Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), April 17, 1930, p. 3

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sunday school lesson april 10 leeson iii jttut teaching foravenees matthew 18 2139 golden text forgive us our defcte as we also hove fornlvon our deb tors matthew 8 12 analysis j jeters estimate of rojkuvenfss v 21 1j j18us estimate op forgiveness vs 2235 jnteodlctjon one of the articles in the apostles creed is 1 believe in the forgiveness of sine and it is from jesus that we gain most of our knowl edge concerning this very important subject john the baptist described jesus as the lamb of god that tak- lh away the sin of the world and in the background of the new testa ment lies this great fact that man has sinned against god and requires to be forgiven the gospel is the announce ment of the good news that god freely forgive the sins of those who come in sorrow and repentance to him there is no teacher on forgiveness so orig inal as jesus in this chapter he men tions the human side and says that if wo are to receive the forgiveness of ged we must forgive those who have injured us the lesson a comment ary on the words forgive us our debts as we forgive or debtors j peters estimate of fobglvembss v 21 y 21 the subject of offences done to others naturally leads to tho prob lem of offences done to oneself and pctct wonders wbit is to bo the tule on this matter in the new kingdom according to the rabbis no one should ask for forgiveness more than thrice peter doubles this and adds one and no doubt feels that he has made a very generous estimate like most of m his view of kindness and compas sion were very limited 31 jesus estimate op forgiveness vs 2235 v 22 the statement of jesus must havo overwhelmed peter with amaze ment seventy tjmes seven means that here is to e no limit to forgiveness if a friend has injured vk and asks to be forgiven then it is the duty ofa christian to grant his request always of course on the assumption that ho has shown genuine regret and readi ness to make compensation where possible for there can be no fellow ship among those who havo been estranged unless the wrongdoer re pents v 23 the parable that follows is meant to illustrated tho gravity of the fault of those who refuse to forgive tho image is drawn from an oriental court where the king in his supreme command has his servants who carry on his business the injustice and cruelty of the eastern rule come out lii the wrongdoing the chief ser vant v 24 two officials are introduced ono in a very responsible position which gave him great onportunity for fraud and falsehood the amount of vis defaulting is fabuously large in the millions farm notes poultry congress receive royal patronage worlds poultry congress have froin the beginning received the support and patronage of royalty the first congress which was held at the hague in 1521 under the honorary presidency of ills royal highness prlnco henry of holland enjoyed the honorary presidency ot her majesty queen wllhemlna three years later his majesty king alfonso occupied tho office of president of tho congress which was held in barcelona at the third congress in ottawa in 1927 his excellency viscount wlllingdon the governor general ot canada oppress- j ed great prldo in opening tho con gress as the personal representative ot ills majesty king ccorge visitors to this congress included their hoyal highnesses the prince ot wales and prince george tho forthcoming congress to be held in london in july this year will take place under the distinguished patronage ot his majesty tho king her majesty the queen ami his royal highness the prince of wales international standardization ol poultry industry the poultry industry perhaps more than any ether is becoming standard ized in a universal senso through tho instrumentality ot tho worlds poultry scienco association this organiza tion will this year bring together at the worlds foultry congress serious ly minded men and womon from many countries who are concerned with tho development of tho poultny industry and incidentally with tho promoting of international friendship the fourth congress which takes place at tho crystal palace in old london in july this year promises to exceed any of tho previous ones at that jneoting thero will bo pooled the best and most recent knowledge con cerning tho various aspects ot tho poultry industry in all parts of the world modern poultry research edu cation and economics will bo revealed through papers and discussions and national exhibits from half a hundred countries displays on an international basis of purebred poultry will bring out the best that has been achieved in poultry improvement commercial exhibits at that great show will reveal what tho trade has accomplished in providing tho requirements of tho poultry indus try and ot carrying it on in a profit able way issued by tho director of publicity dom department of agri culture ottawa ont 5 ono of tho cars up for sale at the london eag repository recently was this wee carcyclo which is englnelcss and embodies all latest equipment lor cycling deluxe jgs ioney ho was and has had to turn to film and stage work jim jeffries although purses wero not high in his day made contrary to usual opinion j idem to retro m corofortagie cir- r r r eumstancea as a farmer but a low jvjost or rsoxers are care- ful and saving citizens vanished millions quebec soleil lib according to federal statistics recently published 551 stocks pertaining to a dozen dif ferent branches of commonrco and in- v dustry depreciated during the market v 25 by the law of tho land this i cra3h 1653000000 out ol a total of man his family and all his possessions j 505150ooooo and as a number of were atthe entire disposal of the king ml jn m v 27 but the lord is moved with compassion and forgives him all v 28 now we are introduced o the contrast for this same servant is owed the small sum o twentyfive dol lars and though tho same plea is made