st0uffv1lle november 20jth 1930 1 kli seventh line markham well folks we had so much thanksgiving tuckin last week that we hadnt the ambition to hunt up any news but when we got the paper on friday there was a start ling atocount of a bear or gorilla or some other ferocious quadruped i mining loose in the past weve been used to bearing jim currau of the soo star relate some hairrais ing narratives of the algoma wolves and their ravages but this is a new one featuring jos jones and the gormley bear or gorilla may hap if they looked underneath his hairy exterior there might be a practical joker in the form of a human being what say and maybe ot anway they are just giving us the bear facts the seventh had a near approach to a disastrous lire on thursday night last on the farm or mr kdwiu mcdowell at lot is the oldest son david was engaged in filling the tractor with gasoline in readiness for the morning when the fumes from the gas ignited and made things snap for a while till a lire extinguisher was brought into play a hurryup call for the unionville fire department was put through hut the fire was out long before the firemen arrived had there been any wind the house or barn must have surely been burned as they were both in close proximity the driv ing shed being between mr mcdowell received a few burns while pushing a car into the open auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday november 21 and 22 caught shout marion davis sportlight comedy review tuesday and wednesday november 25 and 20 stild fingers mtlodrjuua- 5th chapter a final reckoning comedy friday and saturday november 2s and 29 redemption air which was sitting beside the barrel we have a lingerim suspicion that david will be more careful in the future gas is highly inflammable vapor davey dont you know another tragedy interspersed with a little icomcdy mr wm de rivers while going to ringwood the other night failed to lubricate the inner works of his chariot sufficiently and as a result burned out a few connecting rods then on the way home he lost his direction and landed in the place at the side of the road generally used to carry away surplus water misfortune never comes singly so it seems but cue streak of good fortuue william disposed of the wreck and came away satisfied with the sudden turn of fortunes wheel alls well that ends well mr reuben meyer the local milk- heaver is back once more to his accustomed place reuben spent a few days back in the north woods and brought home a deer yes sir ucer according to his report there was a scarcity of name in that peck of the woods but then the hver party always account tor their full quota so why worry about ii mr and mrs j s wideman mr and mrs harry wideman and messrs lome clarence and carson wideman visited with mr and mrs d m hoover of obrien ave stouffville saturday night mr and imrs r a smith spent the weekend in toronto with mr and mrs j w slioobridge mr and mrs wm gilmore of toronto and mrs robt woodcock and son clifford of markham called en mr and mrs nelson smith on sunday mr george hoover attended the st lawrence market on saturday thats all of it and if that ape from gormley strolls this way there may not he any more however hell hit melville first if he comes lerosscountry the shotgun is loaded to the muzzle and everything in readiness we sure need a new rug for the front of the fireplace the scribe hhssphgrlw local happenings fresh cider for gallon c barkey sale at 25c phone 060c w i afternoon tea and baking sale at porters nov 22nd a voice from toronto notice anyone wishing to purchase hand made linen handker chiefs all colors can get them by calling on miss j grice south of swifts garage 40 90 was collected day fund in town for the poppy do not overlook the auction sale of household furniture today thursday at the residence of dr dales the gasoline war in detroit has brought gas down to nine gallons tor a dollar this is one kind of war that would be appreciated in canada let her go hoys we do not canvas for subscriptions instead we offer a bargain the tribune from now to doc 31 1931 to new subscribers start now and get the most for your money eggs held at 50 cents a dozen on the market here last week but few farmers have any to offer which probably is the reason for the high price the voltage on the local electric system has suddenly gone wrong again lets have it stepped up without so much delay around six oclock in the evening the lights are noticeably dull the hepc have been notefied about it dance at victoria square a dance will be held in the newly opened community hall at victoria square 21st sniders admission 75c provided on friday nov 5piece orchestra and 25c lunch lost small brass key about two inlehes long near the canadian bank or commerce or on church st finder kindly leave same at tribune oilice saturday november 22 the senior womens institute will hold an afternoon tea and sale of home made baking and candy in porters ice cream parlor hot tea biscuits made during the afternoon open at 3 pm a wellattended meeting of the womens liberal association was held on tuesday evening of last week an interesting travel talk was given by mrs george storry and mrs harvey mover delighted the members with a humourous reading an evening with the poets in the united church on monday november 24th you will enjoy the treat being provided by the dramatic group of the swastika society old and young alike are invited coming dr f e luke optome trist 107 yonge st torontos able eyesight specialist may be consulted about your eyes for glasses at j boadways drug store stouffville thursday november zoth 37 gold weather is coming mr amos lehman has been in business in stouffville for 41 years but he hasnt forgot how to make a pair