Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), May 29, 1930, p. 2

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governorgeneral sets high ideals accident toll tin fatalities over the holiday week end had been reported in canada up t ii tfc q f rt ic n tarly hour monday morning lelb rcs boys ot threat klvo iieii a in future that awaits ontario s in manitoba two nun perished when a ear turned over in nova scott highway accidents cost three lives the ontario casualty list follows them empire builders killd in accidents russell reynolds 5 killed when iort hope envisaging canada iu the future as one of the greatest units of the kmpire ills excellency i the governorgeneral recently made j rii- struck bv automobile near brockville a strong appeal to pupils of trinity 7 t karl blackburn drowned in river college school to fit themselves fori at windsor while fishing for minnows the part they would have to play iu the future conduct of the nations af- 1 inard y kigett 21 electrocuted fairs the address was delivered pa f f t the conclusion of celebration- m f w e johnston 50 killed when marked the opni of coileit new f automobile on highway near buildings by the governorgeneral lansdowne lord willingdon addresses the boys d is of tralee killed it is you the youiiker seneration when us a swt into tne thirteenyearold claud chislitt of stratford winner of violin trophy where lies the responsibility of the litcn m i- presented by the perth county music teachers federation at stratford musi- safety of our country which is des- 1 william henderson of chatham ca festlva recen r100 delayed at wish of ottawa the markets j hygiene council meets in toronto discusses health insurance produce quotations toronto wholesale dealers are buy- injr produce at tho following prices eggs ungraded cases returned fresh extras 29c fresh firsts 27c inanimations and ven- seconds 24c ereal disease butter xo 1 ontario creamery 1 solids 2s to 29c xo- 2 27i to 29c annual meetings are usually dull af- churning cream special 32 to 33c fairs at which statistical reports are xo 1 31 to 32c xo 2 27 to 29c cheese xo 1 ge colored paraf fined ard government graded 17 to dirigible will not start ocean flight until after domin ion parliament ends session trial trip is successful cardington eng the r160 finish ed her trial flight few days ago lt was entirely successful in the words 17ue of squadron leader it s booth thej provision prices ships commander j toronto wholesale dealers are quot- before she had returned the air following prices to the trade ministry in london made the anj smoked meats hams med 28 to nouneement that the flight of the 35c cooked loins 18 to 52c smoked r100 to canada would be deferred rolls 2sc breakfast bacon 30 to 10c ls a voluntary organization cxlst- a few days until the parliament of backs peamealed 3ic do smoked 1c ing for the purpose of teaching tho canada has concluded its sessions to 55e canadian public how to prevent 111- at ihe end of the month 01ns 29ic shoulders 20c ness its efforts are not confined to given and a slate of officers more or less mechanically elected in pleasing contrast was the recent eleventh an nual meeting of the canadian social hygiene council held in the royal york the canadian pacific railways gigantic new hotel in toronto the canadian social hygiene coun- probably butts 24c hams cured moats- ghc long clean bacon tined to become one of the greatest units of the empire you will be re sponsible for the future of the greatest empire the world has ever seen i like to think of the british em pire as a great estate the governor- general said over which our be loved sovereign reigns and in which we are his agents wherever you go arid whatever you may become make it your purpose and duty to build up the kmpire in every way possible stesch conveyed by wireless i jsaga transmitted from england features open ing of convention voice is distinct fatally injured when his automobile was struck by train at chatham sudden deaths john martin 52 berkeley street collapsed on street on may 23 died next day in st michaels hospital edward monahan 59 elmwood on tario died in toronto general hos pital he was injured some time pre viously at home william mullins 57 79 sherbourne street found dead in bed charles it jackson 58 sis parlia ment street found dead thomas brown c4 so avenue road i collapsed and died j george lieid 45 597 ossington j avenue died from pneumonia j j mrs armstrong 73 boustead ave cancer i mrs mary campbell 20 34 sammon avenue collapsed on street and died later at home albert johnston 70 thistletown pensions bill seals are broken passed by house on browns rooms the postponement was decided upon after consultation with ottawa commander booth ed with the airships behavior he lightweight said the now rollsroyce condor euj lard pure tierces 15c tubs gjnes had been tested at al speeds t pails 17c prints 17 to 17ic inn uttawa to 70 lbs 24c- 70 to 90 lbs 2c- 90 to