3 4 the quality of salada is the only premium offered sfcsbsstt aid fresh sarom tlse gardens flares from low hipline and dips side british navy sets example in respect expr s new elegance for tea ami bridge by annette clothes seem to be growing more and more luxurious every day at all fashionable gatherings the general atmosphere denotes charming feminin ity which is really quite a treat in flattering new silhouettes which rather follow the line of the figure as in slyle no 161 it is modified princess type that is equally suited for miss or matron and is designed in sizes 16 18 20 years 36 38 40 and 42 inches bust the front ir- panel effect gives tho figure the smart vertical line and slimness so essential to smartness this season the circular kirt at cither side and it the back is shaped snugly through the hips with rippling fulness at hem which dips its sides too bolice is beautifully moulded in princess lines a softly flaring col lar of vionnet neckline detracts from the breadth and makes this delightful princess dross suited to larger women flaring cuffs of sleeves are ultra- new and flatteringly feminine sill crepe chiffon erepo marocain fishnet crepe satin and wool crepe smartly appropriate how to order patterns write your name and address plain ly giving number and size of such patterns as you want enclose 20c in stamps or coin coin preferred wrap it carefully for eaoh number and address your order to wilson pattern service 73 west adelaide st toronto persistence even when work is all planned out however failure sometimes follows through lack of persistence it lias been said that persistence is the ko to existence success invariably re wards the good tight knowing what to do or how to do it wont bring re sults the nail is useless without the hammer courage is the complement of knowledge chsck falling hair with mlnards young naval officer never straits off java and is reduced from r l i cl d i first mate to passenger drake frees hails to bhow kespect ship the accide was due to to older men jakes carelessness and now jake comes before the new captain to face some time ago i heard an elderly mu man rebuke a youngster in a club jjqw go on with the story with the remark when i was begin here today by a ship master is a brief passage drake formerly a sailor with the least possible de- grw ioft aud flabby through a life lay captain alden talbot drake pro of ide ease hips aboard the clipper nounced jake and mary man and wife orontes as boy under command of he kissed the bride warmly and jake stevens whoso enmity he quickly laughed at her blushes he sat her incurs because of a mutual love for a the right hand of trie table head mary manning a passenger daughter chair then slwd aside with thal sun of the owner at cape own stevens vouthui whimsical smile that na- is superseded as captain by drake i t whose lawyers have seen to the pujturaly belonged to hm jake steven chaso of tho orontes during her cruise stood by smiling but as if not sure stevens runs the ship aground in the j that he was invited drake laid a hand on the back of the head chair captain stevens wont you be seated he said mr steven drake began i dont want to dig up a lot of old respect to ones elders to which the troubles i think the quickest way is hhv vanmnil flit won rir inv rnte young man it was customary ty pay boy replied oh well at any rate then weve got one good thing out of the war i admit i had to laugh but my sympathies are entirely with the eld- erlv man nothing will convince me the best i want to say first to you and mary that i have held an inquiry into the stranding of tho orontes and have found myself guilty youve what gasped jake mary that one ot the elemental signs or presses arm warningly breeding is not deference ot youth to drake continued i have decided age and that is why the duces its finished article ma- vy iro- in the oh do you mean is jake to what do you mean stammered mary her face alight with something which convinced alden drake forever of the unfathomable happiness to be got out of a decent deed well done if captain stevens will take his seat and let us begin on the wedding supper perhaps you will not embar rass me with so many questions sit down twining i want you to relieve adams before all the color has gone out of mrs stevens face and twiniig relieved young adams n the new pound package that whatever ill has happened to the w was nob in the secret were course of a ion very few naval snobs though i nilral was one of the worst of the i ouu 5 life i have known officers admit o ship or her people has been directly due to my pursuit of a fad as i sec it now it meant only sport to me but mister ajams captain and mrs stevens desire your company for the balance of the supper said drake who uu certain ad- j something very much more serious to with a twinkle many meals had been eaten in that saoon drake had seen tvpe i have ever met and never i jak he t- feel have i own a case ot a young naval marys hand trembling on his