stouffville april 3rd 1930 the home town store quality service you pay less for more at the home town store groceries oatmeal flour 3 ids 25c cracked wheat porridge meal 4 pounds 25c buckwheat flour 3 lbs 25c crlscoe 1 lb tins 25c fancy blu rose rice 3 lbs 25c gillex special per pkg 10c our own brand baking powder lb tin 22c bright clean corn meal 5 pounds 25c toilet papor 3 rolls 25c rolled oats with chlnaware 35c special 3 sections fancy clover comb 5 pound palls clear clover honey honey while it lasts goc ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal grain coal feeds seeds sampson i feed bran shorts lower in price middlings marmill chick starter on egg mash hand also order your fertilizer now coal 4nd coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 stouffville tile salt cement notes and comments while the wheat grower suffers the britisher gets his bread a cent a loaf cheaper a straw vote taken by the literary digest in several states of the union across the american boundary indicate that the people over there are fast falling into line lor some form of lliiuor legislation such as we have in ontario in the vote taken two to one supported a change from the present prohibition law to some form of government control there is likely to be concerted action against the present system of bargaining and trading in ministers that is in operation in the united church of canada over which there is widespread dissatisfaction among the members of this great body at the present time ministers are go ing hither and thither prealching for a call which in common industrial life means making application for u job the standing of the ministry and the dignity of the high calling it is held is belittled by the present system few united church ollicials or ministers in rural sections con done the manner in which ministers are engaged now and an appeal will likely be made at proper time to re vert to the old methodist plan of a stated time for pastorates to end there is a startling measure be fore the legislature of massachu setts and yet it may signify a natural evolution in public opinion and medicine the bill is designed to create a state department that would furnsh free and complete medical service to the people this would be patterned after the bureau of medicine and surgery of the united states navy the project includes abolishment of the existing depart ment of public health and of mental diseases those functions to pass to the new governmental branch jlnssachusetts is taking a very forward step towards the state doctor the time is coming when municipalities if not provinces will provide medical held as well as nursing help with fees for medical men nurses and hospitals con stantly rising this state is possibly making a step to offset higher rates in a way that will benefit those who can ill afford the extra costs catholic wife suggests cure for divorce send the tribune to absent friends decorative wallpa for each room irr the home the catholic register mrs kathryu sancetta a young woman who has been married five years and a member of st agues parish lof cleveland ohio was awarded first prize of 25 on feb 22 in divorce antidote contest sponsored by the cleveland news the contestants submitted their remedy for divorce tin a communi cation to the news the judges were three judges of the common pleas court mrs sancottas sugges tion for decreasing and even abolish ing the current system of divorce is contained in the following letter add to the curriculum of our ischools ia department wherein pres ervation of the family would be taught thus wo would be preparing our young for the life into which 99 pei cent of them enter they should be taught the sanctity of the marriage vow which death alone makes dissoluble would not suoh a course bei more bene- rtdiil to civilization at large than some of the branlches now taught why should our state not deem the bretiking of our marriage vow as grave an offence as the breaking of an oath of ollico where punish ment is meted out granting of divorce separation may be necesr sary and just where two people can not live together but why should our state contribute to the sealing of an oah till death and then annul the same oath often bring ing misfortune to innocent children if our young were educated to the fact that such a vow once made cannot be dissolved except by death and our state continued to grant divorces in extreme cases but abolished the great ovil of permitt ing either party to remarry while the other lived there would be far fewer divorces it is safe to estimate that nearly threeourths of the divorces sought are done so with the purpose of remarryling some will ask why must the innocent suffer with the guilty the answer is because they have taken an oath till death paying taxes new curtains for spring ruffled marquisette curtains pleasing creamy shade with fancy ruffles in blue rose gold and green with tie backs to match delightful in bedroom or kitchen 2 yds long pair 189 ruffled curtains in white marquisette with tie backs 2y yds long pair 75c filet lace curtaining in fine weave with floral or conventional patterns lace or plain edge in cream and white 36 to 42 wide 30 40 45 75c per yd width 30 40 45 at the following prices 50 and 75c per yd silk panels fine silk panels smartly patterned and fin ished at bottom with deep fringe in soft ecru shade 36 to 45 wide 2a yds long prices from 100 to 450 swiss net panels with wide floral and leafy borders appliqued in ecru effect 295 we have a new shipment of floor oil cloths linoleums in wide width also linoleum and congoleum rugs in all sizes see our china wallpaper dept let us remind you about the sunworthy wallpapers which retain their freshness and charm under most exacting conditions call and inspect our new seasons offering you will find much to interest you our new wallpapers will give your livingroom or any other room a distinctive and modish character nothing else provides you will be certain of lasting pleasure from the sunworthy wallpapers which we are showing in all the newest styles their colors withstand sunlight and their beauty lasts come to us to