Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), October 2, 1930, p. 2

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40 persons severely injured as bleachers collapse franklin memorial in arctic circle columbus o bleachers containing 2500 spectators at a high school foot ball game collapsed here on sept 26th bringing injuries to between 5 and 150 persons th wooden stands gave way and fell backwards just as the fau3 aroso to their feet at the end of tho first lialf la a night game between colum bus central high school and cheney high school youngstown ohio the visiting team was ahead 7 to 0 at tho half the crowds yells for a turn in football fortunes gave way to cries of terror as tho fiveyearold bleachers toppled between 33 and 40 person were suf fering severely enough to necessitate their removal to hospitals oue wo mans back was broken and it was be lieved she would uot recover tho stands had been approved this year by the city engineer trackless trolleys londons latest under the royal commission scheme hundreds of miles of rails may be torn up loudon vast changes in english transportation systems wil be n do it tho recommendations in the final re port ot tho hoyal commission on transport now being drafted are car ried out these include pulling up hundreds of miles of street car tracks in london suburban areas where the overhead system is used and the sub stitution of trackless trolleys where at present antiquated tram cars are in operation in order to aid the everin creasing trafiic- problems the report is expected to be com- old coaching inn is airminded english hotel provides aero drome and supplies spare parts london a famous coaching inn since tho seventeenth century hay cock hotel at yvansford is the first hotel in england to provide an aero drome for its guests fuel oil and even engine spare parts are kept in stock for the visitor who drops in situated within easy reach of three famous hunts it is a few mile west of peterborough and within an hour by air from london liverpool ot hull it has been suggested very ap propriately that the inn ought to bo reehristened flying inn port commission has devoted years to the gigantic problems ing from road traflic two aris- pleted by christmas and will deal also j m r with railway and motor truck competi- fighting brums gat tion for hauling freight and probably i rightofway will recommend the control of long dis- 1 tance trucking in fact a general i vancouverarchie mcgregor prob- tightening up of all forms of transport i abl sllould b peel with motor horns or some other i device of warning when they stage their battles on the mountainsides of british columbia mcgregor and his team of horses were swept over a ledge near here recently when they happened in the path of a black and a brown bear which came hurtling down the mountainside wrapped in each others savage clutches archie and his horses caught on some trees 10 feet below where the team wedged mcgiegor extricated himself and travelled two miles for an axe to cut his horses free driver and animals escaped with cuts and bruises it is not recorded what happened to the bears margaret is name of new princess daughter of duke of york to be christened next month london it was officially announc ed on sept 22nd that the younger daughter of the duke and duchess of york born at guinis castle on aug 21 will lie christened princess margaret rose of york the christ ening ceremony will take place in the private chapel of buckingham palace next month the baby princess is the fourth in line ot succession to the british throne and should she become queen it will be the first time there has ever been a queen margaret of england inasmuch as the princess was born in scotland it was regarded as fitting that she should be christened mar- garet for there have been three queen margarets ot scotland fate of franklin expedition in far north was revealed recently by llight of major hurwash canadian explorer above only memorial to sir john franklin on beechy island in arctic circle earthquake in russia wrecks seven villages moscow russic one hundred and seventyfive persons were killed ami over tltree hundred injured on sept 21th when a violent earthquake wrecked seven villages in the vicin ity of tadjikistan one thousand and two hundred families were without shelter in addition to the villages destroy ed ten others suffered great damage cotton worm moth radiit ontario first shipbuilding in canada the first shipbuilding in canada was done by poutgrave who built two ves sels at port royal annapolis royal nova scotia in 1006 when ho be lieved himself to have been deserted j i by demonts it was talon however tvinhon uyuuelph and vicm- w gav shipbuilding tho status of an ity it is learned industry for in 1cc5 before he return ed to france 350 men out of a total population of less than 7000 were on- france to consider i floating airports french engines to devise cheap floating islands j in midatlantic paris france- credits for study of a plan under which floating airports- would be built in the atlantic ocean i for an air route to new york will be included in the 1031 budget minister of aviation laurent eynac told the press recently the ministry has studied the idea and decided it is excellent eymic