Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 20, 1930, p. 8

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stouffville november 20th 1930 young farmers meet at vellore the junior farmers of york county met at the vaughah town ship hall at vellore on thursday evening november 13th on the occasion of the annual plowing competition the banquet being put on by the vaugban township junior ladles mr clarauce maple acted as chairman mr j p mcgregor toronto presented the marion mcgregor cup to h j couperlhwaite of agineourt for the best plowed land in the competition mr a j ii eekardt who had just returned from california was present and presented his tea service to allan gray of stouffville reeve jas itobson of vauglian presented the robert simpson trophy to clarence graham of maple councillor raucliff of whitchurch presented the t eaton club bag to m burnett of stouffville while ex deputy reeve armstrong of king presented the j flcury plow to a mcneil of woodbridge other speakers were keeve gohu imarkham deputy reeve mcmureby of king j 11- mclean clerk ol vauglian and the judge w dougherty those who received cash prizes were d ferguson d j harris and fred timbers all stouffville boys bernard kay cedar brae cameron mcclure woodbridge john patch and ewart finder aurora w r- couperthwaite agineourt wni dougherty is offering a twenty dollar trophy as first prize in the boys class it years and under next year ends lengthy vigil with arrest an allnight vigil on the part of constable syd barraclough result ed in the arrest on wednesday last week of arthur appleton 21 of stouffville and norman g wain- wright 23 on a charge of stealing a iveal calf from the farm of william wilson gormley and 10 bushels of grain from james hunt also of the same locality clue to the theft which took place on sunday a week ago con sisted only in a description of the halter worn by the calf locating a icalf on an empty tarm rented by appletons brother at mount pleasant constable barraclough hid his car in a shed and settled down to await the arrival of the alleged thieves not until s am the next morning did they arrive at the farm and enter the empty house following them in con stable barraclough questioned the two men and finally succeeded it is alleged in getting a signed con fession from both or them former markham max dies at long ray there passed away in long bay one of manitoulins pioneers on november 7th in the person of mr samuel paisley deceased was born in markbam in the year 1842 and went to munitouliu fifty two years ago with his wife who predeceased him obout four years mr paisley had been in poor health for over a year and up to that time was very active he is survived by three sons and three daughters public auction sale farm stock machinery grain ami iceal estate the undersigned has received instructions from the trustee under the bankruptcy act of the estate of milton rexsox to sell by public auction at lot llcoucessiou 9pickeriug twp tuesday november 2j 1930 the following goods and chattels horses black mare aged in foal 2 bay geldings aged brown mare aged bay male s years bay filly 2 years black filly 2 yrs bay mare 10 years black colt 1 year black foal 1 yr sheep hogs it grain 2l breeding ewes 1 ligs shoats about 500 bus grain oats and barley quantity hay straw and ensilage also qualiitlty ot turnips cattle gray cow s yrs milking red cow 7 yrs milking b v cow 4 yrs milking b it y cow 4 yrs milking black cow 1 years red cow fat roan steer 2 years 2 black steers 2 years 2 gray steels 2 years red steer 2 years 7 heifers 2 years roan heifer 3 years bull 1 year 2 spring calves machinery binder deering mower forest wood horse rake deering root pulper fanningmill drill 13 disc mh set harrows 11 disks corn cultivatorhay tedder mccorinick land roller 2 single plows set iron harrows 4 sec 2 single plows set iron harrows 3 sec farm wagon 2 sets trucks set sloop sleighs set light sleighs 2 cutters buggy set pea harvesters hay rack turnip sruffler 2 sets team harness set single harness cream separator dolaval forks hoes and other artiples farm for saie at the same time and place there will be offered the farm containing ss acres more or less 45 acres good workable land and the balance in pasture and bush tekims chattels cash on real estate made known on day of sale or in the meantime from the trustee or their solicitors the trust guarantee co ltd 302 bay st toronto out trustee mccullough button stouffiville ontario their solicitors sale at 1 oclock fw silversides auctioneer auction sale thursday nov 20th at tha re sidence of dr f a dales church street isuouuvilie the entire household furniture including valuable antiques etc terms cash sale at one f w silver sides auctioneer tuesday nov 23 auction sale under instructions from the trus tee under bankruptcy of the estate of milton benson lot 14 con a pickering horses cattle sheep hogs implements etc sale at 1 f w silversides auctioneer wednesday nov 20 sale ot 30 lots of standing timber beech and maple to be sold at lot 12 con 3 uxbridge south oood- lwood the properly of john s may four mouths credit sale at one f w silversides auc tioneer tuesday nov 23th auction sale of farm stock implements grain roots and potatoes ajso some furniture will he sold by public auction on lot 20 4lh con of east gwillimbury sale at 1230 sharp the property belonging to tho late john a forsyth