greenland bars big business men native eskimos protected by isolation policy can you imagine a country without railways hotels restaurants cinemas employers or employed a country vi here tourists and commercial travel ers are regarded as nuisances and not allowed to set foot on shore where policemen and criminals ire equally unknown and tettuce and parsley grown in cucumber frames are the only agricultural crops there is such a untry and a party of british explorers are leaving for ii shortly it is greenland and the object of the british expedition is to examine the possibilities of an arctic air route between this country and canada the arctic route is the shortest pos sible and it has certain other advan tages as well the longest stretch if sea flying goini by the faroe island wont be more thin about 300 mile and there are ttatura emergency landing grounds over a great part of the proposed airway- the most awk ward part of the journey will be that over greenland winter on the ice cap this is so beeau e of the fact tint the centre of greenland consists of a great ice plateau 8000 feet above se i level at its highest part and 500 miles across really greenland and ice land ought to chai ge names its greenland that specializes in ice while iceland can boast of green and smil ing fields can an airport be established on this ice plateau and can planes fly across it it involves a big climb for a loaded plane and weather condi tions above the ice may prove too treacherous for safet these are some the questions that the expedition will have to answer and in order to do so they are to spend next winter on the ice cap their base will be on the highest part of the plateau and from it parties ill gi out with dog sledges to make a thor ough survey of the icy mountains of the hymn this will take quite a long time for the average speed of a dog sledge is only about five miles an hour explorers are welcome in view of tin fact that visitors aiv unwelcome in greenland ships arent allowed to call at the ports unless in cases of emergency or with special permissioi for a strictly limited per iod how is the expedition going to fare may it find itself in difficulties with the authorities perhaps not he permitted to land explorers and scientists come into their own in greenland in more civil ized countries they prefer business men but here where the door is banged and barred against the busi ness man scientists and explorers are welcomed with open arms and given every possible help so the expedition will meet with no difficulties from greenlands author ities nor are the latter likely to ob ject to the air route if it proves practicable the greenland airport will have to be on the ice cap away from the inhabited parts of the cuntry in which there are no suitable ianiing- places safeguarding the eskimos the air route therefore would not interfere in anj way with he present closed door policy in greenland a policy by the way which shouldnt be unthinkingly condemned as unenlight ened the country is under danish rule and the object of the restrictions is to safeguard the eskimos who are the original inhabitants- if free access u the country were allowed their modes of life would be altered at present they live in the traditional way by means of fishing and hunting such an alteration might easily re sult in the extinction of the esikmos for instance certain european dis eases such as measles are often fatal when eskimos contract them so there are good reasons for the isolation system in other parts of the world where a different policy has been pur sued the eskimos are diminishing in numbers in greenland they are in creasing answers statue is erected for pet marjorie a statue has just been erected to a little girl who died over a hundred years ago at the age of eight she was pet marjorie the friend of sir walter scott shes the most extraordinary crea ture i ever met with was scotts judgment on her her own verdict on one occasion was i have been mors like a little young devil than a creature thcrc have been many youthful prodigies but she was probably the most harming and the most human of them all i am now going to tell yoi the horrible and wretched plaege that my multiplication table givis me she wrote yon cant con ceive it the most devilish thing is eight times eight and seven tims seven it is what nature itself cant endure pet marjorie died after an attack of measles her statue is in kirkcaldy fifoshtre its the custom in canada every country has its own delightful social traditions 2 j years ago it was considered a very delicate attention for a lady to light a gentlemans cigar in spain the women still light their mens cigars in canada the custom of smoking wilson s bachelor 100 havana filler cigars dates back a quarter of a century today they are the outstanding ten cent brand in quality and popularity doctors find we do not sleep like logs to sleep like a