rrrjfr salada orange pekoe blend gives greatest satisfaction k fjorange j 3 tea fresh from the gardens vanishing men washburnthild dashing sports woolen dress all smart folks are wearing be neath tlifir fur wraps for street by annettes tells of lindys air circus days details of famous fliers career revealed by pal peter dewolfe had gone to london after ths war for a reason typical of him for mo3t americana a single trade cess some dried mummy from the sands of a prehistoric citadel bathed in some magic liquid her limbs ex panded to the lovely contour of girl- success is an inspiration of lift there hood her face warmed with a renewed is a raw meat satisfaction in hewing to the line until some tree falls and also an instinct for playing the latest garne the true sense of play is a a rare blossom to find growing on a family tree rooted as peters was rooted in a bed of money peter took an interest in living the common run of bachelors who aro only three years before colonil provided amply with millions accept its unquestionably chic in horizon tal weave in yellowbeige and brown coloring its a onepiece straightiine type that is severely simple yet so utterly smart lengthened with a flounce in double boxplait effect that curves downward toward the back from high point at centrefront a brown suede belt holds in fulness at normal waistline the notched rever collar and deep turnback flaring cuffs are of plain yellowbeige woolen with machine stitching in two rows of brown around outer edges which gives a nice tailor ed finish brown bone buttons down centre front carry out vertical line and give length to figure style no 193 is designed in sizes 1g 18 20 years sc 38 40 and 42 inches bust in the medium size it requires 3j yards of 39inch material with vi yard of 35inch contrasting flat silk crepe is well liked for sports and is attractive in dahlia- purple shade wool jersey in hunters green mid night blue wool crepe plum shade in selfchecked covert cloth and gypsy red canton crepe smart how to order patterns write your name arfi address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for each number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto lindbergh accomplished his epochal transatlantic fight the worlds pre micr aviator made a precarious liv ing in a financial as well as a pliysl cal sense by barnstorming and putting on oneplane aircircuses in the small towns ot the middle west and southwest intimate memories of those care free and romantic days both tlirilling and humorous are told by randy en- slow now also a famous pilot who was slims closest pal and business partner during that period in the october issue ot popular science monthly from iowa we barnstormed down into missouri and then over into il linois he writes spending most of a year 1924 at it slim was the cleanest fellow i ever knew he didnt drink or smoke or swear he had more nerve in the air and could do more with an old crate than any flier ive seen the greatest exhibition ot nerve in the air i can recall was the time slim came closest to being killed he was testing a new sbip for ben kell in st louis i stood in front of one of the hangars watchin him at 3000 feet he tried to put the plane into a right spin so the torque or twisting force ot the motor would help him get it out he tried three times but couldnt get it to spin so he put it in a left spin and down it came for a thousand feet with the wires screaming so they could be beard a mile away he strug gled to bring the ship out of that spin then he crawled out on the fuselage back of his seat hanging on like a leech ready to jump with his para chute but he didnt jump he pull ed himself back into the cockpit again and came down 1700 feet more try ing to save the ship he was only 300 feet above tile ground when he jumped but ha wasnt hurt a bit lindebergh and i always flew into a town with one of us walking on the wing to attract attention then we would throw out a couple of hundred handbills printed on yellow paper we had worked out the wording to gether it read come out and get acquainted thi3 ship is made of wood and wired together the wings aro not covered with tin it dont back up then we would land in a cow pas lure orbaseball park and invite pas sengers to go up at ave dollars a ride if nobody went up we would fly away later we would come back when the people saw they couldnt keep us unless somebody went up they got airminded and climbed into the cockpit we did everything that would bring in dimes sometimes we would race automobiles at country fairs we got 75 for each race above those little halfmile dirttracta we would have to bank the plane almost straight up and down and buzz around like a fly in a bottle as i remember it we always won but we used to throttle down the motor until the last lap to lvo the spectators a rim for their money on that inst lap we would show the boys what he old ship could do once wo flow into a town with slim on the wing when we landed an old lady came up and asked which one ow you young men was that out on the fender at night we would stake the ship down or tie its tall to a slump and leave it hacked into the