mflbille qfeibtme vol xlii no 42 4 stouffville ontaifo thursday december 18th 1930 a v nolan publisher acomplete line of christmas goods is now on display at our store and we extend a personal in vitation for you to call and in spect the same you probably realize the advantage of seeing these goods early while the lines are unbroken an early visit will also afford you ideas that will make selections easy later somehing for everyone j m storey druggist the homo of quality drugs phone 1003 business cards medical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county dr walter h woodrow medical arts bldg toronto eye ear nose and throat specialist will be in stouffville every other thursday 7 9 pm office at dr dales drs ira herbert freel dr ira free consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed frl g to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert free 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed frl afternoons by appointment only a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 veterinary s t botlendistel vs bvsc veterinarian graduate of ontario veterinary college offico at the mansion house phone 101 successor to dr j t storey mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan retired business man passes on w a silvester succumbs in his sleep to a short illness the citizens were shocked on fri day morning to learn that mr william a silvester had passed away during the night he appear ed to be recovering from the illness which befell him only a week previous and was quite bright the evening before his death so quietly had the end came that mrs silvester when she went to his bed side did not at first realize that he had passed away le had every appearance of being in a quiet sleep the news of his sudden death is a great shock not only to the family but to the wide circle of friends horn at ringwood 75 years ago william was educated at stouffville and markham he was the eldest of a family of five children born to the late mr and imrs george ii silvest er who kept the well known store at kingwood for so many years in the early days after leaving school william entered tnc employ of his fathers store but later located at brandon man where he spent some time as the representative of the masseyharris co in which firm his uncle the late sir lyman jones was at that time the moving spirit returning east again mr silvest er entered a partnership in the hard ware business here with lyman dougherty and the stouffville free press of 1895 refers to mr silvester as being one of the towns youngest business men they carried on busi ness in the daly block finally h entered partnership with his brother fred w and the firm carried on till just a few years ago when they sold out to fyw brathwaite since that time 5 years mr silvester lived a retired life he is survived by his wife whose maiden name was charlotte lemon and by an only daughter hiss hazel silvester of toronto also by two sisters mrs archie leaney of stoiiff- iville and mrs phillips of minden and by two brothers fred w who is wintering in california and george of toronto a member of the official board or the former methodist church mr silvester was a faithful attendant and a careful living man his pleas ant smile and genial disposition was always an inspiration and his death is a distinct loss to the community owing to the great distance ex- reeve fred silvester was unable to attend the funeral which took place on sunday afternoon to stouffville cemetery the spacious home proved quite inadequate to accommodate the many friends who sought admittance to pay their last respects to an old friend the divine service was in charge of rev thos laidlaw assist ed by rev ii lee both neighbors and church associates of the de ceased fitting tribute was paid to the splendid character and life of mr silvester by both speakers and imrs laidlaw sang a solo during the service floral tributes about the bier further attested the esteem and re spect for the dead man by those who are left to mourn the pall bearers were messrs ac uurkholder f l button 1 k agnew j meyer dr h freel and reeve ii w sanders interment took place at stouffville cemetery norman borinsky barrister solicitor notary associated with the logal firm ot corlev keen and howard counsel j v seymour corloy kc trusts and guarantee building room 605 302 bay street toronto ont telephone elgin 3153 and 3154 res tr 634 3 thomas birkett insurance agency everything in insurance phone 18202 stouffville anne lehman a t c m toacher of pianoforte ptayin ind theory phone 4301 studio lehmans block e a grubin r 0 eyesight specialist honor eriiuate ot the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 1928 at stoufftllle every thursday friday and saturday offico in the grubin block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phone stonffvmo 305 careful cutting christ mas trees