said but all schemes until now have j been prohibitively expensive our credits will permit french engineers- to devise a cheaper ptan of construe- tion i this doesnt mean we have decid ed to build the floating islands but the scheme will be for study of emergency landings at sea to within a short distune of new york there was some quesmoi in diplo matic circles whether france or any other country could be prevented by the united states from building air port islands near tho american coast although such construction might be considered a threat to american war time isolation ohio boyman shaves smokes cigars at age of six parents puzzled toledo ohio what to do with a sixyearold boy who has a moustache shaves regularly smoke cigars in- veterately talks in a deep voice ant does strongman stunts is puzzling toledo school officials as well as his parents the boy is clarence kefir who is three feet five inches tall weighs 84 pounds and has been doing strong man stunts worthy since be was three intelligence quotient physicians attribute his early de velopment into manhood to super activity of the ductless glands the boymans parents mr and mrs clarence kehr have arranged to go to columbus to take up with the ohio department of education the matter of his education snow and sleet hit prairie districts guelph guelph and surrounding district was invaded recently bv mil- lions of cotton worm moths thou- s in constructing wooden vessels band of i f them were to be noted cling- j ing to eietric iight standards and lit- rrairie and yukon rishenes tering the sdewalks in tho city while the product of the fisheries of the the pastures in the country were liter- prairie provinces and ytikon terri- ally alive with them it is believed tories in 1920 was valued at s 1075- they were either blown here from the 095 compared with 3580502 in 1928 cotton belt in the southern states ny these figures represent tho value of the wind or attracted by the warm tho fish as marketed manitoba in 1929 weather i contributing 2745205 or c7 per cent alberta 732211 or 18 per cent sas- olive my fiancee wrote to say lie katchewan 573871 or 14 per cent wanted to be married very soot to tho and the yukon territory 21805 or 1 most charming girl in tho world i per cent yvhitefish was tho chief botty the wretch after promising catch representing 31 per cent ot to marry you i tho total value ot fisheries production mitzi green likes toronto swift current and vicinity blanketed by snowfall telephones disabled moosejaw sask with power lines snapped under tho load of snow and sleet and the city and district blanket ed with seven inches of snow swift current on sept 24th was without electric power or light in addition hundreds of telephones in tho city and district were out of or der tho snow and sleet was driven before a strong wind no estimate of tho damage in swift current to the circuits could be definitely ascertained but it took 48 hours to restore servico in many instances tho heavily laden wires had brought the power and tele phones to tiio ground similar conditions with respect to telephone lines were reported from many points in tho swift current dis trict and rural and longd tance tele phone lines were down meeting disturbed by graf zeppelin geneva tho graf zeppelin paid a surpriso visit to geneva on sept 19th flying down tho lako at a low atti- tudo and from tho direction of laus anne slio passed over tho league sec retariat buildings in which throe leaguo of nations committees wero sitting so deafening were tho roars ot her engines through tho open windows of tho committeo rooms that in ono room tho volco of tho interpreter was ln- audiblo and proceedings wero tem porarily suspended whilo tho dele gates tho public and tho press men rushed to the windows to view tho air ship family occupies farm 6s2 years paris spurred oa by swedish boasts of loyalty to the land french newspapers started a canvas of this country triumphantly producing the family clerget which lor 602 years has lived in the same town volnay the ancient seat of a branch of the beam family located in the pictures que cote dor the archives show that in 12gs a certain jacque3 clerget wine grower was provost of the county in 1460 phillippe clerget was provost and from 1814 to isis etlenne was mayor of volnay arsene clerget the in cumbent in that post has three sons all ot whom he says are expect ing to remain in the the city ot their fathers pheasrnts increasing brantford english pheasants are appearing in increasing numbers this autumn in the vicinity of where the farmers for seme time have been keeping a watchful eye on their j shorts nuisances a wise man who does not assist with his counsels a rich man with his charity and a poor man with his la bor are perfect nuisances in the com mon wealth swift movements and taking steps to pro tect them from marauding hunters and extremes of weather feed was put out for them last winter by sev eral farmers the birds do not ap pear to be wild and are seen frequ ently from the roadways or the lake erie and northern cars which through the district the markets produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy- ing produce at the following prices i eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 32 to 33c frsh