t j the shades of jules verne i w x in that mysterious region miles above the earth known as the stra tosphere where few daring explor ers have ever penetrated the air is eo thin that a human being cannot live without artificial oxygen yet tome authorities declare that the long distance air lines of the future may be established there free ot the re- llstance ot air at ordinary levels air planes could speed across oceans and link continents at almost incredible velocity itecent proposals have been made to fly machines at such a height and speed a young german engineer ii o perl announced not long ago his plans for a 22foot haltton bullet plane which he proposed to navigate at an altitude of seven or eight miles and at a speed of more than 650 miles an hour to cross the atlantic in 6 hours an austrogerman experiment er professor herman oberth pro poses a rocket ship many times faster is there really any scientific basis lor such an idea today it is possible to build an air- piano that will fly 60000 or 75000 feet high without recourse to rockets or any such highly experimental means in the opinion of one promin ent aeronautical engineer who has worked out the details of such a craft- other experts have endorsed the high- altitude airplane as the next logical development in air travel a great german airplane firm is said to be planning actually to build highalti tude planes with airpressure cabins for passengers and eventually the rockets and other inventions may conceivably augment the range of highflying planes the greatest altitude ever reached by a human being was achieved when captain hawthorne gray of the army air corps soared in a balloon to a height of 42470 feet he died when he attempted to repeat the feat another pioneer into the un known region was the german pilot willy nennhofer whose altitude flight of 41795 feet last may was a new worlds record for airplanes from such flights as these and from the records brought back by the free- flying sounding balloons of the us weather bureau from heights up to 20 milfs it is known that the air above the earth is at least a two- wytffarir7 itsd tliattheseconfi- level has different properties from the first the earths inhabitants live in the bottom layer or troposphere conv prising the first six or seven miles of the atmosphere within this thin layer occur the storms that sweep the earth and all of the turbulent winds that threaten aircraft with increasing height the all- grows colder until at six miles alti tude a pilot may be soaring through frigid breezes ot co or 70 below zero then it he pushes upward an abrupt cbango occuri at about seven miles altitude it gets no colder perhaps a little warmer there are no storms no clouds he has left them far he- low where he has climbed there is always sunshine a sky ot a weird deep blue in which the sun shines al most like the moon at night tells the pilot that ho is in that sunny frigid mysterious region known as the stratosphere at a height of 11 miles or so tho stars are plainly vis ible whllo the sun is shining up there at the top of the sky the air is so thin that it hardly supports the planes wings tho motor des pite the supercharger that pumps compressed air into it literally gasps for breath but construct an air plane that could operate efficiently at such a height and there is almost no limit to tho forward speed that it might attain the backward drag of air pushing past wings and fuselage has all but disappeared moreover smooth winds of great speed are known to exist at high levels and these might be used to ad vantage by a highflying airman sounding balloon observations at the equator reveal a powerful east wind between tho altitudes ot 8 and 11 miles which might add 60 miles an hour to the speed ot an airplane fly ing from europe to america in the next three miles upward a strong west wind was found above the di rection was again reversed thus re gular air lanes might bo established wherever the wind was found to be most favoring flying at 70000 feet say a pilot could glide with motors shut off to a landing as far away as 300 miles it would take him more than an hour to come down in case of trouble at sea he could radio to the nearest steamer and land near it will such highaltitude air lines soon replace infrequent courageous dashes into the upper atmosphere some e- ierts think so not long ago igor i sikorsky famous ng de signer predict k new lyp of air- idaie with highly supercharged mo tors and an inclosed cabii with air kept under approximately normal pressure to permit firing at high altitudes with speeds of say 400 to 500 or more miles an hour popur science saving the mail humbling and jolting the stage coach carrying mail and supplies from tho end of the railroad to set tlers living far back in the canadian bush rolled along the trail the road was dry and frozen and the old stage coach lurched and swayed as four bronks hauled it raving to the rolling of the 0n tho boxseat were the ifhirand a solitary passenger their lowtoned conversation the creaking of the coach and the jingle of har ness were the only sounds disturbing tho blooding silence of that lonely stretch of swamp land sudcnly despite the roughness of the trail the driver snapped his raw hide whip with a report like a pistol shot the horses broke into a brisk trot the increased speed caused the vehicle to bounce as well as sway betweeii bumps the driver explain ed that tio ferryboat had been taken out of a river he had to cross and he wanted to get to liie ford be fore darkness the passenger did tome hard thinking if tho ferryboat had been taken out it was because tho ice was mak ing the river unsafe then how could they cross a turbulent ice- bubiliriyev without its aid surely they couldnt ford but the driver was an oldtimer leave it tor me an the bronks he chuckled yvoll kit across someways ef there aint too much ice comin down a few more miles and the river bank was reached in answer to a bail two men put off in a rowboat from tile opposite shore and after a hard pull owing to the strength of the current mid dodging