h zfribttite vol xlii 32 stouffville ontario thursday october 9 1930 a v nolan publibher backbite tablets for the kidneys a remedy for backache lum bago stone in the bladder brights diease diabetes and urinary troubles scores of people find these the best kidney tablets they have ever used try a box price 50 cents j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 collard farm changes owners sold in had three keen i over separate i family i century parcel name judge scores prominent family peeping tom bereaved by death business cards veterinary s t bodendistel vs bvsc vktkrixakiax graduate of ontario veterinary college ollico at the mansion house phone 1c1 successor to dr j t storey medical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon office cor obrien and main phone 19g coroner tor york county dr walter h woodrow medical arts bldg toronto eye ear nose and throat specialist will be in stouffville every other thursday 7- 9 pm office at dr dales a c kennedy chiropractor church st stouffville monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am drs ira herbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat g to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only the collard farm at gormley with its line orchard has beeu sold by the owner mr george collard of stouffville who gives up possession this fall the projerty was dis posed of in three separate parcels to as many owners fred schelko of toronto bought the farm acreage buildings and tha entire stock and implements major snivel gets the bush land while mr hicks of willowdale purchased the orchard mr schelko who formerly lived in indiana is the trainer at the thorn- hill stables but will make his home at gormley and will probably find a good home for some valuable horses on his new farm tlifl bush land on this farm being so close to yongo street is ideally located and is steadily in creasing in value major snivel of the dominion securities co toron to intends to develop and add still more to t tie natural beauty of the premises probably one thing above all else that has advertised the collard farm in the past and made it known to so many people is the line orchard so highly developed by the present owner over a period of years this section of th e place containing several acres and sold to mr hicks an exreeve of east york will continue to hear fruit as in the past mr hicks has erected a pack ing plant and intends to grow fruit on a fairly large scale after the present fall work is completed mr collard will retire to his home in stouffville where he may enjoy a well earned rest since he gave up his drug store in town and commenced to develop his farm which has been in the collard family for over a century life has been fairly strenuous mr collards mot iter held the crown deed for part of the property she coming up from new york to possess the place after the death of her husband in new york state where they had settled on coining over from england gormley man figures in barrie mrs assizes court wellington stouffer in her 67th year dies expressing regret that rental wetherup of alliston had not used his head when he attempted to cap ture elmer horner of gormley whom h wounded with a rifle and sever ely reprimanding the latter for his peeping tom acts justice jeffries in assize court at barrie last wednes day approved the withdrawal of a charge of intent to main and dis figure but passed suspended sentence when wother up pleaded guilty of unlawfully wounding horner i following a period of ill health death claimed mrs wellington stouffor at the late home just north w riugwood on friday october 3 1930 the funeral on sunday after noon took place to the dixon hill cemetery and the divine service was conducted by rev thos laidlaw of jthe united church who made fitt ing refeiteneeto the devoted spiritu- jal life of the departed the large i concourse of friends and neighbors i who gathered to pay thkir last re- jspects more than taxed the capacity whatsintheroad facts regarding our new pave- ment work accomplished within contract price i of the bereaved home the late mrs stouffer was born ing tlie sessions of the court while near p 07 years ago but counsel for the- accused and crown wnen on a cnild qj six years her dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of hoyal college of dental surgeons and of me university of toronto office in grublna block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor gtaduato of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 e a grubin r 0 eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 1928 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday ollico in the grubin block eyes examined glauses fitted and re paired phone stouffville 2405 attention if your ford is hard to start why not try a dynamo timer and note the improvement many users bought dynamo timers for this reason alone and besides they are fully guaranteed to give 3 years of perfect satisfaction ford car performance also greatly improved by installing a jdynamo timer thoroughly testod for durability and improvede engine operation xo oiling required so you get a clean stronger spark every time instant starting and smoother operation hundreds in dally use on ford cars and fordson tractors in york county ask the man who uses one none better just give one a trial ecpnomlcally priced nt 275 mailed cod on roquest e klinck