vol xlil no 17 stouffville ontario thursday june 2gth 1930 a v nolan publisher backrite tablets for the kidneys a remedy for backache lumbago stone in the bladder brights disease diabetes urinary troubles rheumatism etc backrite tablets cleanse the kidneys thus allowing them to purify the blood installing new life and vigor into the en tire system price 50 cents j m store y druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 business cards s1edical dr s s ball phpsician and surgeon officio cor obrien and main phone 19g coroner for york county council agrees on asphalt road following the ratepayers meeting in the hall on friday evening special meeting of the municipal council was held to further deal with the matter the press was not re presented and therefore we cannot give our readers any information on the discussion which took place the minutes record the fact that the council passed a resolution in structing or recommending the toronto and york road commission to proceed with the construction of x new road according to the tenders received for an asphalt top the finest road built- the motion went through with a unanimous vote the commissioners meet 01 june 30 when they will award the con tract and engineer uose states the work will probably he started within a week of that time which is the first week in july with the big mach inery that will be employed on the work the job will be put through in six or seven weeks such time being six or seven weeks providing fair weather prevails dr walter h woodrow medical alls bldg toronto eye ear nose and throat specialist will be in stoultville every other thursday 7 9 pm office at dr dales a c kennedy chiropractor church st stoudvllle monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am drs ira herbert freel dr ira free consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues tliurs sat afternoons by appointments only or herbert free 9 to 12 am tues tliurs sat g to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only dental e s barker lds dds honor graduate of royal coil a of dental surgeons nud of the university of toronto office in grubins block phone s201 marltham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of denial surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence lolo mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffvllle money to loan george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 24 phone 179 george coltham ontario lund surveyor surveys levels municipal engineering aurora ontario box 261 phone sim veterinary s t boderidistel vs bvsc v e t e r i n a r y graduate of ontario veterinary college phone 3901 stouffvllle successor to dr j t storey earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of tho college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 192s at stouttvllto every thursday friday and saturday ofuco in tho grubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phone stotiltvlllo 2405 say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont claremont on monday evening june 30th the drama home ties will he given by the young people of cherry wood in the community hall under aus pices of the united church of clare- mont admission 2c come and enjov the entertainment next sunday the united cliurch anniversary services will be hold here rev a 1 richards of whit by will preach in the morning and rev air craig of oshawa in the evening special music and a profit able time for all who attend ir chidlow has purchased the store business at victoria corners and takes possession july 1st ave are sorry that imr wilker ami miss stuttafovd have resigned from the continuation school staff but the board have promptly filled the vacan cies mr wilker was prominently identified with the masonic organiza tion here ratepayers hear about n pavem costs annual charge of 300 ami frontage tax meeting fails to pass any resolution for or against seheme finest road in the province altona mr mrs b reesor motored to manchester on friday imr and mrs j forsyth called on thos lewis on saturday get your mouldboards ready hoys lots of jobs on hand now imisses ellie and myrtle davis spent sunday t john hutchinsons sir and mrs s noble of toronto called atf haulers on saturday mr and mrs dejos morris of michigan are visiting friends here imr and mrs m dunkeld and jean milton visited at v waggs on sunday mr and mrs glenson and family of toronto were guests of mrs lapeer reuben tindall and miss ruth storry visited at j tindalls on sunday dont forget the garden party on thursday july 10th on the lawn of i crosier mrs m tindall was visiting with her parents mr and mrs r nighs- wander at atha mr and mrs k madill and mrs m madill also mr and mrs ralph andrews and family of toronto visited at o si siadills on sunday the monthly meeting of the womens institute will he held at the home of mrs i hoover atha en wednesday july 2 at 2110 pm programme roll call recipe for summer drink taper opening the ehildrens eyes to the wonder and beauty of nature by miss lota bunker music by miss grace lehman community singing re port of the district convention demonstration on rhubarb dominion day at jacksons point the veterans field day at jack sons point on july 1st appears to be the biggest event of the season jacksons point on lake slmeoe is a beautiful spot to take the kiddies there is a safe sandy bathing beach splendid shade trees and ampie parking for your car the program arranged should satisfy lovers of every kind of sport and generous prizes are beingoffered for all events with silver cups and other prizes wortli taking home since the large posters were print ed word has been received that doro thys famous animal circus will be present trained ponies dogs and monkeys should amuse old and young 60 in cash tor ladles baseball this should attract good entries at 4 oclock standard