heavy cakes of ice beached the boat and greeted the driver and passenger the sacks of mall were speedily transferred to the boat and the two nven began the hard row back after a breather they unloaded the mail then prepared to return for another load in the meantime the stage driver had been carefully sizing up the amount of ice in tho river then lie electrified the boatmen by shout ing no need ter come back fellers im acomin right over before any reply could be made he clambered back cm the seat bade the passenger do likewise and gathered up the reins tvitaf w a mass of dirty tumbling iceillled water faintly could bo hoard th roar of a waterfall a couplo ot miles downstream the driver spoke to his bronks tho coach rolled easily down the bank and the next moment was in tho icy water in the icy cauldron for a few lengths all went well tho ford was shaliow and the horses kept their footing tho passenger dared to breathe again then it hap pened a cake of ice sharp as a spur jabbed one of tho lead bronks in the flank the animal backed jibbed then crowded its team mate off tho narrow gravel bar in a flash all four horses were out of their depth their footing gone the heavy vehicle began to drag them down stream the driver spoko and acted at the same time jump he yelled and heaved himself overboard the passenger hesitated beforo ho could summon up cour age to plunge into the icefilled river the toubletrees parted under the strain and team and coach parted company then the coach body be ing fairly watertight it floated clear of tho heavy wheels the passenger found himself alone on the body be ing rapidly whirled toward the falls the driver could not help him he had his hands full rescuing tho horses but the two men with the boat put out from the shore now with all their strength bending the oars they were making their craft fairly fly downstream after the run away tho stage driver his team now safely on land followed along the bank ono of the men heaved a line the castaway made it fast setting a course diagonal to the current tho boatmen put every ounce of muscle they possessed into the job in his excitement the driver waded out into the water up to his waist shouting advice and encourage ment none of the three on the river heeded him each pull of the oars brought them nearer to safety each pull of the current dragged them closer to the falls fighting to the bank then the prow ot the rowboat came within reach ot i he worried driver frenziedly he grabbed it and gavo tho extra heave needed the rowers jumped out into th water and grasped the line a few strenuous tugs and the coach grounded on bot tom the passenger jumped ashore the passenger safe the driver gave ills attention to putting his coach to gether again the four horses easily dragged tho body up on tho bank salvaging the wheels and running gear was a harder job as they had fouled a rock but at last they also were hauled ashore the coach wag reasseinbled and a stock of the dam- ago done taken a few supplies were ruined and that was all as soon as he had recovered his wind the owner of the rowboat turned to tho driver and pointed out to him that ho was still on the wrong sido of the river he also told him exact ly and precisely what his opinion was of a blanketyblank old fool who would attempt to ford a river of run ning ice tho driver answered not a word but after all the mail was safe i am not convinced ttat death la an organic necessity gugliclmo marconi in the great white vay of the north land 1s vm 1 the heart of the pulpwoods where the trail leads to work in the busb north of timmins ont farm notes feed cost of eggs with eggs at forty cents per dozen a hen must lay about seventyfive eggs in a year to pay for her feed this is tho conclusion reached as a result of an experiment carried on by tho o do la poeatieie ex perimental stationed operated by tho department of agriculture at ottawa the trial was made with twenty hens that laid well during the winter months the flock was kept in a thoroughly modern manner with respect to hous ing and other matters and given feed which cost 253 per hen for the year garden incident the noon enameled bees beset the passive clover but say uo more if this the treen chameleons hiss tile poo is brimming over through yew interstices dctr foal with coral eyes stand carren in surprise the hound tiat runs atone ha turned himself to tone the urns upon tho wall that let the water fall have whispered drippej dessted the basin that was wide has narrowed on a side the marble edge has twister across its broken lip the burnished fishes slip a black and golden gush flares out into a brush that streaks lie stcne with jt soon now this will be done the dark lagoon will dry and give the leaning sky its deepest word to guess the full of emptiness soon now- this will be done chameleons will be grey the deer will go away the lonely bound will run george 6neii in ije white rooster frequency of milking cows whether it is more profitable to milk cows twice or threa times a day would seem to depend on the quantity of milk the cows are capable of giv ing to determine the effeet of the number of milkings on milk and but ter fat production an experiment was carried on for some time at the ex perimental station at ste anne de la pocatiero quebec operated by tho department of agriculture at ottawa two lots ot three cows each simi lar with regard to condition and dairy capacity receiving the same feeds and giving an average ot forty pounds of milk per day were used in this test tho only difference between tho two lots was the cows in ono lot were milked twice a day and in the other lot three times a day it was found at the end of the test that thoso milked threo times a day had given 14 more milk and 22 more butter fat than thoso which were milked twice a day issued by tho director ot publicity dom de partment of agriculture ottawa ont various grain mixtures were used such as barley meal oatmeal bran and cornmeal mixed with milk at the j rate ot one and onehalf pounds per pound of grain j the lot that made the greatest pro- j