at victoria square rr2 gormley phone stouffville 4011 also available at buttons hardware store stouffville mr robt leslie who recently arrived from edmon ton to manage the shaw store celebration program thursday oct 9th fi30 pm the business mon will banquet tlie toronto and york iltoad commissioners and hon ofo s henry at the mansion house s00 the parade will start from the hotel headed by stouffville band proceeding to the east end of the tjojivri and back to centre of business section where hon mr henry will cut the ribbon and formally declare the road opened s15 community singing s45 choral singing led by ii m flotehor 900 bicycle slow race and mas querade judging 930 dancing 1000 drawing for luck number car ticket and presentation of car after presenting the car on witli the daiieo shiner davis secy counsel conferred with his lord ship to arrange a speedy disposal of the case finally col r h greer counsel for the accused stated horner had been compensated and arrangements made to pay his hospi tal costs and asked that the charge of inlent to main and disfigure to which his client pleaded not guilty he withdrawn if such were done he said his client would plead guilty to the other charge of unlawfully wounding and throw himself on the mercy of the court with the eon- sent of the crown the more serious charge was withdrawn elmer horner aged 30 of gormley stated he had been employed by the phillips lightning hod company in stalling rods in the new lowell vic inity and had come to alliston on the day of tlie shooting in order to do some work in that neighborhood ii was unfamiliar with tlie vicinity of ithe wetherup home he said what took you there w a boys kc special crown prosecu tor asked him i went over to look into the window he replied was there any reason for you go ing to welherups house no i saw a man and woman in the bedroom and went over to tlie window what was your purpose in look ing in the window to see a woman undress they were sitting on tlie bed talking and then went out to the kitchen tlie witness described how he had sat down on tlie grass when the occupants of the room wnt to the back of the house he was sitting with his back to the wall near a cellar windowcasing when he heard someone come around the confer of the house and say hey who are you and what are you doing there i got up and ran toward the front of i wetherups house across church street to get protection behind a tree horner testified when were the first shots fired mr boys asked just as i entered the street i heard the report and then something whizzed past my head there was another report and i was hit in the right shoulder 1 kept on running and heard two more shots in quick succession and then a fiifth shot hit my elbow when i was about five feet from the tree what took place then some one took hold of life and i was taken back where i met another man with a gun he said put your hands up i said i cant im shot i dont remember anything more after gett ing into tiro car until i came to in the hospital wife divorced him during crossexamination by col greer horner admitted he had been charged with nonsupport about ilv3 years ago that his wife had divorc ed him five years ago after they had been married for four years work you not in trouble in mea- ford trouble similar to the alliston affair that led to the shootingask- ed defence counsel yes but no conviction was registered but you were caught peeping in windows yes i didnt do it after i had a motor ear witness said perhaps tlie motor car made a better man of you yes wore you ever convicted of theft yes but wasnt guilty whereupon mr greer pointed out parents the late mr and mrs nicholas grieva moved to this lo cality and she had lived hear ever since she was an only child she united in marriage with the late wellington stouffer who predeceas ed her four years four children survive them being charles stewart and bruce and mrs gordon boyd deceased was a davoted mother and a fine christian character the pall bearers who bore the remains to their last resting place were four brotherinlaws and a son- inlaw sidewalks wanted continued on page four tlie municipal council sat until nearly midnight on monday evening in order to clear up the large volume of business to be attended to reeve sanders presided and members were councillors borinsky rusnell ward and rowbotham there was a mild flareup when ctouncillar ward submitted a resolu tion that a new sidewalk to con structed on the south side of main street across from the presbyterian church messrs chris iiayiner wm stewart and w paisley formed a deputation asking that something be done in this matter councillor ward didnt get a seconder to his motion as other members thought funds were not available this year for the work but all admitted the noed of a new walk council- was adverse to placing the cost in the paving ac count to be spread over 20 years as suggested in tlie proposed resolu tion of councillor ward another sidewalk matter came up when dr 11 b freel asked for an extension lo walk to his new property on tihe east side of obrien amenue it developed that george patton who lives still farther south required a walk also dr free ownes two vacant lots between his house and the patton place which he didnt care to build walk past the matter was left in obeyance pending a settlement between theresidents concerned councillors displayed