Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 30, 1930, p. 4

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stouffville january 30th 1930 the home town st ore small peppermint bulls eye quick quaker oats china- per lb- 20c ware pkg o5c fruit flavored gum drops our own brand baking powder per lb 15c xt n 1 lb- tins 22c table figs 8 oz package tomatoes no 2 tin luo 3 for 25c aunt jem pancake flour clover honey 5 lb pails sections white comb honey 30c aunt jemimas buckwheat flour cooking figs 2 lbs- 25c span onions 4 lbs 25c corn meal bright yellow clean medium baking syrur 5 lbs 25c per lb for your needs in porridge meal we can supply you cracked wheat wheatlets cream of wheat flaked wheat rolled oats quick rolled oats creme of barley roman meal red river cereal for your baking whole wheat flour come in and see our special soap deals white turkish bath towels 19x38 with 10 bars comfort soap 85c 6 quart aluminum preserving kettle with 2 bars sunlight soap 1 pkg lux 1 cake lifebuoy soap 1 pkg rinso 1 cake lux soap all for 9sc ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal special to farmers with every ton of heavy feed you will receive a five gallon tin of black strap feeding molasses absol- utely free no advance in price of heavy feeds poultry fefds of all kinds coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 tile salt stouffville cement the stouffville tribune published every thursday kate 200 per year 250 to the uni states notes and comments the annual meeting of markhani township conservative association will be held next friday jan3xst at unionville in the township hall the hour of meeting is 2 oclock robt stiver is president and j a gibson secretary owing to the technicality of the returning officer in not having the candidates who stood for election sign a declaration of qualification for office a new nomination will be bold a tara this will include reevecouncillors and school trus tees there is at least one conscien tious man in wingham robert spotton he was elected to the town council but finds through private reasons he cannot take his seat at the council board so ho has resign ed when submitting his resigna tion in writing he enclosed a 10 bill to cover the cost of now nomina tion proceedings another discovery which may prove a great boon to humanity is reported from calcutta by a noted indian scientist who claims to have developed a powerful heart stimu lant which has restored life after all heart action had ceased the new drug is derived from a plant found in the himalaya mountains and its discoverer predicts that it will in time supersede such heart stimulants as strychnine and digitalis ontarios general election on october 30 last cost approximately 550000 accounts to the amount of 525000 have already been paid and in the opinion of charles a pitch auditor of criminal justice accounts at queens park between 20000 and 25000 will cover those still to come in a large pro portion of this total cost is borne by direct taxation collected by every municipality through its municipal council while the financial benefits acc ruing from tourist traffic are ad mitted dominion government officials are endeavouring to estab lish some more accurate method of establishing the value to the country the present plan of averaging tour ist expenditure at 10 per head per day is veriest guess work many mid- winter sale continued genuine price reductions all over the store chickens 1 and 1 ribbed all wool cashmere hose in black and dark heather a splendid hose for either boys or girls all sizes reg 100 special 79c children fleeced sleepers in a good weight footed style and back fastening special 79c womens all wool cashmere hose all the newest shades and black all sizes reg- 125 and 160 special 119 special prices in all axminster rugs fancy plaid flannelette blankets in rose blue and green size 64x76 special 229 pair 72 sheeting in a good heavy quality- spe cial value at 39c and 49c yd venetian cloth in powder and pencil blue 54 wide special 89c yd- childrens underwear in heavy cotton fleeced vests bloomers and ankle length drawers all sizes special 59c womens flannelette gowns kimona style and long sleeves fancy embroidery trim ming assorted sizes special 79 110 and 150 womens wool and silk and wool vests and bloomers also ankle and knee length draw ers in a fine rib exceptional value reg 200 and 225- special 149 womens silk crepe dresses in a variety of styles some with tiers and pleats a few with collars attractive shades reg 1000 to 1750 very special 595 boys heavy ribbed wool hose reinfor- ed to stand lots of hard wear all sizes reg 75c and 85c special 59c childrens 1 and 1 ribbed cashmere hose small sizes only reg 49c special 29c pr fine plaid and heather colored dress goods also wool crepes special 79cyd misses wool flannel dresses clear ance of odd and broken lines with contrast ing trimmings special 339 heavy all wol blankets with colored borders reg 12- special 995 special in flannelettes a soft heavy weave with stripes of blue and pink white width 28 19c- yd womens natural wool underwear vests and drawers long sleeve and ankle length sizes 36 to 44 reg 225 special 179 corduroy velvet in brown grey nevy 27in in width special 39c yd union and military flannel 28 30in- width special 39c yd corseletlcs a good heavy weight reg 150 special 129 womens heavy ceetee vests odd sizes reg 375 special 195 kiddies long cotton drawers our heavy winter weight special 39c pr womens and childrens winter coats in fine allwool broadcloths with fur trimming of oppossum and sable tailored navy chinchilla and tweed with beavereen collar at exceptionally low prices