fit received a mixture of cornmeal two parts oatmeal two parts brail one part cooked potatoes one part all mixed in a mash with milk this lot made again in weight of 95 pounds while other pens receiving a mash without tiie potatoes made a gain of from three to four pounds less the next most profitable ration contained beef scrap in the place of milk the mash in this case was made up of two parts of cornmeal oatmeal and beef scrap and one part bran further details of this experiment i appear in the report of the superin tendent of the ste anne de la poca tiero for last year published by the department of agriculture at ottawa who states ithat these results confirm the results shown by a similar experi ment the previous year boiled potatoes in poultry ration cockerels being finished for the market and fed on cooked potatoes as a part ot tho ration niado better gains and gave larger profits than other lots receiving no potatoes a breach of honor london daily news lib a good deal of irritation has been caused in this country by the recent declara tion ot the free state minister ot finance to the effect that if a private individual brought an appeal beforo the privy council and its decision should reverse the judgment of the free state supreme court tho free state government wonid make the ap peal ineffective lord reading is right in describing such a statement as an implied breach of a legal un dertaking and a breach of honor the freo state would do well to realize tho ultimate consequences to herself of a policy of nagging pinpricks since the treaty the attitude of great britain to the new irish state has been one of largespirited generosity if this attitude is never to be recipro cated and a succession of artificial and unnecessary difficulties are created ireland will be the chief suf ferer through loss of credit and of the many benefits she receives but rarely acknowledges as a member of tho british commonwealth the empire as a market london times trade supplement ind the empire marketing board has published a monograph by f l mcdougall on growing dependence of british industry on empire markets mr mcdougall shows that while in 1913 europe absorbed 34 per cent of british exports in 1928 the figure had fallen to 279 that in a world in which the volume of trade is increas ing great britains share of exports has fallen from 3 39 per cent in 1913 to approximately 11 per cent in 1928 but that great britains share in the import trade of the empire is about 3 per cent compared with about 90 per cent in foreign countries more over british exports to the empire largely consist of manufactured arti cles in the value of which the great est proportion of labor is represented it can scarcely be doubted that as the productive capacity of the em pire increases new demands for manu factures will be created and it fol lows that it is to the vital interest of great britain to foster trade within the empire and to maintain her pre dominant position in this group of expanding markets colds bring pneumonia hubby hurrah 1vo been pro moted and i will bo boss of the of fice wide yes thats right of the office ability do you ever doubt your ability then do not bo downcast it proves that you do have ability the su perior man is distressed by his want of ability said confucius a ieavy cold is a serious matter at any time but especially is it to be dreaded in the fall and winter months because may run into pneumonia there are two kinds of pueumenia that known as brenchial pneumonia is most commonly met with in chil dren or aged persons but it may come at any stage of life it has its beginning in a cold or peraaps comes as a sequel to whooping cough sear- let fever or measles it gets its name from the fact that it usually begins in the bronchial tubes and gradually lnvades small patches ot the lungs a still more virulent type is lobar pneumonia in this variety large areas of lung tissuo are involved and there is a tendency for the inflamma tory processes to spread from lobe to lobe often it starts very suddenly a history of a cough or cold that has been persistently hanging on is not uncommon but the lobar type of pneu- menia may come on without such no tice especially after prolonged ex posure to severe weather quite of ten it is ushered in with a chill the fver runs high for a week or ten days then comes the crisis and it the isue is to be favorable there will be a sudden drop in temperature leav ing the patient terribly weak but in a fair way to convalescence it is a deadly disease though and in all too many cases the favorable crisis never comes pneumonia demands the very best medical help obtainable not matter what it may ccst in money and effort at the first suspicion of this disease the patient should be confined strict ly to bed so as to save all strain up on the heart to avoid pneumonia fight away all bad colds dont tolerate them never sit or stand around in wet clothing when you corao in from tho fields chilled to the marrow first take a bot drink then change into dry clothing from head to toe remember that pne nonia is con tagious therefore if a case develops treat it like a contagious disease and do not permit it to run through the family canadian trade increases with most countries a visualizing of the strength of the storm king their hands in our pockets london daily mail indcorts the country has learnt with the ut most surprise that representatives ot our three political parties are shortly to meet and decide between them selves in committee whether and to what extent ministers salaries are to be increased of course there will be a formal show of consulting the representatives of the taxpayers through the house of commons that safeguard however is quite illusory the house of commons today exer cises no more effective control over finance than the house of lords which is by statuto deprived of all power over money bills the sin gle party machine of tho government in office is generally sufficient to en sure that the most exorbitant de mands shall be meekly granted when the leaders of all three parties