choose your wallpaper and let our experience help you select just the right decoration for each room shaws store phone 9512 stouffville in general people do not pay out money with hilarity money is the fruit of their labors a part of them selves and many hate to part with it in immediate payment for ne cessities and iniope especially for luxuries if paid at once it may be done with cheerfulness hut the pay ment loif juat debts is a bugbear to many a relief to others not a sim ple duty that should be performed with alacrity this applies espec ially to our debt to the community our taxes when they are just a debt is something we owe and we owe it to our municiality or our country to pay our share of the ex pense of carrying on the various public stemices that are rendered paying taxes is not popular es pecially is this the case if the taxes are direct when they have to be paid out in cash when indirect that is when wo pay them when we buy clothes food implements and ether commodities we endure a sort of process of painless extraction and our statesmen lie awake at night and dream in the daylight converting sohemes for taxes that may bo collected with the minimum of grumbling or protest or of criti cism of the way money is spent few people object to taxes if other people are paying them many- are unconscious of the burdens they are bearing in the way of taxation inlcome is a proper basis of taxa tion on the condition that all but the indigent pay a share according to the measure of their ability the rate might be raised aiccording to the ability to pay people with small incomes and large families might be exempt but the man or woman in comfortable circumstances and without family responsibilities should not be exempt this plan however is not practicable the protests would be too many and too strong we have an instance oif direct taxation in the poll tax it is not too much to ask every young man or young woman for that matter to pay five dollars for the privilege of using the sidewalks streets elec tric lights and other things furnish ed by the municipality it should be collected without fear or favor and without compunction and this is done in many plaices stouffville has yet to collect this tax which if done would add a few more just dollars to tour resources do you remember way back when browns bush on the tenth con cession of whitchurch was the popular rendesvous for sunday- school and other picnics lumber would be borrowed from mr wholer and tables and benches constructed for eaeli occasion great swings wre 3wung from lite trees with ropes loaned by nearby farmers to enable the younger to enjoy them selves many embryo orators made the woods ring with their eloquence in browns bush in those days and among them might be mentioned dr john sangster who later made his name famous as an educationist and also in the political arena it is said that one of his first speeches which drew attention to his ability as an orator was made be fore a large audience in browns bush when he was a young man on his fathers farm near lincolnrille dr sangster lived for many years in the town of port perry and died there old timer require candidates to make deposit of 200 every candidate in a provincial election will lin future have to make a deposit of 200 before his nomina tion papers are accepted if the amendment to the election act in troduced by premier feruson in the legislature is approved the bill was given first reading without dscussion riemier fergu son merely explained that the pro vision for a deposit was similar to that in a dominion election a clause in the bill reads the sums so deposited by any candidates shall be returned to him by the treasurer of ontario in the event of his being elected or his obtaining a nuinbelr of votes at least equal to onehalf the number of votes polled n favor of a candidate elected he will be glad to hear any tuing from the old home town i know he will enjoy hearing from old friends i have written several times to him address him at 12 somers ave toronto kespt yours a s leaney a pioneer teacher let them come very appropriately fourteen families from holland are settling on the reclaimed land along the holland river flats by bradford this spring and intends to raise bulbs and other specialized crops for which the netherlands are famous this jirom- ises to be an interesting venture from several points of view these fourteen families are only the van guard of many more let them come they are a sober industrious people and make good citizens ailed mount albert reg hastings of stouffville on friends here on sunday mrand mrsallan shaw of sharon visited at herb halls on sunday dr and mrs stevens of sutton visited with friends here on sunday j powers of toronto spent a few days with mr and mrs john mclean miss forfar of bracebridge visited with her sister mrs rev h o hutcheson last week geo burnham is preparing to build a new barn on his farm this summer mrs carruthers of stayner is visit ing at the home of her son dr car ruthers rev icihas fockler of keswick addressed the yps in the united church on monday evening mr and mrs david arnold of rudell sask who hare been visit ing with relatives and friends in this village and neighborhood left for their home last avednesday a progressive crokinole was held by the local lodge of the ioof last friday night and a most enjoy able night was spent the winners were mr w robertson and mrs caiquitz b c march 24th 1930 editor of the tribune dear sir in remitting my ren ewal subscription i wish to say that i find many items of interest in each issue in the last number roeeivod i read the account of mr and mrs tillman reesors golden wedding anniversary also the sermon of the rev a mitchell of vancouver i am a native son of markham township and lived there nearly fifty years bafore moving to mani toba my acquaintance with the stouff ville district began in 1s75 when i engaged to teach the dickson hlli school the trustees at that time were messrs a b grove and pete iiarkey the third one having died i have my old scholars still in mind and am interested in their doings many no doubt have passed away the five