Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 19, 1929, p. 6

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l d she s2z captain aedinqle- v ss begin here today oid aldea drake formerly a sailor grovn soft and flabby through a lifefpoop ot idle ease ships aboard the clipper orontes as boy under the command of jake stevens whose enmity he in curs becarse of a mutual love for mary manning daughter of the own er whois a passenger at cape town stevens is superseded as captain by drake whose lawyers have seen to the purchase of the orontes during its cruise stevens is reduced to the rank of chief mate answering marys plea jake starts the orontes through the straits off java where the ship runs aground mary persuade ike the steward to take her ashore now go ox with the story the clacking pawls ceesed the men screamed sweat even fat little joe bunting wheezed horrible pro fanity as soon as his vocal power were relieved cf the necessity of bawlj ing encouraging chanteys straiins they might they only made theyiine- inch coir hawser twang andis-stch- even th blcedinttanchor dont drag ome to give iys a rest he wheeze seme of ihj men were less considerate of the ffip they agreed with tubbs and sjms ah this back- breaking leartrjtking labor was fu tile same thosewho most loyally backed the mates j little jee bunt ing j la need d bant the pacing fig ure cf yrue5teveniivimv by ten oclock the tide was full ah the movable