Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), January 2, 1930, p. 7

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r glacial shore raised for port on hudson bay railway tracks laid above old level at churchill gravel spread in fills winnipeg thouaid of years ago when great glaciers moved slowly jcwn from the north shaving off mountain ranges and in places thou sands of feet of rocks and earth the weight also it is said depressed the crust of the earth when this huge ice crut left the region of hudson bay the western slore was much farther west than i is today as time passed the land gradually rose and the wters of hudson bnywsre push ed eastward at churchill various ancient shore lines iyo still plainly marked by sand and gravel ridges by boulders worn smooth by the ceaseless lapping of the waves centuries ago and by pebbles that means thai much work has to be done on land as well as in the water in the making of a port tracks above old level at the railway terminus the level must be raised in places several foot tracks already laid have been raised as high as three feet above original levels and probably will be raised still further buildings stand at present with basements fully exposed but when the leveling process is completed they will not have the perchedup ap pearance they have now because the gravel fill will bring them to a nor mal level above grade the construction company las been fortunate as practically inexhaustible supplies of gravel were found at var ious places along the line otherwise tho tremendous amount of fillingin would have constituted a real problem one gravel pit ies within a mile or two of the terminus and until the wea ther got too cold gravel was being hauled continuously to the terminal yard where a modern gravel spreader swept it into position as soon as dump ed from the cars gravel pits opened so it was along the line gravel pits were opened up at a number of strategic points none of them far from the main line and the present road instead of being an earth or clay dump with a gravel spread is pure jjlast from the ground up a line that wllt5tefid syith a minimum am ount of work andnspditure or maintenance for many years- and while it is now about two decades since the first steps were taken toward the hudson bay line it ha3 been con structed better than many a line of the earlier construction days it really was in 1909 that the hud son bay line first assumed definite shapo and it was then that a branch lino from hudson bay junction to the pas was completed linking up the northern frontier post with the rest of canada work commenced the fol lowing year on the hudson bay line with churchill as the ultimate objec tive tho obective was however changed to fort nelson and steel was laid before the end of 1916 to kettle rapids 332 miles from tho pas then came delay no work was done for years the roadbed deteriorated and there was talk of pulling up the rails for use elsewhere winnipeg fought this and charles gray exmayor of winnipeg with others formed the on to the bay association in december 1927 churchill was again recommended as the better port and early in 1928 everything wa3 in readiness for steel to be laid again tho work was pushed with such vigor that on march 29 of this year steel reached mile 511 which marked the commencement of the terminal yards at churchill and the railway was an accomplished fact clemenceau foe of pessimists feared end of france was near says war council interpreter our duty was to die well and first to fight as if we were sure of conquering tiger quoted by confidant premier at first preferred petain to foch as generalissimo says second writer clemenceau every day arguiug and struggling with as much courtesy as firmness oven days when scarcely out of tho hall his impatience flash ed up in picturesque ebullitions his foreign interlocutors after some shocks ot astonishment had learned the only way bernard shaw says only way to avoid war is to stop fighting london george bernard shaws formula for preventing war is stop fighting that is tho only way such was the answer shaw gave when asked as to the bct way to pre vent war the irish author replied to questions on the forthcoming disarm ament conference the kellogg pact tho nobel prize angloamerican rela tions and how lady astor could influ ence them in the course of an inter view with the united press corres pondent shaw also offered his opinion of the hoover doctrine what do you think of presidont hoovers armistice day suggestion that food ships should be treated a3 hospi tal ships during wars he was asked president hoover seems to forget how hospital ships were treated during the late war they will be treated similarly during the next one he re plied can you see any prospects of any useful agreement being reached at the forthcoming fivepower naval disarm ament conference was another ques tion put to the satirist who said if they scrap their battleships in the effectiveness of which they no longer believe it will save money and money is always useful men arc nota canvas upon which to creato a picture women aro edward molyneux of the niauy appreciations ot georges clemenceau appearing in the paris press just after his death none was more interesting than the article written for la journal by captain paul j mantoux tho brilliant chief interpreter at the allied supreme war couucil and