Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), February 13, 1930, p. 2

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permits likely i provinces confer for wine purchase on stock selling high alcoholic content in vestigated in study of wine industry confer with board tho installation of a permit system for the sale of ontariomado wires and definite readjustment of the liquor control act as it affects the wine in dustry are embodied it is understood in the bill to amend the liquor con trol act which will be brought down in the legislature by hon w h representatives of attorneys- general met here all the provinces in canada with the exception of prince edward island and possibly new brunswick will be represented at the stock broerage confererce which started monday at queens park toronto attorneygeneral w ii price stated that princo edward island not being directly concerned in the stock broker age situation would not havo a repre sentative present but had asked to havo records of the conference sent to its department representation from canada looses eminent citizen price during tho present cession t for the past few months a study of new brunswick is doubtful col price said the recent developments in the brokerage business had not affected lt province to any great extent it was explained it ia quite likely that the conference will last several days wing to the vast smounl f detail to be sifted and djbottie k ykhlt- the nine industry in the province has been the task of the liquor control board invetigativa into the without permit aai or flvesaloii ij ji d in the liiclsioii il ii permit plan it is ii at tho present time wim lfc throughout the province without a permit without a license and without tax some of the products of the wine manufacturers carry ai alcohol content of 24 to 30 proof spirits for the benefit of tho industry manufacturers were allowed to sell in quantities not less than three bottles or one fivegallon keg to ono customer at one time this it was felt was a reasonable amount and obviated the possible evil of ore bottle being pur chased for purposes of immediate con sumption in a place other than a home the result has been it is said that purchasers are ablo to buy the stipu lated amount as many times as they cave to visit the branches of the wine growers bootlegging in wine has been possible under the easy condi tions of purchase despite the fact that the wine growers obey tho section of the act that provides- that they obtain the purchasers name and address following a survey of the present conditions it is stated a deputation of wine manufacturers attended upon the control board when the proposals to inaugurate a permit system were discussed the wine manufacturers approved of the proposals it is said although a further meeting of a more representative number of the pro ducers has been called for the immedi ate future permits will be issued according to tho statements at a nominal fee and will be similar to those issued at pre- ent for beer wines and liquor sold by the commission stores these permits will be issued through the liquor con trol boards stores it is understood but will be applicable only to the pur chase of ontariomade wines pur chase entries will be made on the per mit and thus a record of the holders buying will be available to the seller producers have further been order ed to restrict the alcohol content of their wines it is stated on threat of the board requesing tho legislature to enact amendments to prohibit wines above a certain low content some manufacturers according to rumor have been spiking their products to raise the content to what is stated to be an exceedingly intoxicating bever age not serious c discussed col price was lok to my what phase of the situa tion would be first discusused it was a matter lor the conference to decide ho said ontario will be represented at tho conference by col price attorney- general edward bayly kc- deputy attorneygeneral col w w denni- son registrar of brokeis arthur w rogers member of the attorneygen erals dcparament and messrs clark- son edwards and johnson who are in vestigating stock brokerage methods and conditions at the behest of the on tario government representatives from the other pro vinces will be as follows british col umbia h g garratt registrar of companies and superintendent of in surance alberta deputy attorney- general henwood and j frawey member of the attorncygere tils de partment saskatchewan r w shan non kc provincial legislative coun sel manitoba w r cottingham kc chairman of tho municipal and public utility board quebec charles lane- tot kc deputy attorneygeneral and m r amyot kc member of the attorneygenerals department the conference will be held in the library at queens park and is sche duled to start at 11 am up to a late hour sunday night nine of tho dele gates had arrivedin the city but they were expected to reach toronto at- an erry hour monday morning radio anomaly radio exchange between us and australia shows both can be right and wrong at once schenectady ny how two per sons can be both right and wrong ft the same timo in a friendly dispute was demonstrated in an experimental radio test here a few days ago good morning said c d wagon er speaking over one of the general eleetires short wave stations good evening was the response from the other end thats strange said wagoner its only a little after 7 oclock in the morning and i just got out of bed thate funny was the answer it s past 9 oclock at night and i am just preparing to go to bed what kind of weather are you iiav- london lays disorder in ini 7 below i r i i- i freezing here and the ground is cover- dia to youths and rubh- i c wi no city hunters the reply came back with a chuckle londongreat britains side oi i in kss than an eighth of a second the present disturbed political fcltna- tion in indie was given recently