mitchell boys and their two sisters all attended at that time the rov levi grove and many others whose names appear in the tribune my association with the people was very pleasant and i fully appreciated the splendid qualities of the sons and daughters of those who pioneered in this district when i commenced teaching there were no model or normal schools excepting in toronto and attendance was voluntary success ful candidates with few exceptions passed out of the public schools or high schools as fully qualified teachers s for the first year my salary was 325for the second year 350 for the tliird year i asked 100 but the trustees told me more than 350 had never been paid and they did not wish to create a precedent so i made a change mr j e rowbotham and the late thos klinek were among lrij boyhood schoolmates at the beginning of the present year i made the change from mani toba to b c ichiefly on account of the milder climate the change seems la suit me very well sincerely your w b martin wo take the liberty of publish ing the above letter from an old boy of this district which is filled with interest for many of our readers we want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid sam golden apply at e c pennocka livery groceries brooms 5 string 35c borax soap powder 2 pks 19c soap chips per pkg 20c bon ami powder or cake 13c honey in comb 22c soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c fruit droiis assorted flavors 3 packages 10c chocalates reg 45c lb 35c a w scott say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more beautiful flowers for every occasion muston sons phone 7001 stouffville ont your health thousands have been bene fitted by taking fleischmans yeast we recommend it be cause doctors have proved its value for nursing mothers and a famious italian physician says untold health benefits are made available by the sunshine vitamin d now in irradited fresh yeast it builds strong bone sound teeth and tones the muscles get it today at our bakery or at porters store ambrose stover baker stouffville ontario dont do it operate tonsils save them by treating wth mrs sybilla spahrs tonsilitis also for sore throats cough croup quinsy catarrh tlonsilltis and tonsil troubles good results or money back you cant lose j m storey druggist drug boadways stouffville store for month of april womens fine kid gloves reg 275 for 225 225 for 1s5 womens fine hose good collars silk and wool and all silk at price range from 100 up o 200 womens fine straps and oxford in kid and patent from 295 up to 500 misses fine shoes in straps and oxfords also school shoes dont forget our boys school boots at 300 a pr all solid leather come in and look them over repairs as usual a g lehman the shoe man sed cars for sale arnot harrison mrs angus harrison nee marion j hopkins entertained a number of her girl friends on saturday after noon before leaving for their new home near queensville where they have rented a farm new ford sedan 1929 ford sedan 1200 miles 1928 3 whippet coaches 1929 whippet sedan 1929 pontiac coach 1928 rugby ton truck 1928 ford coupe 1927 i oakland touring 1923 ford tudor 1920 ford touring 1926 star roadster 1925 2 chevrolet touring 1924 chevrolet delivery 1927 chevrolet coach 1924 chevrolet sedan 1924 studebaker tg 1921 the world grows steadily better you never heir of dance marathons iny more sale register saturday april 5th at the re- sldercomain stunonvlle house and lot furniture bedding etc the property of l summerfeldt torms for chattels cash for real estate made known on day of sale prentice prentice auctioneers tuesday april 8 thirty good work horses all in good shape broken and ready to start to work will be sold by auction at gam davisons sale which will bo held at hie crosby memorial park unlonviiie on tuesday april sth the heavy horses will be sold commencing at 1 pm a fine lot of hackney and shetland ponies standard bred trotters and pacers hunters and saddle horses will be sold victoria square a large crowd visited the masonic hall at richmond hill on saturday night to see the comedy sonny jane the play was presented by the victoria square players and held under the auspices of richmond hill united church young womens aux iliary the presentation was under the direction of e j hitchcock the following players took part ethel mortson dorothy hart dorothy val- llerecatherine perry lora gee mar- ilan agar mrs h qoliard frazor smith walter smith douglas gee jack frisby james smith a number of other older models will sell cheap we are also getting in another car load of new fordson tractors so we will be able to take care of the requirements better than we expected for spring delivery these tractors are in transit now and are expected to arrive here on april 2nd a 2 used fordson tractors for sale easy terms on any of the above used cars and tractors new tractor terms 40 cash balance 40 oct 1st 1930 20 march 15th 1931 or divided oct 1st 1930 march 15 1931 and oct 1st 1931 delbert holden ford dealer stouffville phone 18402 communication to editor of tribune do the readers of the tribune ever think of the lonesome sad weary time poor len vanzant puts in in tor onto len never sees a day of brightness for he is completely blind he never never has a little walk for his legs are completely useless len is a stouffville boy and should not be forgotten do you over write to him a little letter write and tell him what is going on a copy of the tribune would do just as well tell him what nice stores wo have now what a nice new butcher shop fine garages and a dozen other things ho will like them ail and send a ray of sunshine through the vanzant home ready for spring used implements disc harrow pulverizer riding plow international iordson tractor with oliver 2 horse engine spreader melotte cream sep 600 lbs quebec sulky plow cultivalors mccormick grain box with grass seeder massey harris disc drill live stock five horses 1 milch cow we are agent and have for sale all machinery sold by the mccormickdeering co also fleury plows and whccl- barrowsmelotte cream separators peter hamilton pulpers common sense fanning mills frank baker stouffville phone 15704