stouffville april 24th 1930 performance appearance performance comfort value vvhen first presented the new durant 614 wis conceded to possess the modern qualification appearance a demonstration immediately disclosed a second equally important qualification namely comfort by actual road test the canadian public is discovering that per- formance ranks with appearance and comfort and that these three modern qualifications arc combined to create a new era in motoring and a new standard of automobile value your opportunity to prove the merits of the 614 to your own personal satisfaction awaits you at your nearest durant dealer now the durant pour continues as an important unit among durant products durant motors of canada limited toronto leaside canada durant six cylinder special sedan model 6h why doesnt farming pay farmer gives his reasons 300 per year for car is to much d a509 w s widdifield dealer stouffville ont to prepare list dominion returning oilieers have been notitied to have their enumer ators ready lor may 15 this means that there can be no election before july loth because it takes 60 days to prepare the list allow lor regis tration and appeals and leave sulhci- ent time margin between the closing ol the list aud the polling days should the enumerators begin their work on alay loth it will mean that an army of between 1400 and 1500 will start out on a doortodoor can vass to gather the names of all those eligible to vote for every name placed on the list the enumerators will receive eight cents when it comes to registration there will be about onehalf the number or between 700 and sou re gistrars one being appointed lor every two subdivisions after the registrars complete their work elec tors wiil have but one opportunity ol having their names added to the lists that will be appearing before the county judge and entering an ap peal giving evidence under oath as to their eligibility jioijsxeix bull 15 months old eli gible to register for sale percy allin phone s506 ijaky chicks foit sale barred rocks and s cw leghorns fred steckley phone 2910 jlost crank for oldsmobile lost between swifts garage and corner of ninth finder please leave at tribune office or phone s104 fob sale three tires with disc wheels real good one brand new at a bargain price size 31x4 phone s10 for sale a heifer calves hol- stein and jersey phone 7s14 h grice for sale large hen house and phonograph with records mrs uainsborough 10th line south fb sale a quantity of marquis wheat ihone 21u4 frank steck- ley tltacrob llowivg and cultiv ating new outfit gordon holden phone 37 s uaiix chicks now ready rocks and leghorns phone j green mongolia pet stock farm cedar and anchor posts for sale also seed barley wjacobs phone 9312 vouxg pullets ready about iuiiy 10th barred rock pullets also keep in mind that we do custom hatching at 4 per hun dred settings every 10 days w a wldeman phono 6500 markham l radio service for expert radio service call j e smith stouffville all makes of sets overhauled and repaired phone stouffville 3306 house and acre of land for rent or sell on 9th concession of with g001 tlrcs markham close to school good orchard half mile to stouffville truman holden owner ph 5415 headed for bankruptcy the canadian farmer is learning that by taking everything from his soil and returning nothing ho is bead ed straight for agricultural bank ruptcy and that overy dollar spent on good fertilization is better in vested than a dollar in the savings bank try national fertillzar for best results we deliver to your farm jas l ogden phone 5s27 st 10 took soda for stomach for 20 years fir 20 years i took soda for indigestion and stomach gas then i tried adlerlka one bottle brought complete relief jno hardy adlerlka relieves gas and sour stomach in ten minutes acts on both upper and lower bowol re moving paisons you never knew wcro there dont fool with medlclno which cleans only part of the bowels but lot adlerlka glvo stomach and bowels a real clean ing and sco how good you feel jm storey druggist stouffville earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal 1st and first hermant prize winner in 1928 at stouffville every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phono stonftvillc 2405 used car bargains oldsmobile touring 6 cylinder 59000 mclaughlin touring with four wheel brakes four cylinders in good shape 12500 1 mclaughlin buick master six sedan with four wheel brakes everything in good working condi tion this is a wonderful bargain at 30000 1 chrysler sedan 19 27 model in good running order 30000 1 sparton radio slightly used at a bargain price this radio has been dealt in on a car and is only four months old gordon e cobeb phone 8101 sloiillvlllc bloomlngton dr j j imatheson and wife of toronto spent good friday at e a storrys miss mckay of burlington spent i easter at l paisleys mr and mrs edgar smith and daughter of toronto spent sunday at his home here mr and mrs thompson of gorm- ley spent sunday at wm hills visitors home from toronto for easter were misses mildred edna and elsie lemon also miss aletta fockler and marvin lemon roy brumwell is spending the holidays in toronto mr and mrs eric nighswander and baby of toronto were at her sisters mrs c lemons for the holidays stouffville egg circle we have opened the hop west of wards garage for grading and candling eggs and are in a position to handle all your eggs as this station is under govern ment supervision nl eggs must he graded and candled according o the canadian kgg standard bring in your eggs and receive the right grade and benefit of coopera tive marketing custom grading done open tuesday night thursday and saturday all day j green si raymer 4th line uxbridge watch fred now as he is sporting a glass ear mrs r coppins called at george jones on sunday the benns family visited at harrys on easter sunday mrs r faulkner visited at geo redshaws one day last week charlie made an extra call on this line but he was distributing fish ibis time a number of our plowmen assist ed john maye of the third line with his plowing ft is feared that needing will he late this spring on this line as so many of our young men are laid up with the mumps miss edith dawson