despatches from new brunswick state that about 250 carloads of christmas trees have been cut in preparation for this years market which is expected to be up to the average approximately 5000000 christmas trees are cut annually tor export and home use to some this may seem a woeful waste of our forests sinco the trees are used only for a few days and then discarded there are three sources of christ- mass trees that may be drawn upon without waste the first two are the seedlings on the pasture lots and small trees on lots to be cleared ed for agricultural purposes the other is the thick stands where it is necessary to thin out by cutting down a small percentage of the smaller trees it these rules are followed cutting and marketing of christmas trees can be made to serve a twofold purpose caki of thanks the undersigned wish to express their deep appreciation to the many trlends who assisted us in any way during our present bereavement and for the sympathy expressed to us in our sorrow mr and mrs fred stccklcy card of thanks we wish to express our thanks to the neighbors nnd friends for their kindness to us during the recent ill ness of our daughter also for the fruit which was sent from the altona and stouffville sunday school classes mr and mrs isaac lehman and family personal and local miss mary dixon was in town over the weekend visiting with miss holden mjts moses hill has returned from a two weeks visit with her daughter mrs phillips at brougham mr win ruddy of toronto visit ed his cousins mr and mrs henry riddle 9th line last week aiona school christmas concert is to be held on tuesday dec 23rd at s pm admission 25 and 15c mr joe silversides and lady friend of toronto were sunday guests with mr and mrs walter brilliuger home baking buy your parker house rolls and other home made baking at porters every friday and saturday mr george silvester of toronto who is in delicate health was in town last week owing to the death of his brother here last sunday mr and mrs s w hastings visited in toronto with dr c j- hastings who is recovering from his recent illness select your christmas gift or candy from our wonderful display of both hunts and moirs fancy boxes varied prices at porters mrs noah stouffer and mr and mrs aubrey bartholomew attended the funeral of the late miss sarah dixon at unionville and for many years a resident of stouffville opening hockey game first hockey game of the season will be played in the local arena on friday night dec 19th the markham inter mediates vs york acs this will be a real tast game mrs john mcconnoehie j silver- sides and miss c college mrs sta- dlebaur and mr enmenger of tor onto and dalton lewis of weston spent sunday with imr and mrs jonas lewis at lemonville reeve senders real to retire reeve h i sanders intimated to the tribuijon tuesday that lie would not seel reelection at the forthcoining siuary elections un less he exporijees a great change of mind hurt his three years as the chief majtraie he has seen several large ertakings and pro gressive measnli inaugurated and has piloted to a successful conclusion til reeve was quite linn in his inteon to retire at the close of the yet it is fairly stain that at least one two or tint of the councillors will seek promojn at this time dei- dec dec jan jan jan toronto as very a favorable im- heulth noted on word received by telephone at the tribune office at 2 pm on wednes day indicated the condition of mr wilmot brown of serious following provement in his sunday the engagement is announced of viola only daughter of the late james and mrs rose clauguton uxbridge to mr harold a sanders younger son of mr and mrs ii w- sanders of stouffville the marriage to take place quietly in december mr and mrs lyman dougherty of toronto were in town on sunday the guests of mr and mrs f l but ton they attended the funeral of the late wm silvester mr dough ertys onetime partner in the hard ware store 4th line uxbridge miss olive maye is home again mose nortons spent sunday with their son dan norton mr a storry with geo roes one day last week this sudden change in the wea ther makes it feel more like christ mas a number of our young people are practising for their christinas entertainment since the car agent has been up and down this line well perhaps all be driving new cars miss hattie maye spent saturday with mrs t dawson who is im proving from her illness mr frank collins lias returned home from a visit with his brother pioneer of kirkland lake since a number of our young peo ple took a tramp through the woods to hunt rabbits we are wondering if they thought rabbits were as plentiful as dears on this line wo are sorry to hear of the sud den and serious illness which bofel mr fred woodland on wednesday last when they found he had contract ed pneumonia at time of writing lie was very low hockeyjchedule stouffvilldistrict 22 stouffvf vs altona 26 clareuin vs