which he himself had made yet there is no pity v 34 no wonder the king is angry the parable is meant to point out 1 that those wh refuso to forgive others need not hope to be forgiven the heart that is hard and resentful cannot welcome tho loving mercy of cod only those who are compas sionate can really enjoy the compas sion of the heavenly father but 2 wo notice that this forgiveness of the king is a typo of the full love of the heavenly father who is iiiting to grant vi his blessing cooperalion with ihe usa montreal patrio ind mr king has announced a treaty with the united states to prevent smuggling on both sides what would bo vastly moro interesting to us would bo an announcement that tho government of canada wero negotiating a commer cial treaty with our neighbors in ac cordance with their stated program of looking for new markets for export actually by its nature and its volume our exchango of goods with tho united states favours our neighbours at our expense the united states there fore may woll deslro no chango in existing conditions but wo havo ar guments which should carry consider able weight with hor latlon tho figure was greatly exceed ed by tho reality does this mean that the country was impoverished to tho tuno ot flvo billions as ft mat- tor of fact tho loss did not mean the loast decrcaso in national wealth for this reason tho markot crash can only havo the most ephemeral oifect individuals may feel tho offects for a long time but tho peoplo of canada will como through tho ordeal easily enough and in a llttlo tlmo they will only havo tho rocolloetlon of it this is what comos of living in a country whoso wealth is of such a real char acter the liquor clearance bill tbroo rlvora nouvolllste cons tho central council of national cath olic syndicates is opposed to this bill tho liquor industry porfectly legal in itself will bo seriously attacked its production will bo reduced 60 por cont associated industries will also suffer thero will bo n reduction of work in tho glass industry and in tho making of boxes and labols loss work in theso industries and moro unemployment besides losing her ex- clso rights canada will find horself under tho necessity it sho wishes to havo this law kopt ot doing tho polico work for her neighbour sho will do it at her own expense and not at that of tho united states what on earth can bo the compelling inilucnco which has forced mr king to adopt such a policy tho general notion of tho profes sional pug in rotiieinent seems to i bo that ho is a large gentleman with a cauliflower car and lurid tasto in liquor who has rapidly amassed a con siderable and most undeserved for tune and is now in the happy proces3 ot dissipating it with equal celerity such however is very far from tho case writos geoffrey simpson in tho london daily mail jt is true that for tunes aro made at llgcniug speed in the ring but boxers as a general rnlo are pretty close customers with their cash primo camera tho italian boxing giant who less than sixteen months ago was a penniless carpenter writes mr simpson has just boen paid 30000 lor two fights in tho j united states i ho drew over 510000 for two con tests with young stribling in europe and by next april when ho wll havo had six matches in tho united states his ring earnings may amount to 80- 000 phil scott was paid 32000 for boxing jack sharkey peoplo who read with amazement of the big sums to bo earned in tho ring sometimes wonder what fighters do with their money tho impression provalls that most of them dissipate it this unfortunately is truo in many cases but for every boxer who doos not put by lor a rainy day thoro aro at least threo who safeguard their fu ture jack dempsey a former laborer and tramp earned 1000000 and has invested most ot it in hotels and real estate gene tunney an exclerk in a new york store rotircd with 2000- 000 and is living on his income jimmy wilde ft welsh pit boy raado a fortune in spite of tho fact that ho weighed only a hundred pounds ho was paid 05000 for ono fight in now york his money is in vested in houso property and cinemas joe beckett earned 126000 mar ried a publicans daughter andis in affluent circumstances bombardier wells who mado approximately 150- 000 runs a hotel frank goddard a farmer used bis ring earnings to re vert to farming tommy burns a formor lacrosso playor opened n clothing storo in canada and a public houso in nowcastlo now for tho other sido of tho pic ture jack johnson made a fortune and lost it an1 is now conducting a jazz band for a living jack brltton former wolterwoight champion of tho world was onco ono of tho richest mon in boxing ho lost his savings in land investments in florida and at tho ago ol fortyono was compelled to return to tho ring ted kid lewis who had seven teen fights wikl brltton each tlmo for a big pnrso camo back from new- york seven years ago worth 100000 ho must havo earned 250000 during his fifteen years in boxing yet not so long ago a benefit tournament was or ganized by his friends to help him out of difficulties tho into john driscoll tho greatest of all champions had llttlo to show for his skill corpentlor is not as rich as years later he was tempted to return to tho ring to light jack johnson but there are hundreds of boxers in tho first class who having accumu lated considerable bank balance quiet ly retire to enjoy middle age toronto seven not wild artiste montreal canadian artists cannot afford to experiment but must follow wolitricd lines or they will starve declared prof ramsay traquair in an address on new trends in pictorial and sculptural art at the peoples forum canada was a long way behind ar tistically though this did not mean that the dominion did cot possess some artists ot merit referring to the toronto group of seven professor traquair said that although they were advanced they were not the wild men the cana dian public considered them to be for what they were doing had been done many years before in england their