at tho paris peace conference captain mantoux aston ished all who came in contact with him in his official capacity by his wonderful command of languages and his uncanny ability to reproduce in various tongues without the least hesitation long aud complicated statements made by statesmen and generals before tho war ho lectured on french history at tho university ot london ho was intimately associated with clemenceau on tho war council and during tho peace negotiations re ceived his personal confidences and was in a highly favorable position to judge his character as a man and as a war leader his article contained sayings o clemenceau hitherto un published and emphasized tho para dox that the man who ruthlessly stamped out defeatism and pessi mism in france in 1917 wa3 himself temperamentally aud fundamentally a pessimist demanded miracle and got it captain mantoux wrote i saw hi3 will triumph over ob stacles which appeared to bo insur mountable at tho moment wheu the arrival o tho american troop3 in masses had become a vital necessity for tho allies tonuage was lacking to transport them fifty thousand came iu january 10000 in february foch demanded 110000 a mouth aud in the meantime the german armies freed from pressure on the side ot russia broke the british lines at saintquentin in an interaliied council held dur ing these sombre days they counted up the ship3 available weighed the immense needs to be satisfied aud ar rived at figures which caused despair m clemeuceau then said wo need sooooo americans a month you tell me that we have ton nage enough for only 100000 in ans wer thair we must not calculate the number ot men to be transported by the tonnage but that we must calcu late the tonnage by tho number of meu to be carried and we shall find it he demanded a miracle and the to ttie efforts of our english allies to economies and sacrifices 2000000 americans were landed in france within a few months ho was always inaccessible to fear and his mora courage was equal to his physical courage danger only strengthened his resolution and his energy had no need of tho stimulant of hope for this man who treated pessimism in time of war as a crime was himself a pessimist though in a special sense ot tho word ha was a pessimist in the philosophic souso apart from a few faithful friends he despised men or rather ha des pised human nature ho was far from believing in an immiuout justice which cannot tail to triumph but ha was ready to fight for it as if he wora certaiu of success in tho carriage which was taking us to versailles where thoy were to discuss the terms ot tho armistice at the moment that victory was bringing his career to a prodigious climax ho said to me when the war broko out and i had seen it coming for several years i said to myself that it meant per haps the end of our country aftor so many centuries of a groat history our duty was to dio well and first to fight as if wo were sure of conquer ing criticized for unsatisfactory peace they havo reproached him for making nn unsatisfactory peace af ter having made a victorious war ho did not mako peace singlehanded tho error of the french people is in forgetting how many opinions and in terests had to bo conciliated beforo reaching a conclusion i saw m to respect and like him lloyd george hearing of tho result ot the preliminary vote which denied to m clemenceau the presidency ot the re public exclaimed they will no longer reproach the english for burniug jeanne darc certain people blame him for not having very much confidence iu tho future which ho could envisage only in the image ot tho past that was the natural consequence not only of his ago but of his fundamental pes simism before the conference opened he used to talk ot the difficulties of mak ing a good peace to make war that is easy enough all that is needed is men money and material tho country will furnish rather than perish you need only to give order3 and not to lose your head but to mako peace and especially to practice it it very diffi cult and very complicated the french know well enough how to die for their country will they know how to live for it and ho added what strikes me when i look in our strdets at the trophies of louis xiv and napoleon is that the former represents the peace of utrecht and the latter two invasions waterloo and vienna when will our country happier than hauuibal know how to profit from victory this frenchman in whom shone so conspicuously two master quali ties of our people loved france pas sionately he loved it as did the great patriots of the revolution whom iie had worshiped irf his youth i see him now showing a caller at the war ministry a chassepot with its antique bayonet this gun he said belonged to one of tho men who hated mo most and whom i hated most in return we even fought a duel it is the gun which deroulede carried in 1870 his sister brought it tj mo as a souvenir of him on armistice day i have not changedky opinion about his politics be he was a tftsa of heart and one who loved ills country called misanthrope and ironist m clemenceau was that and more this misanthrope and this ironist in carnated in the gravest hours the heroic soul of france another writer m jean martet of feredalso in la journal some new information about the relations between clemenceau and foch re lations which will perhaps always remain a subject of controversy among