arm officer tailing to show respect to a j forward a concertina stopped playing and bill gadgett bawled so that all older man other professions do not carry out n the traditions o respect to age to the i j up extent as the navy neither thecaptn and la i passengers public school and university lubbors health to same does training produce the same result i have in my mind three rich boys all great friends public school ooys and all of whom have just left oxford two are all they should be the third is frankly a young hog and i do not altogether blame the war for this lack of respect to older men i attribute it to the slackness and slovenliness that are a part o so many youths ot the present day possibly in my fathers day discipline was carried too far for instance if a young man seated was accosted in a club by an older man the former would as a matter of course rise from his chair but we have gone to the other ex treme aud there is much discourtesy shown today by boys to men old en ough to be their fathers i was re cently addressed by a boy who had just left his public school by ray sur name pure and simple jio prefix at all such a state of things would have been impossible fiveandtwenty years ago let us be thankful that even today it is an impossible happening in one body of men i mean the navy there was silence then three awk ward embarrassed cheers the con- young mr adams eat a few but he never saw him east so little or look about him so ruddy as now jake seemed to bs still a little uncertain drake ivint ff on dck leaving the bridal pair to recover their balance jake stocns had always been a good saiornan he stayed hut briefly at the inble after drake left his ship certina started up again and a song wa5 j suda straits near her port it captain drake pronounced jake and mary man and wife christies graham wafers in the new one pound package are famous for their crisp freshness delicious nourishing good for everybody also sold in bulk christies biscuits 9he xftanclarclrfualiufnal53 v goalgetter used to be a herds man now hes a speed cop friend if you spend so much time at golf you wont have anything laid aside for a rainy day gold fiend wont i my desk is loaded up with work that ive put asido for a rainy day was volleyed forth with all the steam of rumtickled throats drake paused while the cheers went up then went on so to get tho gist of this business mr stevens i did no enter the stranding in the log i am owner as well as master and i shall not enter it unless my officers insist do you mean you wont jake stammered drake cut in let me finish please there is an other matter a word will dismiss it mary is your woman stevens she always was i did you a wrong there but if you had heard what she told mo a while ago you would feel that i had been properly punished oh said mary the darkness was kind to her now i shant reinstate you a3 mate mister stvens jakes figure stiffen- was night a ship masters place was on deck drake stood at the rail smoking his comfortable old pipe the singsong was progressing gloriously stevens and mary came up slowly in the dim companionway jake tenderly wrapped a shawl around marys shoul ders she gazed up at him shyly the sweet fragrance of her enveloped him thero was no reason for restraint he gathered her to him and crushd her hungrily in his arms drake moved a bit farther forward for a moment tho smoke puffed from his pipe perkily somewhere in the darkness forward a sailor began to sing maimuna stevens came out of the companion- way and placed mary noar drake at the rail she held hi3 arm jake gent ly removed her hand i must look after my ship lass to live in the presence o great truths and oterual laws to bo led by permanent ideals that is what keeps a man patient when the world ignores i htm and calm and unspoiled when tho world praises him ed here at last was the meat all j said and walked away aft drake the rest had been vapor words be- chuckled she turned quickly then cause it is not permissible for a sailing too laughed a silvery happy ship mate to have his wife aboard laugh oh said mary a ship masters loss is a passen- so you will remain a passenger gers gain mrs stevens drake said said drake and the kindly darkness drawing her nearer to him cloaked his broad grin a little longer j youre not to call me that she you see if i were to put you back in sa command of the ship you couldnt i very well mary drake was still perform your own marriage ceremony i somc tl picce of coulu you so if you wi ill both come humor t to iven out sod into the saloon with me 1 11 call mister he am t his hcad kwn lt twining as a witness and make of hcr eflr ho j tmj bri two splendid human beings the perfect wouu looking hc could not rosist i placing one little tax upon jakes corn- must a minute captain drake x i r i i iposuie said jake stevens just a bit more i chokily are you having some morel r s m fun with me or- i hsperod jiump like that im having fun certainly i hope v i ally ought to have you will