wind like a missouri mule one time when we left it tied down like that in a field the alternative of going to hell or going to business dewolfes imagina tion came to his rescue and provided coursing of spirited blood youve seen her exclaimed ben- ham my dear fellow ive ne seen her but i confess that as you talk about her i feel a little as if i had known her long ago benham said perhaps you could lift the cover he stopped suddenly and id like to have you nect mur iel too shes a very decent sort of sister ive a mind to give von a him with a third choico which in his letter to my mother and send vou over i ii n x l i t quiet i ay he seized about the time he left college it was to live for the sake of living dark akin blue eyes thin sensitise lips the appearance of one well bath ed in cold water the flexible lean waist of a good horseman the long musclar fingers of a good tennis play- was irish the hannel to loaf around in flannels at our place in tho country benham told more of the attractive brena her father wa3 a banished greek patriot a fighting professor of chem istry or something and her mother a woman was standing t here and peter believed she had been looking straight i nto his face er who had not lo3t the delicacy of touch which made him something less than a distinguished performer upon a cello these were his outward at tractions eversby benham of the r a f must bear tho blame for the months in which dewolfe found his greit ad venture for it was benham who fust steered the young american acro33 the path of brena selcoss they were talking of women and love what would niakeyou fall in love with a woman asked benham almost anything peter replied but thats not the problem the prob lem is what will prevent a man fall ing out you should try brena selcoss who is she asked peter brena selcoss is a friend of my sister said benham i must say she takes tho breath out of me its that queer combination of beautiful in illinois a tornado came through i fw y vith theflar ofautlie the country and headed right that i r n e way but just before the twister reached the spot it gave a jump and came down several miles beyond the ship wasnt even scratched wrkley5 2 wrigleys jj good company on any trip b its delicious flavor adds rest and enjoyment the sugar sup plies pep and energy when tho day seems long in short its good and good for you chinese proverbs xo needle is sharp at both ends everyone pushes a falling fence a maker of idols i3 never an idol- alei free sitters grumble most at a play he who rides on a tiger can never dismount one dog barks at something the rest bark at him freedom is not obtained by running away from it patient waiting may solvo a prob lem when feverish activity falls i guile and conspiracy of the ages shes a saint cecelia or a lucrezia borgia but thats not botheripg my mother what bothers her funny thing wo dont know who she is from texas i believe with some money but why does a girl from the united states come down to beeoiuhire heath and buy a curates cottage next to our place and read lying flat on the grass and see nobody and evade all questions and the look in hor eyes i didnt see it at fir3t because i was in a funk at tho eyes themselves what look asked dewolfe fear said benham and be sides there is something about her that tells a person that she is waiting marking timo treading water star ing out over life ju3t like a watcher on tho shore stares out across the tho ordinary girl has a brena italian bachelors are protesting against regulations imposed on them empty sea by mussolini but to the married man personality of a pink color a mussolini more or less makes little i selcoss is the color of firelight on the difference walls of an old temple j you might go on to say that she check falling hair with minards gives the impression of an irca prin- give me a letter to your family said peter finally im off for lon don tomorrow muriel benham was savagely a wo man site conceived woman a3 a spe- cios as distinct from males as flora is distinct from fauna and being a woman meant that her brown hair must be made attractive for the game which she executed with a good deal of dash in a costume de signed to keep freckles off a milk white skin the same thought made her appear before peter in the hedge- walled garden before breakfast clad in a part wispy and part fluffy gown with a basket of roses hung on one elbow you do all things so well said peter with a great delight filling his being there is a thoroughness in your method which positively upsets me i looked at tho library in your study and as far as i can see you have spent your twenty years collect ing among others books on how to do t ings how to ride a horse how to play golf how to knit how to cast a fly how to speak italian how to grow roses and who knows what clse the engish girl was sincerely grate ful to peter she said but i think it is all as nothing compared to the skill of being a woman a fit woman a woman whose one aim is to be a woman you have attained it said peter the girl tossed a ball up and caught it in her white skirt spread from knee to knee as she sat crosslegged upon the edge of the