Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 20, 1930, p. 7

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newfoundland- vancouver in columbia planned by atlantic fliers king opens parliament new york capi j errol boyd of toronto who piloted tha monoplane columbia on lt3 second flight across the atlantic a few weeks ago and is now it3 owner will try within tho next few weeks to fly the vessel with out a stop from st johns nfid to vaucouvor bc according to john a obrien promoter of boyds ocean flight with boyd will be lieut har ry connor his navigator on tho at lantic hop tho columbia has twice been flown across tho atlantic mado roundtrip flights from new york to havana and new york to bermuda and has been in a fow crackup3 it will bo tha first nonslop flight across canada from ocean to ocean prevlou3 flights hava started from montreal or ottawa and proceeded by easy stages to the pacific coast dismantled tho columbia is now en route to montreal on tho liner duchess of bedford which is also bringing boyd and connor back for their mont real welcome tho piano will be re assembled at montreal tho exact date of tha start has not been set hon fred t smye j animals destroyed dead at hamilton ontario cabinet minister had bsen 111 three months hamilton hon tied t smye mpp for west hamilton and minis- tor without portfolio in the ontario cabinet died shortly after four oclock on saturday afternoon at his home 51 aberdeen avenue as he had been ill for more than three months his passing was not un expected during tho past week ho had but few conscious moments and hope for his rocovery was abandoned by his physician a week ago saturday tho funeral was held on tuesday afternoon at 230 oclock in tho church of the ascension not only in hamilton but through out ontario and the dominion the death of hon fred t smye will be regretted ho was widely known and had a host of friends his success was entirely de to his undertakings he advanced rung by rung on tho ladder of life until he reached a position of prominence and honor hon mr smye was in the true senso of tho term a selfmade man and always mindful of his experiences and reverses in his early struggles was willing to extend a helping hand and words of encour agement to tho3e in need wherever he served his capacity for work and his keen executive powers wore recognised and the im portant offices to which ho was named were tributes to his ability as an ad ministrator as a boy ne took a keen interest in political affairs anil all his life was a staunch conservative and an active worker elected in 1926 it was not until 102g that he agreed to seek public office although on numerous previous occasions he had been urged to do so in tho provincial general election of that year ho was elected by a substantial majority as the representative for west hamilton succeeding tho lato a c garden on dec 10 1928 tho west hamilton mpp was named minister without portfolio in tho ferguson government which post ho held at tho lime of his death during his tenure of office ho served on practically all important committees of the legislature tho late mr smye wa3 a lifelong member of the church of the ascen sion anglican and his mother is tho oldest living member of tho congre gation today ho held office there ami also associated himself with the work of tho synod and laymens as sociation being president of tha lat ter body at the tlmo of death ho was a director of the commer cial travellers association of canada for many years and chief officer for hamilton past president of tho irish protestant benevolent society mem- i her of tho masonic order knights of i pythias and foresters hamilton club i royal hamilton yacht club ancaster coif and country club thistle club and canadian club surviving besides his mother are his widow and ono son fred t smye in barn fire men heard to threaten they would start blaze when refused entrance richmond hill nov 16 police were on tho lookout for two knights of the road following an outbreak of firo in a barn owner by j h dunlop and sou early this morning in which 33000 damage was caused tho pair are alleged to have threatened to destroy the buildings early saturday evening when james butler watoh- man refused to let them in vkhough the sparks were blown by a fairly strong east wind the brigade under chief h j mills pre vented other buildings from catch ing firo except for tho dunlop house which was slightly burned around eight oclock saturday night butler heard noises while making his rounds of the buildings and discover ed two hoboes at the door they de manded to be allowed to enter after telling them that ha was unable to comply with their request they de manded money for food failing that they said they would get in by some means butler closed the door whereupon the pair hulled brick through a win dow with the parting threat that thoy would destroy the property butler notified chief sid barraclough who