of shoes if the occasion de manded it there are still customers of his store who recall the day when mr lehman made their boots rather than selecting tham from stock as is done today do not delay ordering your personal greeting cards for christ mas the tribune office has a full stock and you may order now and get them christmas week this will also give us time for printing big range in prices from 150 to 7 walter neshitt on a charge or stealing a pig rrom exreeve morgan baker of whitchurch has been set free on the charge after making restitution to mr baker of 75 the ease came before magistrate keith the local chinaman who con ducts the laundry and who was rushed to the hospital one night a couple of weeks ago is making pro gress toward recovery he was found to be suffering from appendicitis and was operated on a few hours after being admitted to the general hospital two celestials from the city came out to look after the laundry during the interval prepare for the cold winds by purchasing a new overcoat that is warm and stylish we offer a good range of overcoats in the leading colors in chinchillas tweeds and blanket cloths 1750 to30 mens suits in blue brown and grey in plain and striped materials 2250 to 3000 mens wool and cotton combinations 298 to 450 mens fleece lined shirts and drawers 75c and 1 mens heavy allwool shirts and drawers each 250 and 350 mens flannel top shirts in plain and fancy colors 100 to 200 mens snap easy spats in grey and fawn pr 195 boys all wool shirts and drawers special 95c ea boys wool and cotton combinations 135 to 225 boys fleece lined combinations 100 boys all wool worsted stockings pair 65c boys winter caps with inside bands 100 order your linoleum and congoleum rugs here r e curtis the selection this christmas of personal greeting cars is really worth looking over at the tribune oilice make your choice from the large variety of cards and lmvc your name neatly printed thereon priced from 150 dozen to 7 the stouffville womens liberal association is packing a box for the needy unemployed of toronto to be forwarded through the wellknown fred victor mission any dona- ations of clothing fruit vege tables homebaking or candy from members and friends of the association will be greatly appreci ated donations may be left at the home of the president imlss e sangster on or before december 2 in view of some misapprehension on the part of ratepayers it is timely to state that the memorial park property in which the guns were dedicated on nov 9 to the memory of those who made the supreme sacrifice was deeded to the corporation by the stouffville board of trade free of all incumbranice the corporation came into posses sion of the property without any cost to the municipality whatever so far as the peoples taxes are concerned dr booth a former pastor of the stouffville methodist church but who for some years has been a superannuated minister has so far recovered from his recent illness as to he able to return to his home in toronto from the hospital his re covery at one time was very doubt fill but his friends will be glad to know he is now improving the electric radio given by the stouffville war veterans to the lucky ticket holder at the draw which was made on saturday even ing at the auditorium theatre was won by air a c burkholder former hank manager only couple of months go imr burk holder purchased a new radio which indicates that he hadnt much faith in drawing a lucky ticket the fortu nate ticket was no 1176 the findlay stove no other stove ever made could give any better satisfaction and few there are that equal them no matter whether its for the kitchen dining roqm or parlor we have tho correct style hundreds of satisfied users right in and around stoiiffville we can give you names so you can interview them if you wish come in and see the findlay any day make your home immune from cold floor drafts and chilly rooms by putting in a findlay f y w brathwaite j hardware stouffville ontario writing from edinburgh scot land on october 30 mr a e talbert member of the colored quintette which drew such largo crowds at stouffville during the camp meetings last summer writes to rev s s shantz here telling of tho remarkable puccess evangelist john thomas and tho singers are meeting with on their overseas trip which is nearing a close the group sail again for new york on dec gth on the baltic mr talbert who is secretary ofl the quintette reports that the party is all well and flint neither bro laccy nor any of the others were sick going over no one missed a meal on the entire voyage their campaign opened in glasgow and they were successful in winning souls from the first night the last two services in that city hold in the largest hall failed to hold the crowds and they had to lock the doors with over 3000 inside while the police said another 3000 were outside in manchester during a six day campaign 150 people took their stand for christ while equal or more success was met with in east london among the jewish sections where no less than so descendants of abraham swung to the christian religion at the time of writing the meetings were being held in the big assembly hall where moody and shankcy held their great meetings but tho tour will he completed with a campaign in ireland there is the possibility that the quintette will be heard again in stouffville next summer although no official figures will be made known until tlie first of the year reeve james mulrhead of north york township announced last week that the metropolitan radial line is on a paying basis and will show a surplus in revenue reeve muirhead said that in the case of deficit it was arranged with the ttjc that the deficit it any should be paid ealch three months there