surprise when they got a bill of 131 for a new pipe pusher they understood one could be obtained for 75 and the aiccount was rejected pending in vestigation the- pipe pusher is to be used for driving inch pipes under the new roadway for water services john mckinnon was granted 215 for work done at the ceme tery during tlie summer and e w bakr was paid 50 for right of way over his property as a detour the following accounts were ordered paid general accounts wm crossem labor 2790 jphn gower labor 3 laid hoover directing traffic 5 co ii elson labor 510 j memullen labor 1715 wm thorn labor 595 john phillips labor 10 so s jones 540 ii- t leavens gas 221 wm yake labor 1715 c h john son 525 ii anderson board 150 franklin bros sc4 tribune legal adv bylaw 2101 brailhwaite hardware 129 hydro electric account ii burgess 2 so j gower 3 go n w byer 2390northern electric 3219 morpliy testing meters 10205 canadian line materials 570 bralhwaite hardware 117 this handsome limousene is the new motor hearse belonging to w j mather undertaker stouffville the motor is a lasallo tight cylinder with body by mitchell of ingersol one of the features is that it may be loaded from either side as well as the rear this fin car with such sweeping lines and richness of body is the last word in motor hearses built today the local firm is to be congratulated on its cntcrpriao in keeping abreast of the latest in funeral comfort and refinement with the completion of the big hundred thousand dollar road program in stouffville this week and the wiping out of all detours that have been the order all summer in stouffville the rate payers who will be called on to pay a portion of the total cost will be interested in tlie facts given in this article res pecting the big undertaking the work was done under the joint control of the toronto and york road commission and the corporation of stouffville on an ipproximate cost basis of the county paying 40 to 45 per cent and the local ratepayers the balance the total cost is slightly over 100000 and we are given tlie assurance by the engineers that the contract price lias not been exceeded there is a mile of storm sewers put down which was the first work done starting about july 15th the sewer pipes vary from 4 to 42 in diameter connected to this sewer is 45 catchbasins requiring 20 man holes the base of the road is made of concrete b inches thick which was put down in the remarkably short tim of 20 days scarcely any inter ruption was caused by wet weather the magnitude of this work is better realized when one considers that it required 5000 cubic yards of gravel drawn from storrys pit at gravel hill and 20 car loads of cement from the canada cement co lake- field ontario tlie number of cubic yards of cement in the work measures 23000 the surface of the road went down in 12 days being built in two courses the first course is 1 inches thick composed of large stone and coarse sand while the fop or finishing coat is one inch thick composed of fine sand small and stone dust both these mixtures contain asphalt which comes in a liquid form in insulating tank cars from the imperial oil montreal who import it in tank steamers from trinidad five tank cars each con taining forty tons of asphalt were used in the stouffville job there was also used 1000 tons of inch crushed stone from lakefield 250 cubic yards of fine sand from whit church township and 750 cubic yards of coarse sand from storrys pit besides this there was used three carloads of stone dust brought from beachville ontario every day a sample of the pave ment was sent to the laboratory in boston to be tested and diagnosed tor quality and strength the preparation of the asphalt mixture entailed setting up of a huge plant on frank sangsters lot at the south end of blake street resembling a quite large manufactur ing establishment the big smoke stack towering in the air and belch ing out its smoke may be seen from any part of the town here the asphalt was mixed and heated to 350 degrees fahrenlieit witli fuel oil brought in lank cars from sarnia the average number of men em ployed on the total job was 90 with 15 trucks the total pay roll we are informed by the paymaster will approximate 35000 or about one- third of the whole contract the town officials and the local press are delighted with the manner in which the warren pav ing co have carried out their con tract their workmen have proven a civil decent gang of men and their foremen have won many friends during their short stay here they have all been obliging and shown themsolves to be skilled mechanics the following had charge of the work for the warren comp any superintendent o water- house cashier- f curtis foremen t mnrsden a gillis and f linskell b mclntyre of the firm of morgeson babcock consulting engineers toronto looked after tio towns interests his firm has charge of the large new custom buildings now going up in toronto which fact will give our readers somo conception of the ability and magnitude of the work they do during the life of the road job tlie warron co have maintained an ollico one door west of the mansion house where the cashier mr f curtis was always found willing to assist the press in giving to the rate payers information of real interest concerning the progress of the work card of thanks the family ot the late mrs wel lington stjouffer wish to thank the neighbors and friends for