stouffville april 17th 1930 special special ratcliff co quality service vk charge less for mobb sugar the first time since lre war pays to be sou tf q0 at this price by the dollars worth only 2 hs for picnic ilims that mild cured delikhtfully flavored bnui1 of picnic ham that we sell r aurora belle pastry flour 24 lb has only crosse blackwella orange marmalade 40 oz bottle ideal catsup 26 oz bottle 23c golden fluff candy per lb 15c our famous mixed chocolates ass fruit gums per p lb 30c fine old nippy icheese lb soc 2 pkgs purity salt for only 7c oranges per doz c- breakfast bacox of the same fancy brand of our picnic hams by the side or half side lb coffee try our mild roast coffee hard to equhl impossible to surpass per lb vic large size oregon prunes 2 lbs for quick quaker rolled oats china ware package 5 lb pail pure clover honey 55c 3 sections clear comb honey 0c lettuce califonia celerylarge white stalks spinach ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 fcwytfts phone 169 seed grain grass seeds alfalfa we have a special price on alfalfa seed govt standard no 1 hardy grown while it lasts also alsike red clover timothy seed oats barley spring wheat peas poultry feeds chick starter chick grains grow and egg mash coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 stouffville tile salt cement it is a fact that at tax collection time we kick like steers because of the heavy tax and the rest of the year we spend kicking for the very things that create the high tuxes in this issue the member for north york col th lennox publishes his views on the soldiers pension bill before the dominion government the statement issued is taken from hansard and in placing it before the electors in this manner he is making a right move in fairness to the constituents we hope this years activities pf the local horticultural society will include the planting of ornametal and shade trees there are many open gaps along main street where a tree would add to the beauty of the surroundings plenty of trees are obtainable from the town nursery stock on the park ground and its time to transplant this stock too premier g howard ferguson has introduced a bill in the legislature which if placed on the statutes will affect all the rural public school inspectors and will mean an annual saving of about 120000 to the rural municipalities in the province the bill provides for the depart ment of education taking over all rural public school inspectors and stipulates that on and after july 1st of this year the salaries travelling expenses and other expenses of all inspectors with the exception of city inspectors shall be fixed by the minister of education and be paid cut of the treasury of the province the bill also stipulates that all ap pointments of public school inspec tors in rural districts be made from the department instead of by the county as at present as the county of york pays one third of the 3600 salary of four inspectors and ontario county two inspectors as well as an allowance of 500 for printing postage etc for each inspector these counties stand to be relieved of a big annual outlay by the passing of the bill the bill also widens and revises the duties of the inspectors they will in future the premier said do more supervising and less inspecting meaning that emphasis would be placed on aiding the teachers and the boards rather than just making rounds of inspection easter shopping the approach of easter turns ones thoughts to clothes supersilk service weight all real silk hose pair 200 the choice of the most discriminating be cause they are superbly fashioned to fit at ankles they feature the new french and square heel they are found in the style right shadesthey are exceptionally wearable real silk service weight with innerlined garter hem and silk faced foot sizes 8 to 10 per pair 200 womens pure slk hose they offer tremendous savings and long wear well finished trim appearing hose with comfort able seamless foot and mercerized carter hem the colors include beigesuntanbeech- nut muscadine nude black and white sizes 8 6 to 10 special pair 95c penmans full fashioned silk and wool hose in an excellent quality seamless feet shades in atmosphere rifle saudust grain ivory and black sizes 8 mi to 10 reg 100 special 75c womens and childrens cotton hose in heavy cashmerette and heavy rib in fawn grey and black special 50c pr the important new frock fashions canton crepes fashioned with the new fitted sil houette flares peplum frills and feminine bows their shades are right tooblacknavy kaffa corinthian green dalhia sizes 16 to 20 38 to 42 prices from 1075 up womens and misses coats in tricotine trimmed with mole skin and muskrat with flars and semi fitted lines for the youthful also fitted and straight lines for the more mature nice tweeds are also shown in several styles for sports wear in black navy and fawns prices from 1350 up to be well gloved is once more the sign of the well dressed women queen quality pure silk gloves two dome style with plain embroidered points in sand dark slate and black special 95c queen quality pure silk gloves featur ing smart flare cuffs trimmed with con trasting embroidery and matching points in new shades of french nude suntan cedar grey and black sizes 6 to 8 special 135 french chamo suede fabric gloves one dome style with contrasting applique trimming and embroidered points in shades of grey mode and beige sizs 6 to 74 special 59c and 79c pr our glove department is well provided with gloves for every occasion imported french kid gloves with charming turn down cufr styles trimmed with contrasting embroidery or applique and embroidered points one dome fastener in beige beaver grey and black sizs 6 to 7 at 225 and 250 pr rayon bloomers regulation and bobette styles made with double v gussets and free elastics variety of pastel colors special 89c and 100 pr wonens colorful scarfs georgette and crepe de chine long and triangle style tak ing effective stencilled effects and plain smart shades- hemmed and hemstitched ends various prices sec our new shipment of plain and fancy smocks house dresses with long and short sleeves misses fancy figured ensembles in pique and broadcloth shaws store phone 9612 stouffvuie do you remember way back when james johnston owned and operated the farm which comprised a grea deal