stouffville july 17 1930 tt now it cberrlt collards sprayed t it wou if the bu holders propertie the count the mm have yot tiou edwar pentecosi lippincot to was arrangon meeting meyers j ham on sa am mot whore hi turned fi view hi operation made a j seven da convalest work ringwoo progress section r ing the out tlie j the ditc time untj ed and 1 tore gn in the i road is i the c people bought t ing the 1 picnic 01 ppointed tomlinsl no 277 until wi market second f cd by vi north t of peffe clarence ing an 1372 w by mr se i suv bro rej r j wit ma i sui ant i 1 sail ant an i i en i an r mackenzie king pretends to be a friend of the veterans are the people of this country going to place at the head of affairs a man who will be precipitated into such a position who will take from the treasury of this country would have taken enough money to build two dreadnoughts and send that money to england so that they could spend it as they pleased and against what country he was ready to send money to build warships to fight germany a large number of the delegates were of german descent and thy loudly applauded mr kings statement referring to the candidature of mayor weiehel he asked how are the germans of this country going to stand behind him when he is supporting a man who is taking that stand in regard to the defences of the empire and again the delegates applauded the issue oil this question he declared was between mr borden and his imperialistic platform and sir wilfried laurier and his policy of local autonomy the globe august 22nd 1911 the attempt is now being made to represent mr king as genuinely concerned about the future of the empire that attempt is as arrant humbug as the parallel attempt to brand as little canadians all who oppose him vote conservative here- and- there sco pressure of business and growth of the canadian pacific telegraphs has necessitated the appointment of an assistant general manager of the system w d nelll assistant manager western lines winnipeg having been promoted to the posi tion other appointments result ing from this are w m thomp- son superintendent ontario divi sion toronto to be assistant man ager western lines winnipeg h s ingram superintendent eastern division montreal to be superin tendent ontario division toronto and w s emery chief operator montreal to be superintendent eastern division montreal empire trade is the issue the potato market captured growers of tp brand have satisfied big consumers ontario potatoes are assuming a market spremacy once again a meeting of the executive of the central ontario potato growers as sociation was held in the agricultur al office at alliston on thursday last week with representatives from orangeville and whitfield in dufter- in county caledon in peel new market in north york uxbrldge whitby zephyr and goodwood in ontario pontypool and port hope in durham and craighurst and allis- ton in simcoe county the retiring officers were reelected lor the ensuing year as follows js martin orangeville president arth ur walt craighurst vice president carroll whiteside alliston secretary treasurer a report of the past seasons oper ations was read by j t cassin the ontario department of agricul ture through the crops and markets branch sponsored the movement in the above mentioned counties for the growing and marketing in an attrac tive manner of better quality ont ario potatoes t for the past few years ontario potatoes or as the trade terms them ontarios were marketed at a dis count when compared with new brunswick and p e i potatoes to improve this condition in the potato industry in the province of ontario the department of agriculture ap pointed as fieldmen mr r t nod- well hlllsburg and mr j t cassln alliston to superviso seed selection and cultural operations with a view to producing a potato crop with good keeping and cooking qualities land placing it on the market in an attractive manner in which the trade and the consumer could recognize these better ontario potatoes seeing that the eastern provinces had to a large extent gained suprem acy in ontario cities and large towns by their good grade of potatoes our association realized said mr cassin the importance of establishing a high grade mark or brand whereby this better grade could be identified so a registered brand known as the tee pee brand was selected for this grade in order to bring this trade mark into prominence new stenciled sacks bearing this tp brand were for shipping the associa tions potatoes to market large dealers were reluctant to again accept even these better ont ario potatoes on an even basis with eastern potatoes but upon assurance that convinced the trade in our large cities that the ontario potato growers were at last making an earnest effort to supply them with really first class potatoes that had good keeping and cooking qualities they were at once ready and willing to give this tp brand of ontario potatoes a fair trial when they had tested out the real quality that was being grown in to this tp brand of ontario dooley potatoes it wsis only a matter of informing the diff erent dealers with whom we were do ing business that more tp brand potatoes were for sale and another pleased cutomer was anxiously a- waiting the arrival of the shipment in order that ho could once again offer to his customers more of these good tp dooleys the seasons shipments of table stock amounted to gs cars and about 15 cars of certified seed were sold the average price paid during the 102930 season was j1c9 for table stock and prices ranging from 2 to 3 per 0 lb bag were paid for