stouffville august 14th 1930 ggbbsebb local happenings the long dry spell was broken last week by a nice shower of rain but more is still needed for the benefit of the local vegetable crop horticultural society show thursday august 2stu dr patterson dentist has opened an office in the silvester block potatoes are selling in the field at soc per bag it is predicted that the late crop will demand more money as the long dry spell is said to hae deminished the prospects for late tubers very considerably little grains of powder little daubs of paint make our darling daughter seem like what she aint the jubilee hranchj churchill womens institute are holding a bazaar on the veranda of mrs c lee mussulmans lake sat august 16 10s0 at 230 pm homemade baking candy fancy work and other articles for sale markham village council has re ceived information to the effect that the hydro electric rates there will be reduced at once the new rating is the same as that announced iu the tribune last week for stouff- ville an english girl wishes employ ment as a general aged is year- apply mrs wilsher oormley rr i lovers of flowers are welcome to visit the brier bush just now and least their eyes on the tine display of gladioli although he recently celebrated his 71th birthday ellas lehman is doing his share to garner the present harvest he has been assist ing the local farmers to lift their crop and takes his place with a man of half his age while a s collins and other gardeners are now selling cobbed corn harry burgess is probably the largest grower in this section and sells thousands of cobs every summer and fall marry is called on to supply corn roasts as well each season air a s leaney is not much im proved in health since his return from jacksons point he is troubled with a numbness in his legs that renders him unable to walk at tiul03 poor circulation is evidently the trouble but we trust his health will improve so that his familiar figure will once more be seen on our streets on is ex- dont forget the lennox picnic which is being held at island grove jacksons point lake simcoe wednesday august 20th it pected that the hon r b dennett kc mp canadas new prime minister will he present to deliver an address you need not be a member of the stouftville horticultural society in order that your boy or girl enter the floral eostum competition for child ren for further particulars and application to enter interview either mrs borinsky of mrs ceorge t lee the late raspberry rop proved a big disappointment in this section for those who counted on them found that the hot dry weather had cut the crop off very short stouttville needs a building re striction bylaw why not introduce one now at a time when there are no contentious matters to affect such a bylaw some of these days someone may build a shack next your good house and it is then the need of a building restriction bylaw is appreciated and necessary dominion stores iam1tk1 special this week i prize lists are issued for the i horticultural society exhibition 23o 25c 19c 63c r p ellerbeck relieving agent at the c n r depot during the illness of j r hodgins anticipates that our former agent will be able to resume his position here as soon as he recovers from a nervous break down under which he is now suffer ing mr hodgins and family are at midland for an indefinite time while the sight of one eye is gone entirely the other is preserved with full vision a travelogue on the gaspe peninsula under the auspices of st james presbyterian wms will be given by rev g r duncan in the presbyterian church stouffville on friday evening august 22nd at s15 oclock mr duncan lias prepared a number of the slides from his own snapshots illustrative of his travel talk a silver collection will he taken at the doorthe public cordially invited the ontario motor league have donated a large number of signs to this town on the understanding that we place them on conspicuous coiners throughout the country which will indicate the road to stouftville by the arrow on the sign councillor rowbotham has been charged with the duty of placing these signs over the countryside for the benefit of motorists and a number have already been put tip if any of our citizens or friends know of a place where one of these signs would prove an advantage to public let the councilman or paper know and the request will be attended to while cleaning a horse in a stall george w mole of ashhurn suffered a crushed ankle when the animal moved over crowding him against the side of the stall and stepping on his foot sympathy is being extended to clerk wim crawford and his wife of whitchurch township in the sudden death of their daughter mrs george fockler of pine orchard mrs fockler passed away suddenly last week following an attack of acute indigestion pineapple special 20 oz vic olives special sh cocoanut special kichmello tea social tasty bread 2 for 17c jello 4 pktgs 25c sheriffs jellies 4 pkts 