graphs and plans with old and accu- 1 merc use rate contours coincident with its appearance the new gap has been found to be j josepu lucas of mcgraw 65 feet deep and 290 feet wide on the publications described the process crest line it is estimated that the at a i mee 0 the new surface lost 10000 square feet of rock york bustness paper ealtors thtt the layer of hard lockport limestone organization which is affiliated with rock is s5 feet deep and the layer of tue national conference of business rochester soft shale underneath ex- p elltorsi met t0 ai3c the use j tends for another c3 feet and the of color in business pape j height of the falls at this point is 16s the process rc three photo graphs of the same object on three feet fiftysix killed in ontario mines 2223 accidents during year but shows decrease over 1929 toronto a decrease of 221 in the total number of casualties and an in crease of one in the number of men killed over the preceding year is re vealed in the annual report of min ing accidents and fatalities in the pro vince which was issuel at queens park recently the markets separate ordinary negatives mr lucas said- the negatives are de veloped in the usual manner and then are printed on three sheets of specially prepared eclophane color ed blue red and yellow respectively celophane is the transparent mate- aded cases returned trcquenmy usell a3 an olltsl 23c fresh firsts 20c wrapping for perishable articles the thin sheets are then superimposed oa one another and mounted on card board or paper the result being that of a threecolor picture tha process which was invented by luigi cristiauf an electrical en gineer of milan italy is available at present only to individual cdaoorus produce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded fresn extras seconds 16c butter no 1 ontario creamery solids tl to aivic no 2 30 to so vic churning cream special 29 to 30c no 1 28 to 29c no 2 25 to 2cc cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded i4c quotations tc poultry shippers are as follows poultrv a grade alive spring chicken g lbs 20c over 3 to j lbsj advertising companic 19c over 4v4 to 5 ibi 17e over 4 phino k eight on the tug and three is now at sea on a fishing trip his on the barge the captain of the tug mother and several other members of otherbvotierbronsontiived here but department in anticipation of this the report recommended that the government take over radio broad was john ambrose and tho captain otj the family still live at baloran new- asungln canada andjt is with uifcj the ecow mario landi cases of liquor wero being trans ferred from thc josephine k to the barge the officers said they threw foundland arrangements have been made to have the body brought to nova scotia for burial boys guard wild life sault ste marie onl jan 23 fifty sault boys- between 12 and 18 yeais of age have joined a juvenile gsnis and fish association here v jn the algoma game iisn and forest association hopes will be a povuce movement to enlist youth in wildlife conservation it is even hoped that the organization of boys in the conservation move ment will cover the dominion the boys all seem enthusiastic with the prospect of doing something to as sist in the conservation of wild life appearing to realize that when the members of the senior association pass on they will have to carry on tho work which has resulted in such great benefit to algoma 500000 damage in winnipeg fire i sixstorey office block and store destroyed in early morning winnipeg in the heart of winni pegs downtown business section fire early sunday morning raged for close to five hours destroyng the avenue block a sixstorey olllee structure and causing damage estimated at about 500000 i firemen battled tho blaze in freez- j ing weather companies from all se i tlous of the city answered the early morning call and toiled till long after daybreak before the flames were dead it was believed the fire broke j out in allans shoe store about 4 oclock next governorgeneral flames shot up the elevator shaft j m pj q pi gutting the top three floors devoted to offices firefighters were success- j ottawa while no official announce- ful in checking the blaze from below ment has yet been made it is rum- and damage on the second and third red here that tho next governor- floors were confined to that caused general of canada will fly his own by water and smoke stocks in re- fl a personal representative of tail stores in the lower portage ave- his majesty the king nue building were completely wiped a present the only flag which 13 out cause of the fire had not been j officially recognized in canada u tho determined union jack the union jack flies over tho residence of the governor- general and when his excellency is traveling on the sea tho union jack defaced by a crwn is flown it is understood however that a chango is contemplated and that with tho approval of the king his personal representative in canada will iliort- ly fly a flag of his own canadian wheat finds china market winnipeg during the past week eleven carloads of a special quality wheat have been shipped from cen tral