april escapade by kathleen n0rr1s bovbot i do rot understand something added said cwotab yarnowska she is smitfcson the citv mau was tf byoodiful yaze fcot i do not know bjs wcctea1 on tli farm jjou are mamed during an inspection of the sheds ho i bhe remained starn hankly 0qe of ft fa vereiy at christopher 5toy kate re- synopsis mary kate and martin aro the only working member of the widow o iijra s lioukehoio marttn 1m studying mullein ut nights he gets a chance to bo to uermany out lia to refuse owlnc to financial circumstances mary kae works in the ofiee of oordon jtoumree itountrees friend christopher kteynes la being chased by a kuksiin eoanttsa who wants to marry him he makes a buslnesm proposition to mary kate that ihe act as his wife for twentyfour hours in order to discuurace the counuvi mary kate accepts in frder to bive the monev to martin for his trip she tens jier mother the lias to co on a usmss trip for the office and me- meyms in iturllnftame she has dresses in pre paration for the dinner where she is to nnet tiie countess spoke chapter xvi contd we have ten minutes chris told her motioning toward a chair she sat down against a high back of old red brocade embroidered i tarnished bul lion against it the dazzling purity of hair and skin and he folds of the ivory gown shone out with startling beauty will you snh- xo thank you can ycu i never tried do yoi drink a ail again the placid tlignifiad glance from the blue eyes i never have you dance mary oh nce her voice wsva rich with tapture the man laughed im very proud of my wife he said with a sly sidewise glance her color rushed up but she with composure now that were this far into it its all right but all of a sudden it seems to me a perfectly crazy thing to do 1 dont know why there was a little telephone en the table near him lie indicated it idly you could call your mother on that and be talking to her in half a minute yes 1 thought of that you see there are lots of things that trirls couldnt do generations ago that thej can do now for instance suppose you really were going on a trip fom the office christopher ar gued and some perfectly personable young man some nan who might eas ily be in love with you was sent along too that situation must be constant ly occurring oh it is mary kate agreed eag erly as he paused feeling more and more comfortable every minute you and he dine together on the train perhaps make a trip of several days at hotels and on trains the man pursued without anyone think ing the less of you yes i know just the same mary kate said frankly if my moth er ever gets onto this she skin me shell never get on to it not if i can help it by the way we were married more than a month ago christopher reminded her suddenly wed better settle the date she reflected and lie had an oppor tunity to study unobserved the slim lovely body in the ivory satin the thoughtfully dropped coppery head the beauty of the white bare shoulders and bare throat suppose- wo say february twen tythird mary kate suggestediiook- ing up the day after washingtons birth day we can remember it by that and where lets say washington again we cant forget washington thats a grand place to be mar ried she said innocently by the way have you a handker chief yes thats she said with the sudden sapphire smile that lighted her whole classic face thais the only part of my trousseau that i bought myself she waved it a filmy bit of veilin edged with deep delicate lace it was two dollars she confessed but isnt it darling christopher pressed a bell peter he said to the old man who promptly appeared will you bring my cousin that white box in the hall these are your violets i thought of orchids christopher told her as she began happily to investigate the silky tissues but with that gown im glad its violets mary kate beat her face over them sniffed deeply oh smell those did you ever smell anything so delicious she said mak ing a long arm to exteiid them to him she stood up and watched herself in the mantel mirror while she carefully pinicd them on her shoulder the i uch of royal purple was the last one needed with the ivory satin the blazing hair and the old pearls ill tell you frankly why shouldnt i ill probably never see you after tomorrow chris said that youre ravishing 1 dare you to keep that gown and he married- in it come on mary he said picking up her wrap we have to go he jerked himself intohis own light coat he wore no hat exactly like a movie thought mary kate in a very rapture over her- gown and flowers her jewels and furred coat her slippers her escort as they went out to the ear she spoke very little on the mile drive christopher completed his in structions now remember we have to take this with a rush they wont suspect unless we do something raw and weve simply got to be careful just keep thinking how utterly indifferent youd be if it was some other man with his wife and keep your chin up after all theyre not going to ask us for our license you know oh lord what is it mary kate asked alarmed at his tone have you a wedding ring oh yes from the fiveandten she laughed joyously i thought of that she exulted then were all set and here we are now up guards and at them a scnta fe ticket to viw take you through on santa fe rails all ihe way from chicago and kansas city you leave on the santa fe and arrive on the santa fe warm days in the desert and along a sunny seashore golf and horseback rid ing keep the pep up and the pounds down fred harvey dining service another exclusive feature moveycurpullmonrcjcrvokcnjcctty p t nrspny cm arcrt santa pb ky zoi transportation bids detk0it mich pfcexc liaiiiidnh 67 is the issue no 4730 chapter xvii they entered another richly furn ished warmly lighted house but not half so piety as el hogar mary kate