april escapade by kathleen norris synopsis mary kate ohara is in love with cass keating her brother martin cannot go to jetmany to study medi cine because of lack of funds then friend of marys employer chris topher steynes proposes that she piny the part of his wits in ordev to dis courage a russian countess who is on his trail mary decides to accept the proposition with a view to helping her brother mtin chapter xii contd the thing s that we ought to carry this v a rush young steynes told her when they went into gamins beautiful shop to buy clothes for the masquerade youll have to call mo chris everyone calls me chris chris she repeatd obediently trying the sound of it she looked about interestedly at ex quisite evening bags fans and pearls her escort asked with an experienced air for a special saleswoman and they wert into a private show room no use advertising all this he reminded her but mary kate was too much amused and interested to care if its an eighuer size it will fit mc- she said to the middleaged handsome woman who began to show ier evening frocks but youll want to try it on ma dam no madam didnt want to try any thing on she was however per suaded to slip off her brown coat and put on the evening wrap it was a garment of white and gold brocade patterned in little quilted squares its great collar was of creamy fur mary kates shiny gol den hair rose from it like a flame this is ridiculous she said to christopher steynes stop looking at the tags then the evening gown was of ivory satin patterned about its low neck that left the wearers shoulders bare with shining rows of pearls embroid ered into roses the pearl motif is repeated on the left side here said the saleswoman madam can see how it is interlined its beautiful mary kate said re spectfully she was a little bewilder ed she had never been in such a place the lights and mirrors the scent of subtle perfumes the shine of lustrous fabrics confused her senses the saleswomen impressed her as they went smoothly to and fro but she showed no awkwardness now and then she crinkled up her blue eyes and laughed into christopher steynes own as at some secret joke for the rest she was dignified inter ested protesting only by an occasional glance if its worth it to you she would say with a shrug when the wrap and evening gown were followed by pearl buckled slippers transparent fine silk stockings as thin as fog a white silk morning gown smart and brief like a tennis frock with a knowing little striped silk jacket to accompany it its worth it to me chris always answered with a businesslike nod he was very businesslike today this was thursday aftrnoon and he ajmitted frankly that he bad evaded a luncheon with the russian countess and her daughter they had reached town at nine oclock and had been in touch with him at wenty minutes past nine he said i sent them flowers dyou sec and rountrce asked them to dinner tomorrow night and im going to spring you on them then he glanced at her sharply youre not nervous about it are you not exactly no bat to tell you the truth marv kate said with an uneasy laugh ill be glad when it i over maybe you hink i wont he said fervently they both laughed more naturally do you know anything about bridge chris asked as they left the shop and found themselves in the late afternoon tide on post street oh yes i play not contract he akcd incredu lously oh yes youre perfect he assured her now let me see where we could go to have a cup of tea he said pon dering the palace its quiet there do you like the palace ive never been there for tea well come on then because it seems to rre we ought to rehearse a little you seo we cant slip up on this mary ho said because the minute they suspect any hokum it gives em a sort of claim do you see he noted her heightened color the dimple at the corner of her mouth mind my calling you that oh no heavens i expect you to only only what im doing rather scares me the girl confessed steynes made no immediate answer he was leading the way into the pal ace hotel down the long passage lined with smart little flower and candy and cigarette and magazine shos and to the wide airy cour where tea tables were scattered an orchestra was playing wo want a corner table we want to talk be said with an authorita tive air to the head waiter immedi ately they were established in an in conspicuous corner behind a column and some potted palms where they could hear the strains jf the orchestra and watch the drifting crowds them selves almost unseen you say that what you are doing rather scares you christopher steyne said as calmly as if there had been no interruption when they had ordered their tea now why do you say that what is there about it lo scare you being found out i suppose mary kate answered simply weil but in what oh masquerading as a mans wife staying at his o- se but my dear is all only a joke people do all sorts of things as jokes look it even haprtns to be tho first of april friday its merely an april fool joke tell them that ill tell then nothing mary kate said firmly my one chance is to get through this without having to tell anybody anything there was a grim emphasis on the last two words she looked him un- smiiingly in the eye but howll yyi explain the money and the frocks i can always tell my mother and the man im engaged to marry that 1 got them secondhanded somewhere the girl explained after thought the oney i want for mart ivy brother and of course ill tell him the truth well exactly and see how little there is to this mary said chris topher leaning across the table to days thursday isnt it well no thing can happen today i mean you go home everythings as usual no body suspects anything theres no thing to suspect tomorrow with your suitcase packed with your own things you take the five oclock train to burlingame your family thinks youre going to sacramento he hesi tated frown any of em planning to see you off he asked no chris argued it pleasantly your danger line if i may so ex press it will be only from say five- thirty on friday to say threethirty on saturday and part