r stouffville august 7th 1930 pickering council power arad traction fo go where you nei vwhether its afterharvest cultivation or fall plowing you want the job dune quickly time is your greatest concern thats where the caterpillar shines with a caterpillar you can tractorwork any hill that con be worked with horses you can straighten out irregular fields by working right across ditches or boggy spots with abundance of power and the weight spread over its long wide tracks caterpillar climbs like a mountain goat but puts less weight on a square inch of soil than you do with the sole of your boot less gasoline per acre the caterpillars tracks which it lays down rolls over and picks up again behind are among the greatest fuelsavers known to this age of power its like driving your automobile over pave ment instead of loose sand no sinking no slipping just smooth running on solid footing as a result eighty per cent 80 of the power developed by the caterpillar engine is actually delivered at the drawbar in comparative tests the caterpillar has plowed six acres on the- same amount of gasoline required for four acres with a wheeltype tractor be sure its a genuine caterpillar dont make the mistake of thinking that all tracktype tractors are caterpillars caterpillar is the tradename of one particu lar make other tracktype or crawler machines have different names wherever you find a genuine caterpillar you find a satisfied owner we carry a full line of caterpillar tractors five sizes and a full line of parts write for our free illustrated booklets 5b toronto tractor- equipment company limited 5i0 king sfreef west toronto ont the above council met pursuant to adjournment on monday july 7tli members all present the reeve in he cluur e a number ot accounts were pres ented aud were referred to the var ious standing committees court of revision was conducted with the following applications for change of ownership to be recorded northern star fox farm w frew- ing v h royle all ot which were approved a list of ts dogs ow by sum mer residents was added to the roll a number of revisions were made with respect to fairbank beach at 345 the court was adjourned to continue with general business mr diamond was heard with res- jeet to claims for road fence repairs a large number of claims re sheep losses were heard and disposed of several notices from toronto hospitals re indigent admissions were heard asking the confirmations a communication from the hydro commission re certain extensions on the rase lino east was heard a communication from the bruns wick hill cemetery co requesting a money grant was refused the reeve and the roads and bridges com were appointed to ar range for census takers on the whitevalo bridge a representative of the can in got iron co was heard re products the standing com on damages to sheep reported and recommended as follows c brown for killing dog win pugh 2 sheep killed 10 h d brown 1 sheep killed 515 g e pegg 2 lambs killed lfi20 m dunkeld 15 w j white 1 sheep killed 20 g m forsyth inspectiit sheep 1255 j phillips 1 sheep killed 25 w c wlllson inspecting sheep 740 the standing committee on bonus es for wire fences recommended the inspection of the fences of j toms c cren imccausland bros the standing com on t p and l reported and recommended the pay ing of the following to the hydro elec com collections e a day 2347 j riseborough 2347 o toyne 43 73 the standing com on contingen cies report and recommended the following j murkar printing and advertising s municipal world supplies 10242 d it beaton on ac count salary 125 e gleeson at tending div court 4 adam spears court of revision 15 summon as sessment 35 bonus 79 dogs 700 a large number of road accounts were passed for payment lets have a look at your car youve no idea wrat a world of worry you can be saved by having your motor and chassis thoroughly over- handed before you do some real damage to it we will catch trouble before it catches you prompt service thorough work by experienced mechani cians only very reason able costs swifts garage auto repairs information for busy farmer the h for lowcos reroo from dept of agriculture f c paterson district agricultural representative at simcoe reports xorfolk countys apple crop at two- thirds that of last year with the quality apparently good the new 100000 cold storage plant at simcoe will be finished shortly and in readiness to lane care of the apple crop this fall labor cost important it is said that the cost of feed is the most important ietin in the cost of producing milk it will amount to about onehalf of the total costs labor however is a strong second according to nu merous surveys on this continent the average cost of labor involved in the production of 100 pounds of milk will constitute about 25 per cent of the selling price the same survey indicates that the labor per cow ranges from 150 to 170 hours the larger the herd the less labor per cow is a very general rule are being studied under the super vision of prof h g bell and mr j brydeu of the o a c on one farm a mixture of oats and barley was sown in two strips onehalf acre each the first had been given an application of 0 14 6 fertilizer aud the other 3 10 5 in both cases 250 pounds to the acre the fertilizer oats and barley were de cidedly stronger in growth and tall er than the undertilized portions of the fields at harvest time equal lepresentatlve areas of these plots will be care fully harvested and yields compared whether or not it will pay