w h kavanagh son auctioneers w h eves clerk thursday november 27 at lot 29 con 9 whitchurch 4 acres of standing hardwood belonging to s paradine 2 winters to re move wood 4 months credit sale at one f w silversides auctioneer wednesday dec 3 extensive sale of farm stock implements hay grain etc belonging to wesley hardy lot 5 con 5 uxbridge sale at one f w silversides auctioneer pair admit armed hold up 4th line uxbridge mr and mrs beach spent sunday evening with mr and mrs 11 ecasby mr j moore has returned home after being in the hospital for two weeks mr and lmrs f linn and family of claremont visited at dan nortons on sunday mrs r faulkner and children al so maud faulkner visited at j collins one day last week this fine weather is sure giving hie farmers a chance to get their tall work and plowing done we are sorry to learn that miss hazel elson has suffered a severe attack of acute indigestion we hope for a speedy recovery a number from this line attended the play entitled hometies at pine grove last week also the play and box social monday evening at glen major fire notice to farmers the the municipal council of stouff ville have decreed that their fire fighting apparatus and chemical engine will bo allowed out of the corporation for fire fighting purpos es only on the strict undertaiidliig that t lie municipality to which it is called or the person it serves will be responsible for tilio expenses in curred by order h w sanders reeve clear as a bell think for only 16950 complete with screen grid tubs with screen grid detector and a 12 full dynamic speaker with two stages ol push pull amplification and a new feature lone control with every radio we sell we give you five service calls absolutely free and guarantee any set for one year we have the latest testing equipment and carry a complete line of radio accessories always on hand think of what this means to you sold and serviced by gordon e cober phone 8101 stouffville ontario note we also sell electric fixtures electric appliances electric stoves electric- refrigerators and electric washers we also sell almost any line of radio you wish to buy pleas of guilty were entered by murray james kirkland and jack darweut charged with armed robbery in county police court at toronto on friday of the canadian bank or commerce at unionville on november c and the holdup of agineourt branch bank of nova scotia some months previously ot over s00 kirkland also pleaded guilty to robbing the bank of montreal at king of 910 the pair elected jrlal by magist rate keith arthur roebuck k c appeared for darwent while kirk land was represented by herbert lennox k c unemployment and hard times were given as the reason for the two accused mens actions crown suggests irishes crown attorney c frank moore pointed out when evidence was con cluded that the lasn and life could be imposed for the charges hp suggested a severe penalty the crown feels that lashes might he imposed but that is up to your worship he said magistrate keith remanded the pair until wednesday november 19 for sentence although three banks have been looted only the evidence in the unionville robbery was heard the crown pointing out that all the robberies had been staged in a similar manner tells of robbery g g maynard manager of the unionville bank related how men entered his bank ordering himself md three employees to lie down on the rioor kirkland entered the vault but couldnt open the door he testified he then ordered tho teller and myself to open the safe then com manded us to return and lie down on the floor again when i turned to take a good look at darwent he was threaten ed with a gun kirkland then entered the vault and rifled the safe the bank staff was next ordered into the vault and the door closed by the robbers being wedged shut by a block of wood when they went out one man shouted were the same two who held up the bank at agineourt not the man whom they are holding related the bank manager defence counsel lennox pointed to this as a point in kirklands favor its not every one wlio is go ing to admit responsibility for a robbery for which another man is held he declared he explained that while guns had been carried they had not been used character evidence rev j b lindsell rural dean of muskoka testified to the- previou good standing of jack darwent the atoised mans twin brother also gave character evidence while mr roebuck admitted the charges were serious ho pointed out darwent was not an imported criminal and was out of the class of the hardened lawbreaker he re ferred to darwents two years service overseas both solicitors claimed their clients of previous good standing had been forced in to robbery because of inability to secure employment mr lennox pointed out that kirk land had confided to him he had not tlie same scruples about robbing an institution rather tnan an individu al who might be as hard up as him self as no one suffered directly when an institution was looted says robbery planned this robbery was premeditated as t lie men went there with a wedge of wood with which to jam the vault door pointed out the crown in umming up it is never tho in tention of bandits to shoot they go into tho bunk after money usually they are bolstered up by dope or drink and in a state of intense nervous excitement and it is a short cry from a nervous finger on n trigger to a shot being fired theres enough