historians replying to lloyd georges charge that clemeuceau had little to do with the movement to mako focii generalissimo of tho al lied forces ho said tho truth is that m clemenceau always had a higher esteem for po tatos personality than for fochs up to march 26 1918 it is manifest that he saw iu potain the great chief of the french armies and tho man through whom sooner or later vic tory would come ho was slowly preparing for tho realization ot tho singlo command and i bolieva that if the events ot march 26 had not boon produced if there had been no doullons which was perhaps the most decisive day of tho war petain would havo boon charged with co ordination of tho allied armies on tho western front took up foch after doullens but doulien3 camo along and on that day petain an intelligence gravo and sombre took account exactly alas ot the difficulties of tho task foch on his side was foch that is to say as m clemenceau told mo a man raging to fight and immediately m clemenceau thought and said fsphuupss pcrtroijl5 due t acta inmotstloh facjostomm acid stomach ejccoss acid is tho common cause of indigestion it results in pain and sourness about two hours attar eating tho quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid tha best cor rective is phillips milk of magnesia it has remained standard with physi cians in tho 50 years 3lnca its inven tion j ono spoonful ot rhililpv milk of magnesia neutralizes instantly many time its volume la acid it is harm- loss and tatli and us action is quick you will never rely on crude methods norsr continue to suffer whon you learn how quickly how ploasantly this premier method acts please let it show you now bo suro to get tho genuine phillips milk of magnesia prescribed by physi cians for so years in correcting excess acids each bottlo contains full direc tions any drugstore i see but one man who can save us it is foch then the meeting was held at which foch received his full powers m lloyd george declares that on this occasion m clemenccaus rola was negative what does he know about it ha was not there the head ot the british delegation was lord miluer now the latter has told in detail what happened aud ho pays a brilliant tribute to m cle menceau m clemenceau after ho had re cognized in foch the predestined man who ought to snatch victory out ot a desperate situation pushed him forward with diplomacy but also with obstinate aud untiring persist ence there is something more spoke in defense of foch at the end ot may wo suffered the hard blow on the chemiudesdames french opinion became suspicious of foch parliament demanded an in vestigation and action what did m clemenceau do it was the session of the chamber of deputies on june 4 wis he mounted the tribune and said nothing has happened which per mits mo to exercise any discipline against anybody it it is necessary in order to obtain the approbation of certain people who judge hastily to abandon chiefs who have deserved well of their country it is an act ot cowardice of which i am incapable do not expect me to commit u chase me from the tribune if that is what you wish foch was saved four months later on october 2 m lloyd george sent the marshal sincere felicita tions on the latters birthday foch answered i am greatly touched etc i shall never forget that it was to your insistence that i owo tho post which i hold today that was the marshals thanks to m clemenceau thousands of mothers use no other medicine canadian mothers are noted for the care they give their little ones the health of the baby is most jeal ously guarded and the mother is al ways on the lookout for a remedy which is efficient and at the same time absolutely safe thousands of mothers have found such a remedy in babys own tablets and many of them use nothing else for the ail ments of their little ones among them is mrs howard king of truro ns who says- i can strongly re commend babys own tablets to mothers of young children as i know of nothing to equal them for little ones babys own tablets are sold by medicine dealers or l diail at 25 cents a box from the dr ilrisw medicine co brockville out luck i am constantly running into a cer tain type of man who is wasting his life looking for a chance to make a quick kiling tho minds of these men aro filled with fairy tales of other men who have painted navy beans ouo day and harvested gold pieces tho next morn ing having convinced themselves that these stories are true tho poor dupes become as restless as bird dogs and spend their lives chasing from one job to another accomplishing nothing for themselves or their employers facts forbid a denial of the part luck plays iu the hve3 ot all of us in every lottery ono ticket must win but to spend ones lifo waiting for tho favor of luck is as foolish as sit ting by the roadsido hoping to be picked up by a motorist when ono might as well be on ones way afoot if you want to get somewhero start now honesty aud sincerity ot purpose are obvious in tho man who is using his legs we aro not so suro of tho man who waits for a lift i favor tho man who uses his wits who twists circumstances to ills ad vantage such a man will go far provided ho is not afraid to walk be tween lifts but when he gels it into his head that only fools walk he is iu danger ot losing tho respect ot thoso who have it in their power to help him and ho will soon find that his friends step on tho