thug beats aged couple in hamilton residence mrs alex thomson aged 75 throttled senseless dragged downstairs hamilton nov uo near the un conscious lorm of an elderly woman throttlec urd dragged from her bed room over her invalid husbands bat tered body fiendish brutality and the law fought a terrific battle- on satur day night and the law triumphed in tho darkness of a residenci at 2g bay street soaiii a skulkii g prowler attacked sir and jrs alex thomson aged 75 and thn scuttling in terror to hide or the approach of the police fought like a rat in a trap against a courageous detective who j nett of ar dition ihe damage resulting from a ruthless rampage through the dwell ing an officer wounded in the dis charge of his iufy and an attempt made to escape from custody in the police station daughter calls help the man whose pockets held tapers bearing the name of robert haliday a recent imigrant from scotland was caught by the police through he help of miss aliretta thomson a daughter of his elderly victim and hugh ben- canadas new high commissioner purposely refrained from employing revolver or billy against n unseen opponent the burglar using tho first object which came to his hand a heavy glass tumbler smashed it on the head of detective edward liuck- etfc in a futile ellort to escape and was sent crashing backward into the bathtub of the washroom in which he was cornered the consequences of one of the most outrageous attacks of its kind in llam- irtment s 171 main street iltons police history will face the un named thtg in court two elderly peo ple attacked in the sanctity cf their home and as a result in a serious con- we at 1030 oclock mr and mrs thom son were alone in tcir bedroom the husband having been ill for three weeks when the door suddenly open ed and a young stronger strode in mi thomson shouted for help only to bf beaten brutally by the intrujer mrs thomson appealed to the thug i to si are her husband telling him that he iiad been ill his answer was to seize her bv the throat drag hr from the room and pull her down fie stair way to the main hall where ho hurled her to the floor her head stik and rendering her unconscious newfoundland crew taken to gibraltar search in vain for lost aviatrix rescued 500 miles at sea after four days spent at pumps halifax nov 0 rescued after tour days at the pumps in an unavall- lng effort to keep their vessel the j newfoundland tern schooner olive moore from sinking captain p j pine and his crew of fivo were land- 1 ed here from the cunarder lan1 casfria and will be sent to their homes in st johns newfoundland captain pine is a nephew of lien pine skip per of the gloucester schooner gerti rude l thebaud t the olive moore was caught in a terrific gale when 500 miles off cape st vincent the foremast went by the board and leaks started on the first day pumps were manned but the water steadily gained until part of the cargo had to lie jettisoned the course was altered in an effort tot reach the nearest land at madeira but hope was almost gone when dis tress signals were answored by the italian freighter montello the freighter manoeuvred to the olive moores lee oil was poured on the eea far too rough to lower a boat and the crew were finally taken aboard to be landed at gibraltar prom that point they were sent to i england by the british consul the olive moore built in liverpool ns in 1520 was a tern schooner of 100 tons gross she was bound for malaga from salmon bight whit lab- rador fish hope almost abandoned for life of mrs miller havana hope was all but abandon ed sunday night a3 airplanes and ships searched the florida koy3 in vain cor traco of mrs j m keith- miller daring australian flier miss ing since she left for miami priday in her monoplane bullet on a solo return flight to pittsburgh pa rescue pilots flew over the rough windswept waters of the gulf stream searching for miles on either side of the course mrs miller normally would have taken on lier flight to miami one by one they returned none had sighted her since a panameri can airways pilot sw the bullet lying low about 23 minutes after after mrs miller starcd from gen eral machado airport at havana at ul am friday she was hying at what tho panamerican pilot thought was a dangerously low altitude she tlew northeast by north out over the ocean against a strong head wind and the niytery of her fate it was feared lay now in the gray wa ters off the florida coast the flight normally is made in two hours mrs miller voiced a dread of the sea crossing and was told that she could be escorted by a panamerican plane if she wishea to go when one of the regular planes made its daily flight the plucky little australian woman however refused the escort and took off alone i milk prices are reduced j 12c a qt result of agreement not a krught cf old producers accept offer of distributors at 220 to 230 a hundredweight toronto no co winter price of milk in tosonto will be 12 cents a quart starting today the lowest re- tall price since the early days of the war the onecent reduction to the con sumer has been brought about by a joint agreement between the to ronto milk producers association and the toronto milk distributors whereby the former body accepts the to effect the dairies will pay the pro a mutual agreement has beea ar rive at between the milk distributors of toronto and the producers associa tion that will enable tho toronto dair ies to sell milk to the public at 12 cents a quart commencing monday dec 1 tho dairies have been pay ing the producers 250 per 100 pounds according to