thought this was an older house comfortable but not beautiful the front doorway was widely opened upon a wide hallway on this soft spring night and their host familiar stout mr rountreo was crossing the hall as they came up the steps oh hello there you are the others are here he said welcoming them you know mrs steynes cordy chris said i should say i do how do you do airs steynes gordon kountreo said with a broad significant smile will you go in there and leave your coat ill wait for you and take you in alary kate wishing herself well out of the whole silly thing and thinking herself a fool followed directions and was promptly taken into a big com fortable obviously bachelor suite of sitting and smoking and living rooms generally where there was quite a formidable group of persons first came doctor and mrs ridley nice nrtistoeratie rather stupidlook ing middleaged persons who were not in the least interested in her joe dnvey don archibald the polo man harry ainslee kent ainslee countess may i present mrs steynes mrs steynes countess yar- nowskn countess marka yarnowska mary kate saw two lean dark rather sickly looking women facing her they were exactly alike except for a difference of some nineteen years both wore shabby ornate dresses cut extremely low and dark scrambled hair both wore elaborate jewelry and ho vy earrings what do you say the older asked sharply with an instant and astonish ed glance from the host to christoph er who was closely following mary kate my wife histophtr said didnt you get my announcement you are married the senior countess asked blankly a month ago countess- was it not clear christopher asked mary kate licved the situation kith an artless laugh we very much surprised our selves she confessed you larry in america pur suer the older von an relentless j cordon rountree who had gon oil into a oud laugh at the remark of mary kate riov was recalled by a withering ook f cm christopher and began to pass canapes feve ishly flu other men ha 1 gathered a ut the ra diant vision that was young mrs steynes and mary kate was shyly holding a little court bot why you dont ui me de manded the countess it was very sudden christopher said suavely sodden bot bot not so quick like i that protested the european i assure you we do everything very quickly we americans the man per sisted the younger russian woman now spoke hurriedly to her mother in their own tongue their faces were dark and angry but mary kate fluttcring- ly laughing and talking in a ring of young males assured herself tiwt there was no suspicion my daughter says that she don like to be surprise like this said countess yarnowska flatly the younger woman looked defiantly at christopher her head high you should have had an announce ment in the mail christopher ex plained come on everyone come out to dinner gordon rountree said hospi tably he rather bustled his distin guished guests toward the dining room where a long and brilliant board was banked with spikes of pale blue del phinium and exquisite pink roses nice dull elderly mrs ridley was on the hosts left the elder ountess on his right mrs steynes said mary kate 0- haras employer will you take the fcot of the table and bs the mama chris do you want to sit next to your wife doctor will you take that chair next to the countess marka now does that come out right you look like a ducherc chris said in an undertone with a quick glance of encouragement to alary kate as he sat down here no whispering gordon rountree said i was saying something nice to alary chris confessed easily to be continued how much milk does that cow give a day he asked the man paused in bis labors eout eight quarts surr he re- i plied really said smifhson interested ly and bow much of that do you tell well surr said the labourer with out hesitation we sells something like twelve quarts what new york is wearing by annabelle worthington no other orange pekoe can equal this in flavour fresh from the gardens diphtheria can be wiped out and lives and dollars saved illustrated dts lesson fur- s je i of substance called toxoid disease kills hre t 1200 every year out of 1 3500 cases- tremendous waste revenge the little set in tile suburban avenue had long decided that browne was overproud of his bargain in the secondhand car market and that something must be done to damp his aggressive enthusiasm robinson one of the set was on his way to tho city one day when he met browne in his secondhand car im going to the station said the carowner would you like a lift no thanks said robinson seiz ing his chance im in rather a hur- 2830 tiiis is one of a series of weekly articles on health topics written by the canadian social hygiene council diphtheria can be prevented if for ten years or less canada were to pay as much money towards pre venting this disease as canadians now pay for curing it and burying its vic tims it could bo virtually elminated and yet at tho present time 13500 canadians experience expensive and dangerous attacks each year with 1200 annual fatalities so you see a great national work is being left undone how does diphtheria kill and how- can its ravages be averted first of all it- is a germ disease a healthy hitman child children are diphtherias victims for the most part who hap pens to bo susceptible to this disease is suddenly attacked by a tiny invis ible germ of it these lodge in the youngsters throat and feed and multi- j ply they give off a waste product which is a deadly poisou and this poison spreads throughout the system a victim of diphtheria dies of poison ing just as surely as though he had swallowed prussic acid however death as wo know does not always result for the germs do not have things their own way certain formations and substances have been placed in the human