saskatchewan destined for china according to t p white superintendent of car service for tho canadian national railways tho grain has been shipped from mel ville cana domic and canora and will be sacked at vancouver before bolng loaded on shlp3 for the orient whether tho wheat will ho used for seed or milling purposes in china is a matter for conjecture canada ranks high in ratio of doctors paroled prisoners mostly make good toronto few paroled prisoners aro real failures according to dr a b lavoll chief parole board commissioner out of a total of 1100 prisoners paroled or liberated 0- ex tramural permits during tho last fiscal year there were only 112 real fail ures sixtythree of these disap peared and 39 committed further toronto canada holds second crime while out on parole place among the leading countries of tho parole board interviewed 1948 the world in regard to tho number of prisoners during the year and gave medical practitioners per 100000 consideration to tlu ir cases g84 who population recentlv prepared stati- wero serving indotormlnate sentences sties of tho canadian medical as- wero paroled and 420 who wore aorr- sociation show canada has 97 doc- ib definlto sentences wero placed at tors per 100000 citizens tho figures work ontsldo under custody dr show in the united states there lavell is pleased with tho situation are 127 doctors for 100000 people and also with the work of tho board official residences or on ceremonial occasions the first to have one will be earl clarendon new gover norgeneral of south africa king george has approved the design which consists of a blue field with the toyal crest in gold thu3 sym bolizing his position as the repres entative of the crown above the crest the words union of south africa and below it the same in afrikaan language unie van suid point the majority of the letters deal i afrika the design of other gov- although a few of the letters have ernors flags have not yet been ap- originated on the prairies and in proved british columbia most of them have j come from eastern canada particul- canadas exports arly ontario j quebec evenement the total in some quarters it is expected a trade of the period 19301931 will be committee of the house of commons somc jtooooooco less than it was may be appointed to deal with the re- f the preceding period as re port and the whole question of radio gards canadian exports the figures control if this course is followed j do no mean in the least that we it is likely a consensus of the let- been less busy the volume of ters wiil be made and presented to foreign sales has riot changed to any the committee members extent it is the rices which have i dropped in some cases more than 50 conditions in tha west ceut t i3 dearly demon- winnipeg tribune it is absurdly j strated for instance in the exporta- untrue to represent the whole west j u of wheat canada sold 185000- as starving disheartened and hope- j 000 bushels this year compared with less the plain fact is that the 1 154000000 bushels for the corres- casli income of the average farm j ponding period of last year even over the whole west was reduced in 1 with the unprecedentedly low figure 1930 by 300 a fact serious enough at which wheat is selling the we3t in a way but by no means warrant- 1 will have realized by the end of ing the gloomy picture some politi- march an amount exceeding 200- cians and agitators aro endeavoring 0000c0 for its principal export pro- to present of conditions here 1 d during the year 1930 at the mines flags all their own to fly over their i metallurgical works quarries clay -414- fb ljc4 lbs and under 15c sand and gravel pits regulated by the fatted hens 5 to c lbs 21c over 4 to mining act there were 2223 acci- 5 lbs 19c over 3v to 4 lbs lgc dents to employes reported to the dej under 3vi lbs 13c young turkeys partment up to januarv 15 1931 j i2 11s 35c do 8 to 12 ibs s2c there were 56 fataltles arising out 0 va6pr s ibs r tur 21c of 54 separate accidents 1 marketprice old roosters over the report shows a fatality rate i 5 lbs 15c white ducklings over 5 lbs 24c over 4 to 5 us 22c muscovie of 302 per 1000 men employed ducist over 5 lbs 2 4 to 5 which is 002 per 1000 lower than the ig guinea fowl per pair 125 average for the past 25 years 1 poultry a gride dressed select two wires carry 9600 words a minute by use of canadian system new york division of a single pair of telegraph wires into 24 separate channels capable of handling 400 words a minute eaoh or a total of 9000 words a minute for tho line wa3 ex plained hero recently to the radio club of america by r b steel of tho canadian national telegraphs to ronto ono of tho engineers respons ible tor the development through the multiplex system mr steel explained each channel can be divided up to take 400 words a min ute and improvements in the carrier current system have increased the number of such channels possible oh a single pair of wires from 10 to 24 this does not mean a stream of words being recoived on a single ma chine at 9g00 words a minute ho said but rather 24 sending machines each through each of 24 channels the total output