time win mulock and col t ii lennox will speak from the platform a crevrolet car will be given free to the bolder of the lucky admission ticket and they are only 25 cents cjet yours early they may all ha sold before july 1st horseshoe pitching swimming championship baby show athletic sports filling the rest of the bill and a grand finalle lakes place in sutton at s30 standard time when commun ity street dance with two orchestras will take place old tyme and mod ern dances what a day rirth truilier in whitchurch on june in 1930 to mr and mrs fred timbers a son clnbine in whitchurch tp on june is 1930 to mr and mrs ezra clubine a son that was a splendid gatheriu ratepayers which assembled ratolilfs hall on friday evening to hear the discussion on the proposed new road through town debated by interested ratepayers the meeting wa3 most orderly and both factions for and against conducted them selves in a fair and proper manner true there was little interruption but that was in order there was no heckling however and from the platform mr uusnell was the only speaker against although anyone was invited to address the audience mr james ratcliff on request of die council acted as chairman he said that when the present council took ollice in january they were faced witli the question of getting a road to replace the present deplor able condition an engineer was en gaged and after getting a proposi tion before the york head commis sion which they considered fair for the town a public meeting was call ed and the ratepayers consulted council was advised to go ahead since then some opposition bad aris en now a second meeting is called we invite full discussion and an opportunity will be given to ask questions said mr ratclin on the platform sal all the members of the council including the reeve also engineer babcoek who is acting for the town and engineer rose of york county reeve ii w sanders was first in vited f sneak lie declared that thej cost of the uwvv pavineit would tut burden the tax payers a petition had been sent in which lie admitted gave the council a jolt but not a serious one the engineers estimate for he towns share of this new pavement was- placed at sf 5 ii 0 0 0 bat now the tenders are in for the work and said the reeve i am glad to announce that the lowest tender on the towns end of this work is only 540 it this is for an asphalt top road one of the finest buill in tho province with storm sewers gutters and curbs to meet this expenditure of 54918 we shall have to raise an annual tax of 3600 plus a frontage tax for those fronting on both sides of main street of 9c per lenial foot per year in the east end and 14c per lenial root in the west end the extra frontage charges in tlie west end is due to the fact that the road will be 2s feet wide there as against 21 feet in the east end to raise 600 per year a rate of six mills is required this would not mean that the taxes advance this amount lie said for cost of oiling and repairs to the present road is running tlie town 900 per year which would be saved if a permanent road is put down and this saving means a mill and a half concluded the reeve the figures given you by lh reeve said engineer babcoek are quite correct they include every of walls you better send along those in old age pensions with that good road which jocular remark brought rounds of laughter the petition was taken up by councillor rowbotbam he evidently made a careful study of it from evey angle ho had clerk dougherty come to the platform and read the figures the clerk found there were 1s6 names on the petition 17 of whom wero not ratepayers according to the assessment roll which left 169 legal signers and the total number of ratepayers eligible to sign was given as 372 thus the petition was 42 short of having 50 per cent of the names on after giving this informa tion the clerk retired and mr rowbothani proceeded as the major part of the cost at this road comes on main street property owners said sir rowbcth- am i have examined the petition from that angle we find that 69 owners on the street signed tlie document while 91 others did not sign tlie assessment of those who did sign totals 99000 the assess ment of those who did not sign totals 178375 over the whole town tlie signers represent an assessment of 207760 wliilo those wlio did not sign represent 391241 or in other words only onethird of tlie assessment is represented on tlie petition said tlie speaker in con clusion mr rowbothaam said in considered the petition in reality mandate to go ahead with tlie work at this point mr walls explained that he had gone out with the petition and found some who were opposed to the new road but were unwilling to sign for fear of thin skins or of offending some one favorable to the road then he said he had not canvassed the business men thoroughly as they had asked for a road but some since changed their opinion while still others lived out of town and could not be seen although they are counted as in favor of the- road be cause they had not signed tlie petition in hi opening remarks councillor rusnell said he was very strongly in favor of good roads but not at high cost this class of road proposed lie thought was beyond our reach we or ijyt want sewers arq con 11 do v open dltitinm lie h 1 that he biriiess men y a little previous in isting for a road and alter all it tight lo be pal i for by the county alone he predicted that some people t small moans may lose their homes by this added taxation aier riinmn on a plat form lor fiir years tiet advocated a god rad through stoultville councillor hcrasky said we hail come to where desire would lie fulfilled an effort had been made to build this fine road without curbs or gutters but the commission would not put down this type of pavement without gutters and sewers so we must have personal notes detail of