almira 29 locust ul vs stouffville 5th altona claremont 9- almira 1 locust 12 stouftvildvs claremont jan 16 altona valniira jan 19 locust hi vs claremont jan 23 stouffvilloys almira jan 21 altona vslocust hill playoffs first ad second teams play best two gameput of three to decide winner of leifue oiia rules to jyern no oh a players signed il to play in 1930 and 1931 seasb will be allow ed on teams in thisaague i the councils final the town council et on monday evening and wound p their muni cipal affairs for the ar by passing a few accounts aid transacting some other business councillor rowbotlni urged the members to push thenatter of de benture issue for tlnhew road as far as possible this yejlby proceed ing to advertise the hue for sale and getting the debentres ready to sell before the presen council re tires it was according decided to invite local ratepayers o file their applications with the cbk as to the 1 robable amount they jjuld invest in these debentures if sjis deemed advisable to sell them ltally a re ference to the advertisig columns will enable you to read te councils notice page 8 councillor ward suaitted a lesolution authorizing buncil to enter an agreement withivm rat- cliff whereby imr ratcli will do some cleaning up of falleitrees and underbrush on the reserjir prop erty and pay the town it for the wood recovered resolution passed warden fair of yon county struck a new note in procture this year when he wrote the coicil tell ing them how much he apreciated the services of our reeve lis year at county council the clerlsaid he believed this was the first oie any warden bad thus honored a eeve in tliis way x councillor ward took ccncillor rusnell to task for laying ack in the breeching as he styled it in re gard to needed repairs to roas reeve ii w sanders andcoun- cillors borinsky rowbothamtrus- nell and ward were all preset but no valedictory aldresses weredeliv- ered and council passed the nriutes of this present meeting befoif ad journment whitchurch tax payers on time we hear a great deal these days about hard times and the shortage of money in the hands of farmers but there is no indication of such things in the township ot whit church according to the manner in which the 1930 taxes are coming in up to lmonday night payments had been made quite on a par with 1929 declared collector frank steckley ill all there is 7032860 to collect as against 72000 in 1329 and while the collector had not the ex act bank returns of payments made he was certain farmers are paying just as promptly as ever the reduced rate this year has been appreciated however small the reduction to the individual tax payer j0c0b b0adway druggist is dead one of stouffvilles longest standing business men the origin of cedar valley saw mill flourished nearly 90 years ago trustees clear the slate the final meeting of the stouff ville school board for this year was held on friday evening with all the members present including trustees edw baker edwin lloyd j w mc- mullcn ambrose stover dr ball and a v nolan chairman a letter was received from the public school inspecror congratulat ing the board on their initiative in introducing the teaching of the sing ing into the school classes with i fully qualified teacher the singing instructor teaches here every fri day and his work is all ready being appreciated by parents and teachers the cost of this instruction to next midsummer is 175 which is met by a grant from the department of education of 80 while a concert will be put on hofore the term ends the proceeds of which will accrue to the board to assist in paying the balance of the 175 the amount then left for the ratepayers will be very small if anything at all dr ball introduced the matter of the need of some furniture in the teachers room and recommended the purchase of a rouch and two chairs which the property com mittee were ompowered to procure after passing a large number of accounts the members discussed their financial position which shows they have a large bank balance to carry into the new year bethesda wedding bells are ringing cliff uurkholder is breaking a a new ford sedan keep in mind the coming meiing of the wms miss susie pike spent suiiny under the parental roof mr and mrs lome raymer we guests with mr and smrs v boln- der on sunday the school concert on the th line vjis well attended and was oe of the first of the christmas festivls j brillinger is rushing the wod supply to a replinished condition a preparation for still more cold we ther christmas service in the chura here next sunday with pastor bit neill giving a lurid christmas ac dress our school trustees found it nee essary to advance the school rat this year by 3 on the 1000 assess ment a public meeting of the wms which was announced for last week was postponed and will be hold to day thursday dec lsth mrs s s shantz of stouffville will be the special speaker