the new government method of buying which is coming in citer of tbe distributors of between 220 and 230 per cwt delivered at the dairy milk sohv for 12t cents last summer and jumped to 13 cents two months ago ducers an average of between 220 and 200 per 100 pounds this re duction has been passed on to the consumer blaming the present depressed at a closed conference between re state of the dairy industry on the col premier g howard ferguson accepts post in london ellg succeeding the late hon p c larkin new serum developed for infantile paralysis new vork a new serum five times 83 strong as any heretofore available for infantile paralysis and its efficaci ous use in more than 57 cases were reported lo the new york county medical society recently the serum is produced in horses and was developed by prs m neu- atadter and k j canzhaf dr neustadter announced it had eeii proved definitely that horse benin lias neutralizing value for in fantile paralysis irtih ihrons daughter now 110 years old belfast northern ireland a tele- gram of congratulation from the king and queen was sent to the hon katharine pkmket who celebrated katharine plunket who celebrated her 110th birthday hor on nov 2 quietly as lias been her wont for many years this remarkable old ud i the daughter of tha second baron plunket bishop of tuam giant seaplane dox is damaged by fire lisbon fire broke out in the great german seaplane dox moorea in the harbor here on saturday con suming one of the huge wings before it was extinguished comrnandor friedrich christiansen and other officers had gone ashore be fore the fire started leaving six fel low sailors aboard but these six fellows fought the blaze to such good effect that it was out live minutes niter it had started firemen ami volunteers from shore were rushing to their assistance and harbor boats were coming as close as possible but the men on the do x fought their own battle none of the crew was injured king george to decorate municipalities in france paris the british embassy recent ly announced the king has decided to decorate the city of iteauvais the town of ailonne and the beauvais hos pital in gratitude for their meritorious work in the 11101 disaster tho de corations will be conferred by the em bassador baron william tyrrell in ceremonies on dee 3 can farmers win championships in chicago grain show chicago nov 30 canadian farmers indicated that they will bo a strong factor in tho competition for grain championships at tho international livestock exposition winning three championships and mora than their bhara of minor nwatds as early judg ing was completoly in tho hay ani strain bhow which is conducted in ojnjunction with tho exposition outstanding in tho early winkings taking of tho first prize in livlsida by george avery of ww the k- sask 11 trsie of wembley la tho p river country o alberta hla return to successful i leirby taking the field peas with ms exhibit of small jv trelle a former wheal 1 i ro compete la last in the field beans classes mary p lnycock of milford ontario won a surprise victory when her sample of navy beans was adjudged the best field bean exhibit of the show in the flax competition charles f holmes of dollard sask who finish ed third was the highest ranking of tho canadians in soy beans in which competition is by classes and regions c s looncy o sparta team was awarded the championship hugh jeffrey of whltj by ont after winning first place i in the region which includes ontario michigan and territory as far as east- j era wisconsin saw his entries take tho reserve soy bean championship is tho intercollegiate livestock judging competition the only cana dian entry tho onlario agricultural college team finished fifteenth in a field of twentythree girl dead in car samples exempt 5 youlhs in jail from sales tax boy s wake up after drunken party to learn they face murder charge gary lnd nov 30 five youths all of whom became intoxicated at a party early today awoke in the gary jail to learn that they were being held in connection with the killing of lsyearod arlene draves high school graduate she died of hemorrhage of the brain caused by a wound on iter head physicians said she also had been criminally attacked miss draves attended a party last night at the home of david thomp son wiio served liquor to his guests after the party had lasted several hours miss draves was fuand uncon scious in tile automobile of her escort virgil kirkiand 20 former high school football star kirkiand leon stanford 21 paul barton 21 henry shirk 21 ami an other youth attempted to rouse her failing that they called dr it o wharton and tied miss draves died shortly thereafter dr wharton who know personally the youths who had called him notified police who ar rested them exchequer court ruling on drugs and medicines is important ottawa nov 30 manufacturers of drugs and medicines do not have to play a sales tax on samples of their products which they send to retail stores some time ago toe exchequer court ruled that firms which print their own stationery had to pay the same sales or consumption tax as had they purchased it from other companies the question then arose whether a sales tax should be paid upon sam ples sent out by drug companies for advertising prposes and a stated case tlic king versus henry k wampole and co ltd was argued before the exchequer court mr justice maclean handed down a decision that the sales tax need not be paid as it was a stated case mr justice maclean reserved judg ment on the points of dismissing the action and the matter of