gas and look tho other way as they fly by ihehzihof myhahf- to gain thirty pounds in three months and win back health and strength was the happy experience of mrs mar garet brethour of corn wall ont who gives all the credit for it to dr williams pink pills after ike birth of my baby i was in the hospital four months she wrote and came home weighing only sixtyfive pounds i began taking dr williams pink pills and it wasnt long until i weighed ninetyfive pounds and my general health was of the best every spring since then i take the pills as a touic and wouldnt be without them no matter what they cost t strongly recommend them to all mothers buy dr williams pink pills now at your druggists or any dealer in medicine or by mail 50 cents postpaid from the dr williams medicine co brockville originality true greatness of mind is never egotistic or solitary it is the power to enter into the thought and lives of others and draw upon the experience ot mankiud for strength aud wisdom its originality is not in thinking and saying what no one else thinks or says but in gathering from all men and elements ot what is at once new and old a goetho and a shake speare are decried for having taken from the whole body ot existing literature and art for their own work as though they were called upon to bo like spiders which spin all from their own inwards it is the token of their ieeniineucq sit- am tiling ministered to their wants and that what other men saw iu part or on the surface they saw whole and with deeper vision who reads the auth ors they are charged with having copied what chance would those havo had to be remembered it not by having served the needs of men ot tho first order of mind the origin ality of such minds is iu their power to enter into tho mind of their time and of their race and to gather from all quarters the materials ot fresh creations weary willio cant you assist me sir i belong to the vast army ot tho unemployed mr hardman then youd hotter boat it back loheadquarters quick new zealands london commissioner resigns london now zealands high com missioner in london sir james parr is leaving his post to take up work in behalf of the movement for free trado within the empire sir james a nalivo of new zealand has been high commissioner here for threo years ho held various positions in tho new zealand cabinet from 1920 to 1926 and has since represented his dominion in tho league of nations in the course of his duties as high com missioner here falling hair just try mlrards a man a man thats clean inside and out side who neither looks up to the rich nor down to tho poor who can lose without squealing and can win with out bragging who is considerate to women children and old persona who is too brave to llo too generous to cheat and too sensible to loaf and who takes his share ot the worlds goods and lots other poople hava theirs that is my ldoa ot a trua gen tleman exaggeration there is no subject in tho world however trua holy and necessary it may be to rotain in its integrity about which wa do not talk a great doal ot nonsonsa humanity has the faculty ot exaggeration to an engg mous extont and refined ssfdi u riches am oducation ara in con- glldcd and lilies ara palntcdjjn splto 1 not wlth other alexander ot shakespeare j malklejohn mistaken ideas it is falling in love with our own mistaken ideas that makes fools and beggars ot half mankind h young it is a little latonlshlng that it should bo bonyncb safer at tha pre sent dayytrklll ft man with a motor car lhajg with any otaer instnnont ier lynd will gibraltar remain british proposed construction of straits tunnel raises ques tion of exchange with spain this is an age of cool discussion of things which twenty years ago would have seemed outrageous raerly n the notion fox instance what about fnglands giving up gibraltar the popular notion has been for long enough that gibraltar the suez canal and aden were three strategic points in the empire which would be the very last to go in a crisis and here we have no less an authority than the madrid correspondent of tho london times calmly envisaging the possibility ot exchanging the rock for other span ish territory the question has been brought up over the imminent con struction of a tunnel from spain to africa the beginning of a tunnel writes the correspondent has been bored on the spanish coast near tarifa about fifteen miles west of the keck of gib raltar it is the exploration shaft of tho scheme for tunnelling under the straits of gibraltar next month a similar shaft will be sunk in morocco and all sorts of experiments will be made in the hope of discovering what the soil beneath the narrow inter continental stretch of sea is like and whether it is suitable for a tunnel many political military naval and legal problems would assume a new aspect with the existence of a straits tunnel for instance should the tun nel be internationalized in accordance with tho hopeful tendency of modern international jurisprudence toward making all great trade passages acces sible to all nations here would be a promising piece of property for the league of nations if spain builds the tunnel she will want to keep it in her own hands and there is nothing in the opinion of the spaniard to prevent her getting from the caliph of her moroccan protectorate the nec essary concessions for this purpose but the tunnel would in fact be under