work in connection with titei tne sa i they are paying 50- job it provides for all catch baisinsj noo for cen 20 feet a town manholes and adjustment of street grades at intersections even to taking up a few blocks of pavement if necessary in order to make i con form to the grade of tlie road you will have to raise 3600 per ear for 20 years and those on slain street pay in addition 9c and 14c per runn ing foot per year frontage tax if they wish this may he paid in one instalment those in the east end who pay 9c can settle when the work is completed for 113 per foot and those in the west end 175 that is a man with a 50 foot frontage can pay over to the council if his proper ty is in the east end 5650 and lie free from any further frontage charges in the west end he can pay over if be has a 50 ft frontage ss7- 50 and be relieved of further frontage charges in answer to a question as to who pays for tlie removal of the old road tho engineer saftl the contractor must take it up and remove it the oxponse of which is included in the tender to another enquiry it was stated that the provincial highway through urooklyn was laid at around the- same costs as the road in stouffville taking into consideration the width and under drainage that road said the engineer cost around 33000 per mile which is a fair figure with open ditches and 20 foot width tlie difference in cost there and here was due to extra width and other legimate details sir george dowswell from the audience declared that the price of our road was too high in lleiverton high taxes made it so that people could not sell their properties and the high taxes came with paved streets give us a votp on this question demanded sir walls to which one of the council said they would con sider the petition well said sir with low taxes and no conveniences wasnt in it today witli a moderately taxed place with conveniences said sir borinsky councillor ward predicted that when tlie road is built and next january conies lie ratepayers would want to return the entire council with the exception of councillor rusnell because they had shown tliey were men of foresight lie aimed to get rid of perpetual repairs and conditions that have obtained for 10 or 20 years these things can not be tolerated today he thought that when the county offer ed us 50000 toward a good road wo ought to grasp the opportunity which meant putting up practically dollar for dollar sly soninlaw said the speaker drove here from quebec a distance of 400 miles he lias gone back to tell his people that in stouffville where his father-in- law is a councillor they had the worst roads he encountered in the whole journey laughter the audience asked to hoar engineer harvey rose of york county who said he was merely here on request and the matter at hand was one for engineer babcoek and the ratepayers to discuss his one point was that there are plenty of places in york county that would be glad to get that 50000 which the commissioners have offered to spend in stouffville this summer to isir walls who asked if be did not think it a shame to tear up much of the present road his answer was yea and so meaning that if the type ot road desired to be built here was to be put down it was necessary to tear up some road which still has service in it the meeting broke up with god save the king and without any vote being called for or against tho new- road sir john anderson of port perry is visiting in town sir joint quantz was in town n sunday visiting his parents sir and sirs dorian k woodburn ot toronto spent tuesday in town sirs gladys legge of toronto visited with sirs e c fielding on tuesday sir and sirs ej davey are spend ing a week at island grove lake simcoe sir and sirs gray of toronto spent sunday with sir and sirs e c fielding sirs w 11 shaw left on wednes day for edmonton alberta to visit her sister there sliss robb entertained a number of toronto friends to a garden tea saturday afternoon sirs brown and baby daughter are hero from buffalo visiting her sister sirs jas sluston sliss edna watson was homo over the weekend from the ontario hospital at whitby sliss mary rae and isiiss morrison of toronto were sunday visitors witli sir and sirs t b rao isiiss frances ratcliff has been on a delightful boat trip to duluth at the bead of lake superior sir and mrs jake burkholder and family of cedar grove wero visi tors witli sir and sirs k g tarr sir- and sirs si isioore of toron to and young daughter spent sun day with sirs w b sanders and lena norval kay of the stouffville nova scotia bank staff has been assisting in tlie slarkham branch for a week or ten days sir harry vanzant of toronto and bis lady friend spent the weekend with his grandmother sirs henry vanzant dr harry wilson of englehart round a few ltours from his practise to visit at the old home here last week coming down- by automobile sir and sirs f marshall and family left on tuesday tor their summer cottage at maple beach ilea vert on sir and sirs galloway and sirs j b hurts who have been living at bedford indiana are moving back to toronto this week sir j r campbell wire or a former deputy reeve of slarkham township is making satisfactory recovery from a slight stroke suffer ed a few weeks ago andy shields a halt comrade in france is visiting witli syd schmidt since parting on the battlefield they have had a varied career and find it great pleasure to meet once again imr and sirs s p lennox and mr howard lennox of toronto and sirs j pearson and cleve motored to midland on saturday to spend the weekend witli sir edward pearson sir and sirs george horn of edmonton sirs sonley and sirs sutherland of utica also sir frank sonley of whitby were sunday visitors at tlie home of sir and sirs j w taun albert street sirs v ii sanders accompanied by her daughter sliss lena and her father sir matthew flint are leav ing on