mi uu- iiyiafiitao ber fluffy blonde bead she had ber lrfiiaiakeil lvlollves hewelbox on her lap and she was showing jerry some of its contents by rene m worley i her jewels a source of great he came to no 17 harmap street miration and envy among the fe- on a pouring wet night in a month gm32- early in the year the unfavorable weather conditions combined with the lateness of the hour and the fact that aunt emmeline knew he was speaking the tiutb about other houses being lull up proved to be his good for tune she took him in true as she said to jean her niece and general help it wasnt her practice to take in strange young men late o nights without much luggage or a reference but 1 can always be safe for a few nights anyway by asking for a week in advance she ended up compla cently jean was in bed when her aunt came panting up thestairs she was tired and not very attentive anil she dented her head into the comfort ot ber pillows and murmured sleepily j ob i expect hes all right bur glars dont pick on a small boarding- house in a side street for a good haul so jerry stevens came to be a lodger at xo 17 he seemed a nice enough young fellow aunt emelino was completely wen over because he didnt want bacon for breakfast and ho always stood up when she came into the room aunt emmeline had kept a boardinghouse for the ten years of her widowhood am she could i only recollect three other gentlemen lodgers who had treated her so courte ously and cost her so little to keep trust aunt emmeline to know a geni tleman when she met one j you mark what i say jean caro- lino matthews she said solemnly to her niece that young man has known i better days by which she meant that jerry sie- brave sea and sharks to rescue woman m it m aunt emmeline said with a sniff xo real lady would come down to breakfast in three different kinds of jewellery xow this necklace said made line sinclair with enthusiasm count bombasi gave it to me when i was playing rose in love flies its very precious and almost antique having been in the counts family for years jerry looked very attentive and very polite he even threaded the pearls in and out of his fingers and held them up to see their effect in the light beautiful he murmured appre ciatively but his eyes were on jean meeting the blue of her eyes and she set down his cup with a hand that trembled slightly because though she diving from a deck of the canadian pacific linor empress of russia couldnt quite he sure she felt she into the sharkinfested waters of the china sea midway between hong wouldnt be far wrong in her guess kong and shanghai ou may 25 tom ellworthy ships carpenter battled that he meant her and not the pearls for ife of katherine makaroff one ot the passengers when he saw it was three days later that aunt i his an in danger d r dean intermediate fourth engineer went over emmeline answered the front door tri0 ot boats and encountered the fierce regard of a police inspector i nolh ellworthy left and dean right have been officially cited for their mr jerry stevens live here h heroism inquired abruptly and she only just j restrained herself from screaming by clapping her hand over her mouth she panted into the kitchen her tor the jlorence riddick boys cofykuomteo popularity horses honored at the capital cheeks positively sagging with fright lawdy jean caroline matthews she gasped theres a policeman on the step and hes come to take mr stevens jean went to investigate and a few seconds later returned to her distract ed aunt with a triumphant and smiling face silly it was only about his fire arms license he hadnt notified his change of address she reproached i yens bad been brought up in a decent gently surely you didnt think home and was not one of your regular j i done anything wrong diggings fellows he had a nice u w a morning of incidents after little air about him of being able to ne inspector came a telegraphboy order a taxi whenever he felt inclined with a f01 miss sinclair and and he played golf on sundays as nat- 1 wit a f moments ot its delivery urally as you pleased without talking canle a wi rushing of feet and a about it over breakfast distracted miss sinclair in a no less yes aunt emmeline knew a gentle- distracting kimono who flopped her man when she met one and to tell head on jenns shoulder and sobbed the truth she liked having jerry in a llc brother being desperately ill her bouse because he gave a nice wasnt if awful tone to the drawingroom where he youll have to n o him ill help epoke in that pleasant voice of his to you to pack sail jean syiiipatheti- cverybody from simpson the shop- eallv walker to little miss jordan who sold sweets in the high street jean caroline matthews liked his being there a wcu directly they saw each otfcc ha was coming up i the stairs an be promptly ran backj again to le her prs they looked at each ether the s of direct long look that just escape being a rude stare by reason of a little mutual mutual something in the eyes of both and when he said good-morn- by anne merrill great homage was paid to tfle horse due to the assistance of this noble and in the canadian capital on may 24th useful