the guns of gibraltar and its african mouth so near to tangier that the fate of that much disputed city would be directly involved france is getting ready to build a transsaharan railway and to develop rapid communications between oran algiers and the port of the gulf of lyons with a view to military trans port in case of a future war if she could arrange with spain to use a straits tunnel for her troops it would be extremely valuable to her for spain there is one more issue gibraltar they hold is out of date as a fortress and it could easily be de stroyed by the norma army of a na tion of 22000000 inhaibtants should the tunnel come to be built gibraltar might remain a commercial establish ment under the spanish flag in which jjritish interests would be safeguard- cdj atutspainlwghlftf in ex as a military post the islanpi m boran and the chafarinas alboran comparable to eligolard is twenty- nine miles north and four degrees west of the cape of ties forcas in spanish lorocco and fortyseven miles distant from the coast of spain tho three chafarinas are a couple of miles north of cabo de agua near melilla undoubtedly these positions together properly armed and fitted out would make a military base of the first order colonel jevenois a distinguished spanish engineer and secretary of the committee at present considering the possibilities of the tui nel says that he makes tho above suggestion entirely on his own account in the belief that england would gain by obtaining an incomparably better naval and air base but when he speaks of gibral tar in the following words he is speak ing as a true spaniard in this man ner would disappear for ever the sole existing cause of friction between england and spain the often unob trusive but never forgotten obstacle to an imperishable friendship between the two nations gibraltar in foreign hands is and always will be a thorn in the heart of spain classified advertisements situations vacant mok12 mbs wanted quick ulu pay easy work tarn while learn ing barber trade under famous moler mcrlcan plan worlds most reliable barber school system write or call immediately ror fre catalogue moler darber college 121 queen west toronto luscious sandwich the buffet supper for young and old is now au established favorite for those in search of uew ideas for sandwich fillings the following may prove to be helpful suggestions savory sandwiches chop up soma mustardanderess shred some cheese aud mix tho two put a light sprinkling ot this filling into the sandwich seasoning with a shake ot tomato ketchup do x season tho ingredients as they will tasty enough without this aid a tin of crayfish will supply fill ings for another set of sandwiches j shred the fish finely and let it soak for a few minutes in some salad cream which you have thinned with a little vinegar drain the fish well then put a generous portion into each sandwich this filliug is particularly good with brown bread tho commonplace forcemeat can be used as a basis for a very tasty filling take tho young crisp hearts of celery heads seo that they aro very clean then chop them finely and mix with tho forcemeat it you can manage to mak the sandwiches only a short while before they will be at- en pour a little melted butte rn to the filling and then wait for envious mothers to ask you tho secret of this delicious concoction the remains of poultry or gamo detached from all bones can be minced finely and mixed with chop ped cooked beetroot a touch of add ed flavor is given by a smearing of french mustard sweet fillings mixed fruit salad drained from its juice and chopped finely a generous application to the broad ot rich cream aud then a portion of the fruit with a dusting of finelygrated cocoanut on the top of all the juice from tho fruit will turn commonplace lomoti- ade into nectar chop someirati soik fti rai wine bread applying a little raipbeny ji before filling with the soaked nitta preserved ginger sliced very thin ly an dsprinkled with castor sugar with a drop or two of lemon juico makes another new and excellent fill iug aud again brown bread is best fiu ara ro fu sott ideas ideas are often poor ghosts suufillod eyes cannot discern they pass athwart us in l- y aud cannot ch or but sometimes tjf they breathe breath thev ponsive half sou appealing tones totj a living human soul with all it flicts its faith and ju love thei thoir presence is a power then shako us like a passion and we drawn after them with gentle compul sion as flame is drawn to flame george eliot mes m oak ft o s lu aro tho chariot of peace cannot ad vance along a road cluttered with cannon david lloyd george for the hair ask your barber he knows little deeds some day we shall learn that tho littlo deeds of lovo wrought uncon sciously a3 we pass on our way aro greater in thei jiclpfulness and will shino moro brightly in life than the deeds of renown which wo think ot as alone making a life great we pay the highest prices for dressed poultry write for quotations jthe harris abattoir co lldj st lawrence market toronto 2 after skating rub joints and muscles with minards to avoid stiffness or ache hockey players recom mend it issue no 130 ship your grain to toronto low insurance and storage rates fireproof elevator write or phone for particulars toronto elevators limite phono queens quay 7161 toronto ontario

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