business cards medical dr s s ball pbpsiclan and surgeon office cor obrien and main phono 198 coroner for york county dm ira herbert freel or ira freel consultation hours 5 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm tuea sat tucs thurs sat afternoons by appointments only dr herbert freel 9 to 12 am tucs thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only our trade growing in china each year dental e s barker lds dds li uraduate of iloyal college of dental surgeons and of tho university of torouo office in grublns bioek phono s201 markham every tueajay office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal collego of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 a c keninedy chiropractor cnurch st stoutvlile monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffville money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phone 18003 george baker realtor and valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 2 phone 179 anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block phone 4301 earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of tho college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant priza winner in 1328 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday offlcy in the orubin block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phono stonffvllle 2403 three things there aro threo things that make lifs lovoly the beauty of reverenc the dignity of pitlonce tho joy of us folness j e buckrosc cm a want empire goods identified british representative a- o- cates scheme to encour age trade toronto adoption of a general mark of origin on all products of tho prltish empire was considered by the canadian manufacturers association at its 59th annual meeting that open ed recently at the royal york hotel a mark by which empire made goods may be readily identified has been advocated by a british associa tion for some years w r drynan of hamilton who introduced the subject in his report of tho commercial inielll- gence committee stated people in tho british isles arc anxi ous to buy empire made goods but owing to lack of any identification marks on such goods are often con fused in their buying h t pooley director of the british empire produc ers organization london remarked system of taxes in orient keeps real markets closed canadian trade in china and the in fluence of canada there is growing according to herbert langlcy shang hai who passed through montreal en route to england stress was laid on the value of hon herbert marler canadian minister to japan and what a good influence he bad been for can ada at present china discoverer of paper was in the peculiar position of i importing it mr langley said there was a good market for canadian paper in china if a trade agreement could be worked out the chief criticism which mr lang- ley levelled at chinese business was the tolls and taxes selfauthorized war lords levied on goods thus frightening legitimate business enterprise out of the field heavy taxes the average chinese likes the for eigner and wants to do business said mr langley he would like to do business also with the native chinese but with these taxos importation far inland is almost impossible in many classes of goods supposing a thing is worth 10 at the sea coast first it pays a tax to get into china suppos ing that is 2 then later a warlord in one of the provinces will levy his own tax there is no use protesting it has got to be paid or the goods dont go by following that the goods are assessed again without auth ority in the next province by the time they reach their ultimate des tination they are too dear for most people to purchase hence very few goods get to the interior at all favor british some of these chinese wanted the extraterritorial rights to shanghai given up right away yet the chinese government the well to do chinese and many in between wanted to see shanghai kept brtish the markets striking photograph of three birds of the air billy boiuar and uva kimmey of a flying circus do a little wingwalking on a plane overnew york airport uva is earning money to pay for her flyingtime cornwall district hit by fly blizzard cornwall ont like the plague of locusts of biblical times millions of shad flies descended upon cornwall and district recently in their annual flight from breeding places along the st lawrence river tho insects varying in size from one half to three quarters of an inch in length were so numerous that cornwall appeared to be in the midst of a blizzard automobiles proceeding along the highway east and west of the city were frequently stopped while drivers cleared windshields of sticky masses of crushed insect hodics brightly lighted store windows were almost completely obscured as the flies clus tered on the glass and illuminated signs were unreadable as thousands of files flittered about them shad flies are harmless insects and live but a few hours the annual plaguo in this district lasts from a week to 10 days during which millions of the insects infest the entire sec tion r100 will depart rumor unfounded london no credence is given here to tho rumor that the r100 has been turned back on the builders hands by the air ministry because of the damage to her tailpiece nothing has appeared in the papers here which would in any way confirm tho report emanating from new york owing to tho whitsuntide holidays all government departments are closed and it is impossible to secure an au thoritative pronouncement one way or the other the unqualified terms and vivid language of lord thomasons praise of the r100 last week generally re fute the suggestion in the rumor which is regarded here as incredible says immigration