visited her home here over the easter holidays what might have been a serious accident happened to mrs and mrs r faulkner and baby when their horse took fright at m nortons gate and threw thorn out then returned home without the buggy wo are glad to report injuries are not seri ous how many people do you hear make the statement that farming doesnt pay but how few advance the real reasons for the situation an observer strikes the nail on the head fairly well when he writes trom bruce county to his home town paper as follows there are many reasons why farming doesnt pay i will not at tempt to enumerate but a fraction of them twenty five years ago cattle sold tor 3 to 4c per pound today they iare 10c hogs 4c today they are 12c eggs 9c today 22c aud upgood milk icows 30 today they are 100 the grain the farmer grows will sell lor three times as much as it did twenty fiv years ago with these prices why doesnt farming pay some formers are making money a few fail and the remainder just about hold even what is the cause of this taxes are nearly five times higher than they were twenty live years ago i will not mention the various causes for high taxes but will refer to two only first educa tion which is a splendid thing but what use is it to a farmer beyond a good public school education the whole aim of the high school and college is to educate for white col lar jobs but the farmer is heavily taxed for these institutions which take away the brighest aad best of our boys the introduction of the automo bile was a curse to the farmer on the ordinary light icar the farmer buys the yearly depreciation is 30 and sometimes more if you dont be lieve it figure it out and then try and trade your car to a dealer after you have used it for eight years and see what you will get for it the upkeep will average 100 per year this is an expense of 300 or more per year and at the end of eight years there is little left of e the money or car twenty five years ago 300 per year would be consider ed a splendid profit to the ordinary farmer on one hundred acres then there is the heavy tax for building and upkeep of highways these highways are built for through traffic for tourists and city people going to summer resorts and the cost is enormous the farmers roads the concessions and side- roads are not being improved very rapidly although there is a decided improvement since statute labor was done away with with a oar and good roads there is always a temp tation to go away from home and waste a lot of valuable time as well as money when the farmer would be better employed tile draining his laud if the money that has been spent on cars in the last fifteen years was spent in tile draining there would be no need to say today why doesnt farming pay if the average farmer would work half the amount of land he does and put the same amount of labor on it that he does at present he would have less taxes and more profit the training our young men are getting in stock judging the short courses at the oac and the ex perimental union are valuable aids and are sure to benefit the farmers ol the future farming is a very speculative business we oari plough and sow information for the busy farmer from dept of agriculture spring fairs erin april forest may clairoville may richmond hill may uxbridge may aurora june a large apple orchard norfolk orchards limited oper ate what is probably the largest acreage of apple oilchard under one management in ontario they have 225 acres of bearing trees includ ing a solid block of 140 acres these consist mostly of good var ieties such as spy baldwin green ing mcintosh scarlet beauty duchess wealthy etc in this there is one block of 1000 hyslop crab trees the manager ot this big or chard is harvey l johnson of sinrcoe the crop is sold by the norfolk fruit growers association situation serious dr j f booth head of the newly organized economic branch of the dominion department of agri culture in addressing the annual meeting ot the o a c alumni association at toronto offered some suggestions for dealing with the present crisis he did not try to minimize the seriousness of the economic situation but suggested that the best thing to do was to cut the cost of production diversify farming where this was not being done to study local conditions and turn production to suit to develop cooperative marketing and pay more attention to quality and adver tising the royal trip the regulations governing the contest by which boys from all parts of ontario will be the guests of the ontario department of agriculture at the royal winter fair next fall stipulate that the contest is open to farmers and farmers sons who have not reached their 21st birthday on november 1st and to be eligible to take part in the competition they must submit some statement as to the cost of production of some farm crop or operation the arrange ments provide for the following ac commodation while in toronto free of charge railway fare to and from the city lodging accommodation for four nights meals while in toronto an extensive and vitally interesting program transportation while carrying out the program arranged a remarkable crop in 1929 james mckitrick of or ion in wellington county harvested 511 bags of marketable potatoes off two awes the field in which this remarkable crop was grown was of a light loam the potatoes which were of the green mountain variety were planted on june 10 after a sweet clover pasture had been turn ed under in the fall along with about ten tons of barnyard manure per acre an application of 900 pounds to the acre of 4 s 10 commercial fertilizer was made after planting the crop was sprayed for late blight every two weeks after the potatoes were up six or eight inches plant slorc trees there are thousands of acres of baby rock chicks for sale ready for delivery about april 26 d woodland stouffville rr3 s fob sale baled hay first quality second cut alfalfix fred terry phone 414 stouffville birth bolendcr at bethesda on april 21 1930 to mr and mrs j clare bolender a daughter wanted tires sizes 33x495 phone s104 32x4 h o klinck general insurance stouffville ontario telephone 3307 but we dont know what the harvest land on ontario farms that are