while an interesting program is arranged the young peoples league are away to a big start for 1931 in se curing capable officers to carry on the work miss edith emprlngham is president while other officials in clude miss janet emprlngham ida footc percy tawn while frank will make an energetic secretary dont blame us the editors of local newspapers are often blamed for partiality in their notices ot churches societies and oven families when the fact is the parties most interested are the ones to blame local newspapers dont possess a sufficient numhor of icporters to send to every church service in the range of its circula tion and they must depend on some person to send in the news many pastors or leaders in the congrega tion do this and their items are gladly printed many societies ap point a press secretary to attend to his important work the newmarket fish club had a speckled trout preserve between 15 and 20 years ago at what is now known as cedar valley in the town ship of whitchurch about six miles east of newmarket and was known for many years as taylors mills a toronto man mr wm brodie rent ed the pond property and also bought 70 acres adjoining from john foote of newmarket three years ago and fixed it so as to have a small pond for cultivating trout the original dam at the intersec tion of the canadian national rail way on the muskoka and parry sound route with the pine orchard road was built by aaron haines about the year 1840 and also a saw mill to run by waterpower it was in the midst of a thickly wooded pine district and did a thriving business in a small way aaron haines was one of the ger man quakers who took up land in new york state and after doing set tlement duties they asked for the deeds of their properties the state refused to grant the deeds stating they wanted yearly rentals this was not what the settlers were promised so they treked in large numbers te canada in 1796 imany of them took up land in markham township and are known by the name of tunk aards they are an intelligent and thrifty community and have establ ished a record for honesty and religious zeal haines was one of these men but being of a mechani cal mind he followed up the creek till he came to what he considered would be a good location for a saw mill and in this he showed wisdom how he managed to build the road to civilization and transport the lumber to a market place in those early days is more than we can imagine when the farming lands in the state of illinois were opene d for settlement about 1850 he was per suaded to sell out to joseph taylor grandfather of mrs j w stephens of newmarket and go out west with the trek of new settlers the first mill was burnt down in a few years and his son john taylor built another the spring freshets caused a lot of trouble and after the experience of some 20 years he sold the mill which passed through two or three hands and finally into the possession of wm cane sons of newmarket they finished up all the pine timber in the neighborhood and removed the machinery to new market the returning spring floods carried the dam away and the mill went tho way of all the earth the newmarket trout preserve was rather a failure owing to the numerous washouts of the dam a chopping mill with water power is about the only activity of a once buzzing little hive of industry a store post office and freight sheds meet the needs of the community mr john taylor went out to north dakota strayed back to western canada after a few ears and passed away at dalphin manitoba ibout 12 years ago he was a itaunch conservative in politics vractlced veterinary with consider able success was a prominent lember of the methodist episcopal iburch in newmarket and a friend t all in need mr aaron halnea the founder of te cedar valley sawmill was a bother of the late israel haines of saron and an uncle of mr aaron hlnes ot yonge street who is one otthe oldest residents ot the com- mnity in his 87th year with a maiory as bright as a silver dollar 0 jm thi complimentary dinner for prize winners frmers and their families num- horlg 350 attended the annual bancjet and prizegiving for york couiiy judging and plowing match chanplons held last friday night in the high school auditorium at auroa warden e j fan- and j b fairbirn were the speakers of the evcnl along with mr robt miller of stclftvllle the death on sunday afternoon last of mr jacob boadway removed trom our circle the longest stand ing business man on main street with probably only one or two exceptions mr boadway died at his home on church street just as his neighbor in business for so many years the late william silvester was being carried from his home to his last resting place the boadway funeral was held on wednesday afternoon the remains were taken to the mennonite church where the service was held shortly after two oclock following which interment will he made at