power in this to blow half a man to pieces at short range declared mr moore holding up the shell of the ugly 13 army revolver used in the holdups he said the bank employees could not be blamed for obeying orders given by gunflourishing bandits i think they showed very good sense commented hie cadi mr moore then suggested a severe penalty his worship remand ing the prisoners information for the busy farmer from dept of agriculture royal fair ojmhs this week marks the opening of the royal winter fair at toronto and everything points to the most interesting exhibition of agricultur al produce and live stock in the fairs history this in spite of condi tions in many parts of ontario which tended to retart a number of crops during the past season coming at this season of hie year representa tive farmers in large numbers from all parts of the province are expect- jed to attend- the visit of the royal 1300 party of farm boys and a simi lar party of farm girls will he a feature of the occasion tie fair continues from xov tilth to 27th radio service complete up-to- date equipment for work on all battery and electric sots for efficient prompt service at reason- aide prices ii will pay you to investi gate phone markbam 2003 stewart beare ised car bargains 1929 ford tudor 192s ford tudor jis chev coupe 1927 star coupe 1927 star tudors 1929 ford ton truck 1920 chev sedan 1924 ford tractor 2 1923 ford tourings 2 ford ton trucks chev ton truck 1924 durant touring mclaughlin sedan rclbort hold the ford dealer should ban out cistern during the warmer months of the year cistern water has a tendency to become foul disagreeable and un- healthful various insects and the washings from roofs of houses es pecially where birds are numerous conspire to pollute cistern water with the cotiling of the rainy season farmers will find it valuable to give the cistern a thought cleansing in preparation for refilling with fall rains filters also should bke taken apart or reconstructed according to the type in use the cistern should be closed in so that surface water insects and small animals cannot get in purity of water in cisterns is a primary consideration for superior service phone or leave your order with r e curtis agent for canadian cleaners dyers 159799 queen st e ltd toronto calling days tuesday thursday saturday house furniture sale iicluiliiig antiques tribute to womens institutes no money expended by the prov inee of ontario is expended so wise ly or does so much work as the money expended on tne womens in stitutes declared hon thomas l kennedy minister of agriculture who was guestspeaker at the recent 10th annual convention paying tribute to tiie work done by the institutes lie expressed the belief that the jsoooo expended by the government tlris year on the womens institutes would be in- creased he added that he hoped some money would be spent or ibeautifying farm lands emphasiz ing the important place taken by lowers fruit trees and plain ordin ary paint in making a farm into a home he also expressed the wish that every rural home might enjoy the privilege of hydro he saw no limit to tlie good work the govern ment might accomplish with tlie support of the womens institutes wilder feed situation there will hp many barns without tlie usual supply of feed this coming winter in tlie drought areas the cows are on full winter rations the amount of feed that wili be avail able for winter feeding is being re duced by just this much one sug gestion to meet the situation is that some herd culling will be in order in most herds of ten or twelve cows there are two to four cows that are definitely known to be lower pro ducers than their stable mates if these were to be sold it would re duce the consumption of feed from 20 to 40 per cent while tlie reduc tion in production would be only from 10 lo 20 per ccnt clean up the hen house every hen house should he clean ed before putting in the pnlletcrop a good thorough cleaning consists of removing the litter tind all poul try house fixtures such as mash hoppers drinking fountains and the like then flushing the walls ceil ings dropping boards and floor scraping loose any dirt that may have a tendency to stick after the house lias been thoroughly icleaned it is ready for a coat of whitewash this will improve the appearance of your hen house make it much light er for tlie birds and at the same time help to kill parasites and lis ease germs a common practice is to add a pint of disinfectant to a gallon of whitewash clean comfortable quarters tor tlie pullets go a long way toward increased production during tlie winter months bloomington mr and mrs m ranier of mongolia spent sunday at ii smiths e a storry is slowly recovering from his accident which omeiired on thursday last mr and imirs m rose of billan- trao spent sunday at mrs j storreys mrs law attended the funeral of her nephew sou of win yake at goodwood on sunday afternoon the monthly meeting of the ladies aid of the christian church was held at the home of mrs bruce morton on thursday afternoon market ouotations are slightly lower and we are now prepared to quote as folows no 4 c w barley 34c off truck in 100 bus lots mixed feed oats 23c ofr truck in 100 bus lots barley meal i 100 lb jute sacks si 00 nor in oat chop in 100 lb jute snicks 17 on per ton all olher varieties supplied on short notice at rock bottom prices dicksons iiiiti milks phone 