of the land on the north side of main itrcet between church street on the west and stouffer st on the east at the rear of the main street lots the farm house which still stands is just west of george urouharfs property mr johnston afterwards lived for many years re tired in the house just east of benj hexlins jewelery emporium the tall figure of mr johnston was a familiar ight on main street and was usually accompanied by a favorite greyhound old timer the markham township council road foremen ask five cent increase w g maxwell road superintend ent on behalf of the road foremen of markham township asked the coun cil at the regular session on monday afternoon to make a raise of five cents an hour in the foremens wages the foremen now receive thirtyfive cents an hour or only five cents an hour more than the ordin ary workman mr maxwell said they thought the responsibility and work of making returns was worth more and a five cent an hour in crease was suggested i dont think youll lose anything by it said mr maxwell you can soon get that much back in more and better work deputy reeve badget asked if an increase was wanted for the whole year or just a certain period it was suggested that it might be satisfact ory to make it for the busy summer monhs reeve gohn suggested that the question be left for the next meeting there was a lengthy discussion on the advisability of buying some new road machinery supt maxwell wanted at least two new graders de- putyreeve stiver thought that it would be best to try and get along without buying any new equipment this year it was finally decided to buy the one grader which has been in the township on trial it is a three horse grader arid xost 170 the appointment of a weed inspec- or was the subject of a lengthy dis cussion on the importance of the dut ies of this official j oowland was appointed for the east half of the township and robert stiver was named for the west half they will be paid at the rate of thirty cents an hour and five cents a mile other applicants for the position were j a walker jas burkholder m hoover considerable time was spent by the council in taking over the tax collectors rolls which resulted in about 4s00 of uncollected taxes be ing returned to the county the auditors report for the year 1929 was next dealt with and ap peared to give general satisfaction to members of the council it was siiown by the auditor mr morton that if all the assets of the township were liquidated there would be a surplus of about 8000 road foremen for 1930 are as follows robt agar gormley rr r j cunningham gormley rr alex duncan unionville r r david sholock miiliken rr geo h hennett markham rr philip forsyth north markham david iioyd stoultville r r j g wide- maiistoufiville rrvm allchurch locust hill the following accounts were order ed paid road accounts robert agar gormley 2395 joe curtis 390 r j cunningham 475 alex duncun 22 so general accounts win mcdonald gravel 5950 l scott stone 75 w 1 maxwell salary 12500 f ii eehltn coal icoke 1690 fii echlln coal coke 315 gr knowiesgood supplied charity 432 c wliittaker good charity 1250 maynurds coal tor hall 803 g allison goods charity 3 is j walker con fees and etc 5000 markham village 14 cost constables uniform 1500 globe indemnity ins 1300 j e miles coal charity 725 british am ins co prem 5100 wj nicliolsslamps phone etc 1000 w e eddie sons auditing township pwoounts 20000 dominion road machinery co one grader 17000 council adjourned to meet on monday may 5th at 1 pm pensions and returned soldiers problems member for xohh york jives pointed and constructlvo views on government legislation remember folks the door of success is labelled push mineral salts give her tired hubby new pep my husband look 2 hollies of vinol now be lias- good appetite and more strength pep and vigor than he ever had imrs ralph starkcy doctors have long known the value of mineral elements iron calcium with cod liver peptone as contained in vinol nervous easily tired people are surprised how vinol gives new strength sound sleep and a big appetite gives you more pep to enjoy life vinol tastes delicious j m storey druggist stouffvuie ontario col t h lennox m p for norlh york delivered an address in the house of commons on march 20 1930 on allowance to war veterans which will clearly set out the position of the member for north york on this live issue col lennox spoke on the second read ing of the bill his remarks as re ported from hansard are thus mr lennox mr speaker i do not intend to detain the house for any great length of time with the remarks i desire to make on this bill during the war sir arthur currie as we all know performed excellent service for the people of not only this country but for all countries who were on the side of the allies he distinguished himself as a very great military man and received praise and commendation from all the people of canada not only did ho do a wonderful service for his country during tho period of the war lie lias done perhaps almost as great a service for the returned soldiers during the last three or four months in november of last year he wrote a letter to the canad ian legion expressing his dissatis faction with the existing pension act stating that in his opinion it should be entirely rewritten in order to make further provision for tile welfare of the veterans a very short time after that letter was written i think within a week the prune minister dealt with this question at a public meet ing called on his behalf in the city of london i cannot help but express my doubt as to whether any olctiou would have been taken by the prime minister if sir arthur currie had not written this letter i am not sure whether the announcement made at london by the prime minister re sulted from the publication of that letter or whether the prime minister took that action from a sense of duty to the veterans throughout canada if that course were forced upon the prime minister by the action of sir arthur currie i am afraid the veterans could hardly ex pect that sympathetic treatment they otherwise would get if the prime minister had acted vountariiy if the prime minister took this step through a sense of duty and if he feels it to be his duty to day to take this action surely it- was his duty to have done it years ago the position of the veterans