25c soekeye salmon li spec 39c brunswick sardines spec chipso special pearl soap 10 bars spec domino catsup 2 for 25c breakfast bacon lb 39c heinz wine vinegar gal g9c paul boadway manager stoufeville bitaxch the canadian national exhibition opens a week from friday then comes fa ii- 5c isci out of the list of successful students mentioned in this issue from stouffville continuation school the following four completed their junior matriculation which is the highest standing they can obtain in this school misses janet button zaida barker elsie lonsborough edna foskett goodwood and lloyd wagg quality service on modern brick residence c for rent all conveniences liaker at the auditorium theatre 35j friday and saturday august 29 and o- 30 see iiau who laughs a picture story from the immortal novel by victor hugo starring conrad veidt and mary philbin a big special at the regular prizes watch for further announcements of this picture composed by the man who wrote the hunchback of notre dame and les miserable3 rooms noah the lennox majority for vivian in the recent election is 21 the majority has been incorrectly print ed in our previous issues dr s t bodetulistel who recently took over the veterinary practise morley s bedford of toronto it was announced last week was elected president of the ontario funeral service association which met in ottawa mr bedford who has been active in the work for 17 years is a son of rev a bed ford one time pastor of the former methodist church here morley is well remembered in stouffville where he frequently visits of dr john storey has appointed official veterinary this district this qualifies to issue health certificates export cattle and sheep to united states been fol ium for the george baker the real estate man has sold the summer cottage at lake musselman belonging to milt leavens to hugh b nelson of toronto the property is located near connors dance hall and was recently purchased by mr leavens lrom fred betz running into the blacksmith shop near her home in her barefeet little phylis anderson daughter of mr and mrs ira anderson stepped on a red hot piece of iron that had just been cast onto the floor by a work man seeing the childs impending danger as she rushed forward the blacksmith endeavored to stop the youngster but was too late to pre vent the accident the childs foot received a nasty burn but nothing of a serious nature although very painful d l w scrant0n coal the fust of september is sneaking up on all of us with it the end of summer prices its more to your advantage to buy your coal now send your pullets to the laying pens sturdy virorous and fully mature by feeding fulopep growing mash two cars fertilizer to arrive next week leave your order now stiver bros the this midsummer clearing sale mens grey blue and striped worsted suits all sizes reg to 3000 mid summer sale s2250 mens straw hats mid summer sale 100 mens fancy flannel trousers reg s500 mid summer sale 395 mens fine shirts in plain and fancv colors mid summer sale 100 mens balbriggan and athletic combinations short sleeves and short legs reg 100 mid summer sale 89c each mens balbriggan combs long and short sleeves and long legs reg 125 mid summer sale 98c each mens penmans shirts and drawers each 55c mens neckties in assorted colors each 55c our boys department boys blue serge and tweed suits with long trousers mid summer sale 895 boys cotton jerseys in an assortment of colors mid summer sale 39c each boys balbriggan shirts and drawers reg 45c mid summer sale 29c each boys balbriggan and athletic comb mid summer sale 59c boys grey flannel trousers reg 225 mid summer sale 165 many items not on this list r e curtis the mens store we have a complete line of preserving time needs preserving kettles rubber rings 4 zinc rings fruit funnels parowax perfection wicks give us a call no trouble show goods to f y w brathwaite stouffville ontario the daily press carried newspaper cuts of his honor judge ch widdi- neld last week who celebrated his 25th year on the bench judge widdifield was appointed county court judge of grey county in 1905 and in october 1929 was transfered to toronto he is a native of ux- bridge and a brother of mrs f ii sangster of stouffville the camp meeting held in the mover bush at dixon hill which closed on sunday night was attended with very good crowds the evening service on sunday was said to have closed with 1000 people in atten dance these meetings were under the auspices of the penticostal mission of toronto which organization has conducted a small mission in mark- ham village for years but are now- prepared to branch out and place a permanent pastor there councillor and mrs ward are today thursday 14th celebrating their 40th wedding anniversary visitors at the brier bush during the week have been mr and mrs clayton hodgson and son donald from new york mr and mrs george hodgsonof hudson heights quebec miss freda and miss muriel ward also mr