business cards medical dr ss ball pbpsleian and surgoon office cor obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county drs ira herbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed frl c to 9 pm tues sat tuea thurs sat afternooua by appointments only br herbert frcel 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat to 9 pm tues and sat won wed kri afternoons by appointment only sunday school lesson dental e s barker lds dds 11 graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of hie university of toronto office in grublns mock phone s201 uarkhara every tuesday l office in wear blocs dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce hank up stairs phone office 1011 residsuo 1015 a c kennedy chiropractor ctiurch st stouffvllle monday wednesday and fridays 9 to 12 am mccullough button barristers solicitors convey ancers c buttons block stouffvllle money to loan harold a sanders barrister solicitor notary public conveyancer etc office silvesters block phone 1s003 george baker kenltor anil valuator farm and city property a specialty exchanges and small acreages stouffville ont box 21 phone 173 anne lehman a t c m teacher of pianoforte playing and theory studio lehmans block r phone 4301 earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first ilcrmant prize winner in 192s at stouffvillo every thursday friday and saturday office in the grnbin block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phono stouffiille 2103 three things titer are three things that make lifi lovely the beauty of reverence the dignity of patience the joy of use fulness- j e buekrose how he won her said she through life ill walk alone in sunshine and stormy weather but he bought an aeroplane next day and now they are hying together in the succeeding ontroversie over the relation of th- gospel to the em pire it the cestion of the lawyer vs 3440 v 34 the pharisees seeing that may 18 lesson vii jesus teaching their foes the saducces had sustaia- in the temple matthew 22 1522 el a defeat determined to renew their 2440 golden text thou shalt attack but they now take up a differ- love the lord thy god with al thy were interpret- heart and with al thy soul and of the written an r with all thy mind this is the first ej tne m highlyeducated asses and great commandment and the v- 36 the schools o the rabbis jh- second is lik unto it thou shalt cussed frequently the comparative love thy neighbor as thyself mat- merits of the different laws and it is thew 22 3739 i suggested that here sneffort is raade i to entangle jesus in he leligious dis- putes of these jewish leaders i v 37 kut he refuses to be drawn vs 1322 into the controversy and reveals the ii the question of the lawyei magnificent sweep of his vision he vs 3440 carries up theii thoughts into the introduction with chap 21 we highest egions of the oul he rej enter upon a new dividen of the gos- minds them of the fundamental fat pel this continues to the end of that lovess tivvonij principle of life chap 25 and the entire section dealsthis includes love for fiod as ourj with the doctrine vf the second return maker and protector we must sub- of christ to be the judge and ruler of jmit ourselves and all we have to him i the world in hap 21 he directs his v 39 but ths love must iso bc message to the nation as a whole reflectc in our relations with ourj whereas in chap 22 i is brought into j companions jesus assets hat these close relations with the diffvent reli- two laws include the entire teaching gious parties we notice how rli the of the old testament in djmh powers of the country unit to bring 40 and lev if is we have these de- nbout the aeath f jesus- in his pre- finite statements and now jesus unites i set passage 1540 we have three jis- 1 them as the one univ sal iaw of con- j tinct questions put to jesus all with diet the aim of putting him in a false light i the question of the fhah1sees vs 1522 v 15 in their previous attacks the pharisees haj tried to put jesus into a wrong relatiot- with the religious authorities matt 12 10 but now they change their tactics and try to make him utter some sentiment which will bring down upon him the opposi tion of the civil authorities they know that they cannci get the support of rome unless they prove that jesus is happiness at least is not solitary it joys to communicate it loves oth ers for it depends on them for its existence the very name and ap pearance of a happy man breathe of rule rood nature and help the rest of us not necessarily to h united political agitator v 16 but since the pharisees do not wish to show their hand openly they employ some of their disciples who have no offiial standing and they obtaii tli3 support of the ilerod- ians also thus forming a most un natural union the pharisees were the religious leadeir of the people and were not in favor of romar control but the ileroliiis as their name su gests were defenders of the house of herod and therefore of the roman rulers there was thus direct opj -i- tion between these two parties but now under the common desire to bring about the ruin of jesus they join in an unholy alliance the manner of approach has all the on ward