no premiums with salada but finest quality instead fresh srom the gardens fanisung eg men washburnchildl begin here today peter dewoife a wealthy young american becomes interested in brena selcoss and muriel benham tells him that if brena takes him in he will vanish like the others brena tolls dcwolfe that she was married some years ago in dallas texas a few years before that her mother and father had died the father leaving her a message not to be afraid for if clanger threatened her she would be protected she meets jim hennepin off his hand ho was always fearing contagion he gargled ha 3nuffed he sprayed he read medical jour nals ho feared cancer above ait things he loved his hie so much that fte had laved ro woman for many years the monopoly of this devotion exclud ed competition he ioved his life with an unending passiur he ruined it by fearing to lose it he came to call one night and told l w hous h brenalhat he wanted information tells her he has had a call she 0 goes to st louis to marry him but he l jim she answered that he does not show up and has not been should see jim 5 aunt mrs wilki heard of since brena returns to mrs but he wa not to ue denied iuna ivnvhinc house j you telegraphed to jim he wilkics boarding house now go on with the story nnepin from st louis he said that tele gram was opened in my office it was mrs wilkio often mentioned hie just vour m r am waiting journey to st louis she would have and it wa3 signed b it tkk a i given brena a weeks board to know inquirv for m9 t0 vnow tha thb tec why the girl had gone but even mrs wa3 p eni bv you w ilkio sensed some quality in this neal fiv9 ln have beautiful child which made her a creature of a different species and she never pressed her questions be yond a point where she found herself looking into the wondering dark sel coss eyes brena herself asked twice whether hennepin had written she choii moments when the two other ivomon boarders and the accountant of the southern pacific were at the table written said mrs wilkie written not he his own father dying of bright hasnt heard from him not for three months brena then sot her face toward to morrows she might have been ex pected therefore to be startled when the past broke in upon her it came in the form of compt1 parmalee he was the head of the firm which hademployed jim hennepin parmalee was a small wiry man careful of his dress he had come to texas from the desert country of southern california when he was twentysix he knew that country well in hi3 years hi dallas acting s a cotton commission man and commodity gambler he had collected a valuable library about the whole historic southwest its indian tribes the pueblos the strange cus toms and secrets of savage men carry ing some of the traits and traditions lot prehistoric aztecs and the jesuit jnissionaries it was said by some persons that his quiet ways were a veneer put on by some studious years in berkeley at the university but rumor had it that parmalee with his rather pae young face that made him look thirty instead of fortythree his small we- shaped hands his immaculate linen his soft voice had once shot a man across a roulette table which he him self owned and operated that he was ever a man of violence is very doubtful he was an uiquiv- oring gambler hut not with his per sonal safety his personal safety wa3 his principal concern he wore gloves on all occasions to keep the germ whim you need new energy when you arc hot and mouth if dry prp up with wriglcy5 it nioitcas mouth and throat the increased flow of saliva feeds new strength tothcblooj you can do more you feel better fj keep awalte with wriguy issue no 1130 i know and why now do you come to me you neednt tell me anything you do not wish to tell i assume that you arranged to meet him in st louis brena put her hand up and felt her throat it was hot the skin was hot under her cold hand it was a great mistake she said in a low voice the idea was marriage it was my idea if i had any clear idea thj dirty dog said parmalee brena shuddered of course if he were to meet you parmalee said he probably told you where he was going eh and why no she sakl he only spoke of making a great sum of money of getting it from some place hi did not say where no he spoke of some call some message said brena the brokers eyes widened until they were in a staring distention ha what more did he tell you nothing parmalee sat down in a chair and stared at the carpet for a long time do you know where uo is mr parmalee asked brena at length i have heard nothing ho answer ed apparently after jim had de cided to take you away from dallas this thing described as a call came there is still n unclaimed balanco of a considerable sum to his credit in the office ho has gone like this parmalee held up his 3mall clench ed fist opened it suddenly and blew an imaginary speck of dust from its palm into oblivion two days after christmas comptcm asked brena by