stouffvtlle june 26th 1930 a peacock needed the attention of the editor has been called to a report nyeariag in the tribune of june 5th relative to the line fence dispute between mr percy allin and mr lou brillinger at uethesda the fence in question is over 50 rods in length and the re port stated that it was near enough to the proper line that if a bird sat on it facing lou jlrillinger acre age its tail would be encroaching on mr allins premises now mr allin informs us that this is quite incorrect as no such fiudings were made by the fence viewers lie informs us that when the fence viewers arrived they found the stone which had always marked each farm boundary in the locality was missing and they were at a loss to give any decision on the matter said mr allin i know where the stone had stood when it marked tho true line and the fence has been con- struck so as to encroach from s to 22 inches on my lands according to this information a peacock would need to roost on that fence to encroach on both properties mr brillinger informed the tribune that the fence viewers had been called on and had not ordered the fence changed but mr allin gives the reason of tho helplessness of the fence men being due to the corner stone being removed the only way a satisfactory settlement of such a case could be arrived at would be to call in a surveyor but this is not the matter i of this paper we are glad to give mr allins version of the matter in fairness to him sixth line whitchurch david harris spent sunday some where who knows mr and mrs job scott spent the weekend at harvey clendeniugs mr and mrs win paisley spent thursday with friends in keswick horn to mr and mrs kdgerton clubine on wednesday june 18th a son mr and mrs it j mcliughlin and sou were guests at win paisleys on wednesday a number of our young people at tended the garden parly at victoria square on saturday mr and mrs coakwell and family ol markham were sunday visitors at frank steckleys any team wishing a game with our local softball nine should call norman steckley manager for ar rangements dont forget the big baptist pic nic in kobt katcliffs orchard on sat urday july 5th sports and races in the afternoon and a good program in tho evening supplied by the airon male choir of toronto accompanied by their elocutionist and local talent farm machinery specials we are offering genuine bargains in good used horse rakes 8 and 10 foot also good mowers of massey and inter national makes no need to buy new these machines have years of good service in them keep in mind we have repairs for any make of binder or mower horse rake at below factory prices highest price for wool we want 10000 pounds at once ben rexlin phone before you sell to 192 fat fowl wanted healthier more valuable beei cattle more and better milk horn dairy cattle to y more food value horn corn increased profits all around that is why you need a lumowthsilo a toronto silo helps you to get biggest returns from your large investment in beef and dairy cattle by turning corn into nutri tious ensilage it gives it 3 to greater food value than when fed as fodder it supplies the equiva lent of rich june pasturage all winter through a toronto silo soon pays for itself by increasing profits by enabling you to obtain highest market prices for milk and beef the toronto wood stave silo en- surcs perfect ensilage airtight waterproof with creosoted staves hip roof gives 15greater capacity strongly durably made it will give years of perfect service let me tell you more about the advantages of toronto silos or write for valuable free silo booklet lot george j lawson stouffville ontario budget should include prevision for the regular saving of a percentage oi your income whether the amount is large or small how ever regular depositing is most important this bank invites your savings account interest compounded half yearly the bank of nova scotia established 1832 capital 10000000 reserve 0000000 total assets over 275000000 j a heleod general manger toroate continuation school report lower school final standing year sept 1929 june 1930 explanations the government grants certificates for the four departmental subjects all the rest of the subjects are promotion subjects and a studentmust get 50 staiudiug in each subject or have no more than 2 stars in order to be promoted to the next form any student who has failed on any departmental subject on the above report has the second chance of trying the government departmental examination which examination is held this year at stouffville from june 20th to 25th tho results of this examination are announced the lirst week in august if a student passes in enough departmental subjects to raise his standing to not more than 2 stars against him he may receive promotion standing it is impossible for a student who has failed in a promotion subject of a form to carry on the work of the advanced form and it is further not fair to the advanced form to have such a student holding the form back hence the staff have been unanimous in deciding on this promotion report c e powell it a principal p stiles assistant ii puller assistant statistics on lower school report in the lower school departmental subjects 4 