by an official of the india office in sub- slnnce the pronouncement was 1 tho recent political disorders have been exaggerated and do not re present the view of indians generally 2 there is little reason to worry over the situation the statement made to tho united i press at its request follows most of india took no notice of the lecent independence day celebra tions the demonstrations were small ones conducted by persons anxious for publicity especially college youths who aro still schoolboys the india office is not interested greatly in a few sensational and over written uprisings but is centering its attention on the simon report the viceroy of india and th gov- trnment are interested in the opini ons of indias intelligentsia how ever the problems of national de- em- n less its warm and sultry here the peraturo is above so how botii happened to bo correct was that wagoners conversation was with a f farmer at sydney aus tralia a distance of approximately 10000 miles from here tense sound economics and a fair set tlement of the hindu and mohammed an questions are tho real lsne lynx is caught in novel manner ymir bc thirty dollars was the price paid to a local trapper for the pelt of a lynx in primo condition jrhlch ho secured under most unusual circumstance small boys and grown up men who used to bo small boys will understand ixactly what happened they recall when they touched their tongue to iron when the mercury was below tero parliament hears of flogging case suicide of prisoner to escape lash may start official probe london the suicide of jrmcp spiers at wandworth prison who died rather than submit to a flogging with cat onlno tails to which ho was sentenced by a london magle- trate was brought to the official at tention of parliament following scathing articles among them ono by george bernard shaw criticizing tho barbarism of flogging home secretary j it clynes told the house h would consider the appoint ment of n special committee to study the question and the effect of corpor al punishment upon prisoners clyncs statement was made in re sponse to a question 10000000 increase noted in canadian income taxes ottawa incomo tax collections for ten months of tho present fiscal year to tho nd of january was 167167380 t compared with j5729637 for the corresponding period in tho fiscal oar 192829 the ffsures were an- nonnocdby hon w d eiler minister tho lynx had stepped on open water of internal revenue while crossing a river when one of his wet paws touched tho steel rails cf the cplt it adhered the trapper stunned the animal its body fell to ore side the kln of his paw was i it vili ring to the rail canadian high commissioner dies in london hon p c larkin canadas high commissioner in london england who died there eariy monday last following a weeks illness mr larkin who was 73 years of age has been high commissioner since 1922 the markets widening markets talk of calamity only propaganda produce quotations canada to send exhibits to wl d i wii i ii t toi vl s br bu fair in buenos ayres wheat pools will eventually ng produce at the following prices j u tfl q eggs ungraded cases returned montreal cauada with all the na de jusunea oioneman fresh extrasf 45 to 46c fresh firsts tural beauty of its lakes rivers flolda says 42 to 43c teconds 34 to 35c pullet and forests will be carried in pictorial ottawa the talk of calamity in ex 38 39c to to buenos ayres for the british connection with the wheat situation is to 7 msf emplro traae kllr in discussing in my opinion nothing but propag- chn to 40c- ma coalias the middle of anda said john a stoneman do- 1 37to 8kat 31 to 36c february to april 1931 major e l minion railway commissioner in anj cheese no 1 large colorvd paraf- mccoll explained additional aspects interview i see nothing in the fined and government graded 20 c ot tn coming attraction present situation to give the last bit provision prices ma mccoll who is canadian of worry toronto wholisa frrs are quof- i commissioner in argentina mr stoneman who previous to be- ins the following prices to the trade c paraguay and uruguay passed coming a member of tie railway i smoked meats hams med 28 to a fow da ln montreal before con- board was intimately associated with 35c cooked loins 48 o 52c smoked tiuuing his departmental trip through the growth of the western pools be- rolls 28c breakfast bacon 20 to 37c canada llcvcs tho banks would be willing to j backs peamealed 3g to 40c do tho universities of canada wiil go even further in support of tho c6n- 45 to 53c tral selling agency i think the statements mad y to 110 ds jle rfeavyweigit rolls 1 lightweight rolls 25c laidpurs- tieres lalic reirhturi the provinces vero said the saymiiits sy i- scol on the 1929 crop asuiunt to si tsi leaves a reijuiiab hevav consider- have combined displays at the fair as cured meats long clear bacon 50 it c od o m f to 70 lbs 2-ic- 70 to so ibs 22c- 90 jla jiuou 1 c that much benefit will bo derived by inducing students of latinamerican countries to ciir piste a college course ciuwiy before sailing for major mccoll hopes to in- bs 2lj iiis 17c fiints uz to lsit m la sorteninjr tierce loe tubs entrant u ing tiu- present market yrice tos jilic yailf 11 reret a uuwbsr of canadian corn- banks have only asked 13 cents and i pork loins 32c shoalcers 2c pahies with connections throughout am inclined to think they would be tts 27c haras 20c j america in a plan for ander- hay and straw prices i writing scholarships for students of wholesale dealers in hry and straw such countries the institute of canadian architects and tho arts and handicrafts guild also propose to establish and exhibit in buenos ayres in 1931 the sub ject of public health also will be given particular treatment more es pecially in connection with university training as mcgill and toronto uni versities are preeminent in co operating with provincial and munici pal