firsts 2y to 30c seconds 22 to 23c butter no 1 outario creamery solids 32 to 33c no 2 30 to 31c churning cream special 31 to 32c no 1 30 to 31c no 2 27 to 28c cheese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 10 v4 to 10c quotations to poultry shippers are as follows poultry alive iattcd hens over 5 lbs 21c over 4 to 5 lbs 18c over 854 to 4 lbs 10c under 3 lbs 14c spring chickens over 3 lbs 25c over 4vi to 5 lbs 23c over 4 to 4v4 lbs 20c under 4 lbs 17c broilers 1 to 2i lbs 12c pullets straight bred 2c above chicken prices spring duck- lngs white over 5 lbs 17c over 1 to 5 lbs 14c colored 2c lb lees old roosurs over 5 lbs 17c over 4 to 5 lbs 8c poultry dressed fatted hens over 5 lbs 2gc over 4 to 5 lis 23c over 3m to 4 lbs 21c undo 3v lbs 19c dressed poutry if in good con dition will be paid 3 to 4c above list prices provision prices toronto wholesale dealers re quoi ing the following prices to the trade smoked meats hums med 28 ti 3ge cooked loins 48 to 52c smoked rolls 34c breakfast bacon 2fc to 40c back peamealed 34c do smoked 44 to 50c pork loins 2sc shoulders 20c butts 251ic hams 24 to 20c cured meats long clear bon 50 to 70 lbs 22c 70 to 90 lbs 20c 90 t- 110 lbs 19c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 25e lard pure tierces igmicj tubs 17c pails 17c prints 18 to 18c shortening tierces 12c tubs 13c pails 13e special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs lsie pails lge grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are making the following quotations for car ots man wheat no 1 northern 7sc no 2 do 7gc no 3 do 75c no 4 do 71ic no 0 59c cif guderieh and bay ports manitoba oats no 1 feed 31c i no 2 do 284 c afvntine corn 82c cif port col- borne oakviue millfced del montreal vcights bags included bran per ton 2525 per ton 2325 middlings clippings here and there from everywhere i ot a grownup he has a high mastery ono of the most vital essentials ne cessary in acquiring the ability to fo cus tho mind is the abandonment ot wido fields of pleasure ono would like to do many things take unto him self many kinds of knowledge many forms of influence but ho who mas ters his business must build many walls and lock many doors hamilton wright mable german synthetic ice inventor in america seeking canadian hockey players kitchener amateur hockey moguls aro due for a few more grey hairs if tho story brought back from germany by jack walters a kitchener busi ness man is true ho declares that a german inventor has perfected an artificial ice which solidifies at any temperature and that this man pro poses organizing a leaguo in the prin cipal cities of germany importing promising young canadian hockey players to form tho various teams tho inventor is now in new york endeavoring to interest american capital in his scheme and from there he is coming to kitchener in search ot his hockey material tho new ice is mado from a chemical solution which is pourd on any fiat surface it solidifies in- a short time and has tho same consistency and properties as ice except tho low temperature tho snow is scraped from it as from natural ice and poured into a kettlo boiled and then spread again over the ice forming a smooth glassy surface 30 ontario grain wheat 73e barlev 35c oats 28c rye 50c buckwheat nominal hay and straw prices vholesale deabrs in hay nd straw are quoting shpprs the following run i prices for carload lots delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy 14 no 3 timothy i 12 to 13 wheat s nominal oat straw nominal live stock quotations heavy beef steeis g to 750 but cher steers choice 7 to 750 do fair to good 625 to s675 do com 5 to 525 butel er heifers choice 7 to 750 do fair to good g to 675 do com 5 to 575 butcher cews good to choice 525 to 575 do med 3 to 150 canners and cut ters 150 to 250 batcher bulls good to choice 450 to 5 do bologna 250 to 350 baby beef 950 to 1150 feeders good 550 to 0 stockers 450 to 523- calves good to choice 1250 do med 11 io com 7 to 8 do grassers 450 to 6 milkers 50 to 95 springers 80 to 110 lambs choice 750 to 8 buck lambs 650 sheep 1 to 4 hogs bacon woc 1150 to 11g0 do trucked in 25c cwt under woc do butchers 75c per hog disjount do selects 1 per bop premium ordinarily it is among the earlier productions of any author that pos terity cads his masterpiece james branch cabell the educated american is naively trustful about political platitudes or philosophical halftruths lord eus tace percy industrial unemployment ias in creased the supply of farm labor there is always something to eat down on the farm a writer wants to know where all the taxes arc going the poor tax payer wants to know where they are coming from mussolini has demonstrated that a dictatorship is the ideal form of gov ernment for people who will stand for it why did you give up working foi old fizzle because he behaved in a way i didnt like what did ho do gave me the sack wife trying oa hats do you liko this turned down dear husband how much is it twentyeight and eleven yes turn it down is woman really a more clever scientist than man asks a writer well man had to invent xrays be fore he could see through anybody judge says when you see a log lead ing a man you know the man is blind but if tho man is leading the dog you know the man is