stouffville january 2nd 1930 from litter to market in fixe months marmill hog grower marmill hog fattener marmill hog grower is a balanced ration fully fortified with the essential minerals proteins vitamins and carbohydrates to make quickest growth at lowest cost fed consistently throughout with marmill hog grower your hogs will gain 1 54 pounds per day thats producing pork at a profit marmill hog fattener will lay the fat on your hogs quickly and evenly in 5 months your hogs will be ready for market 175 to 225 pound hogs that will repay you generously for your outlay on feed marmill hog fattener produces most pork at lowest cost per 100 pounds marmill hog rations are produced in the only plant in canada specifi cally and newly built from the ground up for the production of scientifically mixed feeds supplies of these feeds are ready for delivery phone or call today for your re quirements reesors markham limited manufacturers of marmill ontario dairypoultry hog feed telephone markham 9g do you remember way back look to all radio owners and those who intend to purchase one in the near future it would be well to consider the service every radio regardless of make or model will some time cease to operace sooner o later every radio we sell we service and have been servicing them for over two years and all our radio owners appreciate this feature we have high resistance metejies for testin bstfe batisky and battery less sers also tubes of every icinad c and a c and screen grid tubes this instrument also tests filoment plate and grid voltages and also showes in millamps what the tube is drawing also tests transformers condens ers both variable and fired and in fact we can test anything which electric current passes there is no set which we cannot fix we also repair and remodle any kind of set we also repair and remodel any kind of set of radio sparton victor eveready kolster atwater kent and a c dayton we also have a few used battery sets for sale from 50 up complete cober cober phone stouffville 8104 markham phone 129 wueu dan mcjiurcuey kept the lannery when john bickerstan used to make shoes when there were six hotels in stouffville when drshaw veterinary surgeon lived where swifts garage is now when tom shaw published the first newspaper opposite jennaus blacksmith shop theu t when win roddick and john bruels used to make waggons on the lot now owued by juss mae uruu- hart i when edward whelers veget- table garden was located on the site where ed davey and mrs hoovers residences are now situated when dave stoufter used to have a singing class in a little wood en church on church street a s l a game of duck on the rock was engaged in the school yard one of the boys instead of toss ing his ouck back to the stand in the usual way placed it on his foot intending to toss it hack with his foot it clung to his foot and went over his head into a garden where a young girl was playing and struck her someone got a licking for being careless was it you the big fire known as lloyds lire took place starting in the old hotel buildings which ran along main street from church street to the property owned by ed lloyd des troying all the hotel property and all but tlie walls of lloyds store recently occupied by the late j j rao what a fire brigade we had that night after pumping all the wells in the neighbourhood dry a double bucket line was formed to the mill pond thereby saving a number of buildings adjoining the fire were you in that bucket line has been m seasons greetings at this holiday season it gives us pleasure to tell you how mueh we appreciate your friendship and patronage may our service continue to be a factor in the prospsrity we wish for you during ths coming year stouffville creamery co mttcci township of uxbridge vote to reelect thos lewis as councillor polling day monday next jan cth warm contest in uxbridge township death of mrs herman c reesor cedar grove neighborhood is mourning the loss of mrs herman c reesor who passed away on dec isth at the family home following a long illness she was a daughter of the late christian burkliolder being born 5s years ago on the burkliold er home th concession of mark- ham a devout mother and woman of ichristian character and kindly impulse she will be greatly missed by not only the family but a wide eirele of friends deep sympathy is extended to the husband and fwo sons frank and harry in their bereavement levi burkliolder is a broiiicr and the last of this burk liolder family the funeral on dec 21st was largely attended and the service was taken by rev ww fleischer baptist pastor assisted by rev t reeor heresjfour chance without risk to treat hore throats cough croup bronchitis whooping- cough and tonsil ailments mrs sybilla spahrs tonsilltis guar anteed you cant lose try it j l storey druggist stouffville ix memohiam pipher in loving memory of hus band and father william pipher who passed away dec 29 1927 theres a sad but sweet remembrance theres a memory fond and true theres a token of affection and a heartache still for you wife and children found auto tire harry ilouck phone s909 lemonville for sale seven pigs 7 weeks old hy mcmullen east end foh sale set sloop sleighs bain nearly new 2 with bunks elmer fockler phone 9920 for rent the shop on the south side of main street between for syths barber shop and wards garage formerly used as a butcher shop apply to the toronto gen- oral trusts corporation 253 bay st elgin 4371 or to earl grubln stouffville 2405 we want all kinds of llvo poul try for which top market price will bo paid sam golden apply at e c pcnnocks livery tho white gift service