Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), November 20, 1930, p. 3

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i economy corner delicious one dish dinner brown as many lambs chops as seeded in a frying pan when brown a both sides remove to a baking ush a shallow one is best ar range chops in center make nests of aashed potato as a border filling fcests with carrots and peas place t oven to brown the nests and com plete cooking of the chops if de- ired the gravy from browning the chops in tho rying pan may be pour ed over the meat just before serving this with a simple dessert makes a complete nourishing and easily pre pared meal egg and asparagus casserole cut 6 or s hardcooked eggs into quarters lengthwise place buttered casserole cut side down drain liquor from one can asparagus tips and cut in oneinch lengths reserv ing a few tips for garnish place short lengr around eggs prepare medium thick sauce using half milk and half asparagus liquid pour over eggs and asparagus scatter butj tered crurbs over top and bake 20 minutes or so in moderate oven vegetable cutlets one cup steamed rice 1 cup mash ed beans 1 cup mashed potato a lit tle onion juice u teaspoon salt dash of pepper 13 cup browned flour 13 cup tomato juice mix well and form into oblong cakes hake onehalf hour in quick oven or until well browned serve with the following sauce ilrown sauce melt 2 tablespoons of butter in saucepan and brown whip in 2 tablespoons browned flour add slowly 1 cup water and salt and pepper to taste one tablespoon worcestershire sauce may bo added if desired different garnish halves of apricots placed face downward alternating with marls- chino cherries make a good garnish for chicken or pork grape juice wash grapes and put into large ket tle pour water into kettle until you can see it through the grapes cook until very soft let drip then measure juice to 2 quarts of juice add 1 cup of sugar bring to boil ing point and boil a minute or two pour into jars or bottles and seal squash pie smoke achelo the finest 10c cigar on the market soviets to place microphones to spy on siberian wolves telephones for wolf packs so that tho whereabouts of these animals may bo discovered quickly and the packs exterminated by hunters is the latest device proposed by scientists of soviet russia to help rid the vast plains of siberia ot the wolf menace long an obstacle to settlement and safe travel at intervals throughout regions whero wolves are common microphones like those used in radio will be set up on trees or posts these will be connect ed by telephone wires or shortwave radio transmitters to one central where an operator will listen con tinually to sounds from the different microphones howls of wolves run ning in a pack often are audible for many miles especially in a region like siberia where few other noises exist it is expected that the listener at the wolf central will near through the nearest microphone the howls of any pack of these animals which enters tho protected area the operator then will communicate by telephone with the nearest patrol station or with groups ol volunteer hunters living in tho neighborhood who have arranged to answer such a summons aided by this telephonic information of exactly where the wolf pack is the hunters will bo able it is expected to locate the pack quickly and to exterminate it in addition to this immediate ob ject of helping to rid the country of wolves listening in this way to the sounds of a whole manless country side may prove extremely interesting russian naturalists suggest for study of the natural noises which exist in re m gions unaffected by man wins trip prize provincial bays t royal winter fair we are featuring provincial days t the royal winter fair said the press 1 heaping cup baked huiibard p alfred rogers in an inter- equash through a sieve add 1 tea spoon flour 1 tablespoon butter melt ed teaspoon e h ground ginger and salt 1 teapssaii cinnamon 10 teaspoon grated nutmeg 4 tablespoons sugar and the beaten yoke of 2 eggs stir in 1 cup hot milk fold in the stifflybeaten whites turn into a pie plate lined with paste sprinkle the top with brown sugar dot with bits of butter and hake in a moderate oven potatoes au gratin about l2 cups cold boiled diced liotatoes mako a cheese sauce of 1 large tablespoon of butter melt in it mend 1 level tablespoon of flour add slowly 1 cup milk cup grated ehcese season to taste cook until thick mix with the potatoes in a casserole add more milk if needed sprinkle cheese on top brown in a moderato oven add a dash of paprika cranberry ice cream cook cranberries with water to just cover until they stop popping strain i uso 1 quart berries and 2 cups water add 2 cups sugar and juice of 2 lemons cook to dissolve su gar let get cold then freeze to sherbet state it is quite a change from tho regular kind also very nice to have with a poultry dinner lima croquettes two cups cooked lima beans cup cream u teaspoon salt 1s tea spoon pepper 4 teaspoon powdered sage 1 egg slightly beaten 1 cup fine dry bread crumbs rub lima beans through