was highly pleas- o ibsstc hlvywefeolls 40 jltl management in ru ps behavior he lightweight rolls 25c i ias pronounced vigorous 13c tubs cities alone and one of its principal i interests is in the improvement of rural areas it igorously in favor of 16c- the establishment of county health units small fulltime public health de partments to serve rural areas in ex actly the same way that the medical guard reaching a maximum of so knots an i shortening tierces hour the reception of weather 13ic pails 14c maps by television apparatus had special pastry shortening tierces health departments of cities safegu proved satisfactory and augured well lj tubs lo p- 16e j urban canadas health for the dirigibles ability to keep in j grain quotations j its rece meeting instead of being rapidly endorsed and sent on documents in readiness for touch with conditions during her grain dealers on the toronto board devoted to looking backwards upon for senate consideration ottawa just to show the canadian peopv that it can forget party politics wheu a commendable national toronto trustees examination mexico city- i westward flight tl r ot j browns boxes open a commendable national issue united states viceconsul seals which nf cll mvcroiw presents itself the house of commons were placed on the door of the apart- ivlohey ouu mybiery recently broke all records by des- 1 nlnt ot the j tom b former j man oats x patching tho pensions act amend- mavor of stratford ont 19 days ago reveals lott ery tickets can- 2 49 of trade are making the following vcar p was m spent in quotations for car lots i man wheat xo 1 north 114 xo 2 do 112i xo 3 do 111 x1 4 10g4 xo 5 93c xo 6 8 feed 75e cif gbderich and ports discussion of the work that remains to be done three outstanding import ant topics in the field of health were bay thoroughly reviewed health insur- ance periodic health examination of- tfta royal society of canada fi ially opened its session at mcgill university when sir ernest ruther ford president of the parent society spjko to the meeting y wireless from cambridge england the speech was transmitted by tele phone to london and then relayed to lddmin devonshire via bridgewater there it was converted into radio and was picked up at yaniachiche que whence it was relayed by the bell telephone company by wire directly to the hall sir ernest rutherford was the first man in human history to hear sound transmitted by radio which he did in 1s97 at cambridge shamrock v wins third test race ments from resolution stage right j removed bv american consular through third reading when the authorities sothat donald henry mc- house finished with the measure it i cannell toronto who arrived to take was ready for tho senate a remark- charge of mr browns effects could able record of speed and despatch investigate his identity the bill upon which the members i t j expected mr browns safety gavo their astonishing exhibition of deposit box iu the national city bank concord was that providing for more i w be opened in a few days time generous treatment of the returned united states consular seals were stricken by death while eating a meal i soldiers iu respect of their pension al- placed on mr browns door at the adian stamps stolen money still mystery do 92 miilfetd 1 feed olsc xo and the control of venereal disease experts both lay and medical in each ye low 94c no 3 t fields read papers following del montreal freights americas cup challenger crosses line two minutes ahead of candida southend eng shamrock v sir thomas liptons challenger for the americas cup won its third succes sive trial race recently by beating candida and cambria over a straight course of 40 miles extending from liar injured allan hamilton 17 219 high park avenue toronto slightly injured in auto crash laura bell 109 degrassi street toronto slightly injured in auto crash agnes mcbride 13 5 leroy ave east york possible spine injuries in fail from cliff at scarboro 1 yittoria pavon italian hot at i streetsville alex mckinlay 417 deloraine ave j toronto skull fractured in auto crash at bond lake mrs alex mckinlay toronto brdly hurt in same accident m k cook toronto hurt in same i accident sidney king aged 6 417 ossington avenue toronto hit by car i george nicholson so 2401 queen j street east toronto in critical con dition knocked down by car t p keast toronto hurt in auto crash near philadelphia mrs t p keast hurt in same acci dent lowances th measure revises the t 0i n i because it was machinery for dealing with appeals of thought he was a united states citi- war veterans from the pensions board 2en and the united states consul was and gives war veterans the advantage handling the case when there is reasonable doubt as to j john murray barrister of stratford whethen his incapacity is due to war ont is also en route to mexico city j which general discussion ensued pur- bngs included eran per ton 83125 suant lo tlle framing of reeommenda- mexico city the opening of two