animal sobs increased the weight on jeans shoulder was lifted and the tragic eyes of the actress streaming tears and eyeblack looked at her yes yes of course she mur mured brokenly ill go at onceno not today tomorrow or perhaps the day after hes in paris you see xet day madeline sinclair came j down to breakfast and announced i brightly that she was going to paris everybody stopped eating it was ing and she rcplied they both passed i marvellous they considered to be able to go to paris as quickly and easily that they had known each other for ages its very funny said jerry when a day or so later he was friendly enough with her to talk in this strain what is funny asked jean flush ing in spite of herself its funny the way i feel towards you i mean as if ive known you all my life he answered firmly and jean felt her cheeks grow so hot that she dared not look up at him but murmured an excuse and ran away to the kitchen there in the mirror over the sink she looked into her own eyes and confessed to her heart peeping through them something thats moment ago had seemed almost incredible in its unexpected wonder i love him she told herself then she was confined and bother ed and started to strain off the pota toes with such agitation that they rolled into the sink now this might have been quite a straightforward love story had it not been for the arrival of madeleine sin clair she was an actress tall wil lowy and blonde and on and oft for three years she had occupied the first floor front during those periods known in the theatrical profession as rest ing this time madeline sinclair told jean ruefully that she was rest ing for a long time because her voice had to face facts as sho saw them as all that so madeline sinclair went off and jean stood on the step waving good bye to her then she went upstairs and started on the beds she left jerrys room until last it was fun to dust his room and arrange the things on the dressingtable she lingered a long time over his brilli- antine his comb and his brushes just as sho was moving the case that held his brushes something rat tled inside and out fell a pearl neck lace she recognized it at once she bad seen it too many times heard its story too often to mistake it it was the valuable one madeline sinclair had been showing him a night or two ago it was a terrible shock jean re called the visit of the policeman his talis about a firearm license might have been bluff so as not to scare her oh what a little beast she was to distrust jerry so easily still here were the pearls in his brush case and the policeman had called and aunt emmeline had taken him in without a reference and and oh it was too hopeless too horrible she didnt want to suspect jerry one half of her simply refused to think of such a thing but there was the practical intelligent half ot her that read of such cases in the newspapers that when the ottawa horse parade ami show association held its third an nual event there were three hun dred and sixtytwo entries of splendid animals big and little old and young and the gay procession took fortyfive minutes to pass a given point on par liament hill where the parade which had formed at by ward market turn ed down metcalfe street and pro ceeded to lansdowne park being later reviewed before the grand stand and where ome notable speeches were made including one by the lieutenant governor lord willlngdon began in a humor ous vein saying that he had just attended the toronto races at the woodbine where he had lost a cer tain amount of money and then mentioned his having recently judged cattle at brampton he took occasion j to remark that a judge satisfies one or two people but givos the rest the impression that lie is the worst judge in the world i striking a serious note his excel lency recalled the days when he was i an agriculturist and u ed to farm and breed horses himscf people tell us there is a period e depression in this country he stated but just look round the world and you will find that of all countries canada is the best to live in canada is more fright ened than hurt he went on and it will have many years of prosperity i i have never seen farming conditions in this country more satisfactory than they are this year mr w d mckay of moose jaw sask president of the canadian live stock producers said he was glad to see the horse given the right of way for a day on the streets of the capital adding that any consideration we can give our fourfooted friend will help to develop the instincts of humanity ho came he said from the west where perhaps more than in any other section they owed a great debt to the horse and mr mckay made the assertion that the hundreds of mil lions of bushels of wheat wo now produce on our prairies wero largely had croaked and her varicose veins were so bad no manager would even look at her so i shall have a nice long rest and get myself up to concert pitch again she said hopefully jean was very sorry for her be- even if jerry had had stolen the pearls sho loved him just the same and maybe it was only an impulsive action she suddenly picked them up and clasping them in her hand she walked