to use nitrogen will be gathered from a comparison of the results of the two fertilizers o sow thistle spreading that the perennial sow thistle recognized as the worlds worst weed is spreading at an alarming rate in some parts of ontario is the state ment of a r g smith of new hamburg who as district weed in spector for western ontario ad vises farmers to be on their guard mr smith reports that many fields sown to spring grain in districts where the weed was hitherto com paratively unknown are at present a source of worry to farmers he points out if a perennial sow thistle plant comes to bloom it will mature its seed unless the plant is burned farmers should not thresh their grain outside because the blooms will spread over adjoining areas each seed having a parachute bloom which will carry for miles and stay up in the air for many hours he advises farmers to culti vate gang plow or plow immediate ly after harvest on fields that are not seeded down it is important to keep sow thistle from blooming or going to seed wherever possible more than s50 weed inspectors are now at work in ontario and every farmer should make a point to re port the presence of this weed to the nearest representative the flower show preparation is goiug on for the annual flower show of the stouff- ville horticultural society to be held on august 2sh prize lists will be issued in due time which will show a wide range of competition citizens of town and country are asked to make plans to attend this event the society is a worthy organization and the show itself will be a treat to flower lovers bloomington mr and mrs stouffer of toronto visited over the weekend with ilrs a law mrand mrsmcfadden and daugh ter of durham spent the weekend at e a storrys x mrs f r jordon and family of springfield 111 usa are visiting relatives here miss little and miss hughes of toronto were recent visitors with mrs watson fairies mr and mrs ed wagg and mr and mrs stewart ot mount albert visited at e a storrys on sunday the womens association of the united church held their meeting at the home of mrs wm storry on wednesday of last week miss edna lemon of toronto spent two weeks at her home here mr and mrs wm smith of mark- hani visited at his home recently auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday august s and 9 red lips cbuddy rogers marion nixon pathe news collegians comedies -o- in y not tomorrow nor next week but to day get in touch with your brantford roof ing dealer ask him about brantford asphalt slates the new colours lincoln green drk red devon and banff they are marvels of colour blending they possess the qualities of firesafety and permanent j weather protection which have made brant ford roofs famous dont risk the damage a heavy can do to your interior furnishings may be a leak in the roof just starting roof now before its too late c youll be surprised irow little it costs at this time year with labour plentiful call your brantford dealer today he will do the rest brantford asphalt sl i brantford roofing co limited head office and fnctoryz brantford ont branch and wvahoum ti toronto windsor wlnnlo monlrrl hliri saint john nb the dairy herd in august august is the hardest month of the year for the dairy herds if milk production can be maintained during this month little concern need be felt about maintenance of the milk flow during the balance of c7ie season declares one authority who has developed several high re cord cows for meeting the diffi culties of this trying month he suggests control of flies protection from the hot sun ample supply of cool water and the use of a succulent feed to supplement dried- out pasturage the first of these three measures can be best secured by the use of a suitable spray the second may be provided by shade trees in the pasture under which the cows may feed and rest out of the sun another method is to stable the cows during the day and let them pasture at night shading and screening the windows provides adl- ed coolness in the barn and also helps to control uhe flies for the third a succulent roughage may be fed as a supplement to pasturage ensilage or corn give very good results storm there rc- f decrease ill alsike in1929 over 2 00000 pounds of alsike seed were sown in ilaldimand county but this year scarcely a field of alsike is to be seen it was too dry to get a catcli last year red clover has also suffered the grow ing of small seeds is important and there are no less than 11 seed cleaning plants within the county wuegrass of which 1000000 pounds were produced last year is mostly exported it conies with the alsike or the year following and may yield around 200 lbs to the acre o fertilizer experiments thirtytwo field experiments of various kinds are being conducted in wellington this summer under the soil and crop improvement as sociation two fields of soy beans and a number of table turnip exper iments are being carried out the effects of fertilizer on spring grain goodwood preparations of the cemetery gates is in progress delbert haynes is holidaying in fenelon falls the lol here meets on friday night jlore applications are in miss eva and ida lateham of tor onto were home over civic holiday mr and mrs caithledge of hamil ton visiting mr and mrs henry white on holiday ice cream social tuesday aug 12th at jess tindalls the institute ladles expect you miss adelaide jones of dundas is spending a week with their sister imr and mr c d jones the junior millionaire football team dofeated mount albert