shorts per ton s3325 middlings llons wnich wc before thi closing safety deposit in tho national city 53525 or business session bank rented by the late tom brows ont grain wheat si 10 oats 44 much material of outstanding im- former mayor of stratford ont re- 45 barley 50 to 52c rye nom- portance to canada and canadians vealed nothing that would aid in cj buckwheat 80c j was brought to light henry e spen- plaining the disappearance of more hay axd straw prices j c mp for battle river saskatche wan 200000 those in charge of the wholesale dealers in hay and straw wan speaking at the opening luncheon case announced one box was empty ar quotig shippers the following and the banks records revealed tbatp or earioai1 ots dehvcreo on it had not been opened since being v no 3 timothv- traw 11 oat slightly hurt knocked down by car at thornhill william coles provincial police of ficer injured when car collided with wlch to southend shamrock v won motor cycle during dundas highway thsft of mailbag brought up in house london eng the theft from a montreal mailhag in transit to bel fast on may 12 remains a mystery the postmastergeneral answering major r ross conservative in the house of commons said that a regis tered packet was abstracted all pro per precautions were taken during transmission but it has not been found possible to ascertain where the loss occurred investigation in the previous case when montreal mail was tampered with via quccnstown had al so produced no clue major ross suggested that there had been carelessness but tho postmaster- and is expected of days o arrive in a couple track toronto xo 2 timothy 15 rented in january the other box j to gjj wnet s held various effects and papers none jji of which were of any gfea interest burning dollars cancels debts another graf trip ends successfully meeting on the health problem in canada said bad health h d a de finite relationship to insanity crimin ality and the other evils which beset mankind i am he said emphati cally in favor of the sterilization ot mental defectives our civilization de crees that the mentally jeficient may rio to be next stop i pernambuco brazil the young plan goes into opera- graf zeppelin for the first time ed the etiuatoi recently and made her mow to the southern hemisphere her ropes fluttered to the ground i where they were seized by brazilian dollars into fire general demurred seeing that bun- john mckenzie yoiige street north rcs 0 thollsanus ot packages were chase alfred giles kast york relief officer knee wrenched when thrown from fire truck robert scott peel avenue toronto rib fractured when struck by bus alfred henderson believed to be brother of william henderson hurt in chatham accident gordon beer wife and two daugh- hurt as automobile hits ditch hawkcstone ben itothwell 103 shaw street hamilton badly hurt when struck by car on highway mrs g b adams toronto and mrs a robeson of orillia hurt when car overturns near orillia gilbert barrett 22 and albert lam- djath toll in central europe belt 19 hurt as car wrecked near ilawkesione mr and airs races on saturday and monday over a triangular course against t lie same op ponents tho llpton racer was timed at five hours ope minute and six seconds which did not include her tine allow ance of eight liinutes candida was second and cambria third shamrock beating against a north west breeze came up on a port tack and crossed the line two ahead of candida minutes i tors near scores lose lives in quakes fires and asia mounting london floods earthquakes fires and mud mows took 63 lives in central kurope and asia during the past few days as advices received in london indicated recently the heaviest casualties occurred on the island of java where 45 persons were killed by a mudllow from tho volcanic mountain of telemojo be tween batavla antld surabays oni yflve inhabitants of the village of likasan escaped tho flow and the entire settlement was wiped out an earthquake at shiras persia caused tho deaths of ten persons and devastated a large area channel deepening project rushed contract to be awarded when totals are calculated ottawa tenders for a contract which amounts to about 7000000 perhaps tho largest of tho kind ever awarded at once wero opened at the marine department for dredging tho 35foot channel in the st lawrcnco river between montreal and quebec kour bids were submitted they came from the national dock dredg ing company tho canadian dredging company tho great lakes dredging company with a w rogertson and the general dredging company limit ed the new spring hats give soft out- owing to the necessity ot figuring lines to tho face says a fashion out tho quantities tho lowest bidder wtlter if hey dont its hard lines has not yet been announced on the face fred light william jolley and miss i davis all of st thomas hurt as auto ditched william tawcett 142 maple avenue hamilton badly injured by automobile at station 10 hamilton beach vernon berget 3 14 martlmas