apneari r- of respect they address jesus as a leading teacher and they declare tat he is truthful and imunrtial jlt in ir hearts thev are ah the time platting his rnir it is a picture of hypocrisy indeed v 17 th qinst was very liv ing one the pharisees did not like tie idea of their nation naying this tax to rome- it was the polltax levied on al persons and was collect ed by the imneria authorities so much wp ths proof tf dependence disliked that there was a party called the zraots who advocated the upris ing of the people in order to cast off the voe of roire the nuostion war a vev insidious one if jesus said that it was ifri to pay tlij tax then he would alienate many of the gali leans who were zealots at h but if he said that it was not lawful to nay mien he oud lnintr down upon his sfirldcrs the attack of the roman aythortics v is teus cees through thir plo 1 c-tvr-ie- defeat it he asks rn- a nct this was the standard roman coin v 10 the pharisees because of their natural eiing would not likely have any such coins in their posses sion hut one of these pennies is ob tained and given to jesus v 20 the image on it would he thht of tl ruliig emperor tiberius v 21 the rule of the rabbis had been that wherever the money of aiv king is cucnt there the inhabitants acknowledge that king for their law if therefore the jewish public used the roman coinage they should accept certain responsil ilitics as the result of that they must render to caesar what is caesars but jesus uts the religious duty forward as well life and its blessings are the gift of god- this verse hys down a most im portant principle that religion is inde pendent of any efinite form f civil the church and the state are the to live it l stevenson words of jesus were much discussed running water for every purpose lopsttcs pumping outfit think of the time and labor saved in having running water in the house barns and wherever you want it a toronto 2 hp pumping engine connected direct to pump gives you this wonderful convenience at low cost the toronto engine with direct geared jack is much superior to belted type of engine on yyhich the belt slips and loses power may be adjusted to any height of pump an independent pulley on crank shaft maizes p available for operating churn separators nuldirs fanning mill etc sturdy smooth run ning the cost of oper ating is c e edinj tow i villi gladly demonstrate this serviceable engine and outfit interesting tree booklet on request george j lawson stouffville ontario sfflv thomas reviews british problems encouragement of exports is fundamental need minister says glasgow scotland xo substitute for efficiency has yet been found de clared right hon j h thomas lord privy seal and minister of employ ment addressing the glasgow cham ber of commerce and frankly discuss ing unemployment problems if the country is to pull through it is no good playing with tho facts he added reorganization and ra tionalization are bound to increase the unemployment figures but when they are completed we will bo more effici ent and the position will improve in the future as an instance of the difficulties to he faced mr thomas said six and a half million motor oars were produced in the world last year americans pro duced five and a half million britain produced only 21000 but there were more british motor car companies operating than there were in the united states the dominion colonies not including canada imported three times the number of cars built in bri- tain he refused to believe britain was unable to hold her own he was going to demonstrate this was untrue every nation is facing unemploy ment but every nation doesnt adver tise her difficulties he went on we are still suffering from false war economies business men are suffer ing because they made 1110110 too easily workers are suffering because they believed money was unlimited it is no use spending money merely to lind temporary work and create dead capital eight hundred million pounds 000000000 has to bo found to pay for imports which can only be paid for in cash or in kind mr thomas concluded we have not got the gold therefore tho fundamental job is to develop and encourage exports demand for english sweeps through paris few people realize the extraordin ary strides that the english language is making in paris writes a corres pondent of the london dairy tele graph it is commonplace knowledge that many cinemas are now present ing english as well as french sub titles and the increasing use cf anglo- saxon words and phrases is evident in many phases of public life to even the most superficial observer a witty parisian who was found re cently stationed on the boulevards in tensely gazing skyward explained to a friend that hejuis pursuing his eng- studici from the illuminated ad vertisements what is not generally known is the fact that thousands of young parisians are now attending english classes this is a matter quite apart from a general desire to bo conversant with the language it is one of commercial necessity the head of one of tho most im portant institutes tells me that any young man or girl seeking a situation in many departments of business in paris is