beliig divided up on another 24 machlues at the receiving end mr steel outlined the history of telegraphy from the time of the earli est manual systems with a capacity of from two to five words a minute to morse and vail who increased tho capacity to 25 words a minuto and on to tho highspeed manual operation of the present day which permits of straight message transmission of ap proximately 35 words a minute he also told of the invention of tho printer system in 1849 with a capacity of 43 words a minute to tho modern simples printer which has a capacity of 50 words a minute and the subse quent development of the multiplex which permits the simultaneous trans mission of 200 words a minute in each diroction over a singlo strand of wire there were 117 nonfatal accidents per 1000 men employed which shows a decrease of nine per 1000 men from the rate in 1929 the per centage of nonfatal accidents follow ed by infection decreased from 69 per cent in 1929 to 62 per cent in 1930 the fatalities were distributed amongst the various branches of the spring chickens c lbs 25c over 5 to g lbs 23c over 4 to 5 lb 22c over 4 to w lbs 20c 4 lbs and under ie fatted hens 5 to g lbs 23c over 4 to 5 lbs 22c over iv to 4 lbs 21c under 3v6 lbs 17c old roosters oyer 5 lbs 20c white ducklings over 5 lbs each 28c over 4 to 5 lbs 2ge wholesale provisions wholesale provision dealers mr lucas said industry as follows gold mines 18 i deal provision quoting the following prices to retail nickel mines 17 metallurgical work3 11 quarries four sand clay and gravel pits 6 nearly 46 per cent of the total number of men killed at mines was through fall of ground the report states sixteen men were killed from this cause a healthy city brantford despatches today credit ed hamilton with having the lowest tuberculosis death rate iu the world 33 per 100000 population brant ford however can go one better the annual report of the brantford board of health shows that the tub erculosis death rate for the city is at the low figure of 245 per 100000 population an average for 192s 1929 and 1930 the city council re cognized this remarkable record by sending letters of congratulation to the brant sanatorium and all or ganizations engaged in antitubercu losis work here working at 400 words a minuto the christian scienco monitor queens graduate awarded bigsby geology medal kingston dr norman l bowen a son of kingston and a graduate of queens university has been honor ed by the geological society of lon don with the award of the bigsby medal tor his study of the physical chemistry of igneous rocks this medal represents one of tho highest award3 in the world of goology dr bowen who ha3 baon attached to the geophysical laboratory of the car negie institution washington dc for a number of yoars since he was professor of mineralogy in queens occupies an outstanding position in geological research wcrk jack frost in futuristic mood tomb of egyptian queen discovered near sphinx n egypt the gorgeous tomb of a queen of antiquity said to rival that of tutankhmeu in beauty and in- terest was reported on jan 2sth to have been discovered by prof scllm hasasn widelyknown archaeologist the tomb was declared to have been found in the enclosure of rawcr high priest burled near the sphinx outside cairo in thc vicinity of the desert burial places of ancient kings it was said to have been discovered soiled and intact during excavations by a party led by professor hassan the description related that the tomb consisted of two chamber i one was said to have contained thoj sarcophagus of a queen of egyptian antiquity the coflia was surmounted by a magnificent gold crown set with precious stones the outer chamber was filled with furniture and various toilet requisites in fine gold beautifully wrought while alabaster statuctcs stood guard around the room the tomb was belioved to have been that of tho mother of mersaankn whose mummy prof hassan discover- cd in tho enclosure last year mcrsaankh or ncrzoankh was known as the favorites of- rawcr powerful high priest in egypt his tomb was discovered during excava tions last spring in connection with the expedition uncovering tho exten sive tomb of rawer said to bo among the largest ever found fantastic effect caused by spray from niagara fjlls freezing on landscape and forming a urliiig display a3 it flashes in sunlight smoked meats han hied 23 to 28c smoked rolls 25c breakfast ba con 33c backs peametlcci 23 lo 30c do smoked 37c pork loins 24c shoulders isc uus 19c hariis 19 to 20c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 20c 70 o 90 lbs 18c 90 to 110 lbs 17c lightweight rolls 19c heavvweifht rolls 18c lard pr- tierces 14c tubs 15c pails oc crints 15vi to lge shortening tierces 13c tus 13c pails 13ic special pastry shctor tierces 15c tubs 152c rails lgc grain quotations gain dealers on the toronto board of trade are makin r he following quations for car lots manitoli whet nv 1 hard 59lc- no 1 notwn 58c no 2 do 5gic no 4 do 53ic eif goderich and ba oortsl manitoba no 3 cw 325ie no 2 feed 30ic avrentine corn ggc cif port cclbrirne milifeod el montreal frms bags included bra