stouffville october 9 1930 t b3ggmbg saas2sa penrose personal service means money to you post card or phone call at any time will bring our ward robe truck direct to your home with a full line of ladies coats and dresses mens suits and overcoats and a most attractive and covincing range for our tailored to measure service long experience careful buying enable us to plete satisfaction at big saving to guarantee com- you we have just bought a well known wholesale tailoring house a very special lot of mens suits returned cods which were cleared to us at a bargain price beautifully tailored and priced regularly up to 3500 clearing at 2250 while they last b penrose toronto phone hargrave 1498 address g2 lancford ave bership or tea is required before application cau be made to start a sheep club the members must be uader thirty years of age aud re side on farms where sheep are not now kept aud where the accommo dation for successfully raising sheep is satisfactory each member will he supplied with five ewe iambs by the department and with a purebred ram for a period of two years the first year one lamb must be return ed to the ontario livestock branch and during each of the next succeed ing three years two lambs until a total of seven lambs have been re turned ea member must care for his flock in accordance with regula tions laid down by the livestock branch aud must dip his flock for external parasites at least once a year a considerable number of clubs are already in operation a other applications are being receiv ed from time to time information for busy farmer the from dept of agriculture o a c cattle sale the annual auction sale of pure bred cattle sheep a swine at o a c will be held ou thursday oct 23rd 1930 this event has al ways attracted widespread interest among cattle breeders a farmers generally and a large attendance again this year is anticipated big plowing match widespread interest is being evinced in the international plow ing match and farm machinery demonstration which will he held october 14 is ib and 17 on kings highway ko 7 near the city of stratfordthis years match prom ises to set a new record for num ber of entries contests and enthus iasm as will the north york match nt vandort on october 23rd the bean yield reports from the bean growing sections of ontario give the actual bean yields a somewhat higher than was first estimated about 67- ouo acres of beans were grown in ontario this year an increase of 30 per cent over 1929 yields how ever have been severely cut by the long spells of dry hot weather and the total yield will not be larger than in 1929 the ontario bean crop has a yearly value of well over two million dollars appeal to producers in connection with the buy ontariogrown products campaign which is being aggressively prose cuted by the government an ap peal is made to producers to help make the scheme successful by be ing even more careful than in the past about their offerings the de partment is recommending grad ed vegetables and the producer has a splendid opportunity to get this new business by offering graded products tills barnyard is clean on a farm near gait there is a barnyard that is always clean the whole of the yard is paved with concrete a scraper drawn by horses makes cleaning easy those who have done such paving sa that the main requirement is a well drained site on which to lay the concrete in many cases the first move is to tilo the yard tlie owner of the yard mentioned above says that it is a good invest ment because it means cleaner cows cleaner stables manure properly conserved and more personal com fort a satisfaction those old engines did you ever wonder what he- comes of all the old steam trac tion engines when they die if theyre good they go to norfolk county tobacco kilns and pump in steam to cure the bright leaf many have been seen a work during the past month doing just this thing and proving conclusively that there is always some way to use even the most apparently outworn agri cultural implement xeiv interest in sheep liaising marked success is attending the departments effort to stimulate a greater interest in sheepraising by the establishment of sheep clubs throughout the province a iiicm- melville mr carson wideman visited mr and mrs e nigh on sunday mr benson meyers spent the wefok end at the home of mrs j houck wo are sorry to hear of the illness of mr ohris widomau of the 5th line mrs j nigh visited her daughtei mrs e elliott of touoiuo on mon day miss georgia and ella whitson of whitby called on miss a mustard on sunday applesauce is all the rage just now several of the farmers are boiling this week in all our travels we havent seen fall wheat that will come up to alt smiths lot cashel born to mr and mrs harry forrester on oot 1st 11130 a daugh ter dixie bernice clarence wideman aud miss jean mustard spent sunday evening with mr and mis harry forrester we are sorry to hear that little harold carter at mr mortons has been on the sick list this week mrs ah smith was helping hei mother mrs a duncan on that busy day wo call threshing last week