non- will be dont try to keep up with productive that might well be plant- the jones dont buy what you can do without pay as you go and if you icant pay for the article try to do without it cut down all un necessary expenses and farming will pay today better than it ever has notice to parents parents who have children coming of school ago in stouffville and the union section of markham and whitchurch are hereby instructed and urged to prepare thorn for enter ing public school beginning im mediately after the easter holidays this is the only desirable time of year to start the little tots and parents who conform to this request will confer a favor on the primary teacher and otherwise add to the advantages of tho child or children by request of stouffyille school oard j s dougherty secy used cars i have some very desirable used cars they are all in excellent condition and priced for immediate sale and a demonstration will be arranged time payments if desired j r mckenzie phone 7901 in memoriam storry in loving memory of a dear husband and father jarvte storry who departed this life april 23rd 1928 just i thought of you dear father just a memory fond and true just a token of affection to show we often think of you sadly missed wife and family doner in loving memory of our dear mother elizabeth donor who passed away feb 13 1815 also our dear father dh donor who passed away april 21th 1929 at gormley ont gone are the faces we loved so dear silent tho voices we loved to hear too far from sight or speech but not to far our thought to reach nothing but memory as we journey on longing for smiles from faces that are gone no one knows the depths of our regret for we remember while tcw forget ever remembered by the children in loving memory of my dear husband daniel h donor who lled on april 24th 1929 a loving husband father dear no better friend when he was here for ajl of us he did his bejf god grand him now entcrnal rest the saints rf god their wandering done no more their weary course tliey run oh happy saints foreycr blest in that dear home how sweet to rest wife we want all kinds of livs poul try for which top market price will be paid 8ah golden apply t e c pennoeki llrry ed to forest trees any resident in ontario may obtain each year free of chargo up to 3500 trees for re foresting an additional 500 trees can also be obtained for windbreaks these trees are distributed in tho spring only to those who apply to the ontario forestry branch parlia ment buildings toronto v cut cost of product ion with a gradual drop in the level of most farm produce prices in tho past few years the cost of produc tion again becomes a vital factor in agricultural operations one very high factor in reducing the costs of production the very foundation of all agriculture is better seed how ever unfortunately when a man uses his own seed as the bulk of ontario farmers do here is no sell ing and hence no government regu lations and as a result very little attention is paid to grade only seed that has been cleaned up to meet a certain grade and conformed witli rvery strict regulations in regard to noxious weeds is allowed to be sold legally in canada and yet in spite of all efforts to protect him the average farmer goes ahead and uses ungraded and very often un- cleaned seed arc of elves to a largo extent the success and profits of sheep raising depend up on the oire given the owes during th lambing season a crop of well nourished healthy lambs means success but a poor crop invariably means a loss good succulent feed with a reasonable amount of grain should be fed the owes both before and after lambing and especially while nursing the limbs in order to supply an abundance of milk and keep the youngsters coming along fordson tractor for hale oliver tractor plow all nearly new good team of bay goldlngs rising 3 and 4 well broken e williams phone 1112 a tough break your brakes for you if t work most times it is really not your fault but whats the difference the jury will say youre wrong and the injured party collects you purchase our complete protection automobile policies and then you dont get the tough breaks in lawsuits or lose in any auto mishap rates and information will be gladly given for the asking well have the z u r s h protect you a barrier to c0uncil5tahqarq crops property and livestock de stroyed by fire and lightning last year amounted to more than 2000000 in ontario thats one of the reasons so many farmers are now using ribroll the original newstyle roofing it defies fire eliminates upkoop increases property values and lasts a lifetime pro tected against lightning when properly grounded and equipped with preston pointed ventilators as required by the lightning rod act each sheet has seven ribs a nail every fivo inches it is wonderfully easy and inexpensive to lay made of the famous council standard quality under the most severe weather conditions ribroll keeps every building on the farm safe and secure use ribroli roofing and presfon lcdhed nails ribroll and preston ledhed nails form in unbeatable roofing combination the nails at scientifically designed to ue with metal roofing no punching or threading required remarkably easy and speedy to use the lead on the find com pletely seals the nail hole making it riistprof weatherproof and waterproof write for free sample of ribroll and preston ledhhi presfon sfeel truss barns no barn made equals the strength and fire re- 5l oi h preston steel truss barn bumc with rugged steel trusses braced against wind pressure from every angle no cum bersome crossbeams well ventilated well lighted more than 1000 in ontario not one lot through lightning we use your timbers and make liberal allowances for them presfon barn ventilators abolish danger of spontaneous combustion usa prettoh ventilators for roof side- wall- adjustable window nd wide door they draw out ths warm moist air and ensure proper vend fadou free book th preston book about bams is worth money to you gives a world of information about modern barn pulldlng writ for it eastern steel iteducfc gn dp h su preston ont jrnited toronto and montreal inquire about our sttractfre tpeciaf terms on winter shipment uj-timm-jhkrssrkosrib-d- one a v