weakest point he felt lay in the realm of pure technique while their best feature were their feeling for the canadian north country their sense of design and their imaginative qualities professor traquair expressed tho opinion that in the field of painting at tho present time tho neoclasslc school j in england was far in advance of any other and ho regretted that as yet 1 england had had no influence on moc ern canadian painting what new york is wearing by annebelle wopthington imperial legislation brisbane courier thero is in exis tence and in full operation legislation passed by ihe parliament of britain and applying to the whole empire the merchant shipping act is an example possibly it may havo been felt that it would bo moro convenient if one leg islature passed tho necessary uniform legislation to govern british shipping now oven this last restraint on tho selfgoverning overseas dominions power of legislation is too go and those dominions aro to achieve com plete legislative independence if oach selfgoverning dominion were to legislate just s it liked m regard to shipping great confusion might result obviously this independence will en- tall the need for the closest coopera tion botween all legislatures in british dominions illustrated dressmaking lesson fur nished with every pattern hours of industry montreal mondo ouvrior ind quebec legislation wiil reduce the working week in industrial establish ments for women and boys from 60 to 55 hours itis true that tho majority of tho western provinces have adopted tho 48hour wook for women girls and young boys but we must not lor- got that theso provinces are agricul tural and not industrial and that the number of women working in indus trial establishments is relatively few on tho othor hand tho province of ontario the closest to quebec and its most sorious competitor in tho indus trial market has retained on its statuto book tho sixtylion week onco again our province is in tho van of progress a black and white printed crepo silk endorsing new silhouette with i smart peplum jacket ts snugly about tho hips it emphasizes higher waist- lino through tied igrdle tho surplice closing detracts from breadth the capelet sleeves make the arms appear very slim the straight skirt adds a circular flounce which gives sufficient fulness and flaro to hem style no 3302 comes in sizes 16 18 years 36 38 40 and 42 inches bust its a dress that may bo worn now and all during tie spring and summer navy blue wool crepe black canton crepe lanvin green crepo maroeain pnttybcigo crepo silk nre exclusive ideas for its development how to order patterns wrlto your namo and rddross plain ly giving number and size of such gabby gertie pntterns as you want encloso 20c in whon two peoplo get together on stamps or coin coin preferred wrap any proposition its generally shady it carefully for each number and j address your order to wilson pattern progress toward peace can bo attvice 73 west adelaide st toronto big air victory french flyer reaches bogota in 50000mile tour of world bogota columbia a trip of 50000 miles to be accomplished within three j months all of which with the excep tion of less than 5000 miles is being covered by alrplaue is the program upon which count henri do la vaulx president of the international aero nautical conference has embarked count do a vaulx who arrived hero recently after flying through argen- tiua chile peru ecuador and colom bia is proceeding northward through central america to california from sau ranclseo ho will make a series ol flights in the united states leaving tho country after an air trip by way ol washington to miami fla count do la vaulx plans to visit tho west indies tho north eastern countries of south america thence going to natal brazil where ho will take the fast packet boat to dakar on tho african coast where he will again board an airplane on the return trip to paris jt is ray intention count do la vaulx said to utilize the national air services of commercial liues ol each country i visit whenever possible ax though a frenchman by nationality i am making this trip in ho capacity of president of te international aero nautical federation tho purpose which is to encourage flying count de la vaulx said indications were that tho federation would hold its 1931 international aviation con gress in buenos ayrcs while in the united states it is likely that i shall visit orvillo wright at dayton ohio with whom i am ac quainted said count de la vaulx i havo a great wish to fly with colonel lindbergh and 11 a short flight can bo arranged will givo me great plea sure my flying plans in the united states are in the hands of senator hiram bingham president ol tho branch of the federation ir the united states canadian railway plans elaborate train radio sej montreal with the completion of twelve new observation lounge cars at present under construction for tho canadian national railways a new feature in radio train equipment will be introduced it was anuounced here recently tho now cars will be train- lined by which means radio pro grams received on sots installed in theso now cars will bo received in the compartment cars operated on tho same train tho new observationlounge cars 5n course of construction will have built- in alternating current radio and gram ophone oquipment and in the com partment cars with which they will bo operated provision has been made for an outlet phono circuit from tho radiogramophone which will bo en tirely indopendont o ftho lounge car olroult twentytwo jack outlots for headsets will bo provided in tho com partment car and thirtysix in the loungo car this installation will re quire he use of only ono radio set to servo both care in tho compartment cotb provision is made for two head sets in oach compartment or chnm- brotte and threo headsets in each drawing room en tnlnod only as tho result of realistic practical conduct amongst nations horbort hoover omissions no lees than commissions are often