blood by nature to fight against infection often this defending army of the blood stream wins tho fight against tho invading army of diphtheria germs and when that happens the patient gets well now once recovered such an in dividual rarely gets the disease again the defending army in his blood stream has learned how to repel the attacks of this particular germ comparatively recently doctors have discovered a substance called toxoid which when injected into a human body induces the blood to develop that same resistance to an attack of diphtheria in other words the im munity to diphtheria which a patient painfully develops it is now possible to give to a child by a simple safe series of injections tinder tho skin your own family doctor can admin- ister this treatment and it is up to all parents to make sure that their family doctors do so it is safe and simple and sane and practically painless at one time the city of new york im munized 10000 infants with toxoid without any ill effects whatever j how much simpler to havo yourj children undergo this simple treat- ment than to have your home quaran tined and possibly lose a child or two through diphtheria if only every public health department would see that this marvellous substance be put at the disposal of every parent and if only all parents would insist upon pro tecting their children with it diph theria could be wiped out of canada within ten years and hundreds of lives and thousands f dollars saved j every year r 4 t what do you consider the first sign anybody calls its easy on endally the aye girl whos canadas first university in the town of windsor nova scotia a tablot has been erected by the national barks of canada branch department of the interior com memorating the founding of kings college in 17s9 the first university in canada and the oldest in the brit ish overseas dominions medi co brockville out the admiral coming across a mid shipman thought ho would improve tho shining hour what do you call this instrument he asked thats tho gyrocompress sir quite so and what is the namo of this one oil that is tho standard compass sir quite correct now what is the function of the standard com pass well sir replied tho mid shipman innocently when there isnt any goldlace about wo unscrew it and play roulette with it i famous singers always travel in style alccormack has several at tendants including an italian chef and always has a tank of special drinking water with him chaliapin travels with an interpreter two sec retaries and his own wino cellar gallicurci the famous soprano has a suite of more than fifteen persons scarf neckline gives new appeal to a russian tunic frock of hunters green crepy patterned woolen a wide suede belt marks the natural waistline it matches the deepest tone of the ground of the woolen tha scarf collar repeats the dark shade in plain woolen facing the wrapped closing makes it pari ticularly desirable it makes the ma- ture figure appear gracefully tall and of advancing age slender and accentuates slimness forj getting mad when tho youthful type the pin tucks at yon old the shoulders are decorative its so simple to make the cost to copy it is unbelievably small stylo no 2830 may be had in sizes 16 18 years 3g 38 10 and 12 inches bust size 3g requires 4vi yards 39inch with s yard 39inch contrasting and lh yards 35inch lining bordeaux red canton crepe dark green velveteen black canton crepe and brown tweed mixture in now- lightweight arc strikingly smart com binations how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto patterns sent by an early mail whats in a name the magistrate was questioning a woman witness in the box whats your husbands vocation ho asked lies a vegetarian she replied haughtily the magistrate looked puzzled no no ho said tersely i mean what does he do for a living 1 told you once she replied hes a vegetarian he sells vegetables for dry skin minards liniment queer animal binbay one of tlie queerest an imals in tiie world was found in new guinea and brought here for shipment to europe by horr kibler german na turalist it is two feet long has a birdlike bill spines liko a porcupine pouch like a kangaroos lives under ground like a mole lays eggs but suckles its young and adapts itself to temperature like a reptile horseracing was a popular sport moro than 3300 years ago according to hittite inscription found in meso potamia curates are said to be drifting after training in wales into england where stipends are higher and the prospects of advancement are better lafayette just oh the boardwa k fireproof construction on a residential avenue harmonious restful surroundings with recreational advantages european plan irom 4 daily american plan from 7 daily weekly or season rates 01 application canada joins ranks of leading nations occupies second place a producer and exporter of automoiles in the production of many staple products canada ranks high today among tho leading nations of the world in tho production of printing paper nickel asbestos and cobalt sho leads the world she occupies second place in the production of automobile in tho output of lead and gold sha holds third place and in tho produc tion of wheat fifth place in the ex port trade canada leads the world la printing paper nickel and asbestos occupies second place in the export ot- altomobiles wheat and wheat flour and fourth place in the export of wood pulp the exports of these staple productions make up about do per cent of the dominions total domestic exports wheat occupies first place among canadas exports the rapid iucreas in production in the prairie provinces during the past decade or so and tho practical elimination of russia ru mania and other wheat producing countries of kurope as leading factors in the grain