the shaw store phone 9512 stouffville tourists do not spend that amount in ten days and boast of the fact the system of counting tourists is also to undergo revision it being shown that the same party has appeared no fewer than tour times in the returns as four different part ies rt hon t p o connor for fifty years a member of the british house of commons and one of the most prolific writers in england died the other day leaving an estate valued at 1500 mr oconnor was known far and wide for his benevolence but his friends had no idea that his charitable nature had reduced his accumulations to such a meagre sum the editor of the tribuue sat at the same table with t p on one occasion four years ago in london euglaud and we thought all present were millionaires but ourselves we made a miscalculation in the case of the irish representative but not in any other case of the titled gentry present still it reminds one how- easy it is to be mistaken on the material wealth of individuals there is a startling measure be fore tile legislature of massachu setts and yet it may signify a natur al evolution in public opinion and medicine the bill is designed to create a state department that would furnish free and complete medical service to the people this would bo patterned after the bur eau of medicine and surgery of the united states navy the project in cludes abolishment of the exist ing departments of public health and of mental diseases those fuc- tion to pass to the new government al branch imuch has been spoken and written of late concerning the need of a change in medical af fairs that would relieve not only the poor but also those of modest means or very expensive medical attention and the massachusetts plan no doubt is a legislative answer to the plea it may be an opening wedge for the introduction of some sys tem that will aid the sick at a time when they dare not quibble over costs wanted 200 farmers within hauling distance of toronto to grow 4000 acres of barley for particulars of contract apply to canada malting co limited 1702 royal bank building toronto 2 ont canada gypsum announces change in company name old title not sufficiently com prehensive in view of company extended operations says mr r e iluirc stouffville farmer wins announcement has been made of the winners of 15 scholarships of 100 each offered by the t eaton co to members of the 1929 royal party for york county alvin s wideman son of albert wideman a mile and a quarter south of ring- wood is the fortunate young man to represent this county the awards were made following examinations flield each county based on the trip and general agriculture the scholarships are to be applied on a course at oac in addition hon j s martin minister cf agriculture is recommending to the government that all tuition fees be remitted for the first two years of the winners respective courses allan wideman is to be con gratulated on his standing in this aggressive county of york where farming is on the high plain we know it to be a lucky weather prophet james b bowesthe sage of chats- worth ontario has certainly hit it right in his weather prophecies this sojson ho bases his predictions on the movements of the planets and these friendly stars living right up to their undertaking with him early last october he foretold that an early winter would commence at the end of november that we should have an unusal amount of snow dur ing all of december that christmas would he a particularly white christ mas and that the early part of jan uary would be characterized by heavy thaws and floods each of these forecasts has been fulfilled to the letter scarcely in the memory of this generation has old ontario and especially southern ontario ex perienced so early or snowy a winter a whiter christmas or a milder rainier first week of janu ary accompanied by flooded creeks and raging rivers the question now is will the sage be able to deliver the goods for the rest of the season his schedule for the remainder of january calls for very high winds rain anow and low temperature the last few days of the month are to be mild that the snow will disappear again about the sixth of february there will bo a period of very strong winds heavy ruins and snow interlarded with some very cold weather this spell will bo followed by mild weather until about the nineteenth of febr uary after this will come rain fresh winds snow a very cold spell and then milder weather extending up to the first of march that is if mr bowes planets continue on the job the home of the chatsworths sago has been visited by the editor of tho tribune chatsworth is a small village within a tow miles of owen sound on the c n r perfect little goose tho temperanccville young people are presenting a 3act play entitled a perfect little goose under the auspices of wesley young peoples league on friday evening jan 31st in the community flail vandorf admission 25c mrs a griffiths spirella corsetiere stouffville markham unionville phone 15303 stoufitlll paris ont jan 27 mr r e haire president of canada gypsum and alabastine limited announced today a change in the name of that company to gypsum lime and alabastine canada limited the stouffville plaining mills sell their products in large quantity auction sale of horses dairy cattle farm implements furniture etc at lot 24 con 8 marklutm on wednesday feby 12th tho property of j f pipher sale at 1s30 0 months credit hoisc bay mare g years old harness two sets of team harness heel chains 3 horse collars set of single harness dairy cattijb black white cow bred on january 6th black cow bred on june 28th black cow due in march 2 red and white cows due