a coarse strainer add crumbs cream salt pepper sage and egg shape in tho form ot small cylinders roll in crumbs dip in 1 egg beaten with 2 tablespoons cold water and again roll in crumbs fry in deep hot fat until brown then drain on soft paper place on serving plate and garnish with rings of fried ap ples view because it has always been felt that one of the purposes of the fair in addition to promoting the mor immediate needs of canadian agricul ture is to contribute to the develop ment of national unity this year we feel sure from the letters and re cords that the royal will bo a con crete expression of the optimism of all who believe in the basic soundness ot economic conditions in canada the first day has been designated for this especial purpose of the royal program canadian day on that day the broad national aspects of canadian agriculture are brought out and its uniting effect in a national sense are seen more plainly wo are dedicating the succeeding days to each ot the provinces combining the three maritime provinces into one this year tho order will be canadian day wednesday novem ber 19th blackheads get two ounces of pcroxino powder from your druggist sprlnklo on a hot wet cloth and rub tho faco briakly kvery blackhead will bo dissolved tho one safe sure and simple way to remove blackheads satisfaction ruaranteed or monev refunded t w scabi co 922 wellington st w toronto chapped skin wind snow and sleet bruise un protected skin surfaces mlnards heals tho raw skin tissue and af fords full protection ir r iijtifo vs british columbia thursday nov 20th maritime day friday november 21st quebec day saturday november 22nd alberta day monday november 24th manitoba day iuesday november 25th saskatchewan day wednesday no vember 26th ontario day thursday november 27th on each day we hope to have the minister of agriculture of each pro vince or his representative and we shall make that particular province as prominent as possible through parades of livestock in the arena and in many other ways in the past this has created an atmosphere that has tended to intensi fy general interest in these provinces and their resources in this way visitors to tho royal find a means under one roof ot comparing the ex hibits ot widely separated districts of canada and of contrasting them with others while at tho same time sens ing the link ot unit that in abroad way runs through our canadian life wo attach much importance to the placo the provincial days take in the royal plans mr rogers added they have we think an important influence which elevates our agricul tural industry and givo it added digni ty in the eyes of the men and women who live by it mm miss gladys l powell of winnipeg passenger on a recent trip aboard canadian pacific liner duchess of richmond to montreal had a brilliant idea for the masquerade which fea tured the entertainment of travellers on the voyage she went as a cpr advertisement and when you look at the above photograph you will not bo surprised to learn that she was award ed the prize for the most original costume booklets labels badges mottoes and cpjl designs make up a beautiful and effective ensemble paris says jewels day and evening the neverfailing paris interest in i ensembles is resulting in more com plicated fashions for women among the advance fashions shown at the early openings of models for the win ter 193031 there are dozens of new ensemble arrangements hats made ot materials matching dresses gloves made of fabrics matching hats belts made of silks matching coat linings and now of al things little jeweled pocket mirrors that match the decora tions on tho outside of handbags last seasons bag that was up-to- themiite if its fittings were finished with the leather of the bag itself is apt to get an inferiority complex nowadays unless its interior equip ment is studded with the same crystals or turquoise that decorate its outside the new jeweled accessories are elaborate affairs designed as loving ly as any brooch an example is a little mirror made to fill a pocket in a metalfabric bag that has onyx tur quoise and iapislazuli decorations furthermore jewels have literally gone to the heads of paris women doth jewelers and milliners unite iu declaring that never in fashion his tory have women spent so much on jewels to be worn on the street to be worn casually as part of a casual daytime costume in the two types of hats paris is wearing this year the beret and the tricorne jewels are an important de coration both models aro extreme ly simple and must be kept so but paris rules out naivete by jeweled ornaments on hats tha are worn after midday with tho continued vogue of grow ing locks women are gradually re viving the longhaired fashions ot seasons ago and are wearing jewels in their hair for dinner and the thea tre ratumioiis to imntvs mkugwwms vie invite ftet uflvfc a simple treatment for childrens colds cold in the head is very common at this time of year especially in the very young neglect of a cold is prone to lead to serious consequences to relievo all congestion of tho sys tem is the