married todd my wife went through all my pockets last night modd what did she find what all explorers find enough material for a lecture season opens i aviatrix to attempt hazardous lone flight a hazardous iono flight either around tho world or across tho south polo is planned for this fall by mrs victor bruco british aviatrix her airplano drlvon by a isohorsepower cnglno and capable of 1000mile flights at a spoed of 100 miles por hour is nearly completed sho has not yot decided upon tho routo for olthor of tho proposed flights mitzi ciccu juvenile screen star daughter of joe keno noted vaudcvil- han xi shb appeared recently on streets ot toronto making friends with a t n an paliceaaaa and s3 harso an amorican on holiday la dublin asked a jauntingcar driver how much was tho faro three bob sir said the irishman how much is that in english money asked the amorican six shillings said tho driver and ho got it value of hairpins rises 1500000 washington the cry of several years ago that bobbed hair was mak ing the hairpin industry obsolete has been stilled it is indicated by figures from the us department of com merce that show a 100 per cent in crease in the value ot hairpins prod uced in 1929 over those manufactured in 1927 tho figures jumping from 1- 500000 to almost 3000000 the poundago of hairpins produced in creased 115 per cent it is reported things found in mothers sewing basket sold for 229d1s72 in 1929 the department finds included in tho list wero needles hooks pins eyes and snap fasteners fortysix establish ments were engaged in making these articles that are in daily use and the services of 0311 men wero required the total value of theso products was 131 per cent more in i929 than in 1927 alaska and new york linked by telephone ketchikan alaska conversation was carried on between ketchikan and tho now york ofllco of tho associ ated press sept 12 in the first tele phonic connection between the two cities e o morrissoy publisher of the ketchikan jackson s mistress be careful with thoso books several go back to george tho first maid yes mum and i seo several should go back to the library while englands unemployment fig ure stands about the 2000000 mark germany has 2715000 unemployed and america c000000 monograms in color silver moons on black hearts spades diamonds and clubs are among tho latest freak decorations for fingernails a correspondent says that gnats aro not so plentiful this year as last lis ten if there were only ono gnat in the world gnats would still bo too plentiful tor us angry father look here doris i wont havo young joues bringing you home at midnight dris calmly well father who else do you sug gest well youve got one of them ear things for your deafness at last thats what ive been telling you to do for five years oh thats what youve been telling me for five years is it punch jack i think peggy will make an ideal wife every time i go to seo iter i find her darning her fathers socks george that caught me too until i noticed it was always tho samo sock wliite certain british baby cars sell well in america the american car predominates in overseas brit ain the percentago of american cars in australia is 77 in british east africa 90 in canada 100 in south africa 85 and in india 72 the mother of a child attending a london elementary school took the boy to hospital as usual certain questions wero asked what reli gion is his father c of e his mother r c and the child oh er lcc titbits tho lato king edward though a keen yachtsman was not qulto effici ent and once when ho look a notion to steer there was an amusing sequel tho commander ot a passing destroy er not satisfied with the stylo in which tho royal yacht was being handled and blissfully unawaro who was at tho helm jokingly signalled tho commodoro that ho should tako a few lessons in steering tho jester received a rudo shock when tho reply camo back excuse mistakes out ot practice edward brevity is the soul of modern jour nalism a budding journalist was told never to uso two word3 where ono would do ho carried out this chronicle talked with advice in his report of a fatal accl- elllott assistant gcnoral dent in tho following manner john jones struck a match to seo if thero was any gasoline in his tank thero was ago sixtyfive unusual photograph showing ralph wilcox tay brown and ernld pinckort trojan football stars los angeles preparing for oponlng kickoff of 1930 season manager of the associated press mr elliotts volco was heard clearly mr morrissoy was abroad tho belmont a yacht in tho harbor tho calls wero sont from a portable experimental j a woman at ono of tho sales was station by radio tolophony to van- struck on the head by a pieco of plas- couvor bc and by land lines to tor which fell from tho colling sho now york i had begun to talk about damages for i jtho injury when with great prcsenco liberty 0 mind the shopwalker led her oul- thore is no mora liberty apart from inner llborty control of affairs is first control of self and nngorcrned pas sions must forever mean shipwreck of life destruction and death side pointed to a largo notice and said you sec madam wo distinct ly warned you looking up the in jured one read notice these premises aro coming down

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