costs the decision will have a farreach ing effect as it applies to many com panies and covers a number of years care of gas stoves if your gas stove burns a yellow j or whito flame you are liable to have sont on the bottom of all cooking ute nsils a proper gas flame consists ot sharp and distinct blue cones with purple edges and if your stove does not burn this way the flame needs more air which may be seccred by proper adjustment of the air shutter we live in deeds we live in deeds not years in thoughts not breaths in feelings not in figures on a dial we should count time by heartthrobs ho most lives who thinks most feels the noblest acts the best where imperfection ceaseth heaven begins philip james bailey presentatives of the distributors and producers the dairies agreed to pass on the reduction to the public and on that understanding the prodcers climbed down from their demand of 230 per cwt and accepted the low er offer in accepting the lower price the producers recognize that the world wide business depression has so af fected the dairy industry that a price of 2f0 was more or less out of the question many producers will lie hard pressed to garner a profit under the new arrangements according to officials of the associatk n to last through winter it is expected that the 12ceut price will remain in effect during the win ter but officials of both sides declin ed to say anything about future prices the distributors have agreed to make new arrangements with tho farmers when conditions warrant it was dis closed we regret very mch having t ac cept a price of 220 but it cant be helped said one of the officials of the producers association it is a discouraging blow t i the dairy indus try in ontario the official statement issued by the toronto distributors is as follows lapse of butter prices and the abnor mal production in the southern hemi sphere the board of directors of the toronto milk producers association outline their side ot the situation in the following statement issued last night situation abnormal the board ot directors ot the to ronto milk producers association having taken into consideration the various factors of the present abnor mal situation in the dairy industry in ontario has determined to accept the proposal on the toronto milk distri butors association this means a price beginning december 1 for milk delivered at the dairy or 220 per cwt after january 1 1931 when the new government regulations come into force the price will be 220 for 34 milk with a fourcent differential for each tenth of a per cent of but ter fat the price for sweet cream is to remain the same namely 50 cents a pound butter fat tho shipper in all cases however to pay the trans portation charges these prices ap ply for at least two months and are subject to revision at any time after two months one months notice of re consideration having been given 1 either party v weird clothing for workers in dan gerou3 industries designed to pro tect them against acids and fires dis played at the labor exhibition at brussels belgium recently shows movie to london veterans the markets russia celebrates exhibits film showing scenes of travel in africa loudon the prince of wales re cently assumed the role of film im- pressario in lambeth jload south london he exhibited his own mcvie of african adventures before 700 former service men its entirely an amateur effort the prince told them some of the cap tions are rather short but thats not my fault the prince expressed the hope that the spectators would get some of the enjoyment at seeing the pictures which i got by taking them at his special request no details of the film itself will bo published mercury 22 below at hawk junction sault ste marie out nov 2s on friday hawk junction on the acrt took the crown from white itivor for the coldest place in this district at hawk junction the mercury slumped to 22 below zero while at whito itiver it was a mere 13 below hearst and prater both report temperatures of 16 below it was three below at the soo for the coldest night of the season good health habits if we are to ho healthy we must keep our bodies clean inside and out side we keep the body clean on the outside by means of frequent baths and a daily wash all o or with soap and water we keep it clean inside by seeing that waste material is not allowed to accumulate in the system drinking pure water in sufficient quantities is a simple mean of keep ing the system cleansed it is important to form regular habits to insure both forms of cleanli ness training along lhcse lines should start in infancy if cleanliness within and without is to become a lifelong habit sun vill cook steaks in future toronto- tho bright day may come when mrs housewife will not have to bend over a hot fire to cook that steak for supper shell just hitch her oven to the sun and let it go at that thats with a little stretch to the imagination was the hopo held out by dr c g abbot secretary of the j smithsonian institution in an address nov 23 before the royal canadian institute cooking has been carried on with great success by use of solar heat ho said and there was great hope that engines driven by power from the sun may be a practical outcome toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices j eggs ungiadeu cases returned frcsn extras 50 to ouc fresh firsts ot to 52c seconds 32 to 3jc pullet extras 40c j butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 30 to 30uc no 2 ho to 2mic churning cream special 31c no 1 lloc no 2 27c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 