today is perhaps no worse than it has been during the last few years their con dition has been known not only to the prime minister but to every person in canada yet no steps were taken to remedy this condition un til this action vvas forced upon the government by ipublic opinion which was created through the publica tion of the letter written by sir arthur currie i sincerely hope that the bill which has been introduced has been brought in because the government believe they haive a duty to perform to the returned veterans canadian soldiers were engaged in action during the whole period of the war during which there were about 215000 casualties during the year and a half the united states were engaged in the war their casualties amounted to 213000 and of that number no less than 187000 receive pensions from the total of 215000 casualties for canadians must be deducted 65000 who were killed or have since died leaving 150000 of which only 61- 000 arc- pensioned it is remarkable that notwithstanding the fact that the united states were engaged in hie war for only onethird of the time as compared with canada they are paying pensions o three times the number of veterans it is perhaps unknown to many of the lion members that congress passed last year a bill appropriating for its war disabled for a period of one year only nearly twice as much money as lias baen paid to the canadian veterans since the expiration of the war that will convey some idea of tlio generous treatment the ameri can war veteran is receiving from his government as compared with tho treatment given to the canadian veteran imr adsliead does hie lion member mean to infer that the pension committees of 1925 and 192s did not give as far as they could full justice to the war veteran mr lennox i do not think they did in fact if they had given full justice then we would not have had tills present bill before us and we would not have had the legion and other associations connected with and looking after the interests of the war veteran raising such a row with respejet to the manner in which they have been treated during the course of the war there were over 100000 canadians who actually crossed over from england into france belgium and other theatres of war and of that number only 61000 are receiving pensions although 150000 wero disabled somo of whom very seriously during tho courso of tho war over 90000 of those who wero admitted to be casualties have never received one copper as compensation or as pen sion for the disabilities from which they suffered in addition to that ive have 250000 the difference between 150000 and looooowho wore not declared to he casualties and nut of that number not more than one per cent are receiving consideration at the hands of the pension board al though these men did not actually receive any injury there is no doubt but that they suffered as a result of 1 heir experience yet they liavo re ceived no consideration in addition to the pensions board we have an appeal board appointed to consider the claims which are refused by the pension board according to the report of the department of pensions and continued on page 8 wool wool we require about 10000 pounds of wool for which we will pay high est market prices lehmans mill almlra phone 612 stoult ville 1 new massey harris agency i have taken over the agency for this company in the stouff- ville district a full line of parts and repairs carried at the old stand south of the post office mr alf hoover will assist me in handling repairs and parts j p cassidy stouffville ontario easter time you will want a pair of nice shoes for easter we have them in mens boys womens misses youths and little childrens in oxford ties straps iu black and brown in kid and patent we have a good range to choose from dont forget we ore bead quarters for good foot wear buy the next pair from us and be satisfied that they will give you good service if you have tender feet or foot trouble consult us as we have shoes for that purpose and we have scholls foot comports also a g lehman the shoe man year round creamery service we would impress on cream shippers that we are at your bervlce 12 months in the year not merely in the sumer months we collect your cream in any kind of weather or season or you may deliver it to obtain best results ship your cream to us lc per pound butter fat extra to patrons who deliver their cream also a can of butter milk to take home free of charge this will well pay you for your trou ble to deliver your cream stouffvuie creamery co an unequalled creamery service since 1918 closed every night at 6 oclock erceptlng saturdays create an account with your victory loan coupons victory loan coupons will mature on the first day of next month clip your coupons and use them to open a savings account with us then the money your bonds earned will in turn be earned the canadian bank of commerce cwith uihich is amalgamated r the standard bank of canada j ib i 1 1 9 hi i sea iars for sale 1 iford fordor new 1929 1 ford fordor 1200 miles 192s 1 ford town sedan 1929 1 whippet sedan six 1929 3 whippet coaches 1929 1 pontine coach 1928 1 chevrolet truck ton 1927 1 ford ton truck 192ti i studebaker touring 1922 2 ford coaches 1929 1 ford coupe 1925 1 ford coupe 1924 i mclaughlin touring 1920 1 mclaughlin touring 1923 1 chevrolet sedan 1923 2 chevrolet tourings 1921 1 ford v ton truck 1925 1 oakland touring spt 1923 easy terms arranged on any of the above cars or your old cars takon in as pari payment if you intend buying a new foud car place your order now as we are completely sold out of stock and have to wait now to get cars for delivery we are getting in another car load of fordson tractors and have 3 more to sell and then we will not get any more for some time tike advantage of one of these three tractors if you want to got one wo are also agent for the oliver farm implements they carry a full line of farm implements we are also agents for the iron age potato machinery delbert holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 used implement sale riding plow fordson tractor with oliver plow two 2hp engine spreader mellott cream separator 600 lbs cap quebec sulky plow mccormick cultivator with grain box team wagon heavy gang plow ford coupe live stock for sale 4 horses frank baker stouffville phone 15704