provincial matter saskatoon sask declaring that the number of immigrants entering canada should be fixed by a joint board representing the provinces george ii williams president of the nited farmers of canada saskatche wan section gave evidence before tho saskatchewan royal commission on immigration and settlement herb re- cently reports on the amount of immlgra- tlon desired would be given to the joint board by each province but set quotas should not be exceeded he said he did not consider that any province could take the responsibility for immigration while the fiscal policy anl control of finance fell within the control of the dominion j bear prefers meat scorns ice cream toronto apparently the old max im familiarity breeds contempt al so survives in the realm of animal life at any rate that is the belief held by james thompson of toronto after his experience with a friendlylooking bear at rlvcrdale park old bruin was doing his stuff in grand style before tho admiring gaze of a large weekend throng like all good bears he readily accepted every morsel warily extended to him through tho cage bars but thompson mistook bruins paw ing for a playful gesture and went so far as to offer tho bear his ico cream cone but bruin was aer rajat and he got it two of thompsons fingers at least part of them but thompson accepted his experi ence philosophically lucky he didnt get the whole arm he said accident toll dead hugh murphy stratford scalded when boiler blew out david hollywood found dead on tracks near glen tay jack fortune drowned in red lake mrs annie sheerin niagara falls ont struck by hitandrun driver lloyd clark waterford crushed in crane at gravel pit edward kurdirka montreal struck by hitandrun motorist near hamil ton james grant mimico killed at ham ilton roundhouse allen newton drowned in river at hornepayne mrs thomas loath whitby struck by car near her home lawrence webb aged 12 drowned at pembroke edward kelly aged 11 of 10 capreol avenue toronto drowned off foot of cherry street miss leah savoy newcastle nb drowned in submerged car near ren frew seriously injured nick lucini g years old of niagara falls ont struck by car otis holland pontiac mich injured when car hit tree near chippewa mrs f taylor niagara falls ont struck by car max herman waterloo township automotorcycle collision james mitchell crowland struck by train nick ivashul oshawa thrown to highway when car hit tree belle sherlock infant of windsor in motor collision engineers party leaves for berlin delegates to world power conference sail from montreal ottawa canada will be well repre sented at the jcond world power con ference to be held in berlin germany june 1025 it was announced by dr charles camsei deputy minister of mines and chairman of the national committee not only aro many cana dian delegates sailing but several papers will be delivered on the water power resources of this country a feature of the conference will be a telephoneradio hookup on the occa sion of the official banquet on june 18 at 3 pm eastern standard time berlin london eng san francisco cat and thomas edisons laboratory will be included in the hookup the pro gram lasting about 45 minutes dr kottgen and dr von miller will speak from berlin lord derby and senator marconi from london two officers of the national light associations an nual convention in san francisco and mr edison from his laboratory in new jersey the program will bo broad cast by the national broadcasting company supposing all tho bears in the zoo escapd into the street exclaims a writer then there would bo trouble i bruin i canadas future distinct powerful language will be english but not english of england sir henry thornton a product of this continent and by adoption a son of the dominion expressed sentiments with a peculiarly canadian tang in an address at a dinner of tho canadian manufacturers association in the royal york hotel toronto recently ho held up to the assembled manu facturers tho ideal of canada as a country standing distinct among the other nations of the world canada couy nevcr be anything hut canadian he declared our language will always be funda mentally tho english language he dc dared but it will not bo tho eng lish languago that is spoken in eng land u would bo a canadian edition sir henry intimated similarly he pre dicted the building up of distinctly canadian traditions literature art and music it was important ho declared to build not only great industries injhls country but to lay the foundation for a fine and strong canadian character a character that would bo distinctly canadian and nothing else daring aviatrix in honors list rollsroyce founder and designer becomes baronet london king georges birthday honors list issued recently created three new barons three baronets 23 knights and conferred more than 100 other recognitions but perhaps the most popular honor of all was that awarded to miss amy johnson fish merchants daughter and former lon don law seretary for making a solo flight from eng land to australia in a secondhand moth plane in 19 days the blonde blue- eyed miss johnson was created a conmander of the civil division of the order of the british empire the young aviatarix who thrillet britons by her flight as they had not been thrilled since charles a lindbers hew the atlantic is entitled to add the initials cbe after her name the list revealed honors conferred on seven women besides miss john son mrs annie burnett smith novelist better known as annie s swan became a commander in the civil division of the order of the brit ish emigre and miss margaret mac- milian pioneer in the nursery schools movement became a companion ot honor frederick h royce founder direc tor