telephone to come to his office you are sure that all you told me that night was accurate ho said of course she said in a tone of indignation i know said he but there was just one more thing did lie leave a paper with you a paper no he left no paper he gave me soma money and there was a little scrap of paper in it it had on it an arrow drawn with ink and a lizard drawn beside it and two words underneath this sign well that was nothing said par malee where is it now it disappeared you havent no not a word he has gone she was silent in fact it was not because of any thing to do with it that i wanted to see you tho mnn said you will say when you know why i sent for you that you have never heard of anything like it in all your life brena said nothing i sent for you to tell you about myself not about what i have been but what i am for i believe there is a sympathy between us that is most extraordinary more than ycu know i think i understand it is not love said he let me make it plain that i am not deluded that i am not in love with you i am not old but the passion and idealism of love have gone no i will not make love to you no said brena giving affirma tion ten months ago i scraped together all my money and threw it into a final play compton went on i am now worth a littlo over two million dollar i am through with busine33 witn trading with speculation with this office forever and now v asked brena he laughed there is now left to mo collecting books travel a kindness now and then nd taking good caro of my health can you think of anything else to brena the problem was new she did not have a ready answer i have burned out said parmalee am ashes you see i am not a great man he explained it wa3 neces sary for mo to throw all of myself into tho figlt every resourco i could summon i do not smoke do not drink i have conserved and guarded all my sensations until i havo none all my life my last twenty years of life i havo promised myself indul gences of gigartic and exquisite de sign and now that i can have them this body of mine rejects them all refuses them all fato laughs in my ear and says youre dono for the most sensuous pleasure you shall have will be the flavor of that apple sauce you have eaten for lunch for fifteen years and will eat for lunch for the rest of your days isnt this a grim joko miss selcoss i do not know said brena un easily he sensed her desire to go dont leave me ho said with a voice which almost broke into a low sob you are the only one who can understand all right she said astonished that she had become important to any one there are so many things you can buy with your money only one he replied sharply and that is you she pushed her chair back from the desk with both her hands you need not be alarmed said his calm voice i hare stated it purpose ly at its worst it is better for you to have this thought presented at first and perhaps we can overcome it later i put it in the terms the world will use dallas will say ho bought her but after ali we will not bo in dal las we will be in pekin or in bom bay or in sight of the pyramids or in the crags of the norway coast i am more than twenty years older than you are but the interesting and import ant persers with whom we may dine will only say he has a beautiful young wife with a freo mind her father was a patiriot of greece brenas face was white and fright ened as if she had seen a ghost it was enough to teli him that she knew that he spoke truly i do not ask you to give anythin to me except your help to make me new again he said i do not ask young love i havo none to give cannot take you away or keep you near me without marriage it would- blast us both but if you marry me you shall be made free whenever the day conies that you wish to go i ask no promises brena got up and stood looking out the window tp be free to grow to range to know to be emanci pated from the sordid round of days do not answer now said parma lee i have said all i can write me a week later he got her letter it wa3 on his desk apart from the busi ness envelopes he tore it open and read her introductory sentences down to the phrase i think you are above all honorable parmalee uttered an exclamation of triumph he alona knew that she wa3 wrong i want to make my lite of greater service than it can ever be here she wrote i am impaticn for a richer soil in which to grow 1 am willing to help you too if i can though it seems n little vnguo to me how i can do this therefore i absent to your plans is you stated it always yours brena selcoss not fifteen minutes had euipsoi after the marriage before there came into the lives or tho two a 1 civ ele ment at the station the were xtiolling up and down and little by little hii conversation fell away he muttered a few last absentminded words and it was gone altogether he walked on she kept pace with him lie walk ed on in kilence not until sho heard a stra ie whif fling noise as a sudden sucking