jl stssss stouffville march 13th 1930 agmbm local happenings division court will be held la stouffyille 6u monday march 31st we understand that harry paisley has rented the ha mm farm on the lth concession of whitchurch capable girl wanted for general housework good home apply mrs vincent wags phoua 6708 marcelling and manicuring phone miss ruth badgero 3206 stouffiille for appointment send us in the news district from your tie proceeds of the recent continuation school concert exceed ed 200 there is a demand for a repeat entertainment do your part in beautifying stouff- ille by joining the horticultural tioty their aceomplisrments add dollars to the value of your property i an inaugural i newly appointed whitchurch township council will was called last meet for general business on satur day of this week at the township hall meeting of the park commission week but not sufficient members turned up to make a quorum too many attrao i lions on that night we understand with the exception of an odd stormy day we are having some beautiful springlike weather and the snow has practically disappeared this is ah anxious time for fall wheat rev i s white of belleville and chairman of the bay of quinte i hen fruit is falling in price with the bine springlike days encourag ing the birds to greater production 30c and 33c per dozen was the prevailing price in town last thursday the willing helpers presbyterian church will hold a st patricks party on monday march 17th at the church the public is invited refreshments admission 10c baby ss12 carriage for sale phone i with rain and mild weather this week the frost threatens to come out of the ground leaving many roads in bad state for travel several very large hen eggs have been on display sn the tribune office the last couple of weeks and by way of diversion we now have an egg from a avhite leghorn ton the farm of archie fleming of markham that is the size of a robins egg such freaks lin hen fruit are fairly common at this season of year comedy attraction this friday and saturday at the auditorium theatre is charlie chaplin in the immi grant auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday march 14th and 15th the danger patrol a story of the canadian north charlie chaplin as the immigrant quality seevicb ful0pep chick starter the chick season is just beginning nearly 400 invitations have been issued by the stouffviile war veter ans for their informal dance to be held in katcliffs hall on the even ing of friday march 14th you are invited to attend fl50 per couple conference will preach next sun day lin the stouffviile united church the local pastor taking the work in the belleville centre a faiv years ago the merchants of the town of uurtiie petitioned their to compel every store to pm each evening except- j a wear funeral director ambulance service funerals 70 and up phone 0000 markham ont council close at ing saturday the bylaw was passed but last week the merchants again visited the council and requested a i repeal of the bylaw times change nextsuntlay march 16th quart erly services will be held on the markham circuit of the mennonite church elder s goudie will preach at the hill in the morning service gormley- in the afternoon and rethesda in the evejintja moot ing wiill be hold in dixon hill church on saturday afternoon it is also announced that a series of evange listic meetings will open in the mount joy church beginniing next sunday rev c n gfotod who irecent- ly conducted the campaign at stouitville will be the evangelist the mens store new spring clothes for men we have a splendid selection of mens suits serges worsteds and tweeds in the new spring styles and colors 1750 to 530 spring top coats in a variety of patterns and models that will suit the older man as well as the young 12 to 2250 our new hats have arrived in cluding boraslino dan dobbs and sackville the new shade of brown is especially attrac tive this season 395 to 750 wall paper and linoleum rugs solve your wall paper problems by using sunworthy wall paper we have patterns suitable for every room in the house ask for a sample book see our new samples of lin oleum and oilcloth rugs l wmrm everything in phone 5601 mens wear stouffville the auction sale of milch cows belonging to j a hawtin at ring- wood last friday drew tone of the largest crowds of people of any cattle sale held here in a long time the prices obtained were regarded as very goiod for this time of year and the 31 head of cows averaged over 5100 the highest priced cow sold at 139 while a young male animal under one year brought 575 frwm a gormley buyer the cxr crossing over main street is agalin in bad condition and requires immediate attention foll owing numerous complaints this crossing was repaired a couple of years ago but the work as not of a permanent nature the local council will be doing a gojwl deed by bringing this matter to the attention of the company through the county engineer which is said to be the most effective manner in which to get results herbert wideman of dixon hill is the latest vlictim to suffer the loss cf poultry through a ralid made on his pen only twelve birds were re moved from the roost however as evidently the thief worked lone- handed from tracks in the snow after making one visit to the pen and depositing his load en the conveyance it is thought the tthief may have become frightened which prvented him from making a second trip to the poultry house the ioof are issuing invita tions to its members for a st pat ricks evening to be held in their lodge rooms on march 17th the en tertainment will take the form of a box social and a good time is pro mised there is a rumor that a big evange listic camp meeting under auspices cf the mennonite church will be held this summer in stouffviile park with the use of the arena tor pub lie meetings and the largo acreage to the south of this building for camp purposes an ideal setting is provided we hope the rumor be comes an accomplished fact tuesday and wednesday march 18th and 19th chasing thru europe sue carrol pathe review comedy friday and saturday march 2122 grit wins admission 25c children 16c s g schmidt prop send the tribune to absent friends the stouffviile senior womens institute will hold a pot luck