resolutely into madeline sin clairs room opposite and put them in cause obviously her days for securing 1 tho drawer of the dressingtable juvenile leads were past and her vanj when he came home that night sho ity would never let her acknowledge j beckoned him into tho pantry and his pale and unhappy she told him what prom the very first when they met sho had done ench other at dinner madeline sin- i was dusting your dressingtable clalr took to jerry as a duck takes to the water they discovered a mu tual interest in antiques jerry was assistant in an antique shop and from discussing china and old gold they passed to more personal topics and soon were on the friendliest terms jean was miserable about it not for one moment mark you that she though that her chances of jerry were slipping in madeline sinclairs direc tion bat because with so much mono polizing jerry very rarely encountered joan on his own and they could not fpeak to each other in greater detail about iiiat feeling lvc-known-you-for- es they shared when jean one evening took the and i found tho pearls there sho said steadily look here jerry ive put them back in miss sinclairs room i i dont think you meant to take them anyway if yon did i still love you and no one elso will ever know see then she covered her face with her hands and cried and cried until he moved them with his strong fingers and held them tightly against bis lips oh my dear so you saved me from being a thief he murmured tenderly she raised her face to his very pale it was witb furrows of tears on her cheeks but darling youve mistaken my motive ho continued gently and mr bower henry president of the ottawa horse parade association spoke of the horse as mankinds greatest servant in peace or in war and added amidst applause we are giving honor to the most faithful dumb animal we have after the parade had passed by 1 was walking up to the house of commons with mrs george black frgs of the yukon when mr felix quinn mp of halifax joined us mr quinn made the comment that he had no idea there were so many beau tiful horses in ottawa to which mrs black retorted that the recent state ment of the horse having become a museum piece must be untrue tile lady from dawson when asked what impressed her most about the horse parade said that the men looked to be so interested in their animals and their carts were so freshly done up with paint and generally ship shape i liked the ottawa journals com ment that the animals wero proudly displaying little extra decorations which to equine consciousness must have brought realization of a very spe cial occasion tho little extra decorations were fascinating there were big black horses with rows of tiny pink rose buds or lines of red tulips stiffly perch ed along the ridge of their braided manes and an additional rosebud or tulip stuck at a jaunty angle in many a braided tail a touch of humor was introduced by groups of boys riding on parade carts who made laughing faces at envious youngsters standing along tho route there might have been livelier horses suggested the ottawa citizen but certainly none that felt superior to liz aged twentyfive a roan who bad seen seventeen years services or barney aged twentyseven with an equal number of years service tj his credit these two fourfooted heroes were given special awards by the ottawa humane society humane pleader a group of university coeds adopted a formula for popularity which is worthy the study of the young miss and her foud mamma wio wants her to get on well it is this 1 always be a lady 2 use good taste in selecting your clothes and do not let your actions belie that taste 3 always be a good sport do what the majority wants but not to tho detriment of your own convictions and ideals i 4 play bridge tenniu golf swim and dance 5 read the papers know your current events politics and ahletics it is well to converse on serious topics as well as light ones c handing a line is helpful this yougreatbigwonderfulboy stuff does get over 7 do not neck ami do not try to be a gold digger s there is no harm in kissing a boy friend of whom you are particu- i larly fond but do not kiss promiscu ously 9 dress attractively but not neces sarily expensively a boy notices the general effect you produce so e as pretty as you can 10 first hist and always be femi nine dont emulate men in dress language or conduct frosting hints cakes which are to be frosted should be cool and have a crust free from crumbs a boiled frosting should not run nor soak into the cake keep the edges of th cake even if the layers are not even place them so that the cake when frosted will be uniform in thickness frost the top of the cake first put- i ting the frosting in the centre and i working it lightly to the edges xext frost the sides keepi g the utensil free from crumbs ut quick deft strokes to make a bailed frosting pour a half cup of boiling water on three- fourths cup of sugar add onefouith teaspoon of cream of tartar or a tablespoon of white corn syrup either of these will mako the frosting less likely to crystallize boil this mixture until the syrup is the soft ball stage or spins a thread to