2scs w a jones pop instructions auction at to sell by public tlie residence of dr f a dales church street sloullville ox thursday november 20th ninepiece dining room set walnut chairs upholstered in solid leather with spring seats library table mahogany bureau oak telephone desk willi telephone inside also stool sideboard hardwood exten sion table hardwood 2 3pieee bedroom suites 1 dark oak and 1 light and dark oak contrasted springs and mattress feather mattress goose feathers kootcnay range steel warming closet large reservoir and water front 2 separate beds and springs with one mattress number f hairs and 3 rockers 4 tables suitable for flowers sofa number stands piano bench oak homemade chest of drawers birdseye maple handmade antique maple bed antique handmade ohice desk with top type writer underwood sewing machine new williams in good condilion sewing machine new williams drop head 2 electric light fixtures extension couch refrigerator cellar igupboard extension bedcouch with cover mccaskey register in use at present as safe covered bench seat suitable for sunroom or otlice gasoline lamp students lamp floor waxer eaton make number pictures tent large window and number window shutters picture roll bible views number window- screens maple flooring enough for small room number miscellan eous articles 2- bird cages tube radio witli ear phones a quantity window glass honey supplies containers extractors 2 large lamps wheelbarrow lawn roller 2 lawn mowers garden hose work bench a quantity tools and other articles too numerous to mention terms cash xo reserve as the doctor has sold bis residence and is leaving town sale at 1 oclock f w silversides auctioneer phone if tt fred ilk b con gall j strayed a big w stouffvil u lit mi lot e sow is mo ilrkbri shears f 0010 i lkistkr saje j o i5aj1 spall dry hai dry hart dvvotll iwood bee a eh hunt and i igs for sale 3 shoats small pigs norman claremont phone 17 in resii cow for sale shorl also holstein bull 2 years bred jos winterstein si 12 stock for sale holstein soon due also purebred 11 bull about 2 yea rs old al team of work horses e tinl phone 2s11 ringvvood resii cow for sale jers years old also ayrshire ho springers v e wideman con 10 whitchurch estray dark jersey heifej our premises about xnvembe information of her wbereal thankfully received geo kef phone 300l to rext 0 roomed house trally located electric light water installed j bori sloullville kstray- and wt on left valley ilei ighln hip ph elord st g about i mel ml albe eerwhite 900 bra ugliliu l rt 4110 for sale 2 cows soon co in 1 ayrshire bull 2 yrs team good horses with hail e tieukamp phone 2s11 wood card of thanks i wish to thank tlie many friends and neighbours for kind assistance and sympathy shown in our rdcent sad bereavement mrs john a forsyth ix memoriam ilelmkay in loving memory of our dear son and brother freeman who passed away between november 10th and 13th 1927 while hunting in the bush near cochrane new ontario the month of november again is here t- its tho saddest of all the year although far away from sight and speech yet not too far for our hearts to reach b dearer to memory than words can tell are the thoughts ot hini we loved so well we are thinking of you dear brother thinking of the past picturing you in memory jut as we saw you last you left behind our aching hearts that loved you most sincere that never did nor never will forget yon brother dear we were not there to clasp his hand we did not see hint die we only know lie passed away and could not say good bye father and family m to ioo acre fa rm wax suitable for truck garden i fowl fall possession prefel send lull particulars to hunker 221 indian road cent toronto ph jet 9217 grist for siloam milj mr john s toddevans lo inform tlie farmers in the vicl of siloani that lie will be prep after this week to do chopping crushing of all kind of grail tlie mill at siioam list op properties for s vacant lot on main street house properties in different tions in town 50 acre farm for rent at once 100 acre farm to rent or sell dont forget tile old reality estate also consult me on w repairing and broken lenses frames at a proper focus glial toed at that work over 10 yc jeweller and real estate in nection j yake silvester bl stouffville massey harris agen in the old stand just south post office stouffville get repairs and new implements j p cassidy phone 90 farm machinery binder repairs also gl double and single riding ploj also cutting box witli blower 13 for sale cheap ben rexlin stouffville phone 192 highest prices for fat fowj wool and hides clean your stables in the time the toronto litter carrier enables you to clean stables in onethird the time required by oldfashioned wheelbarrow methods the big strong bucket carries three times a wheel barrow load and swings along overhead tracks to pile or spreader so simple a boy can run it built for long years of hard usage bucket is absolutely icalf proof is hot galvanized to resist rust and runs smoothly on roller bearings it pays for itself in hours saved every week for more profitable work let us explain the many other advantages of the toronto litter carrier or write for splendid new booklet explaining and illustrating this and many other toronto stable equipment installations its free george j lawson stouffville ontario sswiwwraa ssssm

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