see the fun of it too stevens l both nt tabl0 j sell yours in the highest market deal with an old reliable busi ness house with a reputation of more than sixtyfive years for square dealing best prices paid prompt payments cases returned quickly cases sup plied 60c each complete deliv- ered payment in advance reference your own banker write for weekly quotations im whyte packing go- limited established over 65 years 7ss0 front street east toronto 2 we art paying for eggs for tiie week ending february 3th extras 45c doz fir8t8 42e doz pullet extras 35c doz second cracks 30c doz come along they entered tho saloon mary big blue eyes opened like sea pansie know i never do the expected thing i think a bride ought to have some sec rets dont you of course you do iko had dressd erb in a white jacket ls lm s t0 gvo you a they both stood at attention beside a wedding present as soon as we get table laid out as if for a feast to shore i shall make over to you a one- royalty twining stood outside hls h u rt cabin door grinning as if he knew 0h jp m alden something about it there was a bou- p hls h quot cf flowers besido one plate mary stared hard beforo she recognized that bouquet 3 belonging to some of her kissed him on tho lips right in full view of puzzled and startled hubby and drake laughed there hats but she smiled at tho jokej bs ihf sh drake was grinning with a prayer h mary ar majbc for book in his hand and she could afford i jvi l to smile eut jtar ha1 ieft him carcc come children the skipper grin- j for captains orders captain ncd tho feast awaits let us tuck7 was overwhelmed by a this lonj splice i never expected to blushing moisteyed bride who simply be at your wedding jake now look mut wab out hcr 3ccret tho m at me j the marriage service a3 performed issue no 7 30 the shipping in the straits come crash ing aboard the end enjoying life some people take to it like a duck takes to water others well after all theres no secret about it yet most of us have been trying to solve the riddle since we begau to think one of the oddest things about u3 i3 that we seem uuable to do things simply we must make them complex if we think a task is too easy well were not interested in it in a way this is a good sign but if we could hold to the character which makes u3 feel this way and still accept and ap ply to our life the simplier aspects ot it we should come a little nearer to the perfect condition seeing that we dont do this we must face the facts aud deal with them as best we can the only way to enjoy life is many people say to take it as it comes in a sense that is perhaps the best way for some anyhow ics the easiest but is it the best way taking it as it come3 is accepting whatever it brings without a protest in other words giving in certainly what life brings us can be accepted philosophically but that i3 no reason why we should not mould its experiences for our development not kicking at life but just meeting it honestly and fairly extracting the honey from it utilizing even the dis appointments in such a manner as to turn them towards our own happiness lite is full ot compensations it we only see them big business young duke of norfolk forms company to administer estates london the duke of norfolk premier member the british peer age who came of aga ia3t may ha3 followed the example recently given by so many heads of britain s ancient landed families he has formed a limited company for the administra tion of his estates the nominal capital is 250000 aud he is perman ent governing director and chairmau the estates are estimated to be worth millions of pounds though parts have been sold since the form er duke died norfolk house the dukes london residence which serv ed as a club for canadian women dur iug war work in london was sold last year arundel castle llie great re sidence in sussex still possessing much of its ancient feudal appear anee has been rented more than once by prominent visitors from the united states from this castle the duke take3 the oldest of his numerous titlesearl of arundel 1109 tle duchy of norfolk was not created until 14s2 the pres ent duke who owns about 49500 acres succeeded the fifteenth duke in 1917 when he was nine years of age between that time and his coming of age last year the estates were admin istered by hi3 uncle viscount fit- zalan a fountain of good within is the formula of good and it will ever bubblo up if thou wilt ever dig marcus aurelius lady waiting to use phone say youve been in that booth twenty minutes and havent said a word ho wait just a little while longer im talking to my wife the tho calm tempest makes returning cam more dear i darkest midnight makes the brightest star bonar manitoba premier may soon retire interest is shown in west as to politicial future of central province winnipeg premier bracken de spite many denials is to retire aa soon as a satisfactory successor can bo found for him b a mcpherson liberal mp tor portage la prairie the man who de feated arthur