supper in ratcliffs hall on tuesday mar 18th from 6 oclock every member is requested to bring their husband and family also their friends bring your basket and disnes you require a good program will be given enjoy the evening with us note the change to tuesday march isth the annual canvas for membership in the horticultural society will be made shortly when the canvassers call be ready to give them your dollar remember they are doing a public service and should receive a warm welcome at every home the society aims to beautify the town in which we live and few there are so dead as not to be alive to beauty in connection with the recent hockey tournament in stouffviile tlie aurora banner says the aurora team wish to congratulate the stouffvtille arena cor their generous and courteous treatment throughout the entire tournament the prizes were splendid crowds fair in their treatment of visitors the refereciug excellent and the los ing teams the best of good sports aurora next year could well emulate the example of our alster municipali ty it is tit what you spend if s what you get back when you buy an incubator or brooder buy a buckeye you may be able to save a few dollars on first cost by buy ing a cheap machine but you actually lose all you save and much more your buckeye incubator is guaranteed to give you the very highest percentage of big healthy chicks with practically no cripples or weaklings buckeye incubators and brooders your buckeye colony brooder either coal or oil burn ing will raise every raisablc chick no crowding no chill ing grow three chicks where one grew before write your own moneyback guarantee let us show you this wonderful poultry raising equipment f y w brathwaite hardware stouffviile hatch every hatchabij egg mr allan goudie has taken a position as clerk in the e a button hardware store a position made vacant through the death of the late erwin gray mr dawson davis for stome time head tinsmith with this same firm has given up his position and may locate in toronto if dawson decides to locate in the city we will ail be sorry to see an other of our oldtime family associates leaving the hbme town the markham economist states that tor every dollar spent in the maintenance of markham high school 85c of lit comes from out side sources just so a high school is a real asset to any community and the day will come when stouff viile ratepayers will stop sending out good money tto educate their high school boys and glirls in another municipality as we have to do now with all 4th form pupils the more of the ratepayers tax money expend ed in their own municipality the bettor york county council has refused to take over the metropolitan rail road on yonge street much to the satisfaction of all people livfing in this section the line will likely bo discontinued next saturday when an increased bus service will be insti tuted the county councillors were called together last friday to give their refusal to the citys offer of leasing the line to the county for i a year james berry who bought the joan lewis farm just west of the town wiiil put in 50 acres of vegetables this spring imr lewis who lives on the property will remain with mr berry with the high prices prevail ing for vegetables last season there will be an incentive this year for many small growers to increase their acreage lin this locality which coupl ed with the increase of these larger growers will provide a tremendous output of such vegetables as are specialized in this district friday march 21st the top notch tailors will visit stouffviile full line of samples now at weldons store nothing over 27 style and lit guaranteed enroll now for the fulopep poultry course the lessons are worth many dollars to you the course contains nearly 300 pages of valuable information there are twelve lessons in the course one for each month this course is free to all fulopep users our stock of chiok supplies are complete fulopep chick starter fulopep fine chick feed small grit fine oyster shell charcoal baled straw stiver bros handcuffed to his man the key thrown away sergt daley becomes snowbiind from the glittering ex panse of white this is just a bit of the fast moving drama of the danger patrtol a story of the frozen wastes of uorthern canada the fea ture attraction this friday and sat urday at the auditorium theatre around the world in a dream the y p missionary society of memorial christian church are giv ing an interesting pageant monday march 17th at 8 pm in the church auditorium it presents the needs of the people of africa india japan china brazil and the neglected people of our own country among the negros the mountain people and indians in a simple but interesting way the pageant contains a number of selections by a quartet several vocal numbers also a violin solo are you interested in missions come if you are not come and be come interested in them silver off ering school reports mrs b e beebe received word this week of the death of a very dear friend mrs james i galbraith of croswell mich and daughter of lukus fenton onetime resident of whitchurch the old mrs hill of bloomington was a sister tof louis fenton mrs galbraith whose death is recorded there was born in sanalac township usa in 1s62 and was a graduate of the normal college in ypsilanti and big rapids besides her husband she is surviived by one brother robert fenton of lexington the deceased had visited in stouffviile stome years ago mrs oliver flewell has sold her 100 acre farm on the 8th concession of whitchurch to john atkinson of this town in addition to the farm lands and building s mr atkiinson bought the entire stock and imple ments and intends to hold an auc tion sale the latter part of march in order to dispose of the live stock and implements mrs flewell and her husband who passed away this winter moved tto this property 28 years ago and with but a very small equity in the place was able tto free i toronto monday evening march 10th was a redletter occasion for mrand mrs john ii davis stouffviile when they celebrated their 50th wedding anni versary with their entire family of six children about them during the afternoon many relatives and friends called to offer congratulations but in the evening the celebration grew to its