entitled the kings tribute was rendered in tho united church under the leadership of mrs t gilroy and miss cora cook before a large con gregation and was a decided success the main theme playing homage to the christ child the new born king run like a golden thread through the whole service the following feat ures were ably represented by miss cora cook as spirit of love miss clara hall spirit of memory miss florence darkey spirit of truth the group of bethlehem children in expectant wonder was demon strated by misses jean baker and rota wells don hall and lewis wells tho group of shepherds in quest of tho christ child was im pressively taken by messrs walter brown wilfred yake and jack laycock tho angels song and tableau was effectively given by mrs t gilroy misses florence and velma farrow the wise men bear ing their gifts to the manger in bethlehem was typified in song and tableau by imessrs warren rae bert taylor and the pastor the madonna was characterised by miss ethel saunders their white gifts in the manger these white gifts are sent to the fred victor mission of the united church to help relieve the distress at this season of the year card of thanks we wish to take this opportunity to thank the neighbors friends and relatives for the fruits llowers and all kindness shown during the long illness and lor the kind help given in the passing of a loving companion and mother herman c reesor and family for sale set of sleighs in good repair m tfllt ir school report ss no 10 whitchurch names in order of merit iv class grace ranier roy davis clarence cowie clarence rogers alma hill norman lietz margaret churley sriii class elmer burnett annie paisley howard spencley elwood betz clayton topper wm topper john williams robert spencley jriii class clarion baker margaret topper noel stony car son tindall harold gilbert srii class million burnett imcirgaret drown edlitli churley ross gilbert jrii class billie trimmer mary paisley doreen betz lillian churley reginald wintcrstein e m council teacher one of the hottest nominations in years was that held in goodwood on monday when a full slate was lined up and qualified to run the on slaught was lead by owen davies and was followed by others who severely criticized the work of the 1929 council this came as a sur prise to tlie council who considered they had made a rare good financial showing the available assets over liabilities as shown by the statement are 172 co as against 209930 in dec ember i92s the tax rate was ad vanced 2 mills this year to repair iood damages therewill be a runfor all offices as follows reeve w g cassio oweji davies deputyreeve isaae gather wood geo todd councillors jas ii wagg robert pickard thos h lewis and fred iuiddleton those nominated for council but withdrew are manfred wagg orval roach daniel wagg and alfred jones for salic jersey cow 6 years due jan kith also heifer in fresh jonathan morgason stouffville uloomington mreidon fairies of birch lifie spent thursday at e a storeys mr and mrs w a fockl and miss alta attended the wedig of tlieir eldest daughter merle to mr mccormack of sudbury which took place in toronto last thursday mr and mrs willie smith and children of markham were home for christmas marvjn lemon and eldon smith of toronto are home for the holi days misses imilldred edna and elsie lemon of toronto were home for christinas tlie entortaiinment of the united and christian sunday schools which were held last week were well at tended and much enjoyed by all feed in january it has been proved by test and by experience that good corn ensilage when combined with hay and grain produces the best quality beef fik and greatest quantity of milk at smallest cost f a toronto silo will turn your corn into the finest ensilage and give it i to a greater food value than when fed as dry fodder by feeding june feed in january you keep your cattle healthiest most valuable you get more milk and better milk a toronto silo soon pays for itself in increased profits and earns big returns on your original investment year after year toronto silos are strongly built from selected spruce staves double tongued and grooved to exclude the air treated with creosote to lengthen their life silage juice cant affect treated wood cant freeze to the walls of a wooden silo special hip koof construction gives 15 greater capacity come in and talk it over with me or write for free silo booklet packed with instructive informa tion i o 2 george j lawson stouffville ontario auction sale of farm stock implements furniture etc the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auction at lot 10 con 9 whitchurch bloomington january 8th 1930 the property of mrs- joseph burnett mare 7 years bay mare black cow due in april black white cow due in apiil brindle cow 9 pits for sale or exchange jmicnes ruck and cartage business mower m ii nearly new cuitivat- for sale lersey heifer due in march hoover phone cc10 resh cow for sale durham fled mntl lii colnville wil to rev1 unfurnished apart with modern conveniences ward the brier bush incuts a j for sale cutler harness horse blankets saddle quantity hay buggy and polo apply li c wide- man stouffville 45 lstrav dog hound strayed to farm of charles ii degeer lot 22 9th concession whitchurch owner may have same by proving owner ship oj acres of choice land for market garden shade trees 3 acres bush apples cherry and pour trees solid brick house of 10 rooms woodshed and garage barn 30x40 shed close to school and churches in bloomlngton farm surrounded by sugar maples apply mrs jos burnett bloom lngton or stouffville rr2 tf tho spirited carol singing