their sym pathy assistance and floral gifts given during their present bereave ment their golden wedding day local couple celebrate joyous event in stouffville personal notes on october c 1ss0 susie french a winsome young bride stood before the altar ot matrimony with henry brillinger in the little town ot iromeo michigan this wedlock had a sequel on monday of this week when the same couple assembled at a dinner given in their honor by the sons daughter and grandchildren at tlie homo of mr md mis harry brillinger main street both mr and mis brillinger en tered into the spirit of this golden jubileo celebration with keen m illiil ililil iilllisllil mr and mrs henry ltrilliiigcr oard of thanks mrs wellington helmkay desires to express her deep appreciation to the friends of goodwood and stouff ville sections for their kindly assist ance rendcreil her and for the beau tiful floral tributes received on the death of the lato mr helmkay interest they were surrounded by nearly all their children and by some 15 grandchildren following tlie dinner the honored parents were presented witli a purse of gold from the children and witli a basket of 50 roses and other gifts on behalf of the grandchildren mr brillinger early possessed the instincts of a sucoessful gardener and his knowledge of plant life is extensive he built and owned the present muston greenhouses where be made his homo for 24 years seventeen years ago tiro couple re tired to town where they have since lived of a family of eight children two daughters nellie and jessie are dead tlie former having been the wife of jonas lewis the other members of the family are mrs bert miller toronto roy of orillia percy harry and walter of stouff ville and dr fred brillinger of poekskill ny there are 15 grand children and three great grand children the family were all present for the anniversary excepting dr fred who was unable to leave his duties both mr and mrs brillinger have been faithful to the christian life and are members of tlie baptist faith where mr brillinger had served as a deacon rev j b moore although in his s9th year came over from waterford for the occasion he was tlie first baptist minister to reside in stouffville and mr brillinger was one ot his chief workers in the earlier days of church life here mr ernie stouffer of toronto visited at his home on sunday jllss margarete hodgins was a weekend visitor in town on sunday mrs alex grubin and family visited in streetsville mrs e a button ot obrien ave has returned from a visit at wallace- burg jlrs shuttleworth of toronto was the guest of mrs harry brilliugor this week mrs thos laidlaw and son winston speut the weekend at owen sound mrs mcleod with her two sons ot toronto spent sunday with her cousin mr jos mertens mr and mrs arthur lehman and family spent sunday in town with mr and mis amos lehman miss marjoriei peacock has taken a position in toronto after being with mr and mrs herb porter for a number of years congratulations to mr william stewart who celebrated his 84th birthday on oct sth at his home opposite tlie presbyterian church on mondap mr e j davey at tended the cnr veterans banquet our townsman is tlie youugest of the railway veterans organization the members of faith and truth temple are extending a hearty invitation to all to attend the prayer service on thursday evening jat s oclock mr and mrs r l dales left on tuesday for their home in winnipeg after completing their honeymoon tour following their marriage hist month after a honeymoon spent in que bec murray bay new york and at parental homes in markham and stouffville mr and mrs r ldales left on monday for winnipeg where they will reside the marriage of miss martha gertrude dennie and mr herbert simpson was solemnized on satur day sept oth and not on the date announced in our last issue the iu- correct anouueeiuent was confused ion the telephone in transmitting it to tlie newspaper office the regular monthly meeting of the senior womens institute will be held on wednesday october 15th at 230 oclock at the home of mrs geo t lee this is grandmothers day and a good program is being arranged roll call what my grandma missed paper pioneer days by mrs klinck cionttest in old fashioned costumes music and social half hour you are invited come nb the institute wishes to thank all friends and tlie eastern star chapter for the lovely flowers contributed toward the boxes sent to christie st hospital from which a very appreciative letter has been re ceived will investigate markets w b somerset of burlington has been alp by hon t l kennedy minister of agriculture to delve into the question of market ing fruits and vegetables from the farmers standpoint a work that was started by hon mr kennedy wo a endeavoring to find new markets for ontarios fruit and vegetables said mr kennedy we are centering chiefly on winnipeg and montreal iec raw 1 ij sctng a if tgljiuaij daily coach service st0uffvillet0r0nt0 single 95c return 170 leave stouffville leave toronto eastern standard time 725 am j 900 am al040 r c200 pm t340 pm a 530 pm b825 pm m015 pm a sunday and holidays only b saturday sunday and holidays only c saturday only coaches stop at any point to pick up passengers signal plainly by hand to the driver ciiatered coaches for all group outings at moderate rates for information communicate with gray coach lines yonge at front toronto gray coach lines i i 1 a i