certified seed which was very satis- factory alliston herald fox film corporation during early july took sound records of the wind in the pines the music of the waterfalls and the rippling of streanis around banff springs hotel and into this boxed atmos4 phere there will be placed actors and actresses who will be shown climbing mountains walking by the side of lakes or canoeing on water courses they have never seen rt hon w l mackenzie king canada prime minister and w p mulogk liberal candidate at- newmarkef arena beating the worlds record in passenger traffic operations west ern canada came into the lime light at the end of june with the 1252 mile continuous run from fort william to calgary performed by canadian pacific engine no 2808 of the hi class this loco motive is one of several now in service and under construction for the railway and are the latest type of passenger engine carrying nearly a hundred tour ists organized by the university of montreal a special canadian paci fic train left montreal july 5 for western canada and the pacific coast this tour is the sixth an nual transcontinental trip under taken and will last for three weeks the richest industrial agricultural and commercial districts of can ada as well as the most beautiful scenery including the rocky mountains will be visited ringwood miss priscilla pipber is spending a time in montreal mr and mrs ralph mckenzie of montreal spent monday night at mrs isaac piphers mrs j m grove and son roy mr and mrs elias lehman of stouffville were toronto visitors on sunday we are sorry to report that mrs john fisher is in very critical con dition in the general hospital tor onto mrs fisher was rushed to the city tuesday night last week and operated on immediately july 19 number pigs ko rsale 8 weeks old also 25 five weeks old dl stoufier ringwood for sale 8 young pigs s weeks old dudley white 1 mile east of altona farm for sale rear lot 28 con 7 township of pickering consisting of 148 acres more or less on premises is barn 143x44 straw shed 60x36 double garage 2 driving sheds and ftroomed frame dwelling all in good re pair farm well underdrained for further particulars apply to peter a stewart claremont r r 2 21 ontario fertilizer ltd place your fertilizer orders for fall wheat with brillinger bros we are furnishing a fertilizer combination drill to all who buy our fertilizer ontario fertilizer one tried always used for prlcejs phone 174 or call and see brillinger bros stouffville 22 saturday night at 800 standard time empire parade davis bros of newmarket have donated three prizes of 15 10 and 5 for the best decor ated cars or floats entering the big parade and featuring empire trade contestants are con fined to north york this parade in honor of the prime minister will assemble at steeles cornersand will be a wonderful display thou sands will line the route to newmarket seat ing for 5000 women and 7000 men in the big arena amplifiers will be installed to insure easy hearing for all 3 brass bands canadas best highlander piper will be present everybody come god save the king farmers are alwayi the farmers are always wanting protection or one thing or another when thevnave not even common sence to look after their machines jm the field the trouble with the farmer is he is always wanting something for nothing why does he not learn to look after himself like other people do he can not expect help from governments all the time the above is a statement made by a g mclntyre liberal candidate in south toronto last thursday night july jth what can the farmers expect from the liberal party while this is the sentiment of the liberals as proclaimed by one of their candidates vote lennox goodwood mrs jacque of thorold is visiting sir and mrs c jones jas ii wagg and family visited friends at fenelon falls on sunday mr j f reid and son visited friends at bobcaygeon on sunday mrs joseph cooper sr is able to sit up a little after her severe illness wm whittleton has started to re pair his threshing in readiness for the rush soon to commence mrs thos iiaston has arrived home from toronto after undergo ing an operation for gall tones we are sorry to report the sud den illness of joseph alsop jr as reported elsewhere in this issue miss edna foskett miss mary haynes miss isabel asheiilmrst are summering at jacksons point also miss gladys wagg is holidaying at port bolster the baptist sunday school held their picnic to lake musselman on july 9th and had a splendid t ime the goodwood united church league arc holding an ice cream social at the home of mr russel storry on friday night july is mr and mrs jas parr of cutash washington also mr land mrs red mond of milverton visited mr and mrs howard harper last week the loyal orange lodge held a nioetlng on july 10th and initiated four namely chas alsop robert hamilton chas synies and orval gourlie we understand there are several more who wish to join so come along boys the lodge turned out 10 in number for the parade in ilindsay on the 12th and all report a wonderful time there being 105 lodges in hue tho crappor home on the 4th line of uxbridge was the ideal spot for tho celebration of wm crappers birthday which was organized by his sons and daughters as a surprise autos to the number of ton landed thore sunday last for the occasion he has a beautiful home and the bush just west of the house is an ideal spot for picnic which added greatly to the enjoyment of those attending there were 02 present being mrs harold cage of ottawa miss viola reid of- goodwood mrand mrs jas crapper mr and mrs v crapper mr and