t stouffville august 14th 1930 quality service ratcliff co groceries corn flakes 3 pkgs 25c special in 5 lb pails of lard only 83e kraft cheese per lb 33c finest basswood honey 5 lb pail 55c pure clover honey 5 lb pail 50c certo per bottle 29e crosse blackwells fruit cup drinks assorted flavors 35c and 55c special toilet soap 3 cakes for 30e 3 cakes for 01c i notes and comments not likely to retain office introduction offer 0 cakes for 31e stone crocks flower pots all sizes ratcliff go town delivery phone 7112 seed grain grass seed fertilizer order your fertilizer now for fall wheat we are agents for animals fertilizer not chemical as there is a vast difference come in and talk it over prices lower coal and coke put in your order now before the fall prices advance feed prices easier we deliver in town and country s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville cement the r100 the bis airship which occupied the front pages of the daily press all last week was plainly visible to many stouffville people as she cruised over toronto on monday morning one man who has enjoyed relaxa tion since july 2s is premier king nearly nine years of premiership carry with them more than the honor of otlice 1robably no prime minister was a more indefatiguable worker than mr king a corps of half a dozen secretaries were among the hardest laborers of the capital during his regime his energy seem ed inexhaustible when the campaign ended ho journeyed to his estate at kings- mere and there except for clearing up his desk has been enjoying respite from the responsibilities of oilice mr king and the liberals came into power at a time of business de pression they rode upward with the country on the- cycle of prosper ity and took a great deal of credit to themselves for having created that prosperity but when the cycle mov ed on remorselessly again to some thing like depression the conserva tives blamed the liberals for hard times mrbennett and the conservatives are going into power at a time of business depression but in the words of the popular song now cur rent good times are coming and mr bennett and his colleagues will no doubt not fail to point the moral but hard times will come again re cent events having demonstrated that business cycles are still with us and then no doubt mr bennett and the conservatives will blame world conditions and the liberals will blame the conservatives canada has its ups and downs though mostly ups whether con servatives or liberals are in power no government at ottawa has ever shown any ability to control the busi ness cycle and the degree to which any of them has modified the effect of the business cycle on canada has not varied much between govern ments of different political affilia tions nevertheless the party in power will always continue to take credit tor good times and the opposition will retaliate by waiting for bad times and then blaming them on the government it is a little game of political make believe most people know that it is but it goes on just the same and will continue until human nature and politicians change a spirited campaign is being carried on to have the new govern tueut continue hon vincent massey lu oilice as cauadas representative at london or failing that to have him return as minister to washing ton the argument is that the diplo matic service should be out of polit ies and those in it unaffected by administration changes mr massey was named o loudon by the king government after the election was announced ho was to succeed hon p c larkiu mr massey accepted the appointment but has not presented his credentials at the capital of knipire in wellinformed conservative circles it is definitely stated that mr massey will not go to london or to washington the argument that the service should be outside of politics lias not been debated but mr massey like the late mr larktn and mr marler at toklo was actually a member of the king government hon philllpe ltoy at paris has not been an active political partisan and will likely retain his post if lie so desires hut messrs marler and massey are slated as victims of the fortunes of war and politics majorgeneral ai meltae ir hv will accept will go to london ami if sir robert borden will consldor re entering public life the washington post is his it is reported who will succeed mr marler at tokio con tinues problematical it may lie his ancient political foe hon c c ballantyne do you remember way back more pensions age for old look at these amazing values bath towels splendid quality towels woven with thick pile soft absorbent and attractively striped in pastel effects of rose blue gold peach and mauve note the size 19x36 special 29c each irish linen glass toweling splendidly assorbent with typed red borders special 5 yds for 100 luncheon sets all are of fine pure linen with contrasting borders in blue gold and rose set consists of 1 cloth and 4 serviettes special 95c luncheon cloths of fine oyster linen with colored borders 52 and 54 special 100 and 125 ginghams in assorted checks and all over effects secure enough for house frocks aprons and childrens play dresses fresh clean looking designs all- clearing at this low price special 21c yard leatherette cushions guaranteed not to crack or peal and can be easily wash- ed