and chief engineer of rollsroyce ltd was created a baronet besides being famous for making motor cars he produced the engines used in the winning schneider cup seaplane last year new law banishes womens inequality legal authorities give opin ion regarding ontario divorce measure ottawa that in the newly estab lished divorce court of ontario men and women will bo on an absolute base ot equality was tho declaration here recently ot high legal authorities having to do with the new legislation tho claim has been advanced that the new law is a retrograde step inas much as it applies the law of england of 1s70 which provided that to secure divorce man had only to establish the act ot infidelity by his wife whereas a woman had to establish cruelty as well as infidelity ot the husband it is true that this english act applies to tho ontario divorce court acts but as amended by the parliament of can ada a few years ago the british parlia ment amended its divorce law so as to remove the inequality mentioned in 1925 at the instance of j t shaw mp this change was mado in all canadian divorce law where divorce courts existed and it is part and par cel ot the new ontario divorce court in every canadian province where di vorce courts exist quebec alono is without such a court legal authori ties here say that men and women now havo absolutely equality in re spect of qualifications for obtaining di vorce produce quotations toronto wholesale dealer are buy ing produce at the following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 28c fiesh firsts 26c seconds 23c butter no 1 ontario creamery solids 28uc no 2 27 to 2714c churning cream special 29 to 30c no 1 2s to 29c no- 2 25 to 26c heese no 1 large colored paraf fined and government graded 17c i poultry alive hens over 5 lbs 2ic do 1 to 5 lbs 2c do 3i to 4 lbs 19c do under sa lbs 17c spring broilers 2 j to 3 lbs 30c do 14 to 214 lbs 24c old roosters over 5 lbs 15c do over 4 to 5 lbs 12c provision prices toronto wholesale dealer- are quot ing the following pices to the trade smoked meats hams med 28 to 35e cooked loins 48 to 52c smoked rolls 28c breakfast bacon 30 to 40c backs peamealed 34c do smoked 48 to 55c pork loins 29v4c shoulders 21c butts 24ic hams 262c- cured meats long clean bacon 5u to 70 lbs 24c 70 to 90 lbs 22c 90 110 lbs 21c heavyweight rolls 40c lightweight rolls 23c lard pure tierces 15c tubs 10c pails 17c prints 17 to 17c shortening tierces 13c tubs lsic pails 14c special pastry shortening tierces 15c tubs 15 4c pails 16c grain quotations grain dealers on the toronto board of trade are makinj the following quotations for car lots man wheat no 1 north 117 no 2 do 114 no- 3 do 113 no 4 10si no 5 101 no fi 85c feed 77c cif godcrich and bay ports man oats no 1 feed 51c no i do 51 c american corn- no 2 vellow 93 4c no 3 do 92c millfeed del montreal freiglus bags include bian per ton sj0c5 shorts per ton 3225 middliv 3525 oit train wheat 110 ont- a to 45c barley 50 to 52c rye nominal buckwheat 80c hay and straw prices wholesale dealers in hay and straw are quoting shippers the following prices for carlo id lots delivered on track toronto no 2 timothy 14 no 3 timothy 12 to 13 wheat straw 11 oat straw 11 live stock quotations heavy beef steers 950 to 10 75 butcher steers choice 10 to 1050 do fair to good 9io to 975 do com 825 to 9 butcher heifers choice 975 to 1025 do fair to good 9 to 975 do com 825 to 9 bucher cows good to choice 8 to 9 do med 725 to 775 canners and cutters 3 to 5 butcher bulls good to choice 825 to 9 do med 750 to 8 do bolognas 650 to 675 baby beef 10 to 12 feeders good 9 to 950 stockers good 850 to 9 calves good to choice 11 to 1150 do med 950 to 1050 do com 7 to 8 milkers 75 to 100 springers 95 to 115 lambs choice 16 to 1650 0 yearlings 9 to 1150 sheep good 6 to 650 prince of wales takes place of king at levee london the prince of wales ove in state recently from buckingham palace to st james palace where he held a levee in behalf of the king who is ill with rheumatism the prince wore the scarlet full dress of colonel of the welsh guards a big crowd cheered him heartily as he drove in a heavily gilded state coach along the mail escorted by the sovereigns lifeguards there also was a brilliant scene in side the throne room where the prince was seated on the golden throne attended by the duke ot york and the duke of connaught uncle ot the king they received together a long stream ot representatives the levee was heldin warm bright weather among the canadians at tending were r tait mackenzie rev philip j dyes leutcol w g bea- man and the night hon newton wes ley rowcll britains voice heard world over london the delegates to the im perial press conference recently heard from the hon ii b leessmith postmastergeneral of another form ot empire link tho wireless tele phone tho great wircess station of tho british post office at rugby was already linked reported tho postmas tergeneral with landlino tclophotie systems which centred in london and in new york tho new york link woum psimit ot communication with practically an north america tho londonaustralian service is already opened stated hon mr lees- smith paths have been plotted ont for services to tho other dominions and to india when tho rugby sys tem is completed wo shall havo from there what may truly bo described as tho world voice ot britain speaking not only in tho dominions but to all the more important countries of tho world japanese shine at olympic games tokyo japan won the allover championship ot the far eastern olympic games which ended here may 31 by a wide margin the events closing with an interesting battle be tween three great breaststroke swim mers tsuruta japan who won tho 