has been no demand for such a margin and it is likely that north york markham vaughan townships and richmond hill village will realize a profit in view of his departure from stouffville to make his home in toronto the olfijcers and members of stouffville ioof haive presented dr f a dales with a purse of gold and a complimentary address the doctor is a charter member of the local lodge and has been identified with every phase of its work as well as being a past grand master an honor which came to him a few years ago mrs dales past worthy matron of jubilee chapter order of the eastern star will also be keenly missed in her chapter as well from the community at large the removal of the dales from town will leave a gap that will not soon be filled in our community life james hill of the 9th concession of whitchurch who was a caller at the tribune office last week is probably the oldest or nearly oldest farmer actively engaged today in that work in the township where he resides mr hill is in his 8sth year hut notwithstanding this great age takes his part in doing the farm work with his son at home the two of them working the 100 acre farm together it is an interesting fact that this well preserved citizen was born just across the road from the farm where he now lives conse quently he has spent his long life within a short radius from where he first saw the light of day he was a fully grown man when the rail way first went through here and remembers quite distinctly tho long journeys to market prior to that time for they had to go to new market or toronto in the very early days to get their grist ground of a family of eleven brothers and sisters mr hill is one of four still surviving and he is the oldest of the four to him and the late mrs hill who died when 54 years ot age nine children were born eight now living being four girls and four boys as an indication of mr hills ability to work at the age of 88 just a few weeks ago he dug sixty bags of potatoes with a hoe without assistance early monday morning flro broke out causing damage estimated at 3500 completely destroyed a large barn along with two cows and two horses on i tho dunlop farm richmond hill editor stouffville tribune dear sir as one of your readers at a distance to whom councillor wards letter in your issue of oct 30 was addressed would you please find spate for a reply to it in your next issue the bitter hate toward mr whitcombe shown in mr wards letter compels me to write not to defend mr whiticombe be needs no defence but rather to plead with mr ward to consider the dreadful thing he has done here is a young minister of the gospel laboring in your midst tor years early and late obeying the divine command follow him from baker hill to the sixth line church from there to mount albert and on to the baptist seminary in toronto and find out how much time he has left to sleep when his days work is done he sees something in stouff ville a sin against god and a disgrace to the community from the pulpit he denounces it and chall enges the people of stouffville to prevent a repetition ot it im mediately mr ward a councillor one time minister ot the gospel by lils own admission an old man jumps on him and informs the puolio there was only 50 people drunk and disorderly and that out of seven chuiehes in stouffville there was one minister who did try to stop the gambling on that occasion let me remind mr ward his letter failed to show that one single thing mr whiticombe said in his address was untrue he also as a follower of jesus failed miserably to point out that there was in that address a grand offer of salvation from sin which people are crying out for and so seldom get in the so- called christian churches and i would ask mr ward to line up with mr whitcombe and not against him and rejoice that there is in his neighbourhood something extra ordinary a young minister who prefers to bear the reproach of christ rather than the favor ot men yours sincerely w f mcllree humewood drive toronto from the wilderness dear mr editor you know we been greatly took up lately with that debate whats been going on in your most respect ed paper that imr whiticombe certainly started something when he preached that sermon about the stouffville sinners seems as it were all heading for the nether regions dante wrote a book about it called dantes inferno and gustave dore drew pictures of it one place for the lesser sinners be ing hottern the dence and tother place for the big shots being freezin cold so you see mr editor it aint a very nice- place to get throwed into no matter how you look at it but along comes mr ward and says as how mr whit combe is full of hops or somethin to that effect so we picked up courage again and then said whit combe tries to make out that mister ward was wltuperatlve which sounds real mean but just to give you our opinion this well- meaning clerite should have tied the can to the celebration long he- fore it ever took place failing that lie might have gathered up all those fellows what was llckered up like he said and preached them the sermon and left us what didnt get any of that alleged firewater out ot it then in the last place we cant see where he had any right to inter fere at all either before or after but it makes interesting reading even though it started out as a tempest in a teapot the good people outnumbered the sinners by 100 to 1 so if we keep the odds that way it wont be so half bad but to tell the truth he had us real scairt so he did and if he dont soon quit ravin about it everybodys goin to get fedup and write somethin real saucy like and we dont mean perhaps yours truly a voice from the wilderness markham ontario quality service poultry supplies oyster shell tripled