stuffed with sanitary upholstery filling special 79c headquarters for childrens dresses see window display also pantce dresses at 8sc china crockery flower pots now is the time to plant your flowers for winter we have assorted pots in all sizes and prices butter crocks we have a good assort ment of sizes in a splendid glazed crock suitable for butter or pickles with or with out lids cretonnes another midsummer clearance in this lot youll find a broken range of patterns and designs light and dark shades bright and colorful 36 wide special yard 21c stocking special quality silk stockings light shades for summer darker shades for fall an opportunity to secure excellent quality stockings at a remarkablv low price sizes 8m- to 10 special pr 59c womens rayon bloomers in splen did quality double gussets style in peach mauve sunny and while special pr 59c icotkmvfoiiy there were 3125s persons ii receipt of old age pensions in out ario at the end of july and the amount of money paid out in such pensions in the province in the nine months ending with july totalled 4 017939 the number of pensioners 70 years of age and over has steadily increased since the old agei pension law became operative in ontario in november last the number was 15000 in december 19000 in january 22000 in march 26000 in april 29000 june 30000 and now the total is over 31000 on the other hand deaths of pensioners have averaged about 300 a month of the sum paid out in pensions during the last nine months the do minion government contributed 2- 300148 the ontario government 1379579 from provincial funds and the municpallties which meet 20 per cent of the cost of pensions contributed 91s3s5 there was some adjustment of payments as between the provinces for example ontario paid more than 17000 to the four western provinces in which old age pension acts are in opera tion and received about 2000 from these provinces the adoption of the plan for a national old age pension system such as hon r b bennett proposed in his campaign speeches thus would relieve the ontario government of an outlay of some 1s00000 per year furthermore under a national pension system the province would not collect any contribution from the municipalities towards the cost of pensions the latter thus would bo rolievod of a direct expenditure of more than 1200000 a year witli some direct obligation on a municipality it was felt a closer check would be made on all appli cations but with the county hand ling the matter such is not proving the case when professor david davenport a mulatto operated a tonsorial parlor in the shop adjoining mathers furniture store the professor and his family were highly respected citizens of stouffville for a number of years and jived at one time in part of george urquharts double house erhaps no more handsome children tjver attended stouffville school than the davenport children the professor died a couple of years ago on davenport road toronto old timer- no arrest made at wilcox lake poll atha miss kthel bunker is wearing the diamond now kthel fred draper and lady friend call ed on friends in toronto sunday stanley thompson thinks the altona road needs improvement mr and mrs draper and family called on friends in oxbridge on sunday mr and mrs langmald and mrs garbutt spent the week at a a nut hers mr and mrs couperthwaite visited his brother at agincourt on sunday mr b marshman and lady friend attended the camp meeting at dixon hill t ills week mr and mrs seabeck entertain ed friends from kingston on wednesday several car loads of friends camp ed over the weekend in tom madills flats mrs maxwell and daughter nelda of markham were guests of mrs d tran on wednesday rapid progress is being made at the bridge which is being constructed on the eighth under the supervision of mr ward a number of the atha people wero present at the shower tendered mr and mrs c hodgson on monday night everyone commented on the good time who will be the next altona institute honor former members silly attend lie august meeting at atlm claremont glad to have rev a mclellan in the pulpit again after his long ill ness rev r h and mrs stephens and frank ward also mr and mrs fred ward visited the georgian bay for a brief holiday w h birkett has resumed his work following an illness miss margaret graham is spend ing tha month of august in western canada master gordon birkett is holiday ing with his father at lake musselnian mrs herb cooper enjoyed a recent holiday at stayner ira boyer lias been on the sick list randal birkett and family are here from saskatchewan mrs thos gregg was called to uxbridge owing to family illness the recent rain was welcomed by our farmers following the draught crops are good however dr tomlinson and party enjoyed an ice cream social in stouffville last thursday evening ha ha miss mabel mclellan is on a vacation travelling to the peace river country and british columbia she expects to be away a month or six weeks we congratulate m j wilker on being appointed principal of the long branch continuation school he will take charge of his new posi tion when school reopens after the summer vacation several friends and neighbors gathered at the home of mr and mrs wm hopkin at ashburn when a shower was given in honour of mr last week ihis paper stated that a woman