of that time say from midnight on friday until ten oclock on saturday you will be asleep so that she was not listening oh im going to do it she said gloomily and ill have a good time fo mary kate added fiercely chris laughed thats the spirit and now he said about our being sort of intimate and easy with each other gordon knows all about it of cours and hell make it easy and the rest will tak everything for granted because were supposed to be newlyweds the rest she echoed suspiciously well hes having a few persons in to dinner oh i sec and she was thoughtful again you know im doing this with my eyes wide open mary kate said il lustrating the simile by opening a pair of unusually bloc eyes very wide ly im not being fooled im not being misled ill siy he agreed simply to be continued what new york is wearing by annabe1le wort111ncton bills little girl by zona cse illustrated dvcsshukiitj lemon fur nished with every pattern the uniting taste of trcsh aunt lea-v- is a real treat for your sweei ooth wrklev5 aiiords people everywhere great comfort and longtasting enjoyment nathins else gives so much bene- fit jtt o small a cost it a wonderful help in cvork and play keeps you cool calm and contented tsm mm issue no 4330 chapter xiii i thought of that so i told them my train went at eight then im going to rush out late in the after noon grab my suitcase and explain to mother that it leaves ervlhv thatll prevent anyone coming to the station good girl then i meet ycu at burlingame pursued the man in sat isfaction and we go to el hogar its the bersinger place do you know it is it tin- place with the picture gallery thats the place its small the decor is very spanish with just a touch of the period of the late presi dent grant the man said lighting a cigarette then he pursued we proceed to gordon rountrees house for dinner we arc mr and mrs jay christopher steynes for the moment wc rub it into madame yarnowska we invite her and marka to luncheon the following day preceding the polo the poo begins at three oh but listen i couldnt possibly before all that crowd just a moment mavy you and i dont go to the polo because i gel a message that some dear old friend are in san francisco and must see us so we land the yarnowskas at the polo field put them in the care of friends gordonll take em hes coming to lunch and hell manage it somehow and then i run you to well say a four oclock train you beat it home toll your mother that you got away before you expected to and mah- jong in other words he summarized it as she regarded him dubiously her ilbows on the table her chin on her linked lingers in other words you run a risk for much e than twenty- four hours no twentyfour full hours she protested as if the detail was impor- t nt i leave on a five oclock train tomorrow yes but youre not shall i ay vulnerable until you reach burlin game nearly an hour later and once youre on the train rcturnirg on sat urday youre safe again arent you 26 sa a clcvei back crepe sjuc vih slen derizing lines the wrapped bodice is opened at the neckline to show a pastel pink openeyelet embroidered batiste ves- tee an applied band of tho batiste trims the neckline and is carried down either side of the bolice tho tiny bows f the crepe ate lined with the pink batiste stylo no 2058 may be copied exact ly at a great saving in cost it is easily made it comes in sizes 1g is years 36 38 to 2 and 44 inches bust bordeaux red flat crepe i a charm ing idea for this unusual model printed crepe silk transparent vel vet and chiffon will make up smartly size 36 requires 4i yards 39inch material skirt cut on crosswise thread or 44 yards 39inch skirt cut o lengthwise thread with u yard 22- inch allover lace for vestce and bows and 171 yard hiinch lace banding how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto helping hands when the heart is heavy when the soul is sad when we lose a treasure that was all we had there is not a trouble someone hasnt known let us look a little farther than our own when the heart is weary with the minds review when a dream is shattered nothing can renew there arc other dreamers who have had a loss let ns see the stranger help him with his cross when the heart is heavy when the sky is grey when the thoughts of midnigt cloud the brightest day surely tjien it ever wc may under stand- let us lift another with a helping hand douglas maloch minardt liniment aid tired feet how 1 came to write this story the city editor of the new york livening world once handed me a cut ting from the want advertisements of that days morning world co and find what hes back of that lie said the advertisement was that one which 1 have included in the story of bill his story is rather like that of the man who had advertised i do not recall this mans name i never saw him again hit 1 still have his photograph with that of the little girl bill was thirty when his wife died and utile minna was four bills car penter shop was in the yard ot lds house so he thought that he could keep up his home for minna and him self all day while ho worked at his bench she played in the yard and when he was obliged to be absent for a few hours the woman next door looked after her hill could cook a little oolfee and bacon and fried po tatoes and flapjacks and he found bananas and sardines and crackers useful when the- woman next door said this was not the diet for fouryear olds no asked her to teach him to cooji oatmeal and vegetables and though he always burned the dishes in which ho cooked these things he cooked them every day he swept all but the corners and he dusted dabbed at every objet and he complained that after he had cleaned the windows he could not see out as well as he could before lie washed and patched min nas littlo garments and mended her doll- ho found a kitten for her so that she wouldnt be lonely at night he heard her say her prayer he either woke her up or else he made her say them first thing next morning he himself used to try to pray lord make me do right by her if you see me doing wrong on sundays he took her to church