benhams lawn peter i saw you before breakfast she said from mjrwidnow you saw me he said why didnt you call to me and say one of j your cheery good morning sh- leaned close becau30 i was waiting to see what you were doing what was i doing said peter tho telescope fathers telescope ho was thinking that one could not issue no 8 30 and enlarged edition brocks book on birds send for tour copy today toii wonderful book oa bird b new and revbed edition rtplete with 3 of valuable iaforaution oa the eire and ecduyt o case birdb incvjji 40 paea ol practical advice oa the treatment of bird deasei tay rtftihr ptke b 15c bat to tho answering thfc advertleaeat aa1 ecuij 10c we will teed a copy of brocki 8lt oa bird and a genetm saapfe of brocks bird seed a correctly balanced diet prepared from th finest seeds selected from all parti of the world together with a real treat for your bird a sample of brock bird treat a toatc that brihteni the plitnaje and strengthens the sonj mail th coua and only 10c for book aid saatple brock bird seed g mail this coupon mbsb nicholson brock ltd 125 george st toronto 2 dear sin encloied peue finl 10 cenu for brocks boole on birdi a sample ot brock a bird seed aid broclj bird treat n adver tised aime address very well tell hosts like muriel and her mother who had treated him as if he were the vtier of the estate that ho had come to beconshire not to see them ii was thinking that if they had not chosen to mention an acquain tance other than the rather stiff and dull and correct persons who had come to tea almost every afternoon and to dinners he cotdd not very well men tion this acquaintance furthermore he had begun to feel that muriel in sonw strange manner of her own had created an atmosphere of a proprietress you were standing there under that beech tree muriel went on i thought what did you think that you were looking through the glass across the fields toward the place under the big trees the place we call the curates because one used to live- there peter might have spoken then to ask who now occupied the little gabled house but his characteristic pervers ity added at this moment to his dis inclination to disclose one of his rea sons for idling under the benhams roof prevented him from speaking after a long pause he said i was looking around the country i do not believe you the girl said jumping up with startling suddenness where are you going he asked into the house i have a head ache but at the vinecovered portico she turned arid making a pretty picture with her high color and her lean young body called out do you want a walk this afternoon to besman wood muriel began that afternoon walk with great gayety of spirits she sang an old hunting song of quaint and en gaging melody lets learn the song together she said to peter look over there on the edgeof the horizon that square tower thats saint dunstans the very tower in which the fox sought sanctuary in the 3ong the old song written six hundred years ago they say peter with his usual adaptability acquired both words and- music he sang he danced upon the rolling green plain and at last seizing muriels waist around the belt of her sporting coat he swung her almost off her feet and together they whirled merrily two tiny tops spinning upon the vast ex panse when they stopped the girl almost dizzy and breathless clung for a mo ment to his coat and looked up into peters eyes he could feel her warm breath upon his chin peter was not lacking in perception he knew at once that his visit at the benhams must come to an end peter as he chatted with mrs ben ham that night at dinner faced the long french windows of the dining- room just outside was the blue stone driveway of the house and the path to the side door upon this path peter thought he had seen a flash of white a mere flick of movement out of the corner of his eye as he put down his gilt coffee cup what did you see asked muriel suddenly i why i thought i saw a white spot in the dark out there like a per sons face muriel stiffened i dont know who it could bo she said lucy turn on the light outside the north door the electric lamp above the outer tioor threw down its iight like an- over turned bucket of yellow liquid a wo man was standing there and peter believed that a she had stood in the dark unseen she had been looking straight into his face she wore no hat and her hair piled up in immense snakelike coils was the color of certain frostturned leaves of autumn which are neither red nor gold but both colors at once to be continued how to reduce nowadays people take aspirin for many little aches and pains and an often as they encounter any pain why not it is a proven anti dote for pain it works and aspirin tablets are abso lutely harmless you have tho medical professions word for that they do not depress the heart so dont let a cold mo its course dont wait for a head ache to wear off or regard neuralgia neuritis or even rheum atism as something you must en dure only a physician can cope with the cause ot such pain but you can always turn to an apwa tablet for relief aspirin is always available and it never fails to help familiariie yourself with its