dixon hill cemetery it was one of the largest funerals we have seen here only a few weeks ago when it was realized that his condition was such that he would no longer bo active in business mr boadway made all arrangements for the carrying on of the drug business by his son wesley who is only now taking over the managership few men enjoyed the confidence of the general public to a greater de gree than did jacob boadway his sterling qualities and steadfast christian principles were always exemplified in his daily life his death at only the age of 61 years is widely regretted he was born in whitchurch township on the farm now owned and occupied by mr herman burkholder at lemonville his first school teacher was mr isaac pike who is still strong in the flesh and will participate in the funeral ceremony of his former school student jmt boadway passed his pharmacy examinations in both toronto and again in the states for he spent several years across the line dispensing drugs in a large pharmacy store in philadelphia thirtyfive years ago he was united in marriage with emma sherrick a school girl friend and to their union four sons and two daughters were born one son having predeceased the father also his wife died 18 years ago when mr boad way later married mrs wimot barkey widow of the late wilmot barkey farmer and local preacher who survives him his three sons are edward of toronto and paul and wesley of stouffville and the two daughters are olive attending the chicago evangelistic institute and edna also of stouffville anil teacher of the roseville public school for 26 years mr boadway has continuously conducted the corner drug store which he purchased from rev gordon duncan prior to his entering the ministry in religion lie was a faithful follower of christ and worshipped at the mennonite church where he was one of the leading laymen his pew in church was seldom vacant and nothing in life gave him as much delight as the promotion of the church func tions and the advancement of the christian religion among his fellow correspondence singing course literature upon request deleveille under internationallyknown master studios 10 a east bloor street toronto among the churches pkesbyteriax church rev w h fuller pastor sunday dec 21st sabbath worship next sunday at 3 pm s s before regular service it t t baker hill and sixth lixe uallist churches w s whitcombe b a pastor sunday dec 21st baker hill church am sixth line church pm professor p s campbell ma will preach next sunday come and hear this highly honor ed saint of god t t t t s1kxxoxitk church s s shantz pastor sunday dec 21st 10 am sabbath school 11 am morning worship 7 pm evening worship t t t t rapxist church rev ww fleischer pastor sunday dec 21st 10 am bible school 11 am- subject joseph the man who knew how to wail 7 pm subject is it right to teach t lie children thai santa claus is a real person prayer meetings wednesday s pm sunday 615 pm all are welcome t t t t stouffville united church of canada rev thos laidlaw ma pastor christmas sunday dec 21st 11 am morning worship the pas tor subject the word made flesh 230 pm ss and bible classes 7 pm evening service rev her bert lee subject the entry to jerusalem of the wise men and others midweek activities cancelled you are cordially welcomed to these services t t t t bloom1xgtox ringwood and aitona churches e morton preacher sunday dec 21st it is that life which is fully sur rendered unto the lord that is both safe and prosperous sunday school every sunday morn ing at each of the above churches preaching service at blooming- ton 11 am ringwood 230 pm and altona 7 pm t t t t christian churches stouffville mid church hilii f e hyde minister sunday dec 21st 10 am stouffvilles sunday school 11 am all we like shepherds sermon by the pastor special music mr w j lawrence blind soloist associated witli the men- delssons choir for over 21 years will be the guest soloist at both morning and evening services 2 pm church hills sunday school 3 pm- watchman what of the night 7 pm messiah his name and his great work in word and song mr lawrence will preach and sing at this service let us all remem ber melville liethesda and peaclios united churches sunday dec 21st peaches 10 am melville at 230 and bethesda 730 pm special christmas services at all appoint ments church carols to bo sung by choir and congregations spe cial music by choir a christmas story by the pastor entitled the unrecognized guest wmm trawl ui sctttg 0 iitgljuiajj daily coach service stouffvilletoronto single 95c return 170 leave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am a 900 am al040 c200 pm c340 pm 530 pm b825 pm v bl015 pm coaches stop at any point to pick up passengers signal plainly by hand to the driver chatered coaches for all group outings at moderate rates for information communicate with gray coach lines yonge at front toronto gray coach lines