and sat listening with his head on one side trying to understand and giving minna pepper mints when she rustled ho stopped work for a day and took her to the sunday school picnic her mother would of he explained when minna was old enough to go to kindergarten bill used to take her morning or after noon and he would call for her once he dressed himself in his best clothes and went to visit the school i think her mother would of he told the teacher diffidently but he could make little of the colored paper and the designs and tho games and he did not go again theres some things i cant be any help to her with he thought minna was six when bill fell ill on a may afternoon he went to a doctor when he came home he sat in his shop for a long time and did nothing the sun was beaming through the window in bright squares he was not going to get well it might be that lie had six mouths he could hear minna singing to her doll when she came to kiss him that night he made an excuse for he must never kiss her now he held her at arms length looked in her eyes said minnas a big girl now she doesnt want papa to kiss her but her lip curled and she turned away sorrow ful so the next day bill went to an other doctor to make sure the other doetor made him sure he tried to think what to do he had a sister in nebraska but she was a tired woman his wife had a broth er in the city but he was a man of many words and little minna there were things known to her which he himself did not know matters ot fairies and the words of songs he wished that he could hear of some body who would understand her and ho had only six months then the woman next door told him bluntly that he ought not to have the child there and him coughing as he was and ho knew that his decision was already upon him one whole night he thought then he advertised in a city paper a man with a few months to live would like nice people to adopt his lit tlo girl six blue eyes curls refer ences required they came in a limousine as he had hoped that they would come their clothes were as he had hoped they had with them a littlo girl who cried is this my littlo sister on which tho woman in the smart frock said sharply now then you do as mamma tells you aud keep out of this or well leave you here and tnko this darling little girl away with lis so bill looked at this woman and said steadily that ho had now other plans for his little girl he watched tho great bluo car roll away for the land sake said the woman next door when sho heard you done her out of a fortune you hadnt the right a man in your health and when other cars came and ho let them go tills woman told her hus band that bill ought most certainly to be reported to the authorities the man aud woman who walked in to bills shop one morning were still mourning their own little girl the woman was not sad only sorrowful and the man who was tender of her was a carpenter in a blooming of his hope and bis dread bill said to them youre the ones when they asked how long before we can have her bill said one day more that day he spent in the shop it was summer and minna was playing in the yard he could hear the words of her songs he cooked their supper and while she ate he watched when saladaquality will always jhome for stray cats be the finest yois cats buy in chicago building fresh from the gardens he hal tucked her ia her bed he stood in the dark hearing her breathing im a little girl tonight kiss me she had said but he shook bis head a big girl a big girl he told her when they came for her tho next morning he had her ready and her lit tle garments were ready washed and mended and he had mended her doll minnas never been for a visit he told her buoyantly and when she ran toward him a hig girl a big girl he reminded hen he stood and watched the man and woman walking down tho street with minna between them they had brought her a little blue parasol in case tho parting should be hard this parasol minna held bobbing above her head and sho was so absorbed in look ing up at the bluo silk that she did not remember to turn and wave her hand the golden book is attained by the rannerup tho auto- fagasta chili and bolivia railway at its highest point but switzerland holds a worlds re cord in the matter of electrification that no other country can challenge counting lines of all gauges switzer land has electrified 4s34 kilometres of railway or ssl per cent cf its total track minards liniment has a hundred uses vicars wife ah mrs miles oie- balf of the world is ignorant of how the- other half lives cottager not in this village maam a youd believe anything a fool told you b not always but sometimes yon are quite convincing high up switzerland can already boast that it possesses the highest railway in europe the jnngfrau line which goes up to 11340 feet but it isnt satisfied with this a new railway connecting st moritz with the piz bernina is now to bo ouilt it will attain an altitude of 13390 feet j at present there are only six rail- j ways in the world which go higher than the jnngfrau line when the piz bernina is built there will be only four railways in the world to beat it in altitude j the peruvian central railway is the present holder of the worlds re- cord at one point it reaches 15sc5 j feet just thirtyone feet more than atlantic citvn1 just off the boardwak fireproof construction on a residential avenue harmonious restful surroundings with recreational advantages european plan trom 4 daily american plan from 7 daily weekly or season rates o application with car wanted in each district to sell minerals made in canada for cattle hogs and poultry good proposition for right men write to manufacturers w h blackburn ltd woodstock ont make dresses bright as new diamond dyes are easy to use go on smoothly and evenly new never a trace of that re- dyed look when diamond dyes arc used just true even new colors that hold their own through the hardest wear and washing diamond dyes owe their superi ority to the abundance of pure anilines they contain cost more to make surely but you pay no more for them all