latest addition predicts musical lighthouses to army of robots that will sing to sailors 1000egg incubator an electrical device now speeds the handling of telegrams dictated over phone an addition was recently made to the corp3 of robots which the new talking lighthouses to tell sailors miles out at sea just whici lighthouse they are watching or even to enter tain these passing mariners with news of the day or weather forecasts or the latest song and dance hits were york telephone company has deve- predicted by o h caldwell former oped and put into service in the last united states radio commissioner and few years its function is to speed i now editor of electronics in a recent up the service given to tojcgrams that are dictated over the telephone and it performs this function so efficiently that on tho average only one second passes from tho time an incoming telephone call reaches tho device to tno time when a typist answers the call ready to take down the telegram all new york city telephono calls in which a person asks for western union are handled by this machine tho telephone operator connects the party desiring to send the telegram with the receiving station of tho address to the virginia section of the american chemical society in rich mond virginia the secret mr cald well said la the modern process by which music speech or any other sound may be modulated on a light beam much as radio programs are sent out on tho beams of radio waves from a broadcasting station to the eye such a musiccarrying beam looks quito as usual but it it is allowed to off and made audible the beam from a revolving hglthouse for example might be made to sing a definite note whenever its rays all on a small photoelectric cell mounted on a ships bridge even the captain in his cabin thus would know by the distinctive musical note of the beam which light house of several along a coast was then in sight such lighthouses now are distinguished by color or by the number and arrangement of flashes as the light revolves the use of color necessitates decreased intensity of the light since colored lights are not so bright as pure white ones the recog nition of lights by flashes requires considerable practice it might be easier mr caldwell believes to have each ligathouso identify itself by a musical note or even by spoken words although the former might require fall on a photoelectric cell properly arranged with vacuum tube amplifiers i ships captains to possess musical cars and other apparatus the sound mes- 1 in addition to the manifold qualifica- western union hero the call is sage on the light beam may be picked tions already necessary for that job handled by the new receivinng unit which can connect any ono of the 120 coming trunk lines with i ru3sia also hs one of the 110 operators who can i work at one time in other words this unit must select from the 110 telephones in the station one which does not happen to be in use and connect it with the trunk line on which the call has come in if all the telephone operators are busy it stores the call the operator knows when a call on her wire because she hears what is known as an audible a tone like that which is heard on the ordinary dial telephone she im mediately says western union and proceeds to type tthe telegram on she noiseless typewriter which is on her desk what the device does therefore is to cut down the time re quired to connect the party with a girl who is to take down his message and forward it a visitor to the companys new building would see no sign f the com plicated machinery which is helping tho girls there to handle tlie calls all he would see would bo groups of girls sitting at desks their headsets clamped on and their transmitters hung ready taking dorwn the tele grams as they came over the wires the robot is on the floor above it consists of a mass of wires rotary switches relays protective devices timing circuits etc l mounted on tall frames one of thj novel prt3 01 tho new equipment is a signctl hoard which indicates by names of colored lights how many of the operators aro busy and whether any calla are being forced to wait life lifes more than breath anil the quick round of blood it is a great spirit anfladmsy heart the coward and the small in soul scarce do live wo live in deeds not years in thoughts not breaths in feeling not in figures on a dial wo should count time by heart throbs ho most lives who thinks most feels the noblest acts the best lifes but a means unto an end that end beginning mean and end to all things god upon the summit of each mountain thought worship thou god keep thy spirit ptiro from worldly taint by tho repellont strength of virtue think on noble thoughts nrrt deeds ever icount oer tho rosary of truth and practice precepts vwhich aro proven wise it matters not then what thou fear- est boldly and wisely in that light thou hast there is it hand above will help thee on by philip james bailey a motorists paradise lcipsig germany motorists who tlolato