failed to find them after a diligent search in the vicinity at one oclock st day morning when the watchman was making his rounds again he noticed a fire over by a barn a quarter of a mile away tho brigade was called but the blaze jiad gained such headway that tho barn was destroyed two horses which had been remov ed from tho barn wandered back in i again to finish their slumbers and perished in the flames two cows were also destroyed a freight train northbound passed by after the fire and it is thought the two wanderei3 escaped on it fire men suffered slight burns while fight ing the blaze englishmen building racer 100 million fish for international speed bid found in michigan captain campbell hopes to exceed segrave record with car being secretly constructed while u s challengers prepare with 300 mileanhour craft loudon omewherj in england ting them built t i merlca under uc- a secret car is being bui which capj ease several light car mabufaet talu malcolm campbell hopes to urers hava been approached and liavo create a new worlds speed record signified approval of this project the attempt will be made next yearj asked if he thought tha present at daytona beach i cord of 231 miles an hour was ilkoly captain campbell will christen thoj to ba broken ha replied most cor- car bluebird ii the greatest secrecy tainly i think ho added wo ara 13 being observed regarding tho car going to get far greater speeds in tho detail- of construction will not be near future hat none of tho competitors americans who next february at lew of king and queen as thoy drove down whitehall in stato coach ig recent opening of british parliament expert explains i britain and iraq foggy weather sign friendly pact u s workless estimated at 3400000 in september washington nov 16 unemploy ment was estimatol today by tho commerce department at 3100000 in september an increaso of 900000 over tho census bureaus estimate of last april tho total docs not includo persons working less than tho normal work day or workweek this flguro is only an estimate tho department eald it is based on the approximate number of 2500000 persons reported without jol3 by the unemployment consii3 of last april figures for octobor were not avail able but tho department added that ilia number without work usually in creases in that month lakes are lashed by 40mile gale storm signals fly and 1 00 vessels are scudding for shelter chicago a iomileanhour gale lashed tho great lakes sunday night in the first heavy storm of tho win ter storm signals flew all over the lako region ships scudded for shelter and tha waves pounded breakwaters and shoro lino buildings disastrously par ticulaiiy on the western edge of lake michigan whero tho storm centred moro than 100 boats were on tho lakes the radio corporation flashod warnings to all equippod with wire less no ships reported thomselve3 in distress however despite tho heavy seas tho edge of the storm swept through chicago to blow down many chim neys and signs sunday strollers spent much of their time chasing their hats while motorists found them selves in an unusual number of acci dents because of the heavy wind temperature remained moderate but tho weather bureau predicted that theromomctors would shortly drop precipitately monster of the bush sault sto marie ont nelson mc gregor of blind iuver has shot the largest deer on record in algoma it weighed 325 pounds dressed tho deer was shot near lako matlnonda and it took fivo men to romovo tho monster from the bush desert stonehenge found by british indian officer cairo a grim rocky plateau c000 feet high like that described in conan doyles lost world has been ex plored for tho first tlmo by major ralph bagnold of tho indian royal signal corps who recently returned to cairo from tho libyan desert major bagnold is tho first european to have set eyes on the plateau which was first discovered by arabs in 1023 and named owenat on top io found a people belonging lo a negro tribe from central africa northeast of the rocks ho discovered a remarkable clrclo of stones standing 3 feet high and 27 inches wide similar in forma tion to stonehengo in england tha clrclo is in too desert near tho su danese border 130 mile3 from hie nearest water tho route back to the nile led along an old slave route which was clearly marked by skeletons of camels and there were more than 200 skeletons to every mile major bagnold said im portant additions to tho maps of tho desert were made by major bagnold l- traversed territory never crossed warm days cool nights and considerable moisture in air is combination which brings murky atmsophere warm days cool nights plus con- siderale moisture in the air this combination of circumstances accord ing to john patterson meteorological service director is responsible for the heavy fog described as rolling in on st catharines and the duplicate condition experienced ill toronto late last week mr patterson however would not concur