first step in treating a cold whether in infants or adults for the very young babys own tablets are tho ideal means o doing this con taining no narcotic or other harmful drugs they soothe tho childs fretful- ness relieve its suffering and ensure convalescence babys own tablets aro without an equal for relieving indigestion con- a london paper says a scotchman j stipation and colic they check diar- was cured of asthma by playing therhoea break up colds and simple bagpipes on the other hand wo sup- poso there aro scotchmen who have danger from colds every woman beyond middle age should realize that a majority ot the troubles sho has to fear have their origin in what are known as common colds each attack lowers her vitality and reduces resistance to disease at this season ot the year every woman should see that her blood is toned up to meet the rigors of the climate and especially that strength should be re stored after any cold however slight for this dr williams pink pills are a reliable tonic these pills are not a mere stimu lant giving temporary relief they build up the body by creating that rich red blood which imparts tho glow ot health steadies tho nerves improves tho appetite and digestion and make the users capable of withstanding the rigors ot our fall and winter months they are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from tho dr williams medicine co lirockville ont canadas major power system canada has eighteen large hydro electric power systems such systems being defined as those with an annual output of 100000000 kilowatthours or more been cured of bagpipes by asthma banish pain with minards liniment new hosiery if you rinse out your now hosiery before wearing it is less apt to have runs soon this rinslpg takes out nriy dressing that might make the bilk brittle beaded yokes tho nowost trim for the classic black frock is a beaded yoke you an buy them in any color and any thapo you want prune pie one good way to make the children llko their prunes is to mako an open- faced pie filled with stewed prunes dotted with bits of grated lemon rind 6 philtlps3 w ma for troum juetoatw sour 5 hearth constipation when you over indulge moving hiatus i was warning my little neighbor fcbont being careful crossing streets oli dont worry the child assured nie i always wait or ojc empty pace lo cowe by parents magaj 2ine i he theres more in that than ap pears on the surface she what why the sea of course truth may be stranger than fiction but it will nver soil for as mm j every man woman and child will occasionally overindulge but dont suffer for your indiscretions its folly to do so when you can so easily sweeten and settle a sour upset stomach with n little phillips milk of magnesia hearty eaters have long since learned the quick comfort this per fect antiacid brings smokers know how it neutralizes nicotine brings back a sweet taste guards the breath women know what it docs for nausea or sick headache and when children have overeaten arc bilious conslipaltl or otherwise upset give them a little of the same pleasanttasting and milky- white phillips milk of magnesia youll be through with crude methods once you learn the perfect way nothing cbe has the same quick gentle effect doctors pr scribe it for indigestion nausea heartburn gas sour stomach and headache it has been standard with them for over 50 years insist on genuine phillips milk of magnesia a less perfect product may not act the same the genuine is always a liquid never in tablet form and the name phillips is rlways on bottle and wrapper fevers promoto healthgiving sleop and mako tho dreaded teething period easy they aro sold by all medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from tho dr williams mcdlcino co brockviile ont willi hisses and groans tho audi ence greeted the principal sceno of the now drama all hopo then was at an end its hard to tell just what the pub- llo wants murmured the heart broken playwright its easy enough to tell in this ease said tho manager grimly it wants its money back to find the north star during clear weather north can be determined closely enough for all prac tical purposes by observing the posi tion ot tho xorth star polaris this star- itself is not conspicuous but can readily bo located by tho two point ers as tho two stars which form tho side of tho great dipper opposite tho handlo aro called a lino drawn through these two stars will cut the xorth star according to the canadian forestry association since the dip per itself rotates around the xorth star tho line must always be drawn from tho pointer at tho bottom of tho dipper through tho pointer at the rim tho north point can be carried to the ground by imagining a plumbline sus pended from tho xorth star when it was dark the gas companys inspector call ed on the busy housewife to repair a defect in the lighting apparatus youre not always troubled with poor light aro you he asked oh no replied the housewife not always ah murmured tho inspector i thought so its only at certain times eh yes only after dark crime the retort hereditary little peggy