hopelessly handicapped un less he has a practical knowledge of english he knows of innumerable cases in which tho applicants for a position as salesman or saleswoman in dressmaking and allied fashionable industries or for clerkships have been told that no ono ignorant of eng lish can be accepted these state ments were verified by further in quiry dealer its a genuine antique sir customer but you are asking a fearful price for it dealer well sir look how wages and the cost of materials have gone up a sense of duty pursues us ever it is omnipresent like tho deity if we take to ourselves the wings of tho morning and dwell in tho uttormost parts of tho sea duty performed or fluty violated is still with us for our happiness or misery- if wo sfty tho darkness shall cover us in tho dark ness as in the light our obligations arc yet with us daniel webster first untouchable elected to bengal legislature i have no friends said the new member for midna- pore but i will do my best is not a swarajist calcutta a little grayhaired man neatly clad in a khaddar dhoti lion cloth who slipped unobtrusively into a back seat in the chamber just be fore the president entered was the centre of interest at the opening meet ing of the bengal legislative councils budget session until quite recently he was a sweep er in the european club at midna- pore today he is the honorable mem ber for the midnapore north nnn- mulhainmadau constituency in he bengal legislature and very proud of being the first untouchable ever elected to that distinguished assembly oaths commanded the president and 15 new members advanced toward the chair ilosseini raut the mehtar from midnapore among them he fouud his way to the table eleventh in the list and apparently explained to an official that he could neither read i english uor write his name j but his reception in the council had been as carefully prepared for as his j welcome at ilowrah where he was j met and garlanded by the leader of the jute workers and sweepers unions the oath usually taken in english was read to him line by line in ben gali and he repeated each line hesi tatingly by distinctly then the sec retary handed him a pen he looked puzzled for a moment smiled and on whispered instructions boldly marked a large blue cross in the place for his signature on the members roll everything accomplished hosseini rant member of the legislative coun cil advanced to the presidents chair and was given a hearty handshake and a smile of welcome by the raja of santosh he found his way back to his lonely seat in a deserted row behind the muhammadans amid cheers from the liberals and there be re mained interested but bewildered un til the council adjourned later sir raut assured an inter viewer that he was no swarajist he does not even know what the label means the report that he has re signed from an honest if lowly calling as a congress joke is untrue he was very angry about this in the end the member for midna- poro made a very emphatic proclama tion of his political faith so far as he has thought it out he has no belief in any political party because he knows nothing about them but be has a suspicion that no party will help him very much i am an untouchable he con cluded i have been sent to calcutta to be the member for the untouch ables i have no friends but i will do my best canada is turning to new markets buyers purchase oranges from mediterranean ports rather than us forced by high prices canada is turning from tho united states orange market and is looking towards medi terranean ports for this commodity arthur b jones wellknown fruit buyer of liverpool said in an inter view on board the laurentie leaving montreal recently he is returning home after a successful business trip in canada this season has been unusual in the quantity of valencia oranges pur chased from spain by canadian buy ers mr jones said heavy buying has been cutting heavily into the sale of tho california fruit which finds little favor owing to its high price the price has been largely determined by the short crop mr jones explained that the val encia orange is a medium class orange retailing at a much lower fiuure than its american contemporary canadas purchases from spain have been heavy this year he said evidence of which is seen in the cargoes of the steamers val perga an val prado which are at present en route to montreal with more than 50000 pack ages of oranges the ships are com ing from palermo sorrento and mer- riora new apple maket he came to canada to buy apples for the english market this is my 5gth trip across chasing the elusive apple he said the buyer felt that the apple trade is shifting from on tario to nova scotia which exported a record quantity more than 1000000 barrels last year mountains before the mountains of his little earth man bows in acknowledgment of their might their grandeur and their age sixty seventy eighty years and he is cut down but through what interminable procession of years have those lofty peaks held up their proud heads and from their crags and canyons sent forth a glory of chang ing colors lights and shadows what unknown cataclysms and terrific up heavals the birth pains of a