log is an ideal of literati re not of nature at the mel lon institute in ittsburgh dr h m johnson and his associates have been studying the movements and postures of normal sleeping individuals by special motion picture camera which photographs the sleeper every time that hi stirs in a recent report to the american medical association- dr johnson dr t- ii swan and mr g e weigan describe one normal in dividual thus fount to twist and tura every few minutes all night long as suming one after the other no less than 33 widely different postures thousands of other tests the investi gators report have shown thi3 almost continual twisting and turning during sleep to be the rule rather than the exception only persons who have been heavily drugged lie perfectly quiet when soundly asleep what is still more remarkable the majority of the postures assumed in bed by a nor mal sleeper arc shown by the telltale camera to be contorted postuies with the body bent or contracted and the spinal column bowed and twisted- as different as possible from the usual medical advice to lie straight and re lax perfectly apparently the pitts burgh investigators report the most restful nights sleep is characterized by the use of a considerable variety of bodily positions all of which are con torted none of which indicate any- think like complete relaxation of all pans of the skeletal muscular system such asone may observe in a fainting person but each of which appears to be well adapted to the relief of irrita tion that was set up in the posture last taken activities as in the days this is the price at which you can now buy red label sir james barrie to be made freeman j author of peter pan honored languio i by native birthplace j kirriemuir scot the day on allu ah38ih1c wmcu peter pa turned to his na- i live town will long be remembered in kirrie even to sir j m barrie gii is languid dull and ir- classined advertising fob sale olllks wll ll iciilo last venr in filr varie ties witie fur free eiiitibk h swltzer ilraiiiori out a 1 auy ivl 215 as2hts vahted owl laffs til liable shes says but when its ended with latest farm machinery toluz rlrtheep are the exhibited at royal show e injustice of justice is unjust- most dumb of all the dumb animals manchester engthe royal show mom yes my lamb another good way to meet a lot of college trained men is to mention your desire to buy a few bonds i hare a great memory i can recite all the names on three pages of the new york telephone directory wanna hear me all right then levy levy levy levy levy few person s to take a want the photograph- likeness of them a very modest guy is one who wears suspenders on his pajamas among our greatest optimists are the advertising writers who claim that a shave may he made pleasant the laziest man the one who sang her for me in the world is moonbeam kiss you- whos that me president of a wellknown or ganization you worked his way up eh me you said it worked everybody in sight the german scientists pillow that prevents snoring isnt a new idea hick town hotels have that kind mattresses too first irishman pat whats that piece of blank paper you have in your hand second irishman oil thats a let ter from my wife first irishman how do you mean a letter from your wife sure theres no writing on it second irishman of course not the missus and myself are not on speaking terms i which opened in manchester recently contains a series of britishmade agricultural machinery claimed as an entirely new postwar industry here 1 the machines are designed for the uso of planters and cultivators in all parts of the world the machinery includes steam and petrol- tractors tor south africa ploughs for india coffee pulpers for tito modern way bully to spell coward is the belgian congo and brazil decorti- cators for east africa and harvesters to compete with those used in the united states arrangements have been completed for an industrial mission from shef field comprising a k wilson repre senting the cutlery trade and r c hodgson president of the junior chamber of commerce to visit brazil uruguay argentine chile and peru next month when ritable when the her color fades you may be sure here blood is impoverish ed when a girls blood is poor her nerves are starved and here is seri ous danger of a decline rebuild the blood strengthen the nerves and good health will follow dr williams pink pills are of uu- told value as a blooj builder con cerning them mr3 john finin how- ian station pei says my daugh ter was badly run down pale nerv ous and under weight wj decided to give her dr willlpms pink pills after a few boxes she gained in weight her appetite improved and color came to her cheeks in fact she fully regained her ormer go i health you can get these pill at medi cine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville out you have to think out some things yourself nobody can help you summer heat ot we wonder what