ivts wm crapper and family mr ami mrs geo crap per and family mr and mrs alex crappor and family mr and mrs henry reid and family imr and mrs kd crapper and family mrand mrs harry reid and family miss lewde reid mr and mrs l marshall mr and imrs geo koilgers and family mr gordon crapper mr and mrs dixon and family mr and mrs c hunter and family mrs klmer hun ter and family mrs a o clark and family imr and mrs harold crap per mr and mrs harry orpcn mrs s tunney of toronto mr roy and geo craper of oakville miss beatrice fraser of cleveland ohio mr crap per reminded them of his courting days referring to a night when he was enjoying himself with his future wife her fattier can into the room and said young man do you know the time of night of course he said yes sir and took to his heels to learn lajler that he parental watch had stopped and ho really did wish to know wf lime mr crapper was the recipient of many costly and use ful presents the folio- ini i a report of the trip mr and mrs woodland and family mr and mrs f a forsyth imiss ethel white and miss jean slack took july cth b3llfountain this is a beauty spot near caledon hills so theres n place thats new un der the sun to go for that picnic party you planned perhaps you have expressed this thought many times hut have you been to hollfountain no doubt many will gasp- but where is thai ive never heard of such a placa the writer does not unetend to direct you right to the spot and seat you at one of the many little green tablets that infest the bank of the river hut will just say it is situate in keel county on the credit river about twenty miles from brampton the nearest rail way station is about one mile dis tant at the fork of the cre dit it is nearly four miles from forks of credit station to provincial highway number ten so now if youre inter ested get out your road map and lind out just where it is the park is not merely a public place of amusement it is owned by v c mack wealthy rubber stamp manufacturer of toronto who has turned his private grounds into a veritable fairyland and has placed the sign in full view of allprivate but u r welcome mr macks ori ginal intention was just to build a cottage in this secluded spot and use it as a summer home but seeing the indite possibilities of the place has used a remarkable brain and has spared neither money nor labor to make this one of the most beautiful spots you can well imagine my first impression upon entering the grounds was beauty everywhere beauty the next thought was of the master mind that must bay visioned all this beauty long ere we were able to gaze- upon it all the dam which holds the water back to form a lovely little lake is constructed in step style the water pouring over seems to create myri ads of little cascades which are fin ally all lost in one perhaps the most central object is a large motiy fountain sending out a small but continuous spray this is topped by a bell around the coiner from the fount- tain cut in the well kpt velvety lawn is a magnlflccit bed of roses on down the walk we come to mr marks home in the large windows facing the path on which we passaro placed curios collected on an around the world cruise on again just around another turn with a lovely hack ground of natural forest stands a huge open stone fire place especially adapted for corn roasts itc returning our interest becomes centered upon yellow stone cave at first thought it is but a few feet high but it is upon closer observa tion we find a long flight of steps leading riverwards brings us to the mouth of the cave the walls are cobblestone the ceiling is hung with iciclelike formations while from spaces cut in iho walls odd shaped animalspeer out and create a eird feeling while directly in front of you a gnome smiles down his wel come andothcr flight of steps takes us directly to the waters edge whore a fine view of the cascade is obtained now for a trip across the swing ing bridge which warns cross at your own risk not far distant the cascade tumbles down way below huge stones in the river bed while the bridge moves gently at every step if you want a thrill this should certainly gratify your wish and you wont he blamed if you do breath a trifle easier when you step off on the opposite bank and wind your way up tho corduroylike path which leads along the edge of the woods after all mans handiwork the awe inspiring primitive beauty re mains in all its peaceful grandeur please remember there is no bath ing or fishing allowed on sundays so it tnese things are absolutely essential better make it a week day also there is no smoking allow ed on the grounds if anyone takes the time or trouble to read this and feels inclin ed to think that the writer must have been dreaming please bear in mind the average number of cars visiting luckenuf eacli sunday varies from eight hundred to a thousnnd just a word in parting you must see to appreciate words fail to convey onehalf the loviely things there arc to bo seen there so dont forget luckenuf bell- fountain should fire visit you tonight what then you will bo faced with big expense or possibly ruin it might happen today protect your interests fully by one of our insurance policies let us talk over the matter together t birkett general iniurmnc axener gold com- der your inish your heat nt ts u if- se h- t to le it al i er pt ie it is i- v- le er id boadways drug store stouffville jr lc and resent i sal- t man 22 r j i tail i 3 car n near is he knows ho are knows tks out if what ds into d that d us in which to suu i mixed s into whole of the llm his but tho no 7003