14 vi o 11 vic quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry alive fatted liens over 5 lbs 19c over 1 to 5 lbs 16c over 3i to 1 lbs loc under 3i lbs lie spring chickens over 5 lbs 18c over 4z to lbs 15c over 4 to 4i lbs 13c under 4 lbs lie broilers 1 to 2i lbs 17c ducklings white over 5 lbs 12c over 4 to 5 lbs 12c colored 2c lb less provision prices wholesale provision dealers are quoting the following prices to retail dealers smoked meats hams nied 2s to sge cooked loins 48 to 52c smoked rolls 34c breakfast bacon 20 to 40e backs peamealed 34c do smoked 41 to 50c pork loins 2114c shoulders loyr butts 22c hams 20 to 22c cured moats long clear bacon ho to 70 lbs 22c 70 to 00 lbs 20c 00 to 110 lbs 13c livestock quotations heavy beef scers 575 to 750 butcher steers hoice 5725 to 775 do fair to good 025 to 7 do com 1 li 550 butcher heifers choice 725 to 750 do fair to good 0 to 075 do com 4 to 550 butcher icows good to choice 150 to 525 do nicd 4 to 150 canners and cutters 175 to 275 butcher bulls good to choice 1 to 5 do bologna 3 to 350 baby beef s to 10 feeders good 525 to 025 stockers 150 to 575 calves good to choice 12 to 13 do med 10 to 1050 do com 0 to 7 do crnssers 4 to s5 milkers 45 to 00 springers 00 to 100 lambs choice s ss75 buck lambs 1 to 7- sheen si 50 to 450 hog bacon woc 075 to 10 do trucked in 50c cwt i hands after peelin under woc do bulchrs 75c per hogj j t usual way discount do selects 1 per hog preiuij dlsagrrocablo odor there will be no danger of cookot beet root becoming moldy if a littlo prepared mustard is placed in the jar in which it is kept mustard mixed with a little vine gar will remove fresh red ink stains from any kind of material rub welt into the affected parts thoii wast with a warm soapy lather and rinso in tepid water should traces of tha ink remain repeat the process south devon cow makes record butter yhld london dig for the second year in succession a south devon cow milkmaid lltlt has oeeu adjudged winner of the upreiue challenge tro phy of the british dairy farmers association in her milking trials she achieved what is believed to be a worlds record butter yield four pounds 101t ounces from one days milk of 7s9 pounds the prize for the winner of tha most marks in the iuterounty clean milk competition went to viscount aster in tle poultry section another class was added to the many varieties this was the dutch welsummer which was represented by two classes ot 71 birds they lay the large brown egg which is always in demand freshen the mattress it is senseless to expect a mattress to stand up year after year without some care and freshening send the hair mattresses nit to a repair man and have it sterilized once in two years then with a little new hair added the mattress may he kept in ita pristine condition at littlo expensa and offer far greater comfort likewise send the feather pillows to a reliable laundry the will re- tarn plump and clean and it is muck easier than to have hem done at home where drying facilities aro not of tho host fifty cents for having a pillow tubbed and sterilized is littlo cost to have it seem like new household hints keep the cords on tho vacuum cleaner and other electric appliances free from kinks because theso wear on the insulation and aro liablo to catiso breaks who worn spota appear cover them at once with bi cycle tape these precaution will prolong the service of tho cord you ran frost the plain electric bulbs take sufficient whito shellao to cover a bulb when dipped into it and add alcohol to make a very thin mixture dip the bulbs in this or ap ply it with a brush making a thin even coat by mixing a littlo dyo with the shellac any colored bulb may be produced try mustard bub a little dry mustard over th onions then wash this removes tho red square in moscow russia during luco celebrations on nov 7 in honor of 13th anniversary of soviet government two useful hints when frying place a saucepan lid over the frying pan it will keep in the steam and the contents of the pan will cook more quickly instead ot chopping onions grate them on the suet grater from the bot tom end instead of small chunks you will get a mass of pulpy onion which does not require previous cook ing for uso in minced cooked meat dishes edison studying fog problem solution for airmen much simpler than many think he claims west orange nj thomas a edi son is now devoting his inventive ability toward developing mechanism to defeat aviations greatest enemy fog in a recent interview with lieuten ant richard aldworth director of newark airport tho famous inventor- tq fa h0 ve bm cxc0ci said lie believed tho solution was otly mle3 hmr aa1 a much himpler than it seemed to weather bureau tells how to estimate winds velocity washington when tho wind whistles iu tho telegraph wires id blowing moro than twentyfive tnllos an hour and when chimney pola many students of the problem i edison said ho was working out aj system of signaling with rockets us ing lights at night and black smoke j iu the daytime tho rockets would bo shot up 4000 feet and would tell i tho depth ot tho fog ind the location of the airport gale this rulo of thumb system wilt cnablo an7 one says tho weather bureau to make a fairly accurals estimato of wind velocity when tha wind blows less than ono rallo an hour tho bureau says smoko rise vertically and it drifts in a wind ot from one to three miles an hour a 7o0sd births the lota population a good business mar always rtadi was estimated a the middle ol 1923 the postscript of a omans letter to be 1 130000 first