unjust the american tariff montreal prosso ind tho amor can sonato has anally adopted the re vised hawloysmott tariff by 53 votes to 31 tho bill in its present state affects a great number of canadian products especially agricultural it is going to bo moro oxpensivo to find an american market for our cattle on tho hoof our carcasses of boef mut ton lamb and veal croam butter cheeso and milk poultry both alivo and slaughtered and eggs aro also on tho increased tariff list our export ers of clover seed ol nil kinds of hay and straw ot potatoes and fish will havo to face heavier duties it re mains to bo seen how mnch they will suffer in consequence it is not im possible that the americans will bear a hcavior burden experience shows that very heavy tariffs often turn against their authors there is buch a thing as tie fnsoi nation of ugliness salvador io madarlrga webs mutt and jeff by bud fish15r cupid goes into the junk business krt you dont fhavt6uhittefc ishesbtafi the necessity far transptarttirg to get stout vigorous plants ono must move them around at least onco or better still twice before they are transferred to their perniact quar ters outside this rule apples to most flowers and vegetables started iudoore such as zinnias marigolds aster pe tunias and cosmos anions tho flowers and totatoes cauliflower caooage bead lettuce of the vegetables it does not apply to thoso things like com meions and sweet peas plants which ordinarily are not grovn inside as these should bo disturbed as little as possible with the others how ever transplanting develops a sturdy roo growth prevents long spindly weak steams and gives the young plants a better chance to develop than if left crowded in the original box the transplanting should be done in a dull placo and the new beds well watered after moving is complete keep full sun away tor a couple ot days before moving outside gradual ly harden oil by having sheltering window- raised for some days before moving a pinch of fertilizer at this tirno will help the plants get quickly established mulch a lsbor saver where the garden is very large and it is worth while to effect a saving jn hand labor or whero one is going to be away a good deal of the time a practical plan is to mulch between the rows ol vegetables or clumps ot flow ers with straw vegetables particu larly those which yield fruits lying on or close to tho ground will he much cleaner when grown in this way straw lawn clippings or leaves aro spread over the earth to a depth of be tween sour and six inches alter the plants are woll grown this mulch will keep down weeds and will con serve moisture when ono is going away for two or three weeks in the middle of a hut summer spreading the lawn clippings over the earth in the garden like this is particularly advis able in order to conserve moisture and prevent the plants from becoming stunted with those plants which will not permit deep cultivation on ac count of spreading roots cloe ii ho surface mulching is also valuable taking a chance vegetable seeds cost but a cents it is a good plan to plant a few rows of the hardy varieties such as spinach radish lettuce carrots and beets as soon as possible if they como through a considerable gain has been secured in earliness if frost cuts them down tho loss is really trivial lettuce and spinach spinach and lettuce are so easily grown como in such a range of varie ties and aro so indispensable from the health standpoint that they should have a place in every garden there is no difficulty in growing them to per fection in any place in ontario but there is a great difference in the way theso things turn out somotimes and disappointment can always be traced to lack ot care they must bo planted early in tho season and they must bo grown quickly without a check thero aro three types of lettuce tho leafy sort which is tho most easily grown and is the earliest tho head lettnco which takes a llttlo moro caro to grow porfectly and which is regarded ns a medium sort and tho cos lettuce which can ho grown successfully dur ing iho hot weather all should bo planted in fine warm soil in an open space must ho thinned well and must ho cultivated frequently tie leaf lottuce should ho thinned to about two inches apart and tho fust thinnings can bo used on the table head let tuce requires about eight inches each way for full development while about six inches is sufficient for the cob typo the latter which is not very well known is a most excellent salad material for into summer when to other lettuce is inclined to become bitter tho heads ol this should he- tied up loosely with a piece of elastic or soft twino and they will bleach out to an attractive whitish eoior with lettuce and with spinach a quick act ing fertilizer is indispensable to hurry growth along and keep tho crop ten der spinach can be sown early as n light frost will not hurt it and it re quires a wcllpuivcilzed rich soil and cool weather some of the newer- danish or tho new zealand are best plants should bo thinned to about five- inches apart and tho foliage of tho everlasting type which incidentally is not of ns high quality as tho best of tho others may bo cut several llmtu and will crow again discord in canada dublin irish times the new ad ministration in saskatchewan an nounces its intention to make drastio overhauling of tho provlncos educa tional systom and to this end will introduco legislation by which eng lish will become tho only langungo of instruction in tho schools something may bo said in defence ot tho rneas- nro nlnco it is not unreasonable to contend that billngunllsm is undesir able in any country nevertheless whon wo consider how large a pur portion of tho dominions population compsts of fronch speakers we must regret ihe project it is trno that tho measnro concerns only one prov ince hut all frenchcanadians rs llkoly to tako offonco and tha whx dimostlc harmony of canada will bo dhirbod

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