thursday for their summer home at jacksons point sirs sanders has had her cottage remod elled george gibney of denliolnio sask visited over the weekend witli sir and sirs schmidt church st it is 23 years ago since lie left lmount albert for the west where he met with good success and now owns 4s0 acres of land sliss pearl johnston accompanied by her mother sirs s e johnston ot sit pleasant michigan motored here on saturday lo visit sirs johnstons sister sirs elijah pen- nock who has been ill for a number of months isiiss slahel gardhouse of the drayton continuation school staff and formerly a member of i lie local continuation school has been in town witli sirs george lee sliss gardhouse is taking a university course next fall sir and sirs robt sickinnon have gone to toronto lo occupy the home of their daughter on high park boulevard while they are absent from the city for two months on their return sir sickinnon will rent or buy a home in stouffvllle sir and sirs jarvls dighy sir and sirs g b fudge and daughter margaret ot sicmurray ave toron to 9 are spending two enjoyable weeks of holidays on the eight line ot slarkham at isiaple lane farm the home of sir and sirs a r wideman ramfr reunion held forest hill farm the home ot sir and sirs malcolm ramer blooming- ton was the scene of a delightful gathering saturday afternoon when the tenth annual reunion of tho late christian barkey family was held over 100 people were present from tsiarkham and pickering town ships toronto tillsonburg orilila guelph brookliu an enjoyable time was spent in conversation and games the weather was favorable and the evening meal was served on the lawn before leaving it was decided lo hold the next reunion at the honje of sir leonard hoover sth con slarkham also a committee was appointed to look after details byer- wagg glasgow harry wellman is keeping up a lively passenger service to toronto both ways only his passengers are cattle the low price of stock with dragging sales is sending much of it back to the country sirs george wood of slaple has been visiting with sirs freeman slack and other friends here sirs wood is a daughter of sir john gourlie so she is well and favorably known in our district and a welcome visitor the marriage of lilliam e wagg oldest daughter of sirs delos gra ham to fred e hyer son of sir and sirs jos byer atha took place at the brides home at ringwood on saturday june 21 rev e morton olliciated tlie bride was given away by her step father sir delos graham and was attended by sliss doris sinclair as bridesmaid sir george byer brother ot the groomwas best man and sirs levi li forsyth played the wedding march during the signing of the register after a buffet luncheon the happy couple left amid showers of confetti and good wishes for a motor trip to tlie united states guests numbered about twenty five 111 sili b not i newly installed worshipful slaster of richardson masonic lodge on its 70th anniversary gormley sir abram baker has returned to our burg after spendng a week with relatives in zephyr quite a number from here attend ed the garden party at victoria square on saturday last sliss caroline epp spent sunday with isiiss anna winger we are sorry lo report that sirs clemence is not enjoying very good health we wish her a speedy re covery sir and sirs daniel byer have moved into the house on tlie proper ty of sir dennis white near the 5th con of slarkham sliss bernice henderson visited at tlie homo of sliss n e cober on sunday last among the churches luksbyteriax church j ltev w ii fuller pastor sunday july 29th 2 p m sunday school 3 p m evening worship united church of canada rev h s warren ba pastor sunday july 29th 10 am sunday school 11 am gods slercy 7 pm spiritual progression isakkr hllili and sixth ijne baptist churches w s whitcombe b a pastor sunday june 22nd sunday july 29th 1030 am sixth line 7 pm baker hill baptist church rev ww fleischer pastor sunday july 29th 1 am subject the christians warfare and victory 7 pm subject advice from an old friend prayer meetings sunday 615 wednesday s pm siionnonite church s s shantz pastor friday s pm prayer meeting sunday july 29th 10 am sabbath school 11 am preaching 7 pm preaching preaching at altoua 7 pm christian churches stouffviltie and churchxli f e hyde minister sunday july 29th june 29th is childrens day in the stoultville sunday school at 1000 a lit program in the auditorium be gins at 1030 am please note the change in the hour sliss lucy si eldredge of dayton ohio secretary of young peoples work in the christian church will be the special speaker f 2 pm church hill sunday school 3 pm preaching 7 pm evening worship wo extend a cordial welcome to all to worship witli us in tlie services bixxmixgton and bixgwood christian and attona union e morton pastor sunday july 29th wine for the wedding will be our subject for next sunday blooniington 11 am ringwood 7 pm we are anxious to help you let us meet together next sunday cabbage andcauliflower our big supply of cabbage and cauliflower plants is now ready season lasting until july 1st percy brillinger phone 185 the cohens and kellys in atlantic city their best production to be shown at the auditorium stouffville on tuesday and wednesday july 1st and 2nd unturl qtyf ikmgfi ltgljmag change of time tables effective saturday june 28th 1930 commencing saturday june 28th new time tables will be in effect on the following motor coach routes muskoka lake simcoe uxbridge and shelburne summer services effective saturday june 28th 1930 commencing saturday june 28th summer services will be resumed providing service between toronto and the following points muskoka wharf w as aga beach col- lingwood shelburne and uxbridge and intermediate points copies of the new time tables will be available at all odices and agencies on and after friday june 2jth gray coach lines