screened grit charcoal bonemeal beef scrap big sixty laymore panamin royal purple specific fulopep scratch grain fulopep egg mash cracked com buckwheat oats wheat barley and mixed grain phone 4501 delivery once a day stiver bros phone 4601 stouffville stock g used implements stock for sale roan cow due in december used implements melqtte separator 2 gasoline engines 2 riding plows power cutting box note we have again taken over the agency for r a lister co and are carrying a full linee of repairs and new separators and washing machines good ford coupe for sale frank baker stouffville mcoormick deering agent phone 15204 cream for best results ship your cream to the stouffville creamery co our prices are the highest our service is the best stouffville creamery co closed at 6 oclock daily excepting saturdays an unequalled creamery service since 1918 the greatness of own story our something new in community discussion in north york at the home of mr morgan baker baker hill on tuesday evening last a iarg gathering principally of young people dls- cussed the possibilities of deepen ing public interest in the develop ment of york county and decided to hold a second meeting the discussion was opened by mr arthur hawkcs the wellknown writer of toronto in an address on the greatness of our own story he showed how the creation of com munities like those m york county have been as full of fascination as any history of any part of the old world this was particularly so in the fight for liberty which centered in north york and which led to the death of ludwlg wideman of ring- wood the only man killed in tho fight at montgomerys tavern on yonge street during the mackenzie rebellion of 1837 xudwlg wide- man was truly one of the martyrs of canadian liberty and mr hawkcs said he and mr mac- dougall of ottawa had made a pilgrimage to his grave at the union church cemetery at dixon hill that afternoon out of the re bellion of 1837 had come responsi ble government which preserved the empire in freeing the slave and had done many great things of which the school books said little or nothing it was up to us to de velop a larger citizenship full of pride in our own story it was decided to hold another meeting at tho same place on wed nesday december 3rd at which papers will bo read on different in teresting phases or our own story it was felt that many new possibilities of enjoyment and instruction were opened up by the discussion and it is hoped that a movement of permanent value has begun that may spread to other parts of the country looking to a greater pride in our own achieve ments as canadians bethesda a good rain is much needed by our farmers there was no school or church service here last sunday the special meetings at gormley were concluded on sunday night last imr and mrs v rolendcr attend ed the service last sunday held at gormley mr clark of toronto was visit ing with his father here over sunday we are having some julylike weather now and we hope it will last for a while miss l wideman of dixons hill spent a few days with her sister mrs clarence bolander last week keep in mind the prayer meeting wednesday night and lets see more of the young people out to these meetings the farmers who went hunting on thanksgiving have returned but they were not succesfull having only one deer between eight ipred marsh one of our local farmers finished drawing his turnips in one day last week he must have had a good crop of them next wednesday the royal winter pair commences and no doubt a number of farmers from this line will so there to see all the prize stock arthur paisley has returned from his hunting trip he reports a good time while hunting guess he will be contented with the dear he is used to seeing now at home john mckinnon who has been engaged by mr f marsh for the last year or so left for toronto on monday of this week roy smith was home over sunday with hla father mr fred smith of this line roy is learning the bak ing business so his dad will have some tasty cooking now and again has anyone seen the oormley boar they also state there is a gorilla at large over there wo will soon be ablo to have a zoo if these reports are trueand we suggest that the young people who stay out late to be on the lookout for these two gormley persons we wonder who the young man is that runs his icar into wire fences on this line it is also said that he drives his car in garages and knocks holes through the doors evidently he pays too much attention to the companion at his side otherwise we cannot explain actions the late mrs thomas mrs wm thomas of markham formerly mary e robb passed away at her late residence after a brief illness the late mrs thomas was a native of imlarkham townsihtp she was a daughter of one of the ipioneer families the robba her parents were william and mary robb who settled on the eighth iconccssion about one hundred years ago and cleared a farm out of the virgin bush surviving are her husband wjm h thomas two daughters mrs o peacock of stoufflville ontario mrs r- h trlnnell ot toronto and one son herbert jof markham three brothers william weston and milton all on the old homestead a fourth brother davo was struck and killed by an automobile a month ago when only a few steps from home on saturday afternoon at 2 oclock a funeral service was held at tihe residence preslsed over by rev mr fuller of st andrews presbyterian church and assisted toy rev auld of st andrews united church both of markham inter ment was made in st andrews cemetery economist groceries sweet potatoes 6 lbs 26o brooms 5 string 36e grape fruit 3 for 27c soap 1 lb cakes 8 for 26c mellon puffs per lb 29c fresh chocolates per lb 3e imnplo bud special per lb 45c turkish delight per lb 35c a w scott