stouffville july 17 1930 ion g howard ferguson premier of ontario who will speak in on uly 21 1930 830 pm daylight saving time in the interests of col t h lennox conservative candidate in north york the candidate and other speakers will also address the gathering come everbody and hear ontarios remier the choice of tens of t information for the busy farmer from dept of agriculture jbeew a closeup of ft ib roll showing ledhed nail and wide side up when nailed this joint is invisible from even a short jisunc away preston barn ventilators have proven their supreme value as a preventive of spon taneous combustion by keeping air in constant circulation preston galvanized tanks are guaranteed six 3 ft in di meter and 2 ft deep cash price 770 oblonfi tanks x2x 2 cash price 1085 built of 20 gauge galvanized iron appearance alone has sold ribroll roofing to thousands of farmers but it is economy fire protection and permanence that keeps it sold wherever you go in ontario these handsome roofs are familiar landmarks protecting millions of dollars worth of crops stock and property rib- rolxs success has caused it to be widely imitated but ribroll alone has the rigidity case of erection durability low cost and absolute fire protection which make it tho foremost roofing value in canada today an unbeatable combination ribroll roofing and preston ledhed nails make a roofing combination impossible to beat the cost of laying ribroll fa lower than nearly all other types of roofing when you use ledhed nails you get a rigid handsome tightjointed roof that de fies fire and weather the nails are speci ally designed with lead heads which com pletely seal the nail hole there are no awkward washers no threading or punch ing vrite for samples of ribroll and preston ledhed nails prcsfon metal ceilings the enduring quality and beauty of preston metal ceilings have made them one of tho most popular types of ceilings for stores homes and offices preston metal ceil ings are permanent they retain tbdr good looks indefinitely economy metal lath at left is shown closeup of the famous bcor omy herringbone doublemesh metal lath a metal lath that can be supplied erected and plastered s cheaply is no 1 wood lath it give 100 perfect key against 15 key of wood lath eliminating streaks cracks falu wo offer attractive terms to re sponsible farmers on roofing ami siding for needed repairs for their buildings write for full particulars ihhl easternsteel products imitecl guclph street preston ontario factories ad office at toronto ad montreal tomato crop improvement an extensive improvement pro gram for the tomato crop branch of farming has been planned by the ontario agricultural college for northumberland and adjoining counties accordingly t h jones and mr butler of the ontario agri cultural staff for the past few weeks have conducted experiments on farms in the quinte district in the spraying of tomatoes in beds before being transplanted tomatoes under this treatment were sprayed at vari ous stages of growth with bordeaux mixture the plants then were dis tributed to different growers who will keep them under close observ lion during the present season eastern steel products limited guelph street preston ontario itrmr on pruton steel truss binu rwoll rjosny q ledhed niu q bm cteor iirdvir q mrul lull o check items in which toa urn interesed grnfmi auen- modern spraying spraying practices have under gone radical changes in the last quarter of a century whereas an ap ple grower was once content to apply a single spray today many of them spray as many as nine times to con trol apple scab it is true that in sects and fungus pests have greatly increased in numbers and that their working season is apparently longer in any event the modern orchardist has found that it pays to spray early and often spraying appliances have shown noteworthy improvements the old heavy rain made by early pumps and nozzles has changed to the finest mist or fog covering trees thickly thoroughly and with less material used o injuries to hogs quito serious losses are some times suffered from bruising of market hogs while in transit the bruising causes a discoloration of the flesh which the packers are forced to cut away destroying the side perhaps for the wiltshire ba con trade much of this injury is done at either the loading or the unloading end of the trip from the farm to tho packer through rough handling which could bo avoided through the use of secure wellbullt loading chutes and a little oxtra care in providing plenty of straw in the railroad car o improving the herd in a recent address w r reek superintendent of the ridgetown experimental station urged the need for cowtesting and declared that breeders havo not made suf ficient progress along this line why- work with low producersfhc asked it is the low producers and poor crops that arc injuring our markets andit would be impossible to secure a market that would bo profitable for the poor crops or inefficient cows dont expect someone else to clean up your difficulties for you tackle them yourself last federal election returns keep for comparison we are publishing the official el ection returns for the federal riding of north