voter at wilcox lake had been placed under arrest there on election day when she was alleged to have taken a false oath now we are asked to correct this statement as it appears an arrest was not actu ally made at all according to mr george ieary of gormley who was present at the time this woman came into the poll she was wrongful r threatened with arrest before she took the resident oath which is in timidation after having taken the cath mr leary states she was re fused a ballot by the deputy officer and she did not vote he exceeded his authority here in a manner which might lead to a deputy returning officer getting into serious trouble however declared mr leary we think a good deal of the returning officer and are not looking for any trouble over this occurrence unless someone else starts it fokd truck 1oic sale iwi model good order j alsop estate ph s702 boadw ays drug store drug store resale depot our name for fair dealing protects you we have a reputation to maintain in selling used cars as well as new ones the bargains in used cars we offer aro genuine bargains prices are unusually low because our fair tradein policy makes it unnecessary to pad used cars prices in order to recoup for overgen erous allowances if youre a discerning buyer and want a good used car priced at what its really worth in unused mileage come in and look over our specials here are a few of our models one of the most interesting meet ings of the year held by the altona womens institute took place at the jas handley and miss ruth taylor home of mrs murray dunkeld at tne rormer being a resident of that atha when the august gathering community a few yeajs ago was convened there the whitevale shaws store phone 9512 stouffville ontario open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings close each wednesday at noon during thesummer months branch were the guests of the after noon while the visitors according to arrangement furnished the pro gram which proved very interesting and instructive it is interesting to note that the attendance numbered so a very line gathering for a busy farming community one of the features of the after noon was the presentation made to mrs t dunkeld and her daughter mrs james melton who came up from whitevale with the visitors both these ladies had been former members of the altona branch prior to moving to whitevale and this opportunity was seized on to do them honor the following address was read and the presentation made dear mrs dunkeld and mrs melton it affords the officers and members of the altona womans institute a great deal of pleasure to have you present with us today but i am sure we also feel we owe an apology to you for being so slow in remember ing you as is our custom to present a very small token of renieniberence to those members who leave our community if not to late we ask you mrs dunkeld to accept this brush and comb set and mrs melton this sandwich plato hoping you will be able to he with us as often as possible in the future signed on behalf of altona womans institute mrs d crosier president the death occurred in aurora of eliza ellen staley beloved wife of nathaniel harman after a long ill ness she was born in claremont but lived in aurora for years she was a member of the baptist church and of queen mary loba her husband one daughter mrs frank grainger of aurora and three sons clifford of osliawa charles and lindsay of aurora survive situations guaranteed canada is calling loudly for young men and young women who are thoroughly grounded in modern business science the canada busi ness college college spadlna popularly known as torontos greatest school of business has un equalled facilities for training the type of young persons sought by the great business concern payments may bo made when convenient those who cannot attend school may without charge study at home by mall our president george spotton m p has successfully operated business colleges for over twenty- five years write today for a list of our successful graduates from your district address miss gertrude miceachren ba 274 college st toronto those interested in attend ing the oshawa business cillcge mrs e lehman sec oshawa will also write the above 1 ford coach 1929 1 1 whippet coach 1929 1 1 ford coach jols 3 1 whippet coach 1928 1 2 ford coaches 192g 1 chevrolet ton truck 1927 ford truck 192g ford ton trucks chevrolet ton truck 1925 star sedan 1923 1 chevrolet sedan 1924 2 chevrolet tourings 192 1 delbert holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 fertilisers its here at last an entirely new free flowing fertilizer that cant clog in the drill that saves you time and labour that gives you greater and more even coverage cil mixed fertilizers made in canada let us tell you about them kept in stock by stiver bros stouffville unionville onfj crpzd there is perhaps some much desired thing that you are looking forward to some day it may be a home a trip or some cherished dream of your own whatever it is regular deposits in a savings account in this bank will bring realization closer it u a simple matter to open an account with us interest compoundtji half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1132 capital 10000000 reserve 20000000 total assets over 275000000 j a mcleod general manager tormtte