health authorities thereby provld- wllling to give greater support than they have i do not think there is any or- are quoting to shippers tho following ganization so well informed in the prices for carloads delivered oi track handling of grain as the central sell- to ing agency he continued the k m english buyers will of course buy baled ton 1050 to 111 oat straw cheaply as possible and will hold outi toni 10 to jioso no 1 tim- as long as they can eventualy how- othy loose is quoted at 20 per ton ever i feel sure the pool will be justi- delivered fled mr stoneman discounted state ments against the pool to the effect it was trying to obtain an unfair price for wheat they are only seeking a return he contended sufficient to cover the cost of production and give the farmer a reasonable standard o living divorces grow woman secures records show air pilots license ottawa the bureau of statistics published recently statistics which show steady increase in divorce in 1929 sic were granted in canada compared with 7s5 in 192s this makes a record the number of divorces granted during 192s by provinces was 222 in british columbia 20s in ontario 147 in alberta s9 in manitoba 69 in saskatchewan 30 in nova scotia 30 in quebec 21 in new brunswick and none in prince edward island where indeed only one divorce has been granted since confederation the largest increases in divorces granted during the year were in brit ish columbia and saskatchewan in which provinces the 1929 figures show d increases to 19 and 14 re spectively manitoba with 10 new brunswick with seven and quebec with five also showed increases alberta and ontario showed de- crascs of 21 and five respectively beauty is a gift of the gods hut charm is a human accomplishment mcrceiine dairoy noted australian aviatrix qualifies for canadian flying ottawa mrs keith miller noted australian aviatrix recently obtained a commercial pilots license from the civil aviation branch of the depart ment of national defence mrs miller who was one of the leading woman flyers in the last na tional air tour has accepted a sales position with a wellknown united states aircraft firm on her return to tho united states she will be ablo to obtain her transport license through a reciprocal arrangement be tween the two countries which allows those holding commercial pilots li censes in one country to pass an ex amination in air regulation in the other and then obtain a commercial license in that country talents men are made up of professions gifts and talents and also of them selves dr mozley arrest nine men in rubia shooting president says wound in jaw healing rapidly mexico city nine persons includ ing daniel flores and two brothers are under arrest in connection with the attempted assassination of presi dent ortiz rubio wednesday earlier reports were that neariy a score were held and it is not known whether some were released when found not implicated flores who fired the shots that wounded ortiz rubio and grazed his wife and niece is in prison here while his brothers are held in san luis potosi police say that flores remains some what of an enigma little informa tion can be obtained from him except that he insists he acted independently in the shooting agents now are at charcas his home endeavoring to learn his affiliations a public statement from senor or tiz rubio said he hoped to take up his duties soon talking through general augustin mora the president said the wound in his jaw was healing he- asked newspapermen to express his deep appreciation for the sympathy shown him from all over the world vanity is the most philosophical of those feelings we are taught to despise oliver wendell holmes ontarios parliament open for another session the canadian chamber of com merce major mccoll said is organiz ing a party to visit argentina on tho occasion of the british emplro trade fair which should do much to enligh ten peoples of both countries on con ditions and customs in north and south america all exhibits for the fair will be shipped to buenos ayres in the last canadian national steamer sailing from montreal next season probably on november 25 clover seed prices for clean eed from a good seed cleaning mill the following range of prices fob shipping points in ontario tc scopo for student training is being offered to growers by scalers rl clover suitable for canadian no 1 per bus s8 do no 2 57 alsike no 1 exports 9798 per cent purity 575 no 2 export 95- 9g per cent purity 5 no 3 export 9294 per cent purity 420 no 4 export 9091 per cent purity 5360 alsike white mixtures 180 sweet clover can grado no- 1 5230 do no 2 s150 live stock quotations heavy beef steers ss50 to s975 butcher steers choice 5925 to 5950 do fair to good 5875 to 9 do com 5750 to 5850 butcher cows good to choice 5725 to 5750 heifers choice 5925 to 5950 doeom to med 5550 to s050 do canners and cutters 5350 to 55 butcher bulls good to choice 725 to 58 do med 5650 to 5 1 do bolognas 50 to 5050 baby beef s9 to 51250 feeders good 5825 to 5875 stockers good 5825 to 5850 do fair 5750 to 58 calves good 15 to 51560 do med 1050 to 51450 do grassers 6 to 5750 springers 100 to 5115 milkers 575 to 90 lambs choice 51250 to 513 do bucks 59 to 510 sheep choice 57 to 750 hogs bacon woc 1350 cio selects 1 per hog premium do butchers 75c per hog discount do fob price 125 cwt under woc do trucked in 50c cwt under woc lanouuj you always lng while jouro taking your morning thowcr mr gay why do you do tiat boarder the bathroom door wont ttry locked canadian girl helps stimson in arms parley toronto a young lady from guolph ontario is figuring prominently ln the deliberations of the statesmen attend ing the naval arms conference in london england miss mildred v delke who conies from fluelph la a secretary la tho foreign portonell division of tho ufl representatives mlse deike has given up the dcmcetlo pursuits of women for career