dont fail to hear ye olde vill age quartette at melville on oct it under the auspices of the wms mr and mrs geo baker and sons lome aud murray of gormley visit ed witih mr and mrs harvey huuck on sunday the baseball game between miss millers school and mr widamans of the sixth line whitchurch was a tie mrs win topliam and daughter clara also mrs stanley topham and baby called on mrs kenneth stotts on monday mr and mrs david hoover and daughter vtolot of stouffville spent last tuesday evening with mr and mrs jacob wideman mrs s b lehman of almira mrs jacob wideman of cahel and mrs jos gayman of stouffville were guests of mrs ed nigh ou tuesday several people moitored to vivian on sunday afternoon ito see the re forestation it was a wonderful sight the maple leaves made a lovely background for the evergreens several of the people in this neigh- honhujod attended tthe marbhani fair on saturday among these visitors was mrsj bucken who attended the fair for the first time in thirty years we presume she would see many great changes 10 11 among the churches pkesbyte1uan tliukcil rev w h fuller pastor sunday october 12tu 2 p m sunday school 3 p in evening worship the public eordially invited t t t t mevson1te c11ukch s s sbantz pastor sunuay october 12th am sunday school um and 7 pm preaching the above services in charge of pastor t t t t baker ihll aud sixth line baptist cuultoues w s whitcombe b a pastor sunday oct 12th baker hill 1030 am sixth lino 700 pm t t t t baptist church rev ww fleischer pastor sunday october 12th 10 am bible school 11 am morning message sor row in amnion and sympathy in jerusalem 7 pm subject the best way to heal a quarrel remember the prayer services wednesday 8 pm sunday 015 pm t t t t bloomixgtox hingwooi and airona churches e morton preacher sunday october 12th our wonderful highway will bo our subject for consideration next sunday a wteek of special services begins at altona sunday night rev fl meadows from newmarket will be with us monday night and rev ce fockler tuesday with their helpful messages servide overy night but saturday evervbody welcome t t t t christian churches stouffville and churchill f e hyde minister sunday october 12th 10 am stouffvilles sunday school 11 am morning worship 2 pm church hills ss 3 pm conquering the land of promise 7 pm the last of a series on th ten commandments we invite the public to worship with us in these services a cordial welcome to all t t t t united church of canada rev thos laidlaw ma pastor sunday october 12th 10 am ss and bible classes 11 am sacramental service and reception of new members 7 pm evening worship the pas tor subject are the principles of jesus as enunciated in the sermon on the mount applicable today wednesday s pm preparatory service followed by meeting of session you are cordially welcomed to these services nswersng the what roofinq shall i choose for sale rugby truck in splen did condition with high rack good tires and small mileage also good diningroom suite lloyd turner ph 1108 now your the roof youll need this old roof is done baked summers heat bloomington donald spenceley of claremont was home on sunday mr and mrs e a stony ami family spent sunday in toronto mr and mrs arthur storry also mr and mrs herb burnett spent sunday at pcfferlaw we welcome mr and mrs j davis back to our neighborhood again mr and mrs avery also mr and mrs e smith of toronto were at ii smiths on sunday because of the special services at alliona next week the christian en deavor society of the christian chunch are having their service on sunday night at 730 everybody welcome we say positively that colored ribroll represents the greatest advancement in the roofing in dustry in 25 years a critical examination of colored ribroll will convince you that it is the logical roofing to use on your home here are the unique advantages of colored ribroll permanence a metal roof with a galvanized iron base cannot warp shrink peel crack curl or bulge fireproof sparks cannot ignite colored ribrolls metal surface beauty colors fa match brick stucco wooden structures stone or any material lightning protection- lightning rod act protection economy can be laid right over old shingles with maximum speed write today for free sample of colored ribroll together with descriptive booklet properly grounded according to the ontario colored ribroll gives complete lightning put it on with preston ledhed nails note the generous overlap which means a perfect joint note how the lead on the head of the led- hed nail seals the nailhole preston ledhed nails are colored to match we alio make the famous preston steel truss barns barn door hardware galvanized tanks ham ven tilators council standard ribroll for barns and out buildings and all kinds of sheet metal building materials factories also at montreal and toronto ibroll eastenvsteel products guelph street ij preston ontario 2bo red light green dark green brantford roofing dealer now see your why wait a rantford uti slates theyre tapered are strong trinidad vienna cairo mandalay durable firesafc consult your brantford