drug stores 15c diamondodjyes highest quality for so yaats m wait iry the connor first yilk connor thermo electric wash- 1 er is insulated to keen the water hot until the end or tho wash 3j times thicker than the regular copper tub machine built stronger to last longer lias the new largo roll water re mover safe for buttons wrings drier and quicker no screw adjust ing the aluminum agitator is polished smooth safe for the most delicate garments washes cleaner and faster new lifetime oil encased drive runs smoothly and quietly you are protected for 12 years by tho co nor guarantee the longest broadest ever given with an electric washer approved by the hydro electric commission of ontario it is to your interest to investigate these latest exclusive advantages before purchasing connor washer stores and branches janitor provides hainburier i cicam and mice out of salary chicago a paradise of hamburger cream and mice for homeless cats and an employment agency for good rat ters temporarily out of work has been maintained for bight years in the mid dle of chicagos roaring trike sur rounded by skyscrapers high enough to make even a cat giddy in the window ot a vacant store at wacker drive aud washington street eight fat sleek eats are seen daily sitting in a contented row taey are the wellprovidcdfor wards of jim happy fuller the janitor ot the building who believes nothing is too good for his pets board for tho cats daily requires i 73 cents of fullers salary and it goes i to buy milk for the kittens and ham burger for tho cats with peny of salmon on sunday when 1 die said happy 1 hope they bury me over the northwestern tracks thats where ive buried the little cats that died these last eight years happy believes he has raised a hun dred cats during tho years he has maintained his asylum for feline way farers for some of them chiefly the best ratters he has found other homes where their talents may be ot use 1vo given the nsw opera building two tine ratters aud 1 must have given the telephone company a dozen for their building i stay up all night the kittens come but i cant help- much happy makes his home in the build ing with the eats he has trained them not to molest the things in bis room you can teach cats just like chil dren he contends all these cats know their name aud they all ramble about tlie loop at night dick called happy dick a twentypound eight-year- old jumped to his shouldar tcddie cockle nellie tommie midget obediently a the cats responded except midget who was engrossed with an elaborate trapeze of rubber rings aud bails i dont know what ails that kit ten happy complained she wont mind worth a cent i got to liking cats during tho spanishamerican war said happy there was a cat with our outfit 2nd it was my job to food her she used to go into battle as brave as any soldier people can learn a lot from cats happy is inclined to believe in rein carnation contending that many cats have bigger and more generous souls than people bay to be drained for golf course montreal 1578 montrrai 23 montreal 5159 ottawa kineiston toronto toronto 105 toronto hamilton windsor 11 winnipeg vancouver mt royal ave e st catherine st k sherbrooke st v 1gs rank st 215 princess st 415a yonge st 1 st clair ave w 1s9g danforth ave 274 king st b s wyandotte st b 242 princess st 722 nelson st head hurt work wont wait for a headache to wear off dont look for sympathy at such times but get some aspirin it never fails dont be a chronic sufferer from headaches or any other pain see a doctor and get at the cause meantime dont play martyr theres always quick comfort in aspirin it never does any harm isnt it foolish to suffer any needless pain it may be only a simple headache or it may be neu ralgia or neuritis rheumatism lumbago aspirin is still the sensible thing to take there is hardly any ache or pain these tablets cant relieve they are a great comfort to women who suffer periodically they arc- always to be relied on for breaking up colds buy the box that says aspirin and has genuine printed in red genuine aspirin tablets do not depress the heart all druggists aspirin will be flooded and used as skating rink during the winter gothenburg sweden a golf course on the bottom of what used to he a bay ot the north sea will be con structed at marstrand an aristocratic water resort on tho swedish wsst coast near gothenburg in the win ter it will bo flooded and used as a skating rink marstrand is built on a rocky is land surmounted by an impressive fortress named carlsten which is still in good shape though of no mili tary value land is scarce and no flat area large enough for a golf course exists so the town authorities have decided to shut oft one of tho shallow bays keep it dry with an electric pump and then lay out greens for the golfers the bay is about 2500 feet ong and some 12000 wide at present tho chief sports at marstrand are sailing and tennis the water is said to contain more salt than any other in sweden and it was used regularly every summer by the late oscar if father of the present king another project is to build an auto mobile route to the mainland by link ing several minor islands with a causeway and then run a ferry across the widest gap at present there aro no motor cars at marstrand and only one horse sailboats on the other hand are plentiful wrong shop tbadgmark rco a big redfaced man pushed his way to the counter ot a postoffice and demanded a penny stamp tho clerk on duty was doing his best to explain something or other to an old lady but this the big man lid not ap preciate he grew more impatient i say boy ho shouted ivo a train to catch give mo a stamp tho boy looked at him for a moment then turned afresh to tho old lady im sorry madam lie resumed hut you see tho big man interrupted him do you hear me- he yelled ive a train to catch tho civil servant turned and said quietly did you say you had a train to catch wid snapped the man then its a railway station you want this is a postoffice house owner im glad you stop pel complaining about tho plaster talllns tenant its all down now