in the statement from st catharines that there has been more fog this autumn than any one can re member he demurred in that con nection people dont remember those things very long tho meteorological service director could not predict the termination of the murky weather but expressed the opinion that a change in the wind heavy rain cold or warm sunshine would effect a change in some re spects ho said tho fog which south ern ontario has been experiencing is a kind of radiation fog aged bicyclist hurt by motor in chatham chatham nov 10 w b wells aged over so clerk of tho division court here is in st josephs hospital unconscious and in a critical condi tion as a result of iujuries suffered saturday night when riding his bicycle toward his home on victoria avenue iio was struck by a motor car driven by clayton mackness of turiiervllle the accident occurred at the intersection of grand avenue wells is suffering from concussion of the brain a fracture of tho collar bone and cut3 about tho head nose and limbs it la written that tho meek shall in- herittha oarth and thats tho only way theyll ever got it inner will run for 25 years after latter joins league of nations bagdad iraq in a special session the iraq chamber of deputies recent- 1 iy ratified tho angloiraq treaty by go to 13 the senate subsequently voting approval by 11 to 5 the treaty which will become operative when iraq enters the lea gue of nations will run for 25 years it provides for great britain to re cognize the independence of iraq and to withdraw- british troops with in five years iraq will lease to great britain three new air bases which will be protect ed by local troops at britain expense- tho equipment of the iraq army will bo british and it will be trained by a british advisory military mission great britain also will be repres ented by an ambassador who will take precedence over all ether diplo mats glasgow claims oldest ymca in the world what is said to bo the oldest ymca in the world is in glasgow scotland here in 1s24 talking to a group of young men across a break fast table david naismith formed tho glasgow ymca which later spread throughout scotland and in 1s77 join ed two other organizations instru mental in founding ymcas in great britain franca and america the glasgow ymca today has fivo large institutions in addition to a holiday house built at a c03t of about 200000 and a permanent hoii day camp for its members available for several mouths told of rivals cars captain campbell said it was imj portant should know anything about his car at present he said he had already learned that there would be two or possibly three one car he is in formed is a packard with two en gines totaling 2300 horsepower while another will have four liberty en gines another car will have four en gines while an australian competitor is building a car equipped with napier supercharged engines concerning his own car captain campbell said certain wind tests had been applied and all had proved satis factory tue car is twentylive feet long and very low it is- under four feet in height from the drivers head to the ground there are a number of peculiarities in the cars construction one of which is expected to increase the comfort and safety of pilots in airplanes such a3 schneider trophy machines as well as racing automobiles in addition to creating a new speed record cap tain campbell hopes to help tho brit ish motor industry he said he realized that any suc cessful attempt to set a worlds speed record apart from bringing prestige to the country from which the car originated could also be of great help to the trade in that country but it seemed to him that in the past it had seldom if ever been the direct cause of increased sales plans demonstration here british light cars he fools are supreme and his idea is to take with him when he leaves for the united states several of these care with a view to demonstrating their capabili ties with the ultimate object of get- americans prepare for race hollywood calif three hundred miles an hour is tho latest aim of daytona beach fla will challenge the motor car speed supremacy of great britain harlan kengier and peter depiolo veteran speedway drivers are watch ing the construction of a car here which it is hoped will develop such speed in an assault on he 2313g miles an hour record of the late major segiave tho machine will be powered with two twentyfour cylinder double igui tion power units which are to drive a body and chassis thirtytwo feet it length the body will bo of tho design that experiments have proved the most stable and nonresistant to air but the hookup of these two gigantic motors each of which develops 1200 horse power will be something of a depar ture from anything tried before the craft will have a fourwheel drive witli one motor attached to the front wheels and the other to the rear no icecooling system is contemplated as ordinary water cooling has proved