height in addition to the child ren there were present 12 grand children and one great grandchild the sons and daughtcs are mrs cecil wagg of mongolia mrs jesse lundy tof newmarket mis otto baker of whitchurch and earl dawson and morrill davis the latter living in mr and mrs davis wero it from all incumbrance with a few years of faithful work it is a good grain farm and well located conven ient to town the property also con tains a few acres of valuable bush land unless he resells the property at onco mr atkinson may rent it for the coming season tho municipal souncll of stouff- vile havo been advised to send in approximate numbers of reserva tions trat could bo made hero for housing delegates to tho shrlners convention to bo held in toronto next june if this information is furnished to the hotel and housing committee with office at bay and charles streets toronto it might be possible to billet some visitors locally rates set for billots in tor onto homes range from 150 to 250 per person daily breakfast extra shrlners who might billet in stouffviile would do so for bed and breakfast only it is said that one or two hundred would find welcome accommodation in oar village why not undertake to secure this number the financial return would be j appreciated by those who open their homes married by itev win percy the be loved pastor of the christian church all their lives has been spent in this vicinity most tof which was lived on the farm at lot 2 on the 9th conces sion of whitchurch the past few years they lived in stouffviile with their son dawson both bride and groom of 50 years are in very good health mr davis is 71 and his life partner 71 years the community unites with tho family and relatives in extending them happy congratula tions on this anniversary day form v- florence barkey 88 sr iv don hall 77 elgin hisey 75 jr iv helen hastings s2 elda hutchinson 77 reta wells 69 keith hutchinson 68 blake yake 62 bruce baker 55 sr hi allan baker 77 doris baker 76 frank hall 63 jr iii marion hastings 78 ii a james attreed 74 vera wells 66 harold preston 63 b jim irae 71 sammy fockler 69 betty hamm 57 i douglas hamm 7s pr eva scott 82 blanche preston andrew hutohinson so norma rae 79 elgin hastings 76 aylmer hood 73 kenneth hamm 70 velma yake no on the roll 29 average att 22 margarete y thomson teacher seed hardiness depends upon type and origin canadian grown seed is admitted to bo hardy this is not stained variegated alfalfa from the states bordering on canada and from utah wyoming and south dakota is hardy if properly verified this may be stained 1 navy blue canadian grown and seed showing a blue stain is recommended for those desiring permanent stands and in all seed growing areas members of the canadian seed trade asociation in conference with government officials have agreed to offer for sale seed of the above mentioned classes they have also given assuranice that any other alfalfa seed imported by members of the association would be only from states bordering on cana da or from utah wyoming or south dakota this seed will be staine 10 red but can be distinguished- from seed from other sources which may be imported by other dealers or agencies only by verification of orgin this can be obtained from the dealers w p white district rep lets go to the st patrick tea stouffviile christian church march 17th 530730 benefit y p adults 35c children 20c followed by missionary pageant around the world in a dream which gives the needs of the mission field in an interesting way pm silver collection come try the murray brooder buy alfalfa seed carefully it is well known that all alfalfa is not equally hardy and therefore farmers would be well advised to take every precaution when buying biitth gordon at casa maria on march 4th 1930 to mr and mrs gilbert r gordon nee rhoda forsyth 202 rosslyn ave south hamilton a daughter gweyne mereda took soda for stomach for 20 years for 20 years i took soda for indigestion and stomach gas then i tried adlorika one bottle brought complete relief jno hardy adlerika relieves gas and sour stomach in ten minutes acts on both upper and lower bowett re moving paisons you never know were there dont fool with medicine which cleans only part of the bowels but let adlerika give stomach and bowels a real clean ing and see how good you foe jm storey druggist stouffviile the murray brooder i is in a class by itself it gives more heat requires less at tention and is more de pendable than any other brooder it burns any kind of coal and operates just as satisfactorily with cheap grades of coal as with more expensive kinds handles soft coal perfectly also agent for model and royal stoves and equipment model incubators from 15 up sizes 85 to 23- 000 the choice of the best poultry men hatching eggs the reliable renhall strain of leghorns mated with pedigreed roosters of 267 eggs all carefully select ed hens that are giving high egg returns 75c per setting or 5 hundred frank breuls phone 2814 ringwood ont used implements we are ready for spring trade with heavy line of imple ments all kinds disc drills hoe drills single and double plows tractor riding and quebec sulkey plows binders horse rakes gas engines 1 hp international engine new in fact i have every kind of implement and parts come and see me for repairs real bargains in every line ben rexlin phone 192 stouffville highest prices for fat fowl wool and hides best that grow everything for the garden and farm i catalogue to intending purchasers wtrenniecpumiud toronto aiso at montreal vancouytaj caium dominion of canada income tax information reports due march 31st employers trustees joint stock companies are you art employer are you paying a wage or salary to anyone if so the law requires you to make a return on form t4 of all such persons to whom you paid 1000 or more during 1929 act promptly and avoid penalties the necessary forms can be had on application to your postmaster are you a trustee an executor or an assignee if so the law requires from you a report on form t3 secretaries of joint stock companies are required to file on form ts a re turn of dividends paid the department of national revenue honwdeuler minister of national revenue income tax division ottawa cs walters commissioner of income tmx