nr ton s2i25 nrl per ton 2125 middlings 2925 ontario cain what g7c bnrley 2sc oats 28c rye 35c buckwheat 48c hay and straw prices dealers are quoting shippers for hy and straw carload lots delivered on track toronto the following prices no 2 timothy ton s14 lojltsoi no 3 do 13 foiso6 wleat straw 8 to 5850 oat st aw 8 to 850 live stock quotations- heavy beef steers g25 to 750 butcher steers choice 7 to 725 do fair to good 625 to 7 do com 575 to 6 butcher heifers choice sg75 to 7 do fair txtgooa g25 to g50 do com 5 to g butcher cows good to choice 5475 to 550 do med 5350 to 5425 canners and cutters 2 to 275 butcher bulls good to choice 450 to 525 do bolocnas 350 to 375 baby beef 3 to 59 feeders good 525 to g25 stockers s450 to 575 springers 00 to 85 milkers 40 to 60 calves good to choice 10 to 11 do med 8 to 9 do com s7 to 5750 do grassers 5350 to 450 lambs choice 950 buck lambs 750 to s8 sheep 2 to 6 horrs bacon fob s9 do do woc 75c to 1 above fob do but chers si er hog discount b selects 1 per hog premium school boys direct traffic in buffalo buffalo ny four elementary school boy3 iu a downtown section of buffalo act as trafllc policemen in a busy street in front of their school dally safeguarding several hundred of their fellow pupils who are oblig ed to cross tho street unablo to get tho city to detail patrolmen to the spot tho school au thorities selected tho four boy3 for their honor records and permit thom to regulate traffic by means of small fourway signs tho boys range in ago from 11 to 13 years growth in canadas fishing predicted halifax ns marked improvement in tho canadian fishing industry through better marketing methods and increased demand is predicted by e n rhodes minister of fisheries who has just arrived here i am satisfied in a very few years we can incroaso consumption of fish a3 a staple article of food by 10 pounds per head per year he 3ald world essay prise won by english girl new bedford mass a portsmouth eng girl is one of the winners iu the 1930 world essay contest of the american school citizenship league for which awards were announced recently prizes are offered annual ly by misses mary and helen sea- bury of new bedford the awards as announced by dr fanne fern andrews secretary of the league fol low normal school and teachers col lege section first miss helen os- born second miss bess l hyde both of michigan state normal col lege ypsilanti mich third miss margaiet t yates illinois state nor mal university secondary school section first miss deborah ruhenstein roxbury mass second vmiss lorena walker helena ark third miss muriel j v jones portsmouth high school portsmouth eng the prizes were first 75 second 30 third 25 the subject assigned the teachers was the teachers opportunity to strengthen the kelloggbrinnd pact and that assigned the secondary schools how would wcrld peace benefit the youth f the world the prince in the argentine montreal devoir it is perfectly clear from the news dispatches that the prince is going to the argentine as the leader and standardbearer of a powerful commercial delegation which is launching a campaign against the south american markets on a very wide front so formid able is the push that even the ameri cans have started to get nervous and the prince who has always been very much occupied with theso ques tions as his father was before him is showing once again that kings and princes do not always cor respond with the ideas held about them by most people who only sea them in pictures or at public gath erings functions form part of the tse which is habitually forced upon princes and must seem to them terribly tedious it is actually a fact that sovereigns are among tho busiest people in the world v detroitwindsor tunnel proving popular new york julson bradway presi dent of the detroit and canada tun nel company operating the detroit- windsor tunnel which was opened for trafllc on nov 3 1930 reported that 1s95s5 vehicles and 726620 bus passengers had used tho tunnel in the first nine waeks of its opera tion mr bradway said that tin gross income from trafllc in that period totalled 173029 ho sau engineers estmiated 2000000 vehicle would be handled in a year italy recognizes awards rome diplomas awarded by ital ian musical institutions abroad will be recognized in italy under tho terms of a royal recrce approved by tho council of ministers such instilutlons are deemed by the gov ernment important agencies of na tional artistic propaganda cant you find anything ploasant to say about the members of my family ho demanded hotly yes returned his wife in a coldly soothing tono i can remember one thing thej were all opposed to our marriage said the chic young thing from tho city why hasnt it any horns there aro many reasons answerefl the farmer why acow doo3 not havs horns some are born without horns and do not have any until the iito years of their life others aro do- horned while still other breeds aro not supposed to have horns at all thcro are many reasons why a cow sometimes does not have horns but the chief reason that this cow does not havo any horns i- that it isnt a cow at all its a hi e