planet brought them into bring gregg rejoice always murmur at nothing if our ills are reparable it is ungrateful if reme diless it is vain but a christian builds his fortitude on a better foun dation than stoicism he is pleased with everything that happens because he knows it could not happen unless it had first pleased god colton courage there is nothing in tho world so much adirred as a man who knows how to bear unhappiness with cour age senaca tf ere seldom visits fl- houses having gyproc wallboard ceilings partitions walls and sheathing on the contrary gyproc has saved many homes this pioneer canadian firesafe gypsum board has a new ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora tion unnecessary when pan- clled it is just the thing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attic quickly erected inex pensive structurally strong gyproc wallboard gives per manent fife protection your dealers name is listed below ask him today for full information or write for interesting free book building and remodelling with gyproc gypsum lime and alaimstine canada limited paris ontario ehm olw have you renewed your motor vehicle operators license if you are operating a motor vehicle in ontario you are breaking the law unless you are the holder of a 1930 chauffeur or operators license traffic police arc now apprehending motorists for the purpose of examination of licenses in case of accident traffic officers or police will immediate ly call for your license card be sure you have it with you whenever you sit behind the wheel it is prima facie evidence that you are qualified to operate a ear its absence will render you liable to a fine and also may be interpreted to mean that you are not a competent driver i do not lay yourself open to inconvenience and needless blame application forms for new or renewal licenses may be secured from the department of public highways motor vehicles branch from any of the departments agents throughout the province or from any licensed garage if you seek a renewal have your license card of 1929 with you if you have lost it a duplicate will be issued by the department on payment of 50 cents new and renewal licenses are issued by the department or any issuer of motor vehicle permits there are one or more issuers in every county the fee is 100 applicants for new licenses must undergo examination which the issuer will arrange the fee for an examination is 100 carefully preserve your license have it in your pocket every time you drive produce it whenever called upon by an officer of the law do not allow anyone who does not possess a chauffeur or operators license to drive your car ontario department of highways motor vehicles branch toronto t cquxcflstahdaelol tft icoi for this brand en txtry roofing sheet you buy ribroll galvanized roofing has been so successful that tens of thousands of farmers now have it on the roofs of their buildings there has not been a single complaint ribroll safeguards crops protects stock and enhances property values it is fircproof watertight and truly handsome permanent economical easy to lay on any roof keeps out damp ness which induces spontaneous combus tion be sure to get the one and original ribroll the roof with the seven ribs and a nail every five inches free sample on request preston ventila tors prevent j spontaneous combustion spontaneous combustion is a constant menace to crops stock and property unless your barn is equipped with preston ventilators predion ventilators for roof adjust able side wall windows and larije doors draw out the mom warm air and assure proper ventilation built to withstand every weather con dition preston barn door hardware ijo other door hardware can equal preston hotsal vaniied fourwheel hanoers and birdproof dam door tract for heavy barndoors hang ers adjustable up and down and in and our preston ledhed na3ls best for metal roofing lead is used en the head of led- hed nails to seal the nail- hole thus making the roof water proof and weathertight pres ton ledhed nails do away with clumsy washers threading punching etc the lead cant come off no other nail serves so well in laying metal roofing they can be handled m cold weather with mitts on millions arc being used write for free samples of the ideal roofing combination rib- roll and preston led- hed nails write for this free book you csn search all can ada before getting ueh a usful book as the preston dook about barns we offer it to you jrre full of valu able information eas ily worth 500 to you get your copy some of our products toilet partition ribroii roofinr metal stdewalls revolving doors metal shingles canada plates metal sidings corner dead metal lath cornice metal windows fihaust systems ventilators steel saih skylights tanks metal garage metal ceiling eivetrough and conductor pip plain and corrugated iron katamein windows labelled fire door polling steel doors kalamcin doors factories also nt toronto and montreal jrjuirr sbout our stttmth tpttlal term on winter shipment j i do not regard bachelors with con- 1 a hoys team at college has often tompt i look upon them with awe cured parents of bragging about their dorothy dlx wonderful son