happens when an absentminded ventriloquist takes his girl on his lap it may be all right for the women to show their backbones declared insert but heres hoping they will spareribs dentist where is the aching tooth located t girl a theatre usher balcony first row to the right t on stains can be removed from brown leather shoes by rubbing them with the inner side of a banana skin then wipe vith a clean cloth and polish in i ihj uiual way we will now sit quietly while the orchestra plays that little tune en titled you never can tell what a ued headed mamma will do in a hat the difference between independ ence and dependence is a constantly added to savings account at the bank when a girl ends a cerely you know she letter means slu- what in dancing women exercise a per fect right and a neat looking left the history of tho united states is to be written in 500 words this ought to be good news for schoolboys rosebud where did i come from rose the stalk brought you humor like history repeats itself yet the man who wont believe in a heaven he cant see will spend 10 j cents tor a special delivery stamp the greater the progress the more jobs it takes away from workers chicago aint what it used to he its all shot now acid stomach xo season of the year is so danger ous to the life of little ones as is the summer the excessive heat throws the little stomach out of order so quickly that unless prompt aid is at hand the baby may be beyond all hu man help before the mbthe- realizes he is ill summer is the season wheu diarrhoea cholera infantum dysen tery and colic are most prevalent any of these troubles may prove dead ly it not promptly treated during the summer the mothers best friend is babys own tablets they regulate the bowels sweeten the tomach and keep baby healthy the tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a iox from the dr wil liams medicine co brockville out i new music created by light beams how would you like to strike the keys on a piano keyboard and find yourself playing a vlobn a saxophone or an oboe that is exactly what you will be able to do if the new musical instrument in which beams ot light and a photoelectric cell are employed to produce music conies into general use tills mechanism was developed by professor arthur c hardy and sherwood f brown ot the depart- ment ot physics at the massachusetts institute ot technology the idea was orlgiuted by mr du val r gold- thwalte mr goldthwaltes plan was to produce synthetical musical sounds which have never been heard before j the instrument operates by a glass terrapin repays benefactor 300 a terrapin which elmer hoyt of caldwell kans rescued from a bad ger hole repaid its debt by winning first money 300 in a terrapin race at a wellington fair i some turkeys are so wild that they commit suicide major gen mason m patrick was hunting in virginia when a turkey hurtled past at break neck speed a few feet farther on it crashed into a tre limb and broke its neck furnishing a royal dinner i pal a 11yearold bull terrier who associated with the k9 upper crust ot hollywood moviedom and known a3 one ot the most intelligent dog actors of the silver screen died in a california kennel of old age i woof woof when jack evers ot green river wyo appeared at the courthouse to claim a wolf bounty he learned that he had shot and skinned the sheriffs pet police dog just how a certain rattlesnake got into a new york subway was not the himself who has received so many honors in his time it must have been a great day when he was made the first freeman of kirriemuir his birth place which he has immortalized as thrums the town lyhicu is a quaint medley or lowerbordered al leys known as pends was crowded to its utmost capacity with return ing natives all anxious to do honor to this most famous son of angus sir jamess own birthplace stands like so many other scotish houses with its back to the road gardci daisies and pansies and such other honest and homely flowers decorate the little patch or garden the wash- house said to be barries first thea tre strangely like the treeto house of peter and weud stands apait the sports pavilion which sir james has gifted to his kin folk is on a plat eau high above the town and is said to have the fit est view in scotland with perhaps the exception of stir ling castle in handing over lie pavilion sir james barrie gave one of his inimita bly whimsical speeches it is easy lie aid to make a speech any where else but to do it here on this hill on memories to people who are more like me inside than any other people are i tell you i would rather go in to bat over there against the west of scotlands bowling i re member once being called upon in america to speak to a womans col lege containing 800 girls and i said 1 couldnt but that it they would come outside one at a time 1 would make 100 speeches to them i had cause to regret that offer but i could make it with confluence