meighen in his own home town and virtually drove the former conserratlve leader from pub lic hte is said to have first refusal if mr mcpherson takes the premier ship he will have tfce active support of hon t a crerar senior liberal chieftain ot manitoba and that meaua that the farmers party will swing once again behind the liberal stand ards both fedorally and provincially the stumbling block is mr bracken indeed liberals in the legislature do not wish to have anything to do with mr bracken if report be true they have made up their minds that ther cannot cooperate with the premier it is understood that mr bracken himself favors the appointment ot mr mcpherson as leader of the- com bined forces just as soon as he is ready to resign just when mr bracken will resign is not of course known it is known however that the manitoba premier will not be forced to tho country just at present due to the fact that the forces behind him and the amalgamation with the lib erals do not permit ot an t lection the government may decide to car ry on one session without going to the country since the legislature has at least another session to go before the end of its legal life another possibility for the position i3 hon r a hoey minister of edu cation it ha3 been hoped that mr brack ens studies of the british old age pensions system would have resulted in such a report a3 would have made it possible for him to be appointed chairman of a federal pensions and unemployment board however his findings as a result of his studies in the old land are not regarded as satisfactory and hl3 chances of getting that chairmanship have vanished it is said other positions have been suggest ed for mr bracken he would make an excellent manitoba high commis sioner in london since his brilliant mind and vast knowledge of the prairies would be invaluable in build ing up its place in the empire es pecially now that manitoba i3 to have its resources back but the province is disposed to go slowly until it sees just what it is go ing to cost to administer its resources ultimately such a commissioner will certainly be appointed then it has been suggested that ua might be found a position in the fed eral agricultural department he has long stood in a preeminent position as a farm expert if theres anything i dont under stand it isnt worth understanding george bernard shaw minards is best for grippe oss paint fake promotions exceed billion the selling of stocks which if not absolutely worthless are of a highly speculative nature has become one of the biggest businesses in america investigators estimate that in an av erage year one billion dollars near ly onefourth of the money invested in new security isuses goes down the financial sewer the proportional magnitude of this waste is indicated by the fact that tho fact that the nations annual invest ment in now building construction ap proximates only three billion dollars nd that the annual bill for automo- me is around two and a quarter bil lions the money thus wasted in a siuglo year would buy two million automo biles and would duplicate every public improvement in the shape of schools hospitals sewers paving and water supply made within the same period by american cities ot more than 30- 000 inhabitants and this waste is altogether inex cusable tor there is not a man or wo man in the land who is denied the ex pense or inconvenience the authorita- opporlunlty to obtain without ex tensive information and sound counsel that make sato investiment possible it is now some years since the bet ter business commissions of the coun try adopted as tholr slogan the phrase beforo you invest investigate but the public it seeni3 has not yet learn ed tho lesson some folks take pain for granted they let a cold run its course they wait for their headaches to wear off3 if suffering from neuralgia or from neuritis they rely on feeling better in the morning meantime they suffer unnecessary pain unnecessary because there is an antidote aspirin tablets always offer immediate relfet from various aches and pains we oaee had to endure if pain persists consult your doctor as to its cause save yourself a lot of pain and discomfort through the many proven uses ot aspirin aspirin is safe always the same all droj- btorea with complete directions spirin trade mark reo good turns most pooplo enjoy doing a good turn but they resent being asked to repeat it when their beneficiary appeals to them again they become angry they feel they are being imposed and traded upon they grow irritated at the thought of an everlengthening chain ot sbligation thoy have yet to learn other that is not a reason for with holding tho helping hand but it is a good reason for making sure that it is proffered from a genuine kindness of heart aud not from vanity or to gratify a passing whim small boy mister you soli auto mobiles dont you accessory deal er ies my boy small boy dis playing old inner tuho and an auto horn well how much would the rest ot cm come to jgh v