many uses and avoid a lot of needless suffering spiri tradi mark f to get rid of fat adopt a proper diet prescribed by a competent physi cian and under his supervision this is the simple method announced by the national better business bur eau after consultation with a number of obesity specialists below are the answers to the bureaus questions substantially as quoted from the long island medical journal in medi cal insurance reno nev we read treatment for obesity can not be- scientifically and safely prcscried without a personal examination of tho patient by a competent physician it is essential that the cause of the ex cess deposit of fat be determined in order that suitable treatment may be prescribed there are two distinct groups ot overweight persons first there are those who eat more food than they need and who are not sufficiently active to use up this sur plus fat through exercise this group constitutes the greater number of overweight persons the safe and sane method of control under such con ditions consists of diet and exercise the second group is composed of those suffering from glandular obesity each case requires individual study and intelligent diagnosis and treat ment reducing remedies may be ad ministered by physicians but only after careful diagnosi- and under per sonal observation and supervision it is true we are assured that per sons who are definitely overeating could with a reasonable degree of safe ty reduce their own diet without sup ervision however it is desirable for any re duction in diet to be made rationally in order to insure proper balance a dietitian can advise a diet that will be low in fatmaking material or a dieti tian can arrange a combination of foods which will bo nutritious and not have tendencies toward the deposit of excess fat but only a competent physi cian can determine what is technically wrong with the human anatomy as re- ards this disturbed functionig ad de posing of excess fat or its safe reduc tion obesity can be neither safely nor scientifically treated except under tho supervision of a person with an inti mate knowledge of the human body and its processes that is a physician under any reducing regime secondary disease conditions may arise which if unrecognized may lead to permanent disability or even death periodical examinations by a physi- i cian are recommended because it is desirable that the patients condition be carefully watched some treatments for obesity carry with them a definite risk to the heart and kidneys and these organs need careful watching we arc advised that numbers of obese persons have diabetes often unsuspected by tmiem it is also possible for the beginning of tuberculosis of the lungs to exist in a fat person and to be tggravated by reducing treatment the diet also must provide certain essential mater ials during the period of reducing and the medical exrminer must knew whe ther the health is endangered by lack of these and general undernutrition the treatment is primarily depend ent upon diet and exercise most cases of obesity arise from the eating cf more food than is actually consumed the surplus being stored as fat the removal of this surplus can be accom plished only by reducing the intake or increasing the consumption these measures are synonymous with diet and exercise each case of obesity is a law unto itself the amount of exercise and the amount of diet can be scientifically de termined only on the basis of an inti mate and expert knowledge of the in dividual under treatment medical experts state that soaps creams bath salts and other external applications can have no possible influ ence in permanently reducing obesity there is nothing that put in the bath water will reduce weight hot baths in themselves have some weightreducing power because they speed up metabolism and sweat out water from the body but this weight is quickly replaced unlcssuhc diet is reduced rubbing and massaging will reduce weight to a limited degree but any creams or pastos used in this treatment serve only as lubricants the use of laxatives as a treatment for obesity is considered unscientific laxatives may create an apparent re duction of weight to such an extent 13 they hurry the food through the intes tinal jract before it can be properly assimilated instead of overstimylating the in testinal tract unnaturally for the pur pose of hurrying food through before it can be wholly utilized it is obviously more rational to eat less and digest that which is eaten the use of desiccated thyroid as a home treatment r obesity is fraught with danger so powerful n substance as thyroid has no place in the legiti mate field of home remedies medical experts state that the thyroid prepara tions are a valuable adjunct to the treatment of obesity where tie patient is suffering from thyroid deficiency but they would use it only after care- ful diagnosis and under personal sup ervision the majority of fat people do not suffer from an underaetfvo thyroid gland and the indiscriminate sale ot remedies containing this product for selfmedication is contrary to the pub lic interest the biswr the bank roll the tkh ter the rubber band