ln politics she has been successful in th us navy depart ment there are neariy a eccro cf attrac- tiv girls attending tho conference with the american delegation their salaries tfnge from j1b00 to i2sc0 yearly the modernist protestant really believe in jrargatory but rot ln hell dan irre impressive ceremony tho photographs hero show the loading figures in tho ceremony at tendant upon tho opening of ontarios legislature at queens park wednes day toot 1 w b n slnlalr lead er of tho opposition 2 his honor w d ross lieutenantgovernor of ontario who as the kings repres entative officiates at the ceremony and 3 premier howard fersr macdonald home in ottawa sold british government buys earnscliffe for high commissioners residence ottawa earnscliffe the hlstorlo residence of sir john a macdonald canadas first prime minister has boon purchased by tho british gov ernment u a permanent official ot winnipeg boasts 342929 people winnipeg greater winnipeg can adas third metropolis has a popula tion of 312929 an increase of 6727 over the previous year according to the latest director censes in 1s74 56 years ago this city had a population ot 1869 that was the year in which the city was incorpor ated forty years ago in 1s90 the population had grown to 23000 and at the beginning of the present century these figures had grown to 50503 the substantial growth which has taken place since the end of the old boom years preceding tho war is in dicated by the fact that thq poulation then was 203255 tho increase in 16 years which looked back upon aro of ten considered hard years is 129- 674 an increase of more than co per cent if the same percentage of growth is maintained during the next 1c years and there is every reason to hope that it will be augmented since the new mining and manufacturing interests are making winnipeg go ahead by leaps and bounds this city will have a population of 53sc86 by 1916 or near ly 760000 by the turn of 1950 gandhi replies to british criticism leader says meeting of de mands would end civil disobedience bombay india tho reception ac corded to the many demands which were made by mahatma gandhi in dian natlonalst leader in his own newspaper were dealt with by him re cently gandhi put forward a wide sohome ranging from reduction of the rupee value reduction in taxes and military expenditure to discharge of political prisoners and permission to showing progress soviet builds 869mile rail way to link siberia and turkestan alma ata kazakistan across tho desert sands of central asia covering the autonomous soviet republics of kazakistan khirgez and uzbekistan and linking siberia with turkestan the soclet government is completing the iggest railroad construction pro gram in russia running from lugo- vaya in the uzbekistan republic to semipalatinsk in kazakistan the new line ebmranees about s69 miles and will cost more than 100000000 the road will connect the great cot tongrowing districts of central asia with the vast grainproducing areas ot siberia it will be finished in 1931 it will reduce the long haul from si beria to central asia from 1s06 miles to 720 miles and be of great impor tance in the development of the cot ton grain timber coal and iron traf fic between siberia and central asia more than 50000 workers are employ ed in the construction of the road nearly 75 per cent of which has been completed the new railroad stretches into the unpopulated and unwatered desert and a part of it is built on shifting sands the workers on the northern and southern sections are competing with one another in speed quality and economy ot their work which has greatly accelerated construction tho first passenger train recently passed through alma ata capital of kazakistan for the first time the natives who live largely in mud huts and tents heard tho whistle ot a steam engine they poured out ot their primitive dwellings and were awestricken at the appearance of the giant locomotive and steel cars brokerage raids defended by price prevented removal of secur ities ontario attorney- general declares toronto replies to the invitation to a conference to discuss the canar dian mining stock brokerago situa tion which is to bo held here somo time between february 10 and lj have been received by hon w il price from other attorneysgeneral of the various provinces discussing tho situation in toronto attorneygeneral price said that la seizing all the securities of the brok erage companies raided by police thrf authorities had prevented them from being moved outsido tho province or some placo whero they could not have carry firearms in tolfdefenco saying becn obtane tllc to bo held young india well might theso de- for tho people entitled to them said mr price aid tho government was prepared to take the responsibility for this step these firms he continued were be ing permitted to continue business under government supervision fol- that if these wero granted the vlce- roy of india would hear no funhcr tewa residence for ito high commls- ot cjv1 ataobed aloner to tho dominion the ottawa hi e citizen announces it adds f i ot ee mands raise a storm of indignation in zt itsi british press ince they mean a has b estor than the owing nc advice of government eluded at a price of approximately brltl fmulon pictures india un- auditors 90000 it is undeitood j dr dominion status remaining a per- it will give tie standard mining sir william clark peent high retdal eldorado for tho british and exchango a chance toclean house in commissioner will mcto to earns- e tohomontly attacks british rule j a way they never could have it we clltfo about october 1 mil after ex- comparing it to snakes which by their i had not taken action said mr price tensive interior alteration and redoery tppoaratce paralyze their vie- 1 beliovo they are proceeding to do coration rave wn completed i supervision

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