tell when j it is this drop a little of it into a cup j of very cold water if it forms a very soft ball which loses its shape when removed from the water it is as you want it add it to tho stiffly beaten white of an egg the egg should be beaten until it will hold up in a peak but not until dry if it is 3verbeaten the frosting has a curdled appearance pour the syrup over the egg white in a fine stream beating constantly add a little flavoring inu beat the frosting vigorously to make it smooth and fluffy to make uncooked frosting sift about two and a half cups of con fectioners sugar add two teaspoons of hot water to a stiffly beaten egg white add the sugar until the mix ture is the right consistency to spread then flavor and beat thoroughly possible amount of water and cook them as short a time as will make them palatable otherwise you de stroy the vitamins and wash away the valuable mineral salts if you can eat them raw that is ideal carrots may be chopped and used in salads or served iu slices raw and many i other raw vegetables can be used in i salads if you do not live on i farm make an especial ffort to provide sunshine meals for your family they are cheaper than doctor bills many mys terious ills come from a diet deficient iu vitamins calcium iron- phosphor ous and other mineral salts the trip to see him a very proud lady it was who didnt want anyone to know she had been forced to raise money on her jewellery jeans eyes wore shining oh jerry she breathed and was too ashamed too terribly fond ot him that moment to say any more its all right dear i think you had every justification for thinking i was a thief the only thing that mat ters to me is that you could say you loved me in spite ot all he said swiftly and you can leave the pearls in miss sinclairs room because i was returning them to ber anyway you see darling theyre not worth a penny of the four pounds i gave her for them poor old thing i know be cause i happened to sell them to count bombasi for seventeen and six answers play all work ami no play makes jack a dull boy audj jill a dull girl adults as well as cliildtvn need play is your nose constantly at the grind stone or do you have um joyous activity which stretches your muscles makes you laugh ami feci gay and which encourages yotsr loyalty team- spirit courage selfcontrol and co operation play is the business of children- it makes them physically strong men tally alert and spiritually rich they will not thirve without it begin with the toys on tiie living room floor and the sand pile lead up througi dolls marbles bat and ball skates and all sorts of games to basketball football tennis and volley ball and keep it up witb golf chess and cards until the curtain is drawn on the last game l clear closets do not hoard a closet full of things you think you may possibly use some time they attract moths and hold dust and make it bard to keep the closet airy and sweet smelling those 1 things will not grow more valuable but rather more out of style if you cannot use them now it u likely you j will care less for them as time goes by another consideration is that there are poor people who have been i out of work whom yoi could make j more comfortable with some of those i outgrown or slightly worj- clothes i thrifty mothers could make them over for large 1 roods of needy youngsters there are probably enough garments hanging unused in the closets of the welltodo to clothe in comfort all the poor readymade el thing is so in expensive today that it is folly to hoard castoffs on tho presumption that you may use them some time international air rules advocated worldfamous airmen en dorse move of geneva organization geneva three famous interna tioual airmen have joined iu urging upon the league of xations transit organization that the nations of tho world should cooperate in establish ing something like an international code for air navigation communications to this euu from col charles a lindbergh dr hugo kekericr and gen lialo ltolbo italian air minister were published recently by the transit section all endorsed the move to adopt international rules for regulation of commercial aircraft tile three airmen were replying to the sections request for staicnvuta from a number of fliers who have be come eminent in the science of avia tion end contributed to by their re search and practical achieve news aviation must be considered from the international standpoint said col lindbergh an ability to cover greet distances in relatively short time makes it a leading factor in world intercourse there is a great need for international cooptation in standardization of air way- sunshine meals those who live on the farm have tho best chance to be healthy chiefly i because they can eat sunshine meals that is- foods which have been growing in the sunshine and have absorbed its powerful rays fresh green vege tables aro the firpt ot these in the samo class are fresh egg- laid by healthy hens who live out in the sunshine and milk from cows who spend all day in the sunny pasture such foods aro rich in vitamins when cooking greens use the least fathers open garden cetcc into the