by the choir intcrporscd the hallowed scenes suitable readings by mrs ross winterstoln illuminated the tablea i tho whole scene cast a spell of holy awe upon the congregation and everyone present was impress ed with tho dignified simplicity attending the coming of the saviour king after the singing of the anthem whlto gifts the sunday school children and adults placed card of thanks miss etsiyjson and mrand mrs s w hastingswlsh lo thank the friends and widows organizations who so kindly brcughllowel- etc to mis mo during fifrr jl toronto 11 miles on paved road house small barn g acres land chevrolet truck chopping mill with flour and feed businesson paved roadequipp- ed witli hydrogrindercrusliercash trade of 204000 in grinding and crushing and 12000 in flour and feed books open for inspection other interests demanding attention country store on county road in good section nice stock groceries hardwareboots and shoes butter and eggs gas and oil trade house attached small barn ucreage with large and small fruit turnover last year l ill health reason for selling stouffville brick house c looms nearly new cellar furnace hardwood floor 3 piece bath electric and fixtures veranda garden lawn close to school and church bus line to toronto stouffville 7 room house main street near school church cellar furnace electric hardwood flours veranda garden lawn 2 car garage bus service i 10 acres near stouffville j hydro available creek brick house or wagon low wheeled 2 sets light sleighs 2 buggys 2 plows set harrows 3 section scufller cutter cuttingbox gas engine 2 lip 30 ft extension ladder set team harness set single harness 2 neckyokes 2 sets whiltletrees feed box quantity maple plank 20 plymouth rock pullets 10 liens 2 sleel pig troughs water trough cider barrel quantity alfalfa hay quantity timothy hay string bell magnet cream separator 2 wooden bcdssteel lied springs and mattress hall rack walnut parlor suite bedroom stand dresser wash stand centre table tapestry square carpet extension table sideboard sewing machine 2 lounges 2 rocking chairs 2 kitchen chairs 2 kitchen chairs i i cook stoves oil stoves hand j washing machine power washing machine vacuum cleaner qiantlj ly stove pipes quantity fruit jars bai rels apples spies barrel vinegar spiay pump and barrel dozer soup plates g dinner plates we take this opportunity of thanking you for your past patronage and wish you all a very happy and prosperous new year delbert holden ford dealer phone 184 electors markhaim township fred goakwell again respectfully solicits your vote and influence as couvciliior for 1130 polling day monday next jan cth wishing all the electors the com pliments of the season electors markhaim township vote j r campbell for reeve he has experience and ability for the office polling day monday next jan cth ringwood christmas visitors at the homo of mr and imrs isaac pipher ring- wood are as follows mr and mrs james ralph mackenzie of montreal miss pauline carlton of toronto and mr allen m mallory of trenton one of our old citizens now living in aurora sends happy new year greetings to his many old friends here through the tribune this comes from james gould mrs d l stouffer of ringwood has returned from an extended visit 1 with her niece mrs hallman in i rochester electors markhaim township elect r j beatty as councillor for 1010 your vote and influence solicited wishing all the electors the com pliments of the season polling day monday next jan cth electors markhaim township vote i robt smith j as 1st deputy reeve i your influence to return it l smith will be appreciated he has j served you faithfully polling day monday next jan cth tenders 16 body wood delivered at ss no 10 bloom ton tenders received by under signed up to january isth 1930 percy brown secretary stouff ville rr 2 45 brick barn acres near paved road creek workable balance bush and pasture frame houscbrick barn well fall wheat and vegetable land 1 cors ss500 berch and maple acre ranch land not sandy brick house bank barn some bljjsh and creek splendid pasture for batti 1500 geo e bjlp box stouffviho b- penrose at this time takes the opportun ity of thanking my many friends and customers for their pasmf patronage wishing you on and all a very happy and pros perous new year over two thousand years ago shepherds watching their flocks by night saw a new star in the sky and heard heavenly voices singing of peace on earth good will towards men that was on the eve of the first christmas and how fitting it is that at the same season when all the christmas world is cele brating tho birthday of thum prince of peace we should bring tz a message of peace from an en voy of good will h penrose 02 langford ave toronto quantity bags and sacks quantity pictures and frames number lamps smoothing iron 1 platters glass servers bucksaw blinds and curl tins number spiles- tin fnrni will be offered for sale subject lo reserve bid i terms hay fowl furniture and all sums of 20 cash s months i credit g per cent off sale at 1 i geo keays auctioneer township of uxbridge roblect wm g cassie as reeve past economy and good judgment entitles him to your vote and influence polling day monday next jan cth jersey cow for sale calf by side phono v applcton 713 stouffville 45 lost last monday black and tan fox hound pup four months finder please notify howard st john phono 1103 stouffville wood pricks limb wood cut short s50 cord or 2 cords for 16 body hardwood cut short 1250 or 2 cords for 24 dry hemlock and hardwood slabs rea sonably priced quantity pood furnaco wood cut short at 10 cord all orders delivered wm ratcllff phone 9906