students wrote 184 papers passing liil for a percentage of 87 some of the students who failed in the 23 papers are writing the government papers and no doubt will obtain some in the promotion subjects 51 students including 5 form iii students repeating form ii subjects wrote 205 papers passing 15s for a percentage of 771 in all the lower school subjects taken together 51 students wrote 3s9 papers passing 319 for a percentage of s2 p means promoted means must repeat year failure is below 50 in anv subject pi means promoted conditionally with 1 star p2 two stars english counts 1 subject but a failure in either composition or literature is a failure in english form i m s o is a a s b ra fc j d j m 07 s3 0 84 04 os 02 01 70 p 27 55 49 30 0 0 40 00 79 77 51 77 44 50 4g 04 07 p2 20 04 51 52 54 08 55 54 72 pi 05- 71 03 7g 57 01 73 00 so p 49 04 57 43 50 47 51 50 53 os 73 gs 07 50 g2 52 75 90 p 51 50 55 58 56 39 50 02 05 pi 54 49 53 07 20 22 47 59 77 5s go 03 07 g7 73 09 00 04 p 5g 55 09 39 9 13 35 03 53 74 s2 73 74 53 72 02 73 90 p 70 so 59 72 54 09 gs 09 s4 p mover donald 05 si 55 71 59 03 59 58 73 p pekk barbara 25 41 40 44 g 9 24 41 49 itusnel norma 75 03 50 71 5g 53 50 52 58 p scot anna 72 05 03 44 51 31 55 01 p2 vuzant rhoda 50 77 61 07 0 50 pi videman hariey s7 82 53 89 77 86 91 00 81 pi departmental subjects ijr history georgraphy art botany promotion subjects algebra french latin english com english literature second form pupils writing on first form latin jakeman elsie g3 ranier reginald 50 sanders ethel 52 ramer reginald also first form french 50 form ii baker grant barkey jack borinsky sam brown wilma closson donald icollard isobel cutler ailfen doughterty mildred cayman luella hoover audrey hoover marjorie klinck agnes laycock jack n o o ti be a u o 3 o o u n h k wsoifost5 s3 o ri 3 t- 3 c 2 53 c 3 j k ij m j rn baker merlyn 51 gl 41 01 s2 40 58 02 go p2 baker norman 09 89 70 74 98 77 g2 70 62 57 p barker elizabeth 01 71 50 76 91 50 71 5g 01 p brvan william 33 73 32 53 51 30 03 54 birkett edra s3 91 50 76 9 gs 72 84 74 si p slirkett mildred 7s 64 56 71 go gs s3 73 63 07 p button john 69 9i 04 71 95 82 00 so 71 70 p chapman alma 65 70 57 66 92 55 6g 29 gg 59 pi cockerill edna 54 73 41 50 82 29 ss 03 40 fleischer audrev 59 04 50 g3 so 03 52 35 00 81 pi foote samuel 67 s9 71 83 91 74 05 01 os 76 p green edna 73 72 50 so s5 61 g2 50 63 50 1 green evelyn 04 81 55 s7 s9 02 5s 50 61 64 p hill jack 77 64 06 73 97 22 i29 9 70 50 hoover louie 02 72 5s 64 85 57 50 51 54 00 p jakeman elsie gl g7 59 50 s2 17 3s 07 50 p2 little norma 7s 77 06 7s 94 63 78 s3 05 65 p martin flovd 42 7s 42 73 so 5 1 7 46 40 i nolan charles 5s 82 42 77 00 50 50 46 71 50 p2 paislev grace 55 77 52 7s 92 02 55 51 02 50 p pughedna 54 32 52 5g 7518 41 58 24 humor reginald 52 71 55 50 s5 57 53 33 pi ralclifl charles 57 70 51 55 g9 59 25 34 go 50 p2 sanders ethel 43 53 40 05 so 55 03 50 p2 sinclair edna 52 73 37 70 09 50 53 32 52 51 i2 slack ella 73 84 64 si 9704 83 si gl 00 p spoltonl muriel 75 74 71 65 s9 09 05 04 02 59 p departmental subjects english grammar phisiography arithmetic oology promotion subjects algebra geometry french english composition english literature 60 is required pass mark for second form taking form 1 algebra those losing their year in form ii may he- allowed to take ono or two form iii subjects to make up theis subjects if the timetable can be arranged third form students writing on second form french barker gertrude 0 stover harry 10 ratclifl glenn 51 todd helen 0 warren reg 3 ratcliff glenn second form latin 27 warren reg 19 r sale or exchange lo acres near claremont of clay loam rolllng130 acres workable balance mixed bush and pasture some small fruits water supplier by windmill and well 1 vj story frame 10 roomed house fair roof cellar cistern lawn bank barn 40 by 70 another c0x2fl roof fair hay track horse tie up 0 and cattle is there is another barn 52 by 21 hog pen hen pen implement shed on rural mail route toronto 33 miles store 3 miles station 1 mile school mile rents at five hundred dollars taxes one hundred aai twentylive dollars insurance fortyfive hund red encumbrance of seventeen hundred prire of farm six thousand exchange equity on service station geo e raker box 21 phono 170 stouffville farm for sale part of evi lots 5 and 0 con 3 township of uxbrldge 125 acres good clay loam soil with good buildings this is a good farm and will he sold reasonable apply to the owner ii roach goodwood is lake musselman dr edgar white and bride are spending their honeynioou at their cottage at appleton ave lake mils- selmau we understand three or four new cottages are being erected on apple- ton avenue ir appleton and mr malcolm connor are improving the appear ance of their homes by a coat of paint a large number of our annual empers have again returned for the summer months it is declared by an old resident of this section that the lake this year is higher than it has been in fifty years twoycars ago persons comi walk out twelve to fourteen feet on a sand beech this season the water is estimated as being two feet up on the banks information for the busy farmer from dept of agriculture york county farmers have experi enced some difficulty in maintaining their stand of alfalfa usually a good catch can be obtained and a good two years stand will result but grass inslrusiou coupled with vigorous winters sometimes plays havoc with good alfalfa fields alfalfa can be strengthened to meet these severe tests strong root development in welldrained sweet soil marks the alfalfa stand that survives the winter i alfalfa is usually looked upon as a doubleedged benefactor it makes an abundance if high quality feed and at the same time it im proves tlie nitrogen supply in the soil while all this is true one must keep in mind that alfalfa draws heavily upon the potash lime and phpsphoris acid of the soil a 5ton crop of alfalfa will remove from one acre 223 lbs potash 405 lbs lime and 55 lbs phosphoric acid o these facts led the department of chemistry and mr r e white agricultural representative for york county to conduct a test with mr earl toole of newmarket mr toole operates a mixed farm of 150 acres 2vi miles east of new market with signal success he has supplemented his studies at ontario agricultural college with wide observations and experience know ing the value of alfalfa and the im portance of the crop to york county livestock producers he readily co operated in a test equal areas were measured off in early spring end 400 lbs of 1215 fertilizer 12 per cent phosphoric acid and 15 per cent potash was applied to- one plot finely ground raw rock phosphate was applied to a second area while the third plot received no additional manure and was operated as a check the result in the first crop is worthy of close study the plot receiving 01215 fertilizer is much thicker darker and taller than either of its neighbours three independent esti mates place it at least 4 0 per cent better than the average of the field actual yield weights will he care fully taken in the near future dixons hill a birthday party in honor of mrss b hoover of dixons hill was held at the home of mr and mrs w l llallman bust week all the family were present including miss bertie hoover who resides with her mother mr and mrs p j lott of montreal mr and mrs willis lehman almira mr and mrsdl stouffer ringwood mr and mrs l w hoover atha mi and mrs anthony hoover dixons ilill andjmr and mrs harry spang mount albert and their families also present were mr and mrs w forest and wm and carl bowman all of toronto and several other friends lmsruus messages of best wishes veie received by mrs hoover sup tor was served on the lawn and an njoyable time was spent in music inging and speech making mrs loover is enjoying good health and pirils considering her advanced ige being in her eighty second year laving been born in the community in which she has lived all her life ve wish her long life and many isxpuy returns of the day oh sale 9 pigs 0 weeks old s w knight ph 4714 or hale 4 fresh cows all heavy milkers geo m brown lincoln- ville stouffville rr3 18 ummklt wood dry slabs or limb wood delivered ph 9900 w ratcliff 18 imjii i7j1208 1021 ivirbeion the property of e a somerville will stand at his own stable during the season of 1930 dol is con sidered one of the best pcrcherons imported this is a real stock horse terms 15 lot 14 con 10 markham phone 1539 mark- ham dago 12012 ijmoo the import ed percheron stallion and kodl jr ri2sg3 will stand at home stables lot 15 rear con gmark- ham terms 15 and 14 re spectively w ii johnson pro prietor 19 4th line uxbridge we are sorry to hear mrs geo jones is on the sick list charlie aisop and maude norton also dan norton motored to lake mussel ma n on sunday mrs r copplns has been attend ing the bedside of her father who is very low from blood poison miss burkholder of locust hill visited her cousin mrs geo jones last week iuiss ifntlfe mayc and brother bert attended the agricultural course picnic at port roister john collins our road boss claim ed most of our men and teams im proving the road by gravelling then and putting in culverts our junior football team played their return game with goodwood on friday night goodwood winning by 32 hope for better luck next game parities having ufo fence iretchers kindly return them to the secretary at once altrage plants for sale also cauliflower and nice jersey bull calf 10 weeks old from choice cow ii moyer ph 0003 estray durham cow red from imarleham tuesday night near springer or fresh j g lunau ph 2817 markham notice to telephone subsorirers owing to the installation of cable in the village of stouftvlllo during the next few weeks there will be unavoidable interruptions to our service on certain lines we would ask our subcribers to bear with us and we will cause as little incon venience as possible the hclhcsdn stouffville telephone tomputiy limited in memoriam morden in loving memory of aunt imary mordent who passed away june 2sth- 192s sweet memories will linger forever time cannot change them its true years that may come cannot sever our loving remembrance of you ever remembered mrs w lewis and mrs jy lunau morden in loving memory of a dear friend mary j morden who pass ed away june 2s 192s a fond remembrance sail to recall of a dear one who was loved by all her loving face well never forget though years may pass away the loss of her we sadly feel as keen as the first day mrs mccrogan dorotiv mrs ma morden in loving memory of my dear mother mary j morden who passed away june 2s 1928 ilow calm be thy rest dearest mother for well was thy lifes journey run and closely you followed your saviour till zions bright glory was won i h works of thy hands shine re- splendant more bright than the worlds great est fame and high in the archives of heaven have angels recorded thy name wilfred b morden bloomington mrs lemon and miss hill visited at brampton last week mr and mrs j stouffer of toron to visited here recently mr and mrs edgar kennedy and family of toronto visited his mother there mr and mrs grant barnes and children of woodville were recent guests mr and mrs a smith and family of hartman were at his home here sunday the barnes family accompanied by- miss johnston motored to woodville on sunday evening sir and mrs j hutchison also mr and mrs harry hutchison spent sunday at newmarket miss pearl johnston ba us of the high school staff saginaw michigan is visiting with m ss vera barnes there will be no services in the united church on sunday june 29th owing to the anniversary services at ballantrae mr and mrs o r tranmer and family attended the watson reunion which was held lrbar woodbridgc on saturday misses ruth storry and laura hill also mrs o tranmer attended the district annual convention of the institute at agincourt on wednes day sale register friday july 4th sale of 5 jer sey cows holsteiu cows 3 dur ham and 15 young cattle to be sold at stock yards uxbrldge 4 months credit sale at 1 j a hawtiu prop f w silversides auctioneer saturday july 5th credit sale of 37 steers between 700 and s00 lbs suitable for beef ringers six choice holsteiu heifers promising cows 2 years old the properly of robt burnett lot s con9 whit church bloomingtou sale at 1- f w silversides auctioneer friday july 11th at the stock yards stouffville credit stile of 14 cows being ilolsteins jerseys ayrshires and durhams also 12 v young cattle belonging to j ao ilawtin sale at 120 sharp fw silversides auctioneer should fire visit you tonight what then you will be faced with big expense or possibly ruiu it might happen today protect your interests fully by one of our insurance policies let us talk over the matter together t birkett general insurance agenoy good anci trucks for sale 1 whippet coach 1828 2 ford coupes 1 ford tudor 1928 1 chev roadster 2 pontine coaches 1928 1 ford touring- 1 star coach 1927 1 essex coach 2 ford coaches 1926 2 ford tourings 2 chev tourings 1924 l jewitt sedan 2 rubber tired buggies 1926 1926 1926 1925 1924 1923 we will sell any of the above cars and guarantee them as represented you can drive any car 3 days and if you are not satisfied with the car bring it back and we will allow you all you paid for it on any other used car or new car q mlbert holden ford dealer stouffville tana phone 18402 mhj original new style roofing ribroll golranizwl roofing has been to kucceuful thac tens of thousands of formers now have it on tho roofs of their buildings there has not been a single complaint ribroll safeguards crops protects stock and enhances property values it is fireproof watertight and duly handsome permanent economical easy to lay on any roof keeps out damp bess which induces spontaneous combus tion be sure to get the one and original ribroll the roof with tho sevc ribs and a noil every five inches free ssipio jpn rpflufsf preston ventila tors prevent spontaneous combustion zooh for this brona fin every roofing licet yojt buy spontaneous combustion is a constant menace to crop fock and property unless your barn is equipped with preston ventilators preston ventilators for roof adjust able side wall windows and laree doors draw out the moist warm air and assure proper ventilation built to withstand every weather con dition wo atfvv ikimdivis terms re- sponsible fanners nm kfllifjr for nettled ivpnfni for their imiimiiiks write for full particular write for this free book you can search all can- da before setting such a useful book as the preston book about barn we offer it to you fret full of valu able information eas ily worth 500 to you get your copy preston ledched nails best for metal roofing lead is used on tho head of led- hdd nails to scnl tho nail- hole thus making tho roof water proof and weathertight pres ton ledhed nails do away with clumsy washers threading punching etc tho lead cant come off no other nail serves so well in laying metal roofing they can be handled in cold weather with mitts on millions arc being used writo tor free samples of the ideal roofing combination rib- roll and preston led- hed nails some of our products toilet partitions rlbroll roofing metal sidewalls revolving doors metal shingles exhaust systems canada platos ventilators metal siding steel sash corner bead skylights metal lath tanks cornices metal garages metal windows metal ceilings eavetrough and conductor pipe plain ana corrugated itoa kalamein windows labelled fire doors rolling steel doors kalamein doors v eastern steel ftoducfe ufnited guelph st preston ont factories also at toronto and montreal itujmrt tbout our ttlrmh iptcist itrnu on winltr shipmrnti srgggbbbsbba