and mrs watson all of toronto and mr and mrs w hunt of bristol england the star fresh air fund was en riched last week by the sum of 21g9 through the thoughtful effort of four young girls namely edith grubin mary doten nelda lehman and edith borinsky the girls open ed a booth one afternoon on the veranda of the grubin homo and dispensed soft drinks ice cream etc the proceeds from this added to a personal canvas realized the hand some sum obtained progress is being made with the additions to the canadian bank of commerce and before the work is finished the interior of the building will be changed around just opposite to the present layout going in the front door customers will walk straight down the west side of the building so that the clerks will he caged on the east side this will eliminate the present turn just in side the front entrance following only a brief illness presumably from peritonitis death claimed mrs earl hisey of markham on thursday august 7th she had been rushed to the general hospital but little hope was entertained for her recovery and she passed away there in her 24th year mrs hisey was the second daughter of mr and mrs danl gibner and besides a sorrowing huskind who is employed at schclls butcher shop stouffville she leaves a baby boy of two years and her parents four brothers and four sisters the young eouple had been living in markham but were preparing to move to this town within a few weeks she was born at victoria square but had lived here prior to her marrlape when the parents were local residents before going on a farm in whitchurch the funeral on sunday afternoon took place from the home of the husbands mother mrs g hisey clark street to markham second baptist church the service was conducted by the pastor rev w w fleisher who extended words of deep sympathy and comfort to the stricken relatives the sr branch of the womens institute will hold their regular meeting on wednesday afternoon august 20th meeting to be held in the town park at 230 oclock mrs graves district president will speflk on the hand book visitors are cordially invited and members will please bring their dishes there are still other wonderful yields of alsike besides those mentioned in last weeks paper edgar steckley reports having threshed for george hoover of markham obtaining a yield of just a fraction over 10 bushels to the acre this peachs corner farm obtained 34 bushels and 41 pounds off slight ly less than s acres wm simpson has returned from western canada after spending six weeks at aberdeen sask where hu had a new barn erected on his farm there following the fire which de stroyed the former structure in june last mr simpson who is qualified to estimate the wheat fields of western canada anticipates not more than half a wheat crop on the average and this may be further lessened by continued drought ai aberdeen however where his own farm is located there has been more rain and a good yield is promised none of the 11 tenders for com plete construction or 6 tenders for partial work on the proposed new aurora arena were accepted by aurora council at a special meeting in every case council considered the price offered too high council finally decided to call for new plans for a less expensive structure stouffville is fortunate in having an arena con structed by private enterprise as other towns are being forced to build civic arenas the first accident and it is hoped the last to happen since the roadway job started in town occurred on wednesday last week when mr john atkinson an aged west end resident fell into the deep ditch running down the centre of the road mr atkinson was crossing the street in front of his home when he mis judged the pathway and stepped in to the open ditch falling some twelve feet into a muddy bottom his groans were heard and help was soon at hand fortunately his injuries are not serious and he excaped without any broken bones although his chest is very sore it is believed that mr atkinson fell into the end of the ditch where there is a gradual decline instead of an abrupt fall this probably saved him from a fatal fall auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday august 15 and 16 the price of sears bui cody pathe news collegians comedies friday and saturday august 22 and 23 girl overboard pathe news collegians comedies stouffville section is coming in for a full share of road work this summer both in town and at the outskirts extensive work is under way which when completed will leave nothing to be desired in giving us fine roads all about the district where main travel runs from ring- wood two and a half miles north the grading and draining is completed and the south half gravelled so that this work will likely be finish ed early the work here is under contract to the jupp construction co it has gone along fast as there has been no heavy fill or other work which usually takes so much time the road is very good to travel on at