tho orttnanco against parking in front of the gewandhaus daring concerts now and when they return to their cars not a summons to court fcut a note reading now regulations govern tho driv ing np to leaving or parking in front ef the gewandhaus your car was jarked today in violation of theso reg ulations you will find on tho back of this jiotlco a map showing tho places whero parking is possible if further information is desired pleaso telephone the traffic department no 72321 extension 57 this method has brought so encour aging results and so much praise for tho loipzlg police department that it is to be extended to cover violations of parking ordinances generally piano health if your piano sits near either a radiator of a steam pipe running through tho room keep a couplo of looks after the health of tho workers pio tins under the piano full of water if i am sick said marfa tho doctor this gives the piano tho necessary will car for me pay no i am a a family of smiths by helen christine bennett mccalls special representative to russia in america wo have ono family name that crosses all boundaries it is the name of smith it may be borne by the socially elite or the wo man who goes out by the day we knew there must bo its equivalent in russia when asked smiles came at once to the faces of russian women of course we have such a name in russia it is ivanoff it is tho smiths the ivanoffs of russia who tell the story of the new lite the editor of mccalls one of the most revolutionary changes brought about by tho soviets has been the freeing of woman to an extent not equajed in any country in tho world in russia today woman may vote and hold otlice with none of tho discriminations found in other countries she has equal sex rights and privileges she may marry and divorce at will she has equal lights in her children and all her children born in wedlock or out are legitimate she may do anything a man may do without stigma she is tree as ne woman in tho world has ever bees freeas man is free when you first arrive in one of the great cities of russia alid look at the people on tie streets you search in vain for tho smart well- dressed men and women you are ac customed to see on the north ameri can continent the smiths who pass you wear tho clothes of workers they are comfortable and useful clothes but there is nothing luxuri ous about them let us look at the women the one lust passing dress ed in khaki shirt and knickers is the foreman of a construction gagn tho older woman with tho red kerchief that marks the member of the com munist party is a high official and tho woman with her in adrab gray is a factory manager behind them are two doctors a judge and a superior soldier officer in uniform there aro in russia women soldiers with a rank equal to that of a general all work is open to women but if we want to know tho more typical mrs smith of russia we must go to tho factories at tho melangi combinat a textile factory at ivan- ovovozncscnsk whero there aro 7000 workers martha smith marfa ivan off stands before b great spinning machine seven hours a day sho watches the spindles the week is fivo days i got the children ready for school beforo i come to the factory she said no i glvo them no breakfast that is at tho school my shift be gins at ten pieter and lydia stay by tho school two honrs after my work thatil may buy for the house dinner it is flt tho school mhia is here at tho factory my breakfast also my husband ho cats with mo here at evening we mako supper at home at night now her eyes sparkled x go three time a week to the class i learn to lead and write the chil dren tho sleep if my husband goes my neighbor listens every cook insisted lcnlnmust learn how to run tho government marfa is learning to help her tie government has shortened her working hours served her children free meals at school and given her and her husband meals at low prices at tho factory as a workor marfa actually receives much moro than tho 80 rubles a month sho is paid at the factory sho and her husband have food cards clothing cards cards for railways tickets at less than tho ticket ofilco sells them soap cards and cards for sweets and through tho factory sho may buy tickets to theatres cin emas concerts at much less than box- offlco prices as she will eagerly tell you there is much more at almost every factory a doctor government is frank its soviet reply we have no communism yet in russia said one official we are but nursing tho first feeble germs of communism w live now under a dictatorship of tho proletariat of the workers it is a transition period and will not last it is the first essen tial step toward communism is is essential these are the words of a woman of the intelli gentsia you must understand that for centuries what the russian work ers earned was the property of the czar the nobility or the church so little was left for them that they lived unspeakably joy for them was nothing but vodka there is a prov erb work loves a fool to do