trade bad the effect of establishing canada iu second plaeo as a wheat producing country first place was held by the united states during the past two years however russia has enormously increased her production of wheat so that in 1028 and 1929 site occupied second position in wheat production moreover iu 1029 canadas wheat crop was greatly reduced with the result that the do minion moved down to fifth position she was in fact in that year exceed ed by the united states russia franco and british india the 1029 canadian crop of 200530000 bushels was it should be added much smaller than any since 1924 the crop of 102s having been 533572000 bushels flour milling industry since the opening of the century canada has made remarkable progress in the hour milling industry her ox- ports of wheat flour for the fiscal year 1000 amounting to tcs000 barrels ten years later they had risen to 3001000 barrels ami in 1020 to ssssoofl bar rels in the fiscal year which closed in march last they declined to 7s94- 000 banels but in the previous fiscal year they were 11267000 barrels the- explanation of tho decline is mainly the reduction in the wheat crop but partly to tho disturbed situation in the grain trade in spite however of the decline in her exports of flour during the year canada still holds second position among the exporters of wheat hour in tho calendar year 1029 the export of flour from the united states was 13- 003000 barrels while canada came second with 0571000 barrels third position was held by australia with 5557000 barrels while hungary canto fourth with 2052000 barrels in com parison with tho united states the canadian flour milling industry baa made great advances since before tho war the export of wheat flour from the united states in 1913 was 1227s- 000 barrels and in tho last calendar year 13003000 barrels from canada the export in 1913 was 404000 bar rels and in 1029 it was 9574000 bar rels a man went into a shop for a shave and was waited upon by a man who waxed eloquent on the germproof na ture of the business tho towel was superheated the razor sterilized the soap bacterlalized and tho comb and brush antlsepticlzed great scheme said the customer who had been waiting patiently for the discourso to finish but why dont you go ahead and shave me but im not tho barber sir said the man youre not then where is he exclaimed the customer theyre boiling him the man replied british apprentices are very popmar in french racing stables as french five weeks she answered redden- a ing but courageous it was tht care about horses twentythird j i you arc married the european wouan f mmuy woman asked again frowning i bands past it he comes home with a suddenly chritopher said i presenl coal merchant take aikajuaftro of special freight rato of s675 on alberta coal now ex tended to september 31st 1931 spe cial ontario prices if interested ret in touch with onr branch office 11 paris bldff winnipeg impibe coiiierirs xtx feel mean dont be helpless when you suddenly get a headache reach in your pocket for immediate relief if you havent any aspirin with you get some at the first drugstore you come to take a tablet or two and be rid of the pain take promptly nothing is gained by waiting to see if the pain will leave of its own accord it may grow worse why postpone relief there are many times when aspirin tablets will save the day they will always ease a throbbing head quiet a grum bling tooth relieve nagging pains of neuralgia or neuritis or check a sudden cold even rheumatism has lost its terrors for those who have learned to depend on these tablets gargle with aspirin tablets at the first suspicion of sore throat and reduce theinfection look for aspirin on the box and the word genuine in red genuine v aspirin tablets do not depress the heart aspirin trademark rcg skunks character is cruelly maligned a woodchuck is a fat thief as dan gerous to a farm garden as a host of locusts yet even the farmers son hast a sneaking affection for tho chuck and a sneaking respect for anything fat which can move so fast all the squirrels red and gray and chip munks alike are skinny thieves yet wo love them tho poets include wild mice within their zones of romantic interest and every one except the farmer who catches them in his or chard feels a warm glow of enthusi asm at sight of a deer henry wil liamson writes fondly of tho otter even the weasel becomes royal as er mine among wild animals in our scale of values only the skunk is vile now the skunk is really a very amiable little animal whose chief fault is laziness he likes mice and birds and snakes but is usually too indolent to catch them grasshoppers and crickets aro his preferred food but when the supply runs short ho takes almost any food available in the outer suburbs he finds the family gar bage can a great resource there must bo thousands of suburban housekeep ers who would he horrified if they knew how intimate were his nocturnal routes there is a superstition that the skunk smells all the time and that ho is aggressive it maligns him ho can be as cleanly as a cat and uses his special weapon only when an noyed traveling at night as he does he sometimes makes the mistake ot assuming hostility before it is proved but in that he is not so different from tho human wo are all a little wary of visitors in the dark bnt we have a different armature as a matter of fact apart from the special capacity with which naturo has endowed him one which differs only in intensity from that of mink and weasels tha iikunk has precisely the kind of easy going temperament which gives a man tho reputation of being a good fellow it is cruelly unfair to him that his name should he used as a synonym for all that is despicable from the edi torial page of the ny tribune sr