satisfactory in tests instead of silk casings for the wheels as used by major segrave twelveply cotton fabric tires with thin rubber thread have been tested and found efficient fengler and depaoln hope to have the completed machine on the sands at daytona beach by january 15 for trial spins it has not been decided who will pilot the racer delaolo has driven since 1922 he won the national driv ing championship in 1923 fengler never has appeared on the srieedwoys since ai injury in 1023 the markets a lady of haughty manner had just purchased a postago stamp at tho substation must i stick it on myself sho askcd positively not madam replied the clerk it will accomplish more it you stick it on tho letter champion pullet british columbia with champion jay contest was hold at j agasslz experimental farm ppvoduce quotations toronto dealers are buying produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 50 to 55c fresh firsts 4g to 48c seconds 28 to 30c pullet extras 40 to 42c butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 30 to 30 no 2 29 to 29c churning cream special 33c no 1 32c no 2 29c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined ami government graded 14 to 15cl quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry alive fatted hens over 5 lbs 19c over 4 to 5 lbs lcc over 34 to 4 lbs 13c under svi lbs lie spring chickens over 5 lbs 18c over 4j to 5 lbs 15c over 4 to 4 lbs 13c under 4 lbs lie broilers 1 to 2h lb3 17c ducklings white over 5 lbs lcc over 4 to 5 lbs 12c colored 2c lb less geese and turkeys market prices provision prices wholesale provision dealers are quoting tho following price3 to retail dealers smoked meats hams mod 28 to 3gc cooked loins 48 to 52c smoked i oils 34c breakfast bacon 2g to 40c backs peamealed 34c do smoked 44 to 50c pork loins 24c shoulders 19c butts 22c hams 20 to 22c cured meats long clear bacon 50 to 70 lbs 22c 70 to 90 lbs 20c 90 to 110 lb3 19c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25c lard pure tierces 16c tubs 17c pails 17c prints 18 to 18vsc shortening tierces 124c tubs 13c pails 13 c special pastry shortening tiorcos 15c tubs 15ic pails 16e grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making tho following- quotations for car lots manitoba wheat no 1 hard 72 lie no 1 northern 72c no 2 do g9e no 3 do g7c cif goderich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 30vc no 2 28 argentina corn 71o clf port colborne miufeod dol montreal freights bags included bran per ton 2125 shorts per ton 2225 middlings 2925 ontario grain whoat g8c barley hay and straw prices dealers in hay and straw are offer ing shippers for carload lots delivered t ack toronto the following prices no 2 timothv hay ton 14 no 3 do 1250 to 1350 wheat straw ton 8 oat straw ton s live stock prices heavy beef steers g to 7 butcher steers choice s725 to 775 do fair to good 625 to 7 do com 1 to 550 butcher heifers choice 725 to 750 do fair to good g to g75 do com 1 to 550 butchor cows good to choice 450 to 325 do med 1 to 150 scanners and cutters 175 to 273 butcher bulls good to choice 1 to 5 do bologna 3 to 350 babv beef 8 to 10 feeders good 525 to sg25 stackers 150 to 575 calves good to choice 12 to 1250 do med 10 to 1050 do com g to 7 do grassers 350 to 150 milkers 45 to 90springers g0 to 100 lambs choice 8 to 825 buck lamb3 g to 7 sheep 150 to 450 hogs bacon woc 1075 to 11 do trucked in 50c cwt under woc do batchers 75c per hog dis count do selects 1 per hog prem ium paralysis deaths total 50 to date r3c oats 23c 51a 45c buckwheat 625 cases are reported dis ease now on wane officials say infantilo paralysis has taken a toll of 50 lve3 this year out of a total of g25 cases as compared with 520 ca30s and 28 deaths in 1029 officials of the department of health revealed recent ly that tho disease is definitely on the wane was shown officials said by tho fact that for tha week ending nov s only 17 cases were reported in tho province four deaths woro includ ed in this number ten of tho cases occurred in toronto in octobor there were 174 cases and is deaths in ontario a- compared with 105 cases and ivo deaths for tho similar period in 1920 tho disoaso 13 falling off at tho raao of 10 cases a week it was said american womens annual beauty bill is 750000000 indicating that women are running into big figures trying to avoid them cattle of future may have specially prepared diet ottawa lialm li is for cattlo so that mora and juii u r leaks may re sult is a subject being investigated hero at tho central domini a experi mental farm just exactly what hap pens when a steer swallows food and how it is trau formed into choice cuts of prlmo beef is a matter that science lag odd and unfamiliar accoutrements digestion stalls aro being used to determino the digestibility of certain foods whether a certain typo of clover hay produces better or worse its j uea oi harm a question of balanced diets tho rescue what am i going to uo no7 