as little as possible was a creed of self- preservation then camo the war revolution famine it wo were to survive it must be through a new idea of work the soviet government cre ated a nobility of industrial workers and russians began to work despite thomoney which has been expended for health measures the people of the ussr suffer acutely from lack of one of the greatest of health assets a sufficient allowance of house room marfa showed me her apartment in a model sixfamily house two bedrooms one kitchen one wash room shvk and toilet no bath in ono room spic and span a single bed a cot one small table two chairs curtails and plants at windows ras rugs rri the floor marfa and her hus band and their two children slept in that room the second bedroom is willing rented by marfa to a married couple who share- ivlih her the small kitchen next door are eight people yet marfa and ber neighbors do not feel crowded it is the remnant of the aristocracy tinu tho bourgeoisie who suffer in this terrific overcrowd ing yet many women of those classes have found themselves under the new conditions litsten for instance to najeda ivanoff my interpreter i was not a revolutionist she said but jiow that this thing has come i am happier than ever before i was a physicians daughter we had an apartment of 14 rooms for father mother and six children i was educatell as a lawyer but under the czar i was not permitted to prac tice i studied languages i lived abroad but never did i feel right there werejfour porters in our apart menthouse and the ono at our door had ono rooio dark unhcated there were his wife a halfgrown son and a new baby there was one narrow cot the boy slept on tho floor tho new born baby lay in a hole in the brick wall there was a little table a chair and that was all they must have cooked on another porters stove for they had none now nobody lives liko that next to mo in my apartment is a charwoman her work is to sweep and scrub the flags at one of tho big stores her husband works in a factory sho has two winter eoats blankets a good bed her husband has mado a radio her baby was born in a hospital and sho was taught to caro for it this costs nothing such thlngs were un known ten years ago ty husband always was a revolutionist now i have learned to believe such intelligent cultivated women in russia today go forward not seeing clearly tho future for themselves ail their children but willing to go on and work because justice is nearer than before tho readers digest 1 no chance of this modern incubator failing with capacity of more than 1000 eggs this new revolving incubator was one ct features it los angeles poultry show owl laffs brushville judge see here im go ing to put a stop to this here horse stealing or none of us will be safe mary mary quite contrary how you hemline grows it used to swirl above your knees now it nearly hides your toes young bride i havent the heart to fry the eggs tbey look up at me so piteously out of sad yellow eyes looking back over the years tho proverbial line of least resistance seems to be a womans waist line hat clerk a wonderful fit old man customer yeh but suppose my ears get tired tho life guards at the bathing beaches ought to make good book keepers they all know how to handle figures all right all right a new york salesman was staying in a texas hotel where he observed an oldfashioned roller towel salesman to man in wash room say doesnt the owner of this hotel know that its against the law of the staio of texas to use roller towels now man addressed he knows it all right enough but i reckon that law wasnt passed when this towel was rut up kflapper motto better he fat in the head than thick at the hips a young man who had an enormous tmoutli became engaged to girl and went to her father to ask ihis consent youth smiling broadly fco bide his confusion i have come to to ask you for your daughters irand i i tho father excuse me but will you closo your mouth for a moment so i can se who you arot ono thing you never hcar one girl say to another any jnore is why dont you take a tuck in it danger from colds every woman beyond middle age should realize that a majority of the troubles she has to fear have their origin in what are known as common colds each attack lowers her vitality and reduces resistance to disease at this season of the year every wo man should see- that her blood is toned up to meet the rigors of the climate and especially that strength should be restored after any cold however slight for this dr wil liams pink pills are a reliable tonic these pills aro not a mere stimu lant giving temporary relief they build ap the body by creating that rich red blood which imparts the glow of health steadies the nerves improves the appetite and digestion and make the users capable of with standing the rigors of our fall and- winter months they aro sold by medicino dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont excavating of old fort reveals roman past glasgow the fort baths brought