multi millionaire last friday night 3 to 1 h meyers and wife of los angeles cal is visiting mrs meyers mr and mrs d jones and mr and mrs d wagg hurrah for the football game to be staged here on saturday at gin between the local team and clare- mont olive maye was successful in pass ing the primary pianoforte exam also edna ilrignall the elementary exams doth are pupils of mrs ceo maye of goodwood mrs bingham and son of pitts burg imiss minnie sellers and mr fred espenal of toronto visited mr and mrs wm sellers over the holi day fred imiddleton took a weeks tour via toronto kirkneld coboconk orillia severn bridge port perry mid reports crops good with more rain in the north sorry mr editor we didnt find any more news last week than ap peared in your peper theres not much to see in a small village hut what one hears makes up for it programs have been issued for the womens institute setting ont their meetings for the current year it is neat folder printed on durable stock which will be appreciated miss daisy morgason has them in hand and will no doubt he issuing i hem to membors at the august meeting at the home of mrs j tindall lady kksidkxt of xkwmxvrk- kt casts vote ix fist ikatt to mrs noble broughton goes the honor of being the oldest lady in north york and more than likely the oldest lady in the dominion to have cast her vote for the liberal party says the newmarket era mrs broughton lives on lydia street newmarket and is in her 91st year she is the mother of w j brough ton and walter broughton of new market daniel norman and arthur of toronto and charles of van couver mrs broughton is very act ivo and very interested in the wel fare of her country and in the poli cies of the hon william lyon mackenzie king since the opening of the campaign she has not missed hearing the whole or all the speeches delivered over the radio by the hon mr king friday anil saturday august ltli and ititli the rick of sevk bill cody pathe news collegians comedies for sale 100 yeaning and two yearold leghorn hens price 90c ill 6312 alvin farmer gorinley wanted good 100 acre farm to rent in vicinity of stouuville apply to sid schmidt town ford truck for sale i2 model good order j alsop estate ph s702 for sale jersey and ilulstein cow fresh also ilolstein heifer due e j jarvis ph 431s mark- ham lot 19 con 7 markham registered ilolstein bull 15 months old for sale joseph b hoover phone 4s13 lot 35 cou 7 markham 23 for sale or revt eleven room house at musselmans lake year round house five acres landelectric lights good well excellent proposi tion for summer hoarders phone toronto adelaide 32g3 or see mrs musselman at summer cottage musselmans lake radio service complete uptodate equipment for work on all battery and electric sets for efficient prompt service at reasonable prices it will pay you to investigate phone markham 2003 stewart beare massey harris agency in the old stand just south of post office stouffville get your repairs and new implements now j p cassedy phone 902 for sale choice farm of 50 acres markhain lot 17 con s rear clay loam all workable complete set outbuildings 3 wells 2 cisterns young orchard abundance of all fruits rural mail hydro available t w eagleson c9 wanless ave toronto ont administrator r eagleson jcst should fire visit you tonight what then you will be faced with big expense or possibly ruin it might happen today protect your interests fully by one of our insurance policies let us talk over the matter together t birkett general insurance agener boad ways boadways stouffville ontario farm machinery specials we are offering genuine bargains in good used horse rakes 8 and 10 foot also good mowers of massey and inter national makes no need to buy new these machines have years of good service in them keep in mind we have repairs for any make of birder of mower horse rake at below factory prices highest price for wool we want 10000 pounds at once ben rexlin phone before you sell to 192 fat fowl wanted toronto wlndtor wlnnlj and st john nlpff nfld stouffville planing mills stouffville ont fordson iractor demonstration we will hold a fordson tractor demonstra tion plowing with a 3 furrow plow and tandem disc harrowing on the farm of mr john davis first farm west of stouffville on friday augilt 15th 1930 everybody come all welcome and sec the wonderful power and performance of the new improved fordson tractor 15 30 horse power remember that other makes of 15 30 h p tractors cost 50000 more than the new fordson tractor a similar demonstration will be held at claremont on pviday august 22nd 1930 d f holden ford dealer stouffville phone 181 implements g repairs implements and repairs cream separators tractors new and second hand at reasonable prices for quick sale agent for fleury sons peter hamilton canadian potato machinery co and common seme fanning mill co tor sale cow a number of good houses second hand implements spreader peter hamilton box massey power box stiff tooth cultivator 2 hp engine goo lb melotle separator 2 walking plows double furrow plow 17 ft massey binder oliver tractor plow and 2 fordson tractors frank baker stouffville mccormick deering agent phone 15204 we want your cream send your cream where you are sure of these advantages top market prices prompt payment correct tests and weights cans loaned to you an ah- year cash market your banker will recommend us phone us for further particulars stouffville creamery co an unequalled creamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings