stouffville june 26th 1930 local happenings at the aunua meeting of the east york womens institute held at agincourt last week mrs davey of stouffville secret a ryt reasu rer the tribune was glad to hear from so many correspondents last week keep up the good work strawberries choice luscious rruit fresh at my garden samuel e jones 10th concession near stouffer street imr e c fielding who lives just east of town has purchased a line new alccormick traclor plow a line cultivator from mr chas cooper or claremont k j was reelected stouuville and whitchurch liber als will be well represented at new market tonight thursday for the opening meeting otthe campaign in the interest of w p mulock arraugements are progressing for the big annual gathering of the forsyth clan which will be held in memorial park stouffville on july 1st those who wish to book their seat in the buss for sunday july 6th in order to attend the stayner meu- nonite camp meeting are requested to give their name to mr- n uaker as soon as possible there were ten firms tendered on the road job in stouffville hut the name of the successful tenderer will not be made public until after the road commissioners meet on june 3lth messrs it i stouffer and morley iledtord were in town on tuesday advance agents for the big show at exhibition park toronto on july 1st in the form of a picnic for stouffville old boys and girls the only thing that will bring any joy into the lives of these former young men for the local inhabitants to pack their baskets on dominion hay and go visit the toronto crowd lets do it the annual church service and de coration of graves conducted by the local lodge of oddfellows was held last sunday with the brethren marching to the christian church air ii e hyde minister preached a very appropriate sermon dwelling on the text without the spirit of god you are not of his the church was comfortably tilled for the sefvlea which was followed by the parade to the cemetery where a flower was placed on each grave of departed members of the order the music of the band added much to the after noons program visitors were pre sent from mount albert brougham and markham 1 1 kalt the orpheus male quartette at the garden party on the lawn of j a muston one of the finest musical group to ever visit stouffville refreshments on grounds stouffville band this space donated by a w scott new platform and railings at the entrance to the presbyterian church add greatly to the general appear ance of the building the work was done by messrs sam and william armstrong earl grubtn the local optometrist will not he at his ollice on friday afternoons or evenings after this notice during which time ho will be located at si kingston road near kingswood toronto rev pastor church herbert lee at one time of the former methodist at stouffville and mrs lee are shortly to retire here when they will occupy the new home they re cently built on church street north on completing his final pastorate at woodbridge this month an enter tainment was held in their honor when speeches music and reminis- scene were indulged in as new citizens of this place iter and mrs lee are welcome additions to our community dont overlook the big garden party on friday evening on the spacious lawns at mustons the famous orpheus male quartette canadas greatest humorists will be present stouffville baud refresh ments admission 35 and 23 cents the toronto general trust co have sent out word to mrs grubin that it was advisable for the estate to get behind the proposed new road scheme in stouffville and support the proposition tlio gruhis estasc will be one or the very largest tax payers affected by the frontage tax as it comprises several store properties all coming on the lie rate for the frontage tax j a wear funeral director ambulance service funerals 70 and up phone 0000 markham ont mr simeon stouffer never grows old although lie is past his s 1th birthday he has just returned from hawk lake llaliburtoti district where he was on a fishing trip he pitched his own tent but unlike the children of israel in the desert our townsman found food easy to obtain lor he took plentiful supply fishing however was not good too much rain and high winds made it impossible to fish much of the time and as a result most of the fislier- nien are returning armed chiefly with fish stories ratlter than the real beauties mr sunnier caught a few nico ones some oflvhich he brought home the holiday season is here before going on your vacation this year see our display of goods suitable for this occasion mens summer suits in greys and browns 2500 and 3000 mens straw hats for the hot weather 100 to 392 mens plusfours in grey and brown 395 and 500 mens golf sox in wool and cotton 0c and 100 mens outing shirts in various colors collar attached 150 and 195 boys tweed suits 2 pr bloomers 775 boys bloomers in a large assortment of colors 75c to s125 boys khaki pants shirts sweaters golf sox etc bathing suits see our display of bathing suits for men and boys r e curtis the mens store thrifty folks dont let your buildings become shabby the cost of painting is trifling and it beau tifies ns well as preserves the structure the martinsenour paint 100 pure is superior to hand prepared lead and oh because it is made only of pure white lead pure zinc oxide and well aged linseed oil together with the necessary drier and coloring pigments compounded in correct proportions by the most modern and powerful machinery f y w brathwaite hardware stouffville imr wm itatcliff will soon be known as the land king of whit church and a good one lie will he too for no property under his care is ever neglected he is a progressive farmer as well as a successful business man air liatcllff lias purchased from nathan gilbert the 95 acre farm ly ing immediately north of the uatcliff farm on the sth concession this newly acquired property is known as the john baker place and formerly contained 105 acres but mr ratcliff purchased 10 acres of it some years ago the property is equipped willi good buildings and is an ideally located farm the sale price was 0500 myron anderson son of mr and mrs hugh anderson is reported as making satisfactory recovery at the general hospital following his entry into that institution a month ago to undergo a further operation in connection with his afflicted arm damaged in a shooting accident near ly three years ago the hoy has undergone a dozen operations since the accident in an effort to save the arm but this last was one of the most severe a piece of bone was ex tracted from his leg and grafted in to the arm and- during his recovery contracted the measles for a further setback his condition was rather disturbing for a time but he now is improving driving through goodwood on sunday morning about 130 oolock messrs c e powell high school principal and harry pennock linotype operator on the tribune staff believe they were the near victims of a holdup gang as they motored toward stouffville almost opposite the now goodwood park three or four cars were parked and one of them completely blocked the roadway while five men stood in front instead of pulling too close mr powell swung his car around and beat it toward the four corners of the tillage where he turned north on the third concession ueiig followed by what they claim was the same cars the stouffville men sifted right along over the side roads and swamp pits until they came out at sandford still being pursued they sought refuge on the farm of peter cain where they stayed until morn ing on turning into tho cain farm the strange cars left off the chase and sped off constable pugh went over to goodwood sunday morning hut beyond viewing the place on tho roadway where the cars had been parked lie could do nothing the stouffville young men had been at jacksons point saturday evening and lost their way coming home so that they landed up in uxhridgc town about midnight dominion stores limited special this week watermelons 75c each banana sale 25c dozen cohoe salmon 4 15c tin aylmer beans 2s 9c tin domino peas 2 tins 35c christies jam dandles 23c lb sheriffs jellies 4 for 23c mccormicks lib bis 33c pkt pic size olives 15c jar infants delight soap 5 bars 30c bulk cocoa 2 lb 29c keaft imayonnaizc 23c jar largo celery 25c bunch ontario cabbage 2 for 25c paul boadway manager stouffvujj3 branch for sale or exchange vt acke lot 132x122 on maiu highway near lilarkham village it has a 6 room rug brick clad bunga low nearly new oak trim oak doors hardwood floors large veraudagood cellar hot air furuaceelectric lights good roof the house was built years ago heated brick garage and also a separate steel garage splendid lawn shrubs garden sonic small fruits close to public and high schools churches stores station post ollice good bus and train service clear of encumbrance price fortynine hundred might consider an exchange on good farm ajiukns j miles from stoua- ville good road close to school 4 room frame house new roof cellar well and house on stone foundation clear of encumbrance taxes ten dollars sale price seven hundred dollars ackks stouffville 14 miles 0 room frame house kitchen newly painted veranda cistern soft water inside electric lights new roofstone foundation garage stable is by 35 small pig pen hen pen 20x30 small orchard and small fruits school church and bus service close to post office and on main thorough fare taxes ten dollars 1st mortgage of seven hundred at 6 sale price thirtyfive hundred 1 ackks witli 2 story g roomed concrete house and sun room well decorated pine trim 2 verandas town water good cellar stone fouua hon shingle roof in good condition barn sidewalks good roadway 25 spy and 11 other apple trees plumbs pears cherries and small fruits such as black currants thimble berries red raspberries ami strawberries close to continuation and publk school good bus and train service post office splendid garden soil taxes forty dollars sale price five thousand terms arranged toronto 21 miles j acres more or less near brooklln l smiles from paved road and nn a county road 7 room frame house newly painted remodeled ami decorated new veranda cellar stone foundation new roof good well and cistern inside garage 18 x 2s with stable hen pen is by 30 so apple trees some small fruits splendid garden soil no waste land new fenc es lawn is surrounded by splendid shade trees spruce and maple school church store p ollice service station about 10 rods planted this year y acre of onions beans peas and potatoes taxes twentyeight dollars and fifty cents insurance twentyeight hundred mortgage of three hundred at c sale price thirtyeight hundred dollars for sale only 300 acres woodville clay loam level good drainage 130 workable balance timber and pasture 25 acres mixed bush creek orchard and a variety of small fruits fences good good water supply with windmill hydro available 2 story 7 roomed solid brick house furnace cellar cistern water inside good roof hardwood floors large lawn bank barn so by g5 hay track lightning rods tie up for s horses and 20 cattle water taps in the stable gar age hog pen hen pen 50 by 14 implement shed on rural mail route toronto go mites lindsay 18 lorneville 2scliool 2 nillataxes 225 dollars never rented insurance five thousand clear of encumbrance price fifteen thousand dollars cash five thousand balance arranged this is for sale because tlie owner is too old to farm longer will take a small property in exchange 5 acres of clay loam on paved road 5 roomed solid brick house 2 story hall newly decorated fire place electric lights soft water in side well basins now furnace stone foundation veranda new roofing 3 car garage small barn and hen pen toronto 17 mile property near ly surrounded by shade trees small orchard and small fruits price is thirtyfive hundred dollars taxes twentyone dollars for sale only 10 acres main road stouffville clay loam level good drainage 34 workable small creok near build ings small orchard and some small fruits fences fair water supply well and creek 2 story g roomed frame house roof fair cellar hydro avail able bank barn g2x30 fair roof tie up for 4 horses and s cattle hen pen 20x10 implement shed 25x20 on rural mail route small orchard about 2 acres just beginning to bear toronto 25 miles taxes sixty dollars insurance two thousand encum brance fifteen hundred price of farm five thousand will exchange for country store 01 acres stouffville district clay loam level tractor worked so acres workable balance pasture and ravine with creek small orchard and some small fruits 20 acres new seeds all fall ploughed fences fair water supplied by 2 wells house story frame good roof cellar bank barn 43xf3 hay track tie up for 7 horses and 13 cattle garage hog pen and new lion pen 20xg0 toronto 22 miles about 1 mile off the highway encumbrance of fortyfive hundred ale price eight thousand dollars will exchange for city properly mo acres markham township clay loam buildings on nice loca tion land not hilly underdrained 100 acres workable balance bush and pasture 2 creeks on the- place splendid orchard some small fruits 10 acres of all wheat 30 of meadow 7 of new seeds all fall ploughed fences good water system through out buildings automatic 2 story solid brick 10 roomed house good loof cellar and cistern water system inside hydro equipped good lawn barn 110x3g and an i of 4gxl0 good roof hay track and lightning rods tic up for g horses and 17 cattle litter carrier the implement shed is 40x25 another 23x18 on rural mail route 17 mile from toronto city limits 3 from stouff ville 2v4 to station 1 to the school 2 miles to the church taxes scvcntyclght dollars no encum brance price sixteen thousand dollars geo e baker phone 179 siouffville auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday june 27 and 28 wolves of the city pat he news comedies quality skrvkar tuesday and wednesday july 1 and 2 cohens and kellys in- atlantic city a universal special friday and saturday july 4 and 5 scandal admission 25c children 15c s g schmidt prop seed corn such furnished apartment with all conveniences to let for july and august at the brier bush mrs ward stock for sie choice here ford bull and one durham bull yearlings j w alsop phone 8702 17 seating capacity for 2000 people on friday afternoon july 4th in the stouffville arena to hear hon chas dunning canadas finance minister every seat should bo taken to hear one of canadas foremost citizens they fought and argued and call ed each other names but in the end they always made up so they could start another battle see the cohens and kellys in atlantic city at the auditorium on dominion day wednesday as well a big holiday special a large delegation of women from stouffville attended the rural sectional meeting of the toronto east presbytery of the united church held in uxbridge last wednesday each meeting was full of inspiration and help tor the rural auxiliaries on saturday four of our citizens leturned from a camping holiday a hawk lake in the haliburton dist rict the quartette consisted of messrs frank stiverdelbert- holden harvey baker and hugh boyd the fish were not biting too good as there was much rain during the week but while this proved a draw back it was a blessing from another angle for the rain chased away the black flies which are said to be bad enough this summer as to prove a real menace the annual installation ceremon ies of richardson masonic lodge were held on tuesday evening when tho officers for the ensuing year were installed by rt wor bro h c jtugwell of toronto assisted by other visitors from georgina lodge incidentally this is the 70th year of the local lodges history and dr ii b freel the new master of the lodge is the 56th to hold office following the lodge meeting a banquet was served and a short toast list enjoyed the officers installed are i pm- a v nolan wm dr h b freel sw jas muston jw d mc donald chaplain rev a harden secretary h brillinger treasurer kjr davis organist dr barker historian n maclean dof c- e fairies sd henry slack jd hugh clark i g dr neil c smith ss j borinsky js jf lteid old boy tells picnic arrangements 23 1930 g7s huron st toronto june dear mr nolan many thanks for the tribunes prompt and generous announcement of the big picnic for july 1 we have full details new residents of stouffville and district as well as old hoys and girls of our town are cordially invited to the annual basket picnic arranged for the afternoon of july 1 at toron to by the stouflville old boys and girls association of toronto exhibition park picnic reserva tion no 11 west of the old govern ment building is the place the hour is 2 pm daylight saving time there will be street cars to the western entrance or dufferin gates nearby all day either a sub line down dufferin street from queen west or i special routing of uovercourt cas to the same entrance while the many details of plann ing are in the hands of the associa tion it is to be everybodys outing and get to gather and judging by the response already met with by the committees it will be a public occasion of real enjoyment and inter est for all there will be mysterious contests of all sorts suitable to all age and stages fat or lean supple or rheumatic older or younger art harding has a few 3uprises up lils sleeve for the sports and with miss darrach and a strong com mittee will look after tho games mr f w mortens is chairman of tho entertainment committee which has cooperated in making plans for the aftornoons and evenings enjoyment in case of rain there will bo ample spaco indoors and close to the re served grounds supper will bo eaten in tho transportation building families will bring their own food supplies hot water cups tea milk and sugar will be provided gratis faithfully yours r p stouffer streamer dance cedar glen pavilion orchestra announcement something new at cedar glen lake musselman charlie wcy- burn and his orchestra will play every saturday come and hear them and judge them yourself also dancing on dominion day with the same orchestra patrons see g it w williams if any dissatisfaction our old reliable brand ol seed corn the quality is better than usual the germination is nearly 100 all varieties of dent corn 190 per bus as improved leaming golden wisconsin no 7 mammoth southern sweet mangel turnip seed all in packages stiver bros glow we want your cream send your cream where you are sure of these advantages top market prices prompt payment correct tests and weights cans loaned to you an auyear cash market your banker will recommend us phone us for further particulars stouffville creamery co an unequalled creamery service since 1918 open tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the personal element in banking affairs between the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are designed are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance bank of commerce through the members of its staff is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to dem onstrate its value in offering personal advice on financial matters the local manager of the commerce bank will be glad to give inti mate counsel upon money matters pertain ing to your business the canadian bank of commerce f with uiltich is amalgamated the standard bank of canada l public meeting hon chas dunning minister of finance in the federal government will speak at a meeting to be held in the stouffville arena friday afternoon july 4th at 230 oclock standard time w p mulock the candidate and others will also speak come and hear canadas finance minister morgan baker pres h naughton secy