to light during excavation work on the roman fort at cadder promise to give very clear evidenco of the vari ous periods of roman occupation said john clarke- at a meeting of tho glas gow archaeological society it was hoped o complete the excavations next year mr clarke added tho fort had been the sixth of tho antonine wall fovtb from the west end of the watl during the year a large outer sys- tem of defenses had been discovered inclosing an area of 15 acres appar ently anterior to both the fort and tho wall neither tho period of this sys tem nor its relation to tho smaller tot were yet certain several rare objects in pottery a coin of galba and several interestinng iron articles luul been found i ho young farmers were boasting about tho size of the vegetables they had grown finally one of tjeem turn ed to uncle seth young farmer what was tho big gest thing you raised this year uncle setlr uncle seth a squash young farmer well how fog was ft uncle seth drawling wo nevcr measured it but we used the seeds for snow shoes there aro sihl a great many people who simply will not let the dentist do all the looking down in the mouth csg for your sfttmaa by dally c ctaiicubse aap fiscal rahe and ijrrltft wills tcuticura ointastevot moisture to keep it in good health you will b surprised how quickly tho pans dry out refill them often worker why all this fuss about factory workers in russia why should they bo preferred citizens thcro is jus- kvidcnlly the less a lathing suit uco in the question preferment for holds of he female weartv the moro it any c is far from a communistic jjoic the man ideal of share and share alike the guard the baby against colds first travelling salesman being on the road itlnt what it used to be second ditto naw ive been on tho road for ten years now and never had to eleep at a farmers house yet hostess wosld you like a sonata before dinner her guest giving a start of surprise and pleasure thank you i had a couplo on the way over here but i think i could manage another customer how much will it cost to havo this guy bumped off hijackor shucks partner i leave it to you you pay me accordin to the good yer gets out of it little girl next door whats tho new baby at your home johnny a boy to guard tho baby against colds nothing can equal babys own tab lets tho tablots aro a mild laxative that will keep the llttlo ones stom ach and bowels working regularly it is a recognized fact that whoro tho stomach and bowels v ia good order that colds will not exist that tho health of tho llttlo ono will bo good or a girl and that he will thrivo and be happy j disgusted llttlo brother aw its and goodnatured tho tablets aro a girl i saw em putting powder on sold by medicino dealers or by mall it at 25 cents a box from tho dr wil- hams medicino co brockville ont horace you cant go out with kate shos a girl of rank a scientist says that americans manuel yes and i am as rank as have strong jaws yes by gum she is- t issue no 231 les baux from the atlantic monthly there is no need for vain regret for envy of the lives whose lot is st in this enchanted place where grey crags touch the sky while far below meadows miraculously green aro sunk in sleep between uptowering rocks and from the cliffs sheer face whiteflowering bushes grow should you live here you must choose the mountain or the valley and so lose for one the other joy too soon the when and whero would have you in their customary care rather let your dwelling here bo in the mind and you are frea of all the range the ravished eye can see may house you without tear in the topmost pinnacle where the starpricked dome shall roof you through the nights slowwheeling hours or mako your homo among the lilacs and the meadow flowers down in the valley at your will be shepherd huntsman poet you may dance with the linen jiggling on the line in the cheriy orchard by the water mill or whero tho sunbeams shine from the blue backs of swallows as they glance in tho midair below the rocky terrace to and fro your insubstantial form may go now vast as night now infinitely small as having nothing yet possessing all freda c bond classified aovertisna fabrador liktklkeki j world famous heoiy and vvniimore strain iiriorr powell it 3 londou out 1hb liable tm cottonseed meal found excellent food for trout ithaca ny cottonseed meal long an accepted livestock feed has been found an effective food for trout re ports professor c m mccay of the new york state college of agricul ture professor mccay working at cornell in cooperation with the con necticut state fish hatchery at bur lington conn also has found that cocoanut meal dry skiri milk and dry buttermiik are excellent trout feeds a half million dollars could be saved annually if the various fish and game commissions would make use of the recent discoveries he says the cottonseed meal is not fed alone but is mixed in equal parts with dry skim milk and a good fish meal with the newer feeds professor mc cay finds that the trout is more effi