about time of sale black cow in full flow red and white cow bred august 10th black cow bred june 15th part jersey cow with calf by side durham heifer due time of sale 3 black heifers lsmonths old jersey heifer under 2 years of age 2 black heifers under 1 year of age 4 heifers 18 months old holstein heifer under 2 yrs elligible to reg beef ringer swine grain 2 sows bred november 1st about 150 bushels of barley implements fordson tractor nearly new tractor plow oliver masseyharris binder 7 foot cut masseyharris reaper new deering mower 5 foot cut masseyharris hay tedder horse rake massey- harris drill 13 disc tenhoed drill sot harrows 4 sections double disc tractor or horse hitch truck wagon and box imasjseyhdrris blower cutting box 10 mouth cutting box hand or power small hand cutting box twohorse power and rods no 3 wilkinson plow 2 verity plows no 10 sulky plaw double mould plow potato attach ment set truck scales 2000 cap fanning mill with bagger hay rack 16ft set bob sleighs 2 seated sleigh 2 seated carriage pole and shafts cutter stewart clipp ing machine cribbing for making cement cistern surrev pole and shafts stock rack binding pole robe furniture rcdiooiu suite complete white bedroom suite dresser sewing horse mattress 2 rocking chairs extension table leather lounge round table sausage grinder and stouffcr cook stove 2 lanterns wisconsin in cubator 140 egg size coal brooder 1000 chick size iron bed wash- stand 2 springs 1 spring new one sideboard lounge 10 kitchen chairs bake tray oil stove oven iron kettle eaton separator cap 550 lbs 2 coal oil brooders 140 chick size milk pails strainer and numerous other articles terms fat cows veal calf grain and all sums of s20 and under cash over that amount 9 months credit f w silversides auctioneer took soda for stomach for 20 years for 20 years i took soda for indigestion and stomach gas then i tiled adlerika one bottle brought complete relief jno hardy adlerika relieves gas and sour stomach in ten minutes acts on fjotii upper and lower bowel re moving paisons you never knew were there dont fool with medicine which cleans only part of the bowels but let adlerika give- stomach and bowels a real clean ing and see how good you feel jm storey druggist stouffville selling out a large portion of our over stock until feby 15th here are some real bargains s only mens overcoats in blues and barrymorcs regular 2500 and 53000 going at 1850 allwool sweaters in various colors reg 5 325 135 a garment mens fleecelined vests and drawers the best at 5c mens allwool vests and drawers reg 193 to clear going at 375 mens combinations in fleece and others at 175 smiieiit heavy lumber socks penmans at 100 pr 2 only mens mackinaw coats at sooo regular 850 9 2 only ladies rubberized sport coats red and blue regular g50 going at 100 mens silk mufflers paisleys and checks at 100 leather caps for menregular 195 at 145 look- lain black leather tops rubber bottom boots regular g50 at 500 isinblk leather tops blk rubber bottoms at 150 some ladies goloshes wool jersey iu fawn cuban heels regular 425 going at 103 ladies silk hose reg 100 at 70c real bargain ladies ailwool hose reg 150 at 115 real bargain ladies full fashioned silk hose at 115 real bargain mens winter caps at si 00 a few fedoras at 105 everything in the store greatly reduced for quick sale call and look them over g h saunders opposite w it shaws dry goods send the tribune to absent friends groceries brooms 5 string 35c ginger snapp 2 lbs 25c economy tea per lb 55c superior stores peko per lb 65c wonderful soaps 6 cakes 25c golden wax beans 15c red kidney beans with pork reg 23 19c a w scott winter weather is still here with big reductions ail winter goods on so you can look for bargains 1 only sweater coat 100 pure wool size 44 only 349 womens goloshes 189 219 249 289 319 different color zippers 399 mens work shirts only 129 repairing done as usual a g lehman the shoe man always ask for stovers bread the quality goes into every loaf ambrose stover baker stouffville ontario rheumatism no j part of natures plan she offers her healing herbs to stop suffering when america na wilderness imffani were using herbs successfully from the redmen so tears ago james gallagher learned herbal secrets and compounded gallaghers herbal house hold remedies his famous kidney remedy has helped many ft sufferer from rheumatism this fine timeproved remedy drawnl from the heart of nature heals and cleanses kidneys quickly stops backi ache dizziness and other nagging kidney and bladder ailments try lit for j sale by m j m storey stouffville distinctive musical artists at canadian festival the otttjeratisun artists the cutleraustin artists who will appear here at the canadian chautauqua festival are exceedingly popular with audiences in general and a joy to the genuine music lover the personnel of the company is remarkably fine marguerite anstln premier violinist has been acclaimed by ithe music critics of europe africa and the united states born in england she is ft licentiate of the royal academy of music london and a graduate of the brussels conservatory everett s cutler has a glorious tenor voice a winning personality and a rare interpretation of words and music irene smith the third member of the company is an accomplished pianist and a pleasing singer presenting the music of the great masters interspersed with lighter selections and costumed musical sketches this notable com pany never falls to score an outstanding triumph and is sure to prove one of the most enjoyable features of the entire festival stouffville chautauqua jan 3031 and foby 1st and 3rd

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