to you because we are all linked together at the freedom ceremony after taking th oath sir james was pre sented by the provost with tin bur gess ticket in a silver casket which bore on its sides replicas ot peter pan and the new pavilion i can assure you said the provost that this casket contains not only the bur- gess ticket but the heart of kirrie- agknts gwtn ttoillj munky selling the best fruit trees shiuti mics evergreens roses etc tnwti it oiiritiy selling uutllt utilieil every help given commissions iiaid weekly d smith sons i til vi ii tri- iririo unit aerei fruit anil nursery mfk the hotel pianist wag collecting at the tables a ma gave him a penny pianist angrily what you kive me a penny and yet you gyve a beggar sixpence diner yes ut lie did not play the piano striving for an accumulation ot riches is a deadly sin covetutsuess canon donaldson summer strains kor all the strains the llesli in heir to during the summer months use minrrds popular for fifty years tdfflflhepin thelfoneyfiygatdier you must do your bit it i prove n thai aeroxon 11 one a of the most convenient and cnott x k efficient mean ol combating lliu fly evil it it convenient becautc iv of the puthptn it it hygienic fliet never get away when once caught each tpiral givct three weett perfect tervice in the war against tlie fly carrier of germs and breeder of disease bewarf of imitations sold l diuf frttif and aj trora kxcess acid is the common cause of indigestion it results in pain and sourness about two hours after eating tho quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes m the best cor rective is phillips milk ot magnesia it has remained standard with physi cians in the 50 years since its inven tion one spoonful of phillips milk of magnesia neutralizes instantly many times its volume in acid it is harm less and tasteless and its action is quick you will never rely on crude methods never continue to suffer when you learn how quickly how pleasantly this premier method acts please let it show you now be sure to get the genuine phillips milk ot magnesia prescribed by physi cians for 50 years in correcting excess acids each bottle contains full direc tions any drugstore immediate concern ot waiting passen gers who huddled at one end of the platform while a policeman with his club attacked the reptile at the other finally all eight rattles became mo tionless when the hero crushed the snakes head with an iron refuse can i mulr i responding sir james after thank- ing the citizens said in london i j have a native of kirlemuir living with me he is a kirriemuir canary i and we often talk together about what he irreverently calls the old j place he said to me before i left what 1 chiefly want to know is j whether you are going to s3y any- j thing about me and whether the audience chered me cheers i thank you i shall tell him for blisters minards liniment disk on which are recorded photo graphically a number ot concentric sound tracks the disk is rotated rapidly in front of a photoelectric cell and light from a small lamp is allowed to pass through the- sound tracks the current prcduced by the photoelectric cell is amplified and fed to a loud speaker individual sound tracks are cut off by shutters which are electrically operated from the keyboard by the performer j minards linirrtnt checks colds miss chatter talks incessantly doesnt she yes she claims that a persons opinions get rjusty it they arent aired soap and water spoils walls when you find it necessary to wash painted walls do not make the mlsj take ot using soap and water and strong cleaning powders as that ls almost sure to leave your walls streaked and spotted instead u3e warm water to which common bak ing soda has been added in the pro portion of one tablespoonful to a gal- ion go over the walls carefully with a soft cloth dipped in this and then follow with a soft dry cloth and wipe thoroughly you will be sur prised at tbf case with which you may attain perfect results coed i play tho piano just to kill time acquaintance you certainly have a fine weapon a producer complalni hat plays do not run as ion as they used to do xot enough legs i reee cataxooui i tires bicycle sporting goois at wholesale rices trtnsrki tatlon pill bi cycles jie up wards peerless dicycte wom3 1131 dtvalat street ww toronto from mother of eighteen read how this medicine helps her r cardston alberta i am fiftyeight years old and the mother of eighteen living children wo live on a farm and 1 am a very heal thy mother con sidering that have such a big family to worst for the druggist first told me about lydia e pink- hams vegetable compound and i have depended on it for many year when i had this picture taken tho photographer vfo telling me about his wifes ailments and affcr i tola mss about tho vegetable compound hi went to the drug store and bought hoc two bottles mrs beicttia ijiixmo bach sa gartlston alberto- issue no 2930