200- meter breaststroke in the amsterdam olympic games in 1928 finisher third in that event bowing to udefonso of the philippines who won in 2m 53 25s at amsterdam udefonso finished third ill the 100meter freestyle race takaiski japan finished first in co 4os takemura japan won tho jqojncter freestyle event in em 2l5c the personal element in banking affairs between the curtness and coldness of printed bank forms and the human element for whose use they are designed are vast opportunities for the banker to give valuable personal assistance bank of commerce through the members of its staff is anxious to use any opportunity that arises to dem onstrate its value in offering personal advice on financial matters the local manager of the commerce bank will be glad to give inti mate counsel upon mtjney matters pertain ing to your business the canadian bank of commerce the standard bank of canada j see the pacific coast this summer enjoy the hospitality of jasper park lodge in the heart of the canadian rockies tennis swim ming climbing riding motoring enthralling scenery new experi ences then see van- couvervictoria and th e glorious pacific coast only a few days extra required to take the cruise to prince rupert and alaska pleasant com panions wonderful sights totem pole villages glaciers enquire about low tourist fares in effect from may 15th to september 30th bcautiuiiy illustrated folders available throiighany agentof canadiannational railways an to everywhere in canada aviator gets blue nose flying high newlywed aviator attempts to break recoicl now- held by german washington lieut apollo soucek usn headed a tiny little white hi- plane for the top of the universe re cently he came down with bleary eyes and a nose blue from the cold of eight miles up doubtful it he quite suc ceeded in breaking the worlds altit ude record when he landed at 122 pm he said his altimeter registered 42000 feet and buctuated at times above that mark but he feared the official cali bration ot the barograph ny the bur eau of standards would as usual show a mark of a few hnidred feet less ho expects to try again the first good day several times up at the top he zoomed his le plane up in an ef fort to go higher ho said but each time the plane stalled from lack of power die to the iarfie mosphorc the present r rd is 41794 feet held by willie neuhofen ot germany clubs to banish juvenile crime no felonists here gail tex during tho thirty years that ciall has been the county seat ot borden county only ono person has ever been convicted of a felony in the j county and ho was given a suspended sentence tho court here has never sentenced a man to the penitentiary or even to tho county jail although tho jail has stood in the courthouse yard for many years it has been used i only as a storage place j liner hiwaku maru sets speed mark seattle wash establishing a transpacific speed record from yoko hama to victoria of 10 days and 12 hours and with ceremony and mutual exchange of felicitations between jap anese and american citizens the hi waku martin new motor liner of the nippon yusen kaisha was welcomed to this port recently following recep tions in both victoria and vancouver british columbia tho hiwaku maru is the first ot threo new motor liners which will servo the nyjc seattlcorjental run the hiwaku maru which is the first cabin ship to servo tho pacific traffic is commanded by capt s aklyosha wellknown in tho pacific coast ser vice both the korea maru and the siberia maru will ho taken oft the california run and placed on tho northern route an interesting feature of these ori ental ships is that uiey bring to this country valuable cargoes ot raw silk the new motoiship is equipped with a special silk roomwlth a capacity of 400 tons youngsters crowd social cen ters for good time more space needed chicago police reports show a de crease in juvenile crime in the neigh borhood of the two boys clubs estab lished by the union league club here bad neighborhoods were selected for their location instead of getting into mischief in localities where mis chief was tradition many boys now push billiard balls in the clubhouse play games in the gymnasium take a swim or try their hand at printing woodwork or band practice one clubhouse has become so crowd ed that an old apartment house next door was recently bought and remodel ed giving extra space for classrooms additional dressing roonif for tho swimming pool and a game room for the junior boys but if you turn a boy loose at the age of 18 ho may lose all of the bene fits wo have given him said f v thomson managing director of tho union league boys club for this reason we have established a young mens club for boys over is years of age eight volunteer leaden from these older bo are helping to super vise group clubs of younger boys ho said about 44030 boys were kept busy by these clubhouses last year moro than 50000 swims were taken fifty- six boys were given employment 205 were taught to swim anil more than 14000 attended classes in printing woodwork drama and band practice heir to millions i remains in business london tho last thing john ar thur dewar who became a millionaire recently when the contents of tho will ot his uncle lord dewar were an nounced would think ot doing is if retire from business it you stop work you might as woll bo dead he said when notified he had been left 5000000 free of legacy duty by his uncle tho famous distil ler and sportsman it la work that makes life worth living dewar who is 38 years old added that ho was old enough not to be ex cited about 5000000 and said ho hoped to carry on his uncles racing stable it would take 20 years to collect another string of horses like that he added j