st hamilton collarbone fractured by hit- andrun motorist mrs james doran of hamilton hurt in auto collision at king and hess streets hamilton mrs augusta dyment and mrs elizabeth dyment of s2 pearl street north hamilton seriously injured when struck by car in front of hos pital james oneill 3s c5 mutual street toronto struck by auto james warwick 38 co mutual st toronto struck by auto james warwick 110 lappin ave harry danielson 2cs pacific avenue harry reman 12s pacific avenue willlan exton blackthorn avenue all ot toronto in hospitals at windsor after car ditched near comber mis louis bryson ot elgin 111 hurt in street collision at windsor john loftl of detroit anne mar tin and helen ronshka of east wind sor all injured when car overturned on maiden road essex county herman wclso cs evelyn welso 16 and ada colgrove all hurt as car struck by train at strathroy welso not expected to rocovct handled hello australia this is holland amsterdam a new and invisible link uniting the far ends of tho earth was completed on may 15 through the opening of telephone connections be tween the netherlands and austra lia via england a threeminute talk costs about 33 and every additional minute 11 in the course of this month den mark germany sweden norway po land danzig and czechoslovakia arc to bo admitted to telephone trafilc with australia via the netherlands and england reformer to prostrated man and so tills is tho work of vuni is it prostrated man no sir this is the work of a banana skin tion paris thirtyseven billion dollars worth of german bonds were burned in paris recently as germany starts on the task of paying the 9000000- 000 fixed in the young plan thereby were liquidated all the past efforts to collect reparations from germany ford and lincoln hillsboro 111 henry ford who re cently bought the entire courthouse building in lincoln 111 for his his torical museum near detroit made a second foray into central illinois may 13 and bought almost all the original furniture of abraham lin colns springfield home the frame house the emancipator left in i860 for the white house a new airplane roosevelt field ny col charles a lindbergh tried out another new airplane may 11 arriving alone at roosevelt field shortly before noon driving his own car the colonel took aloft a new plane built somewhat along the lines of his own new one except that it is not a low winged typo and has several mechanical in novations which the colonel wished to try out the night was solo live stock quotations heavy beef steers s975 to 11 butcher steers hoice 10 to s1050 do fair to good 950 to 975 do live but surely if we keep them alive com 850 to s925 butche- heifers we should have the right to decree choice 10 to si 025 o fair to good that they be prevented from reproduc- 950 to s10 do com s850 to 9j spencer spoke strongly in butcher cows good to ehoice 8 to favor 0 th institution of a form of s8oo do med sooo to sio can- medicine whereby physicians dirigible ners and cutter- 3 to so2o butcher rossi bulls good to choice 750 to 8 do wollhl be i b the state he felt med 7 to s725 do bologna 6 to at this was especial needed in 650 baby beef s10 to 1150 feed- ral parts ers good 9 to 1025 stackers good forty per cent of those sick had no 9 do fair 750 to 825 doctor in attendance prof j w mac- snugly tied up to her specially built spring lambs cli s7 to 15 against illhealth mooring mast during the bacon woc 1225 do selects 1 per controller james simpson of toronto night the graf was hog discount do trucked in 50c cwt ladened with water fuel gas and a s new larderful of provisions at day break dr hugo eckener despite thel fatigue of tho transatlantic flight from seville headed her still further southward to rio janeiro unoer w do e price 125 canada vs us hoot meet sir harry of of of 1 canada built and sent the first steamer across the atlantic 2 canada built and demonstrated the first compound steam engine 3 canada built and demonstrated the first submarine telegraph 4 canada built tho first railway sleeping cars 5 canada originated the idea of making paper from wood pulp c canada originated tho game of ico hockey which now ranks second only to baseball as a professional sport in the us 7 canada built the first electric stove s canada originated the idea electric heating ii canada nlade tho discovery calcium carbide 10 canada originated the idea the panoramic camera 11 canada originated tho idea of standard time 12 canada originated marquis and other kinds of wheat 13 canada first isolated helium in commercial quantities 14 the idea of the telephone origin ated in canada and the first long dis tance trials wero made between brantford and paris 15 canada gave to the world the idea of tho allelectric radio 14 insulin was discovered and de velopcd in tho university of toronto it is true that the united states nnd not canada gets tho credit of nearly all of these achievements but this fact in itself proves that wo nro not as