in of breath of one who has fainted didshe turn you are as white as linen sh said trembling ho wel his lips and looked at her almost snarling what is this fate that follows vou he asked fate something why what do you feel she asked in a frightened whisper i feel fear he said his upper lip fluttering a horrible unaccountnbloj terror to be contyiued christies flake butters bring a new delight to cnteri raining wonderfully light and flaky little biscuits with an exquisite flavor chrisfties biscuits she sftanclara stfjziuuitiance is55 indian coastal shipping calcutta englishman tho indian attack on british shipping has through out been viewed seriously becauso it is tho spearhead of an attack which if not smashed will some day bo ap plied to every form ot british industry in india the attitude ot the sponsors of the coastal traffic reservation bill is typical of the wholohog protection ist with whom nationalist or political considerations generall- triumph at the expense of economies tho indian nationalist of the extreme brand has in fact brought to a line art tho phil osophy of heads i win tails you lose his ideal i3 to let men with i onergy enterprise initiative have the honor ot carrying through the pioneer stages of industry when all the risks have to be faced when losses out weigh the profits and the profits are small once however the enterprise is assured and there are no more risks but tho certainty only ot large profits then is the time for the sons of the soil to come in expropriate tiie foreign capitalist or it least make the conditions so onerous that it is not worth while his carrying on allempire shops an allempire shop the first of its kind in britain wa3 recently opened in glasgow this is one ot the ventures of the empire marketing board which has dono so much to encourage the sale ot empiro products the stock is being changed fortnightly so that the pro duce of various dominions and colon ies will bo displayed in turn cooking demonstrations and the distribution of empire reclpe3 are part ot the shops programme another feature is the giving away ot freo samples of various empire pro ducts further supplies of which can be obtained from local traders if the glasgow shop 13 a success otiier allempire shop3 may be opened elsewhere one possibly in london but at the moment of writing nothing definite has been arrauged mary going to bed mother arent you going to sit up and wait for dad mother whats the use i have such a cold i can hardly speak flaming youth should be encour aged and not lambasted dr fritz wittels a comedown what splendid ideas youth instills and how hard knocks dislodge em i used to want to meet my bills but now just want to dodge em not in real life but twas in the sketch she loved him still though ho was false at a vaudeville there is nothing ot which i am more deeply convinced than that uni versity education is destroying civili zation george bernard shaw minards will kill oorns any season is vacation time in atlantic city any vacation is an assured success if you stay at tho st charles with the finest location and the longest porch on tho boadwalk offering the ultimate in servlcs with unexcelled cuislno the cruisabouts are unequalled boat value lst imagine a j floating summer home 29 long 8 10 wide and 2 4 draft fully equipped with berths for five and deck space for more than twelve at the un usually low price of s35s5 factory because of stand- ardizatioit richardson cruisabouts are low in price and high in qual ity of clear cedar whit oau and ma hogany ii o a u tiful brass huiiiks a 6-cyl- fiider co hv gray marine motor rives a speed of nearly 13 mile per hour the new crulsabout booklet tells all the facts i on three lowpriced high quality richardson 23 j cruisabouts crichardson 1030 qrnisabouu sales and service by t b f benson na 371bay street toronto ont it ls a grander thing to be nobly remembered than to be nobly born orison swett harden minards 50 year reoord of success v smm iveee aiii people are often too patient with pain suffering when there is no need to suf fer shopping with a head that throbs working though they ache all over and aspirin would bring them im mediato relief the best time to take aspirin is the very moment you first feel the pain why postpone relief until the pain has reached its height why hesitate to take anything so harmless read the proven directions for check ing colds casing a sore throat relieving headaches and the pains of neuralgia neuritis rheumatism etc you can always count on its quick comfort but if pain is of frequent recurrence see a doctor as to its cause eddy tissues are sterilized seiect any one of that eddy tiitues and you may bo suro of two thing a tafo soft pur sterilized lit- tue and va i o o for your money 0 for all of thqt rolls ar big valuo rolls and made lo a high standard that qualiflo an eddy tissue for a place in tho wellappointed bathroom 0 ask for any on of thorn