drawingroom jerry laughter fringed tho edge of his tones was sitting on the settee with made- you see i was asked by a very dls- llne sinclair radiant and gushing in tressed lady with n brother sick in geraniumcolored silk and enormous paris whether i would buy her valu- wrrings bobbing on either side of able pearls to enable her to afford comfy nillts night the time for recuperation and renewal of vigor for the next days enterprises fails of this when one tosses and turns with indigestion through long nights devoid of ease to sleep well one must have a com fortable stomach this means eating a light supper and your heaviest meal in the morning or at noon at evening time one feels worn and craves something especial to tone her up sho thinks it is food but it is not a light mei with rest or play afterwards will turn the trick after a nljht of discomfort and wake fulness caused by indigestion the next day will look gloomy enough and one is certain to be very inefficient put the dimmers on your appetite at evening time if yon would make your days happy and full of achievement easy dinners litres the dinner easy to prepare and satisfying put 1 cup of maca roni into 3 cups boiling water heap ing teaspoon salt cut 1 onion in thin bits and add also two cold ham- burg cakes nealy vz pound 5 cakes from 1 pound hamburg let cook un covered at boiling point till the water is absorbed about i hour stirring occasionally with a fork to keep tho macaroni from sticking to bottom served hot with toasted bread string- beans and a salad composed of lettuce shredded a few cucumber slices cut in quarters and bits of cold beet which had been cooked with butter and sweet pickle vinegar boiled salad dressing and golden peach pie another easy dinner is made with cup rice cooked in 3 cups water 3 tcespoou salt cook till water is near ly absorbed then the contents of a viounce can of tuna fish is broken up and added then this is put into casserole and baked till well heated serve with tomato catsup or if you have cup of leftover tomato add it to the casserole serve with boiled beets raw oabbage or celery salad and apple pie most men like pie hot muffins or biscuits may be served instead of potatoes these are especi ally good with fricasseed beef or pet roast or any meat with plenty of boiled haddock with butter gravy is an inexpensive fish dish and boiled onions lettuce salad apricot or pine apple shortcake go well with il here is a scene in the monastery garden which a religious order known as the white fathers have opened at hcston england the fathers go to all parts of africa foot ailment many adults have a foot disease caused by a vegetable parasite which flourishes on the floor of public dress ing places shower boards and mat bath tub bathroom and bedrooms the malady is rarely serious but annoying after one believes the dis ease is cured it may break out again as tho fungus will lie dormant in the skin for a long time one may bo rid of this pest by the persistent use of a strong disinfectant ointment rubbed into the soles at night tourists would do well to slip on bedroom slippers before stepping on hotel floors and to spread a lcwspaper on the floor of the shower bath egg salad add chopped nuts to chopped hard- boiled eggs pile on crisp lettuce leaves and cover with mayonnaise phonograph music liked by arabs washington arabs like phono graphic chants and there is a ready sale of arabic music and songs among natives of algeria a consular report to tho commerce department states the romantic music of the desert is more and more coming from phono graphs and less and less from bedou ins moved by the vocal urge portable machines are popular the consulgeneral l w haskell re ports even the cheapest being sold on the installment basis the native taste for music is different from that of europeans mr haskell warns man ufacturers much attention being paid to a handsome cabinet and little to tonal quality mrs solomon says neighborly love is the sauce which makes delicious the dry bread of cveryd- living her proof her husband was reading his even ing paper and she was talking after a while she shook him by the shoulder you are not listening to what i say george she cried angrily how do yon know dear he hast ily replied i asked if i might spend two pounds on a new bat sho explained and you said certainly darling an swers lady luck x luck is your own making luck means rising- at six in the morning j living on one dollar a day if you make two minding your own business nnd iiul meddling with other peoples luck means the hardships privations which you have not hesitated to endure the long nights you have devoted towork j luck means the appointments yon have never failed to catch luck ncans trusting in god and your own resources a religion whose motto is help yourself and heaven will help the natives of f cign countries are pretty well fed up on american tour- you luck comes to them who help lss enjoy tho blessings of this day it god send them and tho evils ot it bear patiently and sweetly jeremy taylor themselves and know how to wait- max orcii my son if sinners entice thee con sent thou nol