take the precaution of a preliminary al liance to raise their own salaries pre sent or future the possibility o any effective opposition becomes remote indeed only exception is great bri tain grain exports reduced ottawa canadian trade is on the up grado with every country except the united kingdom it is in this trado area that the influence of the situation in the grain trade is felt consequent ly the sharp reductkn of grain ex ports has affected shipments to th british market on the other hand exports are in creasing to the other empire coun tries to the united states and other foreign countries imports are in creasing from all countries these statements aro based upon a survey of trade for the 10 months of the present calendar year and upon comparisons stretching over the last quinquennium taking a survey over the liveyear period imports from all countries have risen by nearly 50 per cent but ex ports by less than 3 per cent im ports from the united states are high er by 00 per cent and exports by 10 per cent imports from tho united kingdom are up by 22 per cent while exports to that market are down by 33 per cent exports to empire countries apart from the united kingdom arc up by 37 per cent and imports from the same group of countries by 47 per cent imports from foreign countries other than the united states rose during the quinquennium by 41 per cent while exports to these countries increased by 36 per cent special interest attaches to the ex port trade exports to tho united states for the 10 months of the pres ent year were valued at 417497000 as compared with 379747000 in 1925 exports to the united kingdom this year were 23063000 as compared with 341868000 in the first year of the quinquennium exports to other empire countries in 1925 were 04 050000 and this year 88447000 ex ports to foreign countries apart from the united states in the 10 months of this year have been 228243000 and in j92 168885000 palestine the airship controversy glasgow herald cons the most discouraging feature of tho contro versy from tho point of view of tho ordinary layman is tho growth of humility in the advocates of airships and the persistence of uncompromis ing criticism in the opponents of the craft and to an uninstructed world tho confusion of testimony is posi tively violent ono sido argues that tho pitching and plunging of the ships in storms that must bo antici pated will throw tho passengers about tho lounges in company with tho fur niture the other side suggests that no wine need bo spilt there is noth ing for it but to await moro light which we trust may be found without disastrous loss tho government may hold its band awhile without causing any resentment hero is an opportunity for tho practice of econ omy which does not involvo the sac rifice of a pledge by george do yon know after all winter is my favorite season whats yours i never play any favorites among tho seasons as they never run true to form the only way whilo walking out with mary i dropped right on tho ground ashed her to wed causo in bouse her brothers always round iho wreck of the merwede tanker mtrwedo afler it bad been driven ashcrc by recent terrific storms thit ewpt the toast ol england a littlo morality respectable re- drsscd censorious and individualistic 1 a dangerous thing mary emereon foedlck members of old war cabinet express deep concern for situationjn london lord balfour david loyi george and general smuts in a let ter to the times urge the appoint ment of a new commission to make a full inquiry into the administration of the british mandate in palestine as members of the war cabinet responsible for the balfour declara tion of 12 years ago and for the policy of the national home for tho jewish people which it foreshadowed we view with deep anxiety the present situa tion in palestine says the letter which continues on the events of last august which aro now the sub ject of an inquiry by a special commis sion we forbear to comment but it seems clear that whatever the finding of that commission may be on the re- sponsibility for the august outbreak the work to which britain has set her hand at the close of the war is not proceeding satisfactorily the balfour declaration pledged us to a policy in palestine and the man date intrusted us with vital admin istrative duties but causes which aro still obscure have impeded our ad ministration and consequently the full carrying out of the policy in these circumstances we would urge on the government the appoint ment of an authoritative commission to investigate the whole working of tho mandate tho commission now in palestine was appointed with lim ited terms of roferenco to inquire into specific matters this commis sion in our view must as soon as it has reportd bo supplemented by a searching inquiry into the major ques tions of policy and administration our pledge is unequivocal but in order to fulfill it in letter and in spirit considerable readjustment of the ad ministrative machine ray be desirable such commission would be an adver tisement to the world hat britain lias not weakened in tho task to which her honor is pledged and at the same time an assurance to jews and arabs alike that any proven defects in tho present system of government shall be made good tho times commenting editorially on tho letter intimating the possible need of moro adequate armed forces for protecting the rights of arabs jews and christians says if tho government after study of the report of tho- present- commission do de cide that tho administrative machine needs readjustment then t least they will bo wel ladvised to vcpeat to tho world in general and to the inhabitants of palestine in particular that there is no question either of abandonment of the mandate or of repudiation of tho balfour declaration tho success of the palestine manr date is of major intrest to the british empire nor will obligations of honor and the prompting of natural senti ment inspired by associations of tha holy land counsel the abandonment of a plain duty englishmen like to figut but do not like to draw lord cecil i