by namo the e b eddy company limited hull canada tuberculosis lurks in careless kiss too ftlany children expossed to risk says doctor prevention needed the inveterate habit by which soma people insist on kissing children u very injurious and is one ot tho chief ways ot communicating tuberculosis dr j it elliott president of the- cana dian tuberculosis association said sunday night in addressing the meet ing under the auspices ot the social hygiene council at hygoia hall to ronto the habit prevalent in some coun tries o removing footwear on euteriug the house held considerable wisdom ho said the child during the first tew years ot hi3 lite was a floor animal and filth carried in on the shoes from tho streets was likely to contain germs of disease which might result tn his illness this was one of tho most reasonable explanations of the de velopment of colds and yet mothers wondered how their children caughb so many colds when they could nob havo got the infections from the child ren with whom they were playing most children became infected with tuberculosis in childhood dr elliott said therefore it was advisable for children to avoid tho sick room or con tact with the patient the diseaso could not he inherited dr elliotb stressed cattle precautions of the human and bovine tubercul osis only the human could be com municated to adults but the bovine bacillus claimed many victims among babies and adults consequently tho dominion government was insisting that fanners eradicate tuberculosis from their herds already 130000 in fected cattle had been slaughtered and there had been a marked lessen ing in the numbers of cattle with tho disease although there had been a distinct reduction in the mortality rate anions those under 15 and those over 30 years of age there was little change during the years between them many young people felt that after a days work la the office it was necessary to indulge in athletic activities and many moro who worked al day long spent their evenings in attending dances both ot which caused overstrain any physi cal or mental excessive strain was conducive to a weakened condition a lack of resistance and consequent sua- ceptibility to disease a cure for tuberculosis could not be effected by either medicine or a change in climate a sensible cheer ful patient was far more apt to re cover than an illnatured erratic ouo dr elliott stated and a patient who spent some time at a sauitorium was more likely to have a chance of re covery the great mistake in the treatment of the disease was that too few people understood the value ot rest many indigent patients there was a crying need for ac commodation in the province at tho present time there was need for 1500 sanatorium or public beds north and cast ot toronto there was but ouo sanatorium and that in ottawa on tarios 12 sauatoriums he stated wero not nearly enough there had been as many as 73 patients in toronto at ona time during the winter awaiting ad mittance because of a lack of beds disease would remain he said so long as patients had to be cared for in the home it was impossible for many patients to pay 1050 weekly for care and of the patients in saua toriums at present more than cs per cent were indigent tho disease could not be wiped out entirely but only by preventive mea sures he said it was mistaken econ omy to withold funds from the health department dr elliott estimated that the cost of caring for the patients who died from tuberculosis in toronto in 102s was 5237000 that sum spent in preventive measures would go very far ho thought mi glu01 ny fines sterilized tissue served from compact fixture a tanitary duslproof cabinet in nickel or porcelain finish navy 700 sheets of soft safe sfer- ilized paper spirin trade mark rio white swan i a jnowy whlt dreao- sterilized tit- nought ju in wroppod sven ouncol of roluof750heo sterilized craped tiltuo eddys saild tiue5 canadas finest cottage wrapped steri lized rolls 3000 thcats full count wisdom in small doses the evil men do is soon forgotten by themselves experience is tho only sure cure tor inexperience many a woman wants wrinkles on how to remove them a mau isnt necessarily well bred becauso he has the dough the average woman is given to small talk in largo quantities instalments nake the months seem shorter and the years seem longer mind your own business unless yon get paid for minding other peoples when a man begins to spout hot air it is time to give him the cold should er the younger generation quickly loses all interest aud gets rid of tho capital as well it is said that time will tell yet somo people aro always asking yon what time it i- the young man who embraces his sweetheart shows his love for her in a roundabout way new york city is the graveyard ot village reputations nicholas mur- taj butler a cultured mind not only appraises judiciously but also delights la things true just lovely and honor able henry sloane coffin v