cient than the pig in converting feed into meat in contrast to cottonseed meal lin seed oil meal another livestock feed is found to poison brook trout the unseed meal kills the fish in a few weeks although they are capable of living without any food for several months sightless author acts in own play s paris a pay written by a blind man in which he acts with atuther blind performer is being presented at a paris theatre it is called the triumph of will m easier is 1ie authoractor there are two classes of blind peo ple he said in an interview those who lost their sight in the war and those who became blind through some other misfortune i am plead ing for the latter it is uot that the world is indifferent to them but we do not wish to make our living through the charity of others or by begging we wish to live by our own intelligence wo waut to prove that we are capable of taking caro of ourselves and even support ing a family we do uot want peo ple to encourage us to live lazily but we do want them to encourage us to work that i3 what i bring out in my play and 1 have a right to pro pagate this idea because i am tho father of seven children and work daily as any normal citizen does do you know your electric cord will last much longer if you keep it suspended from a hook instead of winding it around the iron when putting it away if you soak an orange in hot water the skin will come off easier and more perfectly when you peel it a teaspoonful of glycerine added to each pint of rinsing water will make flannels and woolen blankets liko new new handles new handles for your percolator can be obtained at a small cost in any color you want to dress up your kitchen you can screw them in yourself aufcoradb qatteries h isoirs europe telephones chile new york telephone service be tween chile argentine and uruguay and 13 countries in northern and cen tral europe was inaugurated by as sociated companies of the interna tional telephone and telegraph cor poration on dec 19 tho service is mado possible in europe through co operation of the germany relchspost in berlin a foreign visitor remarks on the largo number of statues in london they are not all statues some aro patient husbands parked outside stores while their wivvh are shopping batteries for yoar auto- uiouuc ana lcaao r-uar- fuccu alj33- lutcly new cvilt 11- plate i n rubber ease special s55 13rl te joij 15plale 750 rt ad 10 a u a feiy c volt 525 45volt large heavy duty b j229 medium b 170 will ship cod satisfaction ruaraiiteed sampsons batter i 1v03t x 1379 dnfferin stroet toronto list of wanted inventions and full information seni ireo on request the bamsav co dent w 273 bank bfcs ottawa ont how women lose fat in england how would jou like to lose unhealthy fat that you iont need and dont want and at the same time feci better than you have for years how would you like to lose your double chin and your too prominent itbdomen and at the same time mako ycdr skin so clean and clear that it trill compel admiration t how would you like to get your weight down to normal and at the some time develop that urge for activity that makes work a pleasure and also rain in ambition and keen ness of mind get on the scales today and sec how much you weigh then get n bottle of kruschen baits take onehalf teaspoonful every morning in a glass of hot water and when you have finished the first bottle weigh yourself again now you will know the pleasant way to lose unsightly fat nnl youll also know that the six vitalizing salts of kruschen have presented you with glorious health thats the way englishwomen keep slim why not you she couldnt be hoodwinked miss e thomson of claphnm writes ifind that carters liltlo liver pills will do more to keep the complexion clear and thcscin fixo from blemishes than all the face creams i have used i found the real cause of face blemishes was usually due to liver and stomach troubles my druggist recommended them ns a specific for stimulating- the liver und expelling the constipation poi sons from the system take carters little liver pills for sick headache and indigestion all druggists 25 and 75c red pkgs relieve what most people call indiges tion is usually excess acid in the stomach food has soured the instant remedy is an alkali which neutralizes acids but dont use crude helps use what your doctor would advise tho best help is phillips milk of magnesia for tho 50 years since its invention it has remain ed standard with physicians ybn will find nothing else so quick in its effect so harmless so efficient ono tasteless spoonful in water neutralizes many times its volume in acid tho results are immedi ate with no harmful aftereffects once you learn this perfect way youll never deal in any other manner with tho headaches gas bloating nausea dizziness indiges tion biliousness etc due to an ovoracld stomach and bowels bo sure to get genulno phillips it la always a liquid never made in tablet form look for tho namo phillips on the bottle all drug stores sell it 50c