dealer singapore barcelona these old world beauty ppols stir up colourful memories from them be rich ripe combinations of brantford big butts were inspired more than one hundred different designs may be bad from these distinctive slates brantford roofing co limited head office and factory brantford ont branches and warehouse nt toronto windsor winnipeg montreal llalifas saint john nb and st johns nllj buy normally and there will he no unemployment for sale by stouffville planing mills altona jim clark and kenneth hot 7 took motor trip to beaverton mr and mrs p pugh of toronto visited w j monkhouses on sun day mr and mrs powe of california ivisifed the hitters sister miss tenna stover mr and mrs e howsam and family visited at ceo careys in iticu on sunday mr and mrs k benson yv ben- koiii and miss dorothy brown were recent guests with mr and mrs ken neth iteesor mr and mrs c bunker and fam ily of mongolia visited at norman bunkers on sunday mr and mrs joan lewis were guests at councillor t lewis on sunday mr and mrs murray dunkeld miss jesfcie watson miss olive madill were gnosis at prank waggs on sunday wednesday of last week was an idea day for i w crosicrs sale ii totalled over s000 hut the hay and roots were not sold prices ruled high for other things however and bidding was fairly brisk the 15 milch cows sold at an average of over 90 k t stevens of yonge ptreet bought the highest priced cow at 1 i g the yearling steers aver aged 4050 while a heifer rising 3 years sold at 101 implements averaged fair in price although thd binder went at a bargain for 85 while the drill used for 1c years sold at the same price as the good hinder suckling pigs went briskly at 7ir while 175 pound pigs com manded 2075 each sheep sold hfgli at 13 to jit each and ycal- iiigs lf7f spring lambs brought 975 horses proved hard to sell n good work tram going at 115 hut n yearling gelding brought 91 dud ley while who purchased the 100 acre farm for 10000 has one of the finest properties in the seel ion it had been in the millard family for long years jackson jackson auc tioneers were heard here by many for the first time they have a wide spread reputation in their home dto- trict and came here largely because mr crosiers father and the jack sons have for long years been as sociated in business together at port pony auction sale sat lilt day oct 11th at lot 71 yonge street at de lasalle coll ege horses cattle implements hay grain fit c belonging to mr p cooney xo reserve 6 months credit sale at one f n smith auctioneer saturday oct isth at lot 35 con 5 markliain farm slock im plements household furniture hay grain etc belonging lo rout j thompson 10 months credit sale at one pm prentice prentice anot ioneers for sali- shiiv itani two lamb wellbred shrop- ph 9200 new dklaval skparator 750 lbs cap lor sale 25 per cent less than original cost stouffville creamery co 33 ikis for swi 2 brood sows due in nov also number pigs ready to wean i hoover ph 1504 claremont for sllik quantity of 1 foot mixed wood 400 per cord apply vivian forests phone ml albart 1614 33 cfo xptkjk phone secretary of ufo your requirements in coal mill poods oil cake feed grains and sajt 34 ior saiik black llolsteiu cow 4 years old fresh 2 jersey yearling heifers and a thoroughbred southdown ram david gray it s 10th con whitchurch ph s614 cldkit we are again in at our mill bring apple j sider cor 5 townline phone 7207 a king long 111 coi cider your and xotfch wells pumps repaired phones 20s or cleaned at model 9907 and dug ate charges 30 extra foothold means cheaper plowing watch a tugofwar team on the end of a rope note how easily and steadily the boys pull when they have a firm foothold how they slip and slither if they have no holes to brace their feet the same principle applies to a tractor the more traction it has the easier and steadier it pulls less slipping less waste of power that can mean only one thing more actual work from every gallon of fuel cheaper plowing cheaper cultivating etc iook at the long wide tracks of the caterpillar compare caterpillar traction with that of any other tractor then you will sec why caterpillar owners savc so much on their fuel bills wfite for full information toronto tractor 6t equipment co limited 8b 510 king si w toronto ontario or slk s room frame house woodshed attached bard and soft water electric light large lot bam near schools well located m davies church street mark- ham ph 129 32 sheep 25 ewe lambs 25 shear lings and 25 aged ewes for sale all purebred southdowns priced 10 sell quickly james brotlio phone 7210 farm to revt the estate of jos alsop offer he west half of iot 5 con 3 uxbridge for rent for partlcularselc apply lo gregg llttlciolin uxbridge 32 wanted white turkey or goose quills we pay 25 cents up per pound delivered send samples or write 110 badminton manufacturing co 13c5 d forth avenue toronto farm machinery binder repairs also pood double and single riding plows also culling ttox with blower 13 inch for sale cheap bon itcxlin stouffville phone 192 highest prices for fat fowl wool and hides w iih v