yankeefied as eomo would havo us be lieve macleans magazine atlantic salmon visited niagara at hog premium do butchers 75c per presenting labors viewpoint health insurance and speaking as vicepresident of the trades and la bor congress of canada referred to the helplessness of the working man when sickness descended upon him and of the boon which an adequate scheme of health insurance would con fer ii w macdonuell of the canadian manufacturers association expressed the opinion that worker and employer alike would profit from the institution of a scheme of compulsory health in surance and dr harris mcphedran presenting the medical point of view urged the fullest cooperation among all bodies interested that a satisfac tory scheme of health insurance might be worked out he felt that the pre sent system of caring for the sick and preventing illness was in terms of population in general unsatisfactory hearty endorsatlon ot the practice of periodic health examination was the feature of the practice of dealing with this subject a most representative group of physicians specializing in different phases of this work told how the periodic health examination may be used to wipe out thousands of pre mature deaths a year in canada it was generally agreed that the greatest step to bo taken at the present tlmo was the education of the public to tho strange facts revealed opening of the royal society of canada montreal the days when atlantic salmon clogged canadas inland waters from the gulf to niagara falls and the don and humber rivers at toronto were so alive with the fish that one could easily spear 20 in an hour were recalled along with other interesting and strange facts in the papers pre sented at the opening sessions ot the royal society of canada annual meet ing dr w sherwood fox referred to documents dating back to the latter part of the seventeenth century and covering the period up to 1s40 dur ing which atlantic salmon were so abundant that in one stream in new york state the farmers were forced to clear the streams with pitchforks in order that the current might not be obstructed salmon furnished a rich source of food for eight months of the i importance of individual physical ex year in 1s40 the salmon began to disappear until they became practical ly nonexistent in these waters empire loaf same smile- same sir harry sir harry lauder worldfamous scotch singer nnd entertainer arrives at plymouth recently after his twenty- first tour of america save the flowers and enjoy beauty an appeal to motorists to protect wild flowers and shrubbery along tho roadside which add so much to motor ing in this early spring has been broadcast by t c klrby general man ager of tho montreal motorists league it has been observed that whilo thousands pluck wild flowers with some degree ot consideration for the trees and branches others nro highway dlspollcrs and tear away boughs and wholo bushes with which i to decorato their homes for a few day aniinatlon of apparently well individ uals by their family physician at least once a year for the purpose of detecting illness in incipient stages health examination slated p a mcfarlane of montreal offers tho most potent force as a means toward oemonstrated corrective methods ot improving adult health and represents tho beginning of an advance step in the practice of medicine lie told ot advanced work undertaken along theso lines by his organization the bell telephone com pany london a movement of interest to the wheat growers of canada lies in the series of demonstrations begun by a london departmental store of the allempire loaf housewives are urged to test and taslo tho bread and announcements arc being broadcast in tho nowspnpers upon tho value of bread made from eighty per cent of canadian wheat flour and twenty per cent english wheat flour many firms nro placarding tho fact that tho flour used in their bread is empiro wheat and numerous millers aro issuing certificates that their flour contains only empiro wheat whether intentionally or otherwise thl3 empire loaf demonstration will do much to counter the freo traders dear loaf cry which proved so cfilcacl- ous in previous fiscal contests possibly we can tako care of the ex- soldlcrs but it the veterans of gov ernment commissions ever get pen sions were sunk world peace celebration vienna good will day was cele brated hero by an assembly of moro than 3000 children in the peoples park tho prater where a message of peace from the children of wales was read by one of their number tho president of tho republic wilhelm miklas and johann schober tho chan cellor wero among those present while the radio occupies the corner onco taken up by the cradle in a great many homes tho results aro about tho same so far as keeping tho family awake arc concerned a motorist sees no reason why men honld not give their cars appropriate names people who buy secondhand ones often do

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