the present time over on the 10th concession work on the big fill at lincolnville is still under way the engineer has decided to further cut down the south hill in order to widen the roadway at the bottom and eliminate any danger of the sides going out when this is com pleted and the hills gravelled the last really bad road in this section will have gone right in town there will be big inconvenience for some time until the new road is completed this fall whitchurch share of radial placed at four per cent of total cost would be borne by ratepayers on yonge street o second concession the purchase of the metropolitan lino from richmond dill would cost newmarket 80000 this is half of the entire cost of the radial price at the spdeial session tof new market council last week various acts and figures were presented by the tt decommission as to cost of operation annual deficits etc the price of 100000 includes track line poles wiring sub station at bond lake property at newmarket and aurora it does not include cars the different percentage to be paid by the municipalities involved would bo newmarket 50 per cent aurora 37 per cent king 4 per cent whitchurch 4 per cent markham 3 12 per cent vaughan 2 12 per cent debentures to cover the purchase price over a period of 15 years would mean practically 12 mills in newmarket annual deficits on this section of the line according to the record of the railway board amount to be tween 30000 and 40000 annually that the cost of operating figured at 55c per mile was too high and that it was now costing richmond hill 35c per mile would voduco tho annual lose considerably 150000 which the city say is scrap price for the line take it or leave it in the opinion of chas leacock electrical engineer is be yond reason his scrap valuation is 08000 auroras not coming into it he declared you stro wasttra your time discussing the question my idea would be to light for a bet ter bus service and a 2c rate what you are entitled to instead of the 10c rate you are paying while none of the council in tha short time our representative had to stay spoke pro or con on the matter the various questions asked and the sentiment displayed led one to believe that while a vote will more than likely he taken in the near future the town fathers are not anxious to purchase the line at the price whitchurch council is said to he not favorable to tho purchase but is likely to consent to a vote being taken by the ratepayers concerned if a petition asking tor the vote is presented to them by the farmers on yonge street does the name matter much effort is expended and a great deal of money spent in naming products in having a name that when mentioned immediately brings to mind one certain brajnd of a certain product a name that sells but if the product itself is inferior if it is not what the name promises then it might as well have remained nameless all of which brings us to carservice and our slogan where courtesy is a habit we wish to have stouffville and district folk think simultan eously of the car service and ringwood service station the place where car work is done not only more efficiently but courteously with a smile the name in this case does not camouflage put us to the test once we know youll come back ringwood garage f h nicely proprietor hudson and essex sales and service phone 16701 ringwood where courtesy is a habit fordson tractor demonstration we will hold a fordson tractor demonstra tion plowing with a 3 furrow plow and tandem disc harrowing on the farm of mr john davis first farm west of stouffville on friday august 15th 1930 everybody come all welcome and see the wonderful power and performance of the new improved fordson tractor 1530 horse power remember that other makes of 1530 ii p tractors cost 50000 more than the new fordson tractor a similar demonstration will be held at claremont on friday august 22nd 1930 ox the woodward farm lot 18 con 8 pickering d f holden ford dealer stouffville phone 184 groceries corn starch per pkg 10c coffee tins reg 35 32c coffee 1 lb tin reg 70 65c royal york tea 55c breakfast cocoa 25c fresh pan mixed candy special per lb 18c chocolates per lb 25c a w scott mens work boots sisman makefrom 3 to 375 mens fine shoes astoria and richmond s650 725 890 we also have glove phit shoes all solid leather a g lehman the shoe man lets have a look at your car youve no idea wrat a world of worry you can be saved by having your motor and chassis thoroughly over- handed before you do some real damage to it we will catch trouble before it catches you prompt service thorough work by experienced mechani cians only very reason able costs swifts garage aulo repairs just once we ask you to buy our raisin squares or angel cakes boxed in sanitary containers by our bakers our sale of cakes is going ahead with leaps and bounds just ask our driver next time he calls to show you our attractive cakes eat stouffville bread ambrose stover baker