fossils of salt water species that swam over inland sea unearthed at alpena ann arbor mich discovery of fos sils and plates and other parts from armored flab said to have existed ami battled nearly 100000000 years ago was niado recently near alpena it ua been disclosed at tha university ot michigan museum here by professor e c case who with two other as sociates ara making a study of th species tha fossils first ever to ba found la michigan were brought here by pro fessors ca30 g m ehlers and r g- hussey aftor the trio had found them in a stone quarry la the northorn part of tho state it 13 believed the find constitutes tho first of its kind in his tory and will prova to bo ot groat scientific value according to he museum head thoy were salt water fish which swam over tha present state ot michigan and sur rounding territory in the groat inunda tions which at various times camo from tho gulf of mexico the arllo ocean and the pacific from what dataj can bo obtained the fish are said to havo been heavily armed about tho head with the rest of tha body vir tually unprotected although no definite estimate can be made it is thought the fish reach ed a length of probably three and one- halt feet and old records show that in soma casea they measured more than thirty feet an attempt will be mada to obtain a more complete collection ot the prehistoric species gifts little girls can make as a mother of four girls all want ing to give grandma and aunty some thing i have been planning and studying for several weeks on just what they could do or make i know that grandma is just oldfashioned enough to want a square dust cloth for her dusting so one girl is mak ing dust cloths from 36inclf squares of cheesecloth the hems are being finished with the running stitch in contrasting color lavender for ono green and yellow for the other two these are to be folded in neat square and tied with satin ribbon in tks combined colors one girl put two 12inch square of the cheese cloth together turned the edges in and finished with tho button hoie stitch in color a small butterfly was outlined in one corner and this made a very pleasing wash cloth the third girl found a plain piece of medium stiff bristle board pasted a small calendar in one corner and printed a cute verse beside it a group picture of the four girls was mounted in the centre and a pretty ribbon run through tho top and tied into a bow this handy littlo cal endar for grandmas desk is full of memories the fourth girl only three ears old wanted to do something too so with mothers help in guiding her small fiiilger she took a red piece ot blotting paper also ouo in green and one in yellow these were tied to gether at one end with green red and yellow ribbon and my flng i done too she boasted surely grandma will have a wonderful christmas this year a reader indian couple prefer tent in winter burks sd white nun may seek the shelter of houses and the warmth of a modern furnace when winter comes but planty horse and his wife fullblooded sioux indians near win ner sd express their preference for tho tents in which their forefather lived the aged couple who have probably passed their golden wedding anniver sary by mora than ten year3 livo in a tent pitched in the dooryard ot th log houso which the government pro vided for them in 1s79 neither can speak english but through an inter preter planty horse had made it known that ho and his wife aro moro than eighty years old they eat from a kettle over a eampuro and sloop on the ground with only a blanket to protect them during the past ten years says tho optimeter some 792994 cat tle 51031 calves g9g315 hogs 258- 941 sheep and 15112 horses wcro handled through the moose jaw stocjs yards according togure3 canvpiltea by tho southern saskatchewan co operative stock yards in other words more sheep and swina were handled through tho local yards in tho period under review than the en tire number of sheep and swine pres ent in saskatchewan in 1929 in that year there were in saskatchewan llgg9i3 cattle 207551 sheep 599- 099 swine and 1122757 horses beet steak than aufttiior variety all scientists say and with tho aid ot tho a3 the victim rubbing himself ton as tha express thundered through a wayside station ono of the passen gers leaning out of a window over balanced and fell out of tho train fortunately he landed on a heap of sand and did re do himself a grca i rortou went to tjj5 23 strangelooking equipment they hope dorly the porter picked up m is probing for the purpose sn elabor- to devise a diet that will mako cortaln j ticket which had fallen to the grouret canadian beef so desirable the rest otj youre all right mister ho auls the world will ba willing to pay almost casually this ticke allows break ato mechanical contrivance has been constructed in w hfeh four seriou locking bullocks stad all day wea any price to so a cut of it i of journey

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