york in the last campaign on september 14th 1926 col t h ijeunox conservative candidate received a majority of 295 over harry sitton the liberal candidate the result of the vote by polliug divisions as follows len sifton aurora s40 63s lennox majority 20i kast gwillimbury 1 newmarket 117 201 2 sharon 116 113 3 queeusmlle 152 202 4 holt 113 sg a 1u albert 12s 241 6- ravenshoe 9s 75 7 drown hill 39 36 793 951 sifton majority 101 georgiim 1 virginia 104 79 2 pefterlaw 149 119 3 udora 125 24 4 egypt 74 131 452 356 lennox majority 90 holland landing 119 67 lennox majority 52 king 1 eversley 216 165 2 davis corners 104 120 3 kinghorn 257 1ss 4 kettleby 17s 193 5 king creek 110 72 6 scihomberg 230 192 7 nobleton 150 119 s lloydtown 72 115 9 glenville 4s 07 10 jacksons house 33 72 129s 1283 lennox majority 115 ncwimukct 1 st georges 371 333 2 st andrews 340 346 3 st patricks 2s2 359 999 101s sifton najority 19 north gwillimbury 1 keswick 243 225 2 belhaven 139 14s 3 elm grove 103 116 la tornhlll 224 113 2 patterson 51 74 2a patterson 151 60 3 edgeley 136 160 4 maple 23s 242 5 pine grove 134 77 6 purpleville 116 106 7 elder 79 143 8 kleluburg 130 172 138s 1266 lennox majority 122 richmond hill 351 299 lennox majority 52 woodbridge 316 176 lennox majority 140 total vote 10155 9s60 majority for lennox 295 the dynamo timer the womens institute there are now 1150 womens in stitutes in the rural districts ot ontario with a membership of over 40000 the institutes exist for promoting social contacts and what ever is beneficial to tha community as a whole especially to women and children through cooperative effort the movement started at stoney creek in 1897 has now become world wide womens institutes wherever they exist are nonsec tarian and noupolitical for fords and fordsous is the most satisfactory durable and trouble- proof timer on the market makes easier starting smoother more powerful running and more economical operation the dynamo timer is very simple in construction requires no oiling and will outwear six or seven ordinary commitators recommended by hundreds ot users in tho county fully guaran teed for 3 years price 275 see the dynamo timer at buttons hardware stouffville e klinck at victoria square rr2 gormley phone stouffville 4011 grading wool has helped canadian wools are now recog nized both at home and in outside importing countries as possessing highly desirable qualities since wool grading became a general poli cy several years ago buyers have learned to look with confidence to canada for supplies in the last fiscal year a little less than 3500000 pounds were graded slightly more than in the preceding year wool grading has had a very good effect on improving the annual wool clip and its preparation for market the fleeces now received at the storages are well rolled and dyed and show a very small percentage of rejects or low grade wools send the tribune to absent friends when opportunity comes sutton 344 lennox majority stouffvillo 311 sifton majority 545 lennox majority whitchurch 1 white irose 317 2 lemonville 107 3 bloomington 103 4 bogarttown 160 a pine orchard sg g vivian 10s 175 56 483 272 489 109 179 17s 173 159 113 70 8s1 lennox majority markhniii twp 1 thornhill 27a 2 elgin mills 142 3 buttonville s9 4 victoria square 115 5 unionville 240 0 cashel 04 7 crocbys 45 8 mount joy 34 9 dickson hall 5s 10 ramers house 122 11 greens store 00 s7s 3 197 96 90 128 193 147 103 77 109 144 117 1244 1407 sifton majority 223 markham village 2gs 311 sirton majority 43 vnughnn 1 thornhill 129 99 your savings account will soon give yon a fund for business investments or for an emergency or it will pro vide a surplus mat will help to keep in comfort in your old age the dar saving habit is the most stable one you can form thit batik jmrfte tour savings a interest comioundad half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1852 capital 10000000 reserve 0000000 total assets over 275000000 j a mcleod general maatfer traata in passing other carsdonf cut in one of the greatest dangers on the highway is the driver who insists on passing other cars when there is no space for him in the traffic line ahead if he should meet a car coming in the opposite direction a crash follows with injury to persons or cars its a good rule to keep in line unless you have a clear view of the road ahead and there is a place in the trailic line which you can reach before you meet oncoming traffic dont be a nuisance by cutting in it is discourteous to other drivers and creates needless danger you may have a crash and even if you dont you are liable to a fine under the highway traffic act the keystone of safety on the king 8 highway and all other roads and streets wmm courtesy highway common wjmim committee the hon geo s henry chairman uso i gold i is com- jinder jrt your to finish for your ckwheat asant i lants 5 ide half- guise noth- 1 aid- se to attle in it 1 beral etter hows wing ir of time that this jri- ra- the her food d or ev- rillc and epresent co sal- ut iaan 22 er d taxi i lis ear m near ads he e knows who are e knows 1 tcks out tit what ids into ad that id us in which to auu i mixed s into whole of the him his but the 10 7003