was often very naughty and on one occasion when she had been particularly trying her mother hoping to be specially impres sive said do you know peggy that if you keep on doing many naughty things your children will be naughty too the child gave a triumphant smile oh mummy she said now you have given yourself away classified advertising r anted- a thousand 13rit1s1i- v eks to get prices lor sen apples overseas for christmas writ tho man fro kent drawer a bur lington ont f3r orethroa mixture cactus has 1232 species tucson ariz a carnegie institu tion report from its desert laboratory hero states there arc 1232 species of cacti in 121 genera that remark of the childproblem columnist kemeinboi applause helps tho child somehow stirs memories of our remote youth when they gave us a hand in those days we were al ways considerably bothered in the placo where it landed a group of men at a club were dis cussing something very earnestly and the man from aberdeen approached and asked the subject ot tho discus sion will you join our antl-tip- plng society asked one of tho group we consider tipping is a degrading custom and have formed a society to put a stop to it aye ill join said tho man from aberdeen gladly thats fine the subscription is only a shilling a year och in that caso ill bo thinking itll be cheaper for me to tip tho twins had been brought to be christened what names asked the clergyman steak and kidney the father answered bill you fool cried the mother its kate rnd syd ney lead a girl to the altar and thats where the leading ends an old farmer was complaining bit- trly to the minister of tho terrible bad weather for tho crops when the latter reminded him thnt ho had much to be grateful for all the same and remember said the good man pro vidence cares for all even the birds of the air are fed each day aye replied the farmer darkly off my corn owner how did you puncture the tyro so badly chauffeur nan over a bottle sir owner didnt you see it in timei chauffer xo sir tho man had it in his pocket i britain is the only country in tho world with a society of women engin eers this has a membership of 200 minards liniment refreshes the scalp a million fat folks cant be wrong and thats a low estimate of tho number taking krusehcn to keep down superfluous fat when you take vitalizing knischcn salts for a few days that old indolent arm chair feeling deserts you it doesnt matter how fat you arc the urge for activity has got you and youro stepping lively and best of all you like this activity you walk a couple of miles and enjoy it you thought youd never dance again but you find youre getting as spry as ever the old tingling active feeling readies even your feet knischcn is a combination of the six salts nature has already put into your body to keep you alive if it wcrfc not for these vital salts you could not live ono boltlo is enough to provo to you that knischcn will make yon feci younger spryer more cnergct ic youll enjoy life every minute of it a half tcaspoonlul in a glass of hot water every morning is all you need to keep healthy keep your stomach liver iiowcls and kidneys in splendid condition free your system from harmful toxins and acids to wafce up it tomorrow i take orie tonight m i quick relief for yxu constipation biliousness bloating etc do you suffer with so easy to get quick relief and pre vent an attack in the fttturc avoid bromides and dope thcyrclievcquick- ly tut affect the heart and arc very dangerous they arc depressing and only give temporary relief the cause of the headache still remains within 1 the sane and harmless way first correct the cause sweeten the sour and acid stomach relieve the intes tines of the decayed and poisonous food matter gently stimulate the liver start the bile flowing and the bowels pass off the waste matter which causes your headache try carters little liver pills druggists 25c red pkgs if baby has colic a cry in the night colici no cause for alarm if castoria is handy this pure vegetable prepara tion brings quick comfort and can never harm it is the sensible thing when children arc ailing whether its the stomach or the little bowels colic or constipation or diarrhea when tiny tongues arc coated or the breath is bad whenever theres need of gentle regulation children love the taste of castoria and its mildness makes it safe for frequent use and a more liberal dose of castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for adult use wmmmm young wife strengthened after taking lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound bancroft ontario when i first took lydia e pinkhams vegetable compound i bad been married about a year and my strength was leaving mo on ac count of my con dition 1 was only 19 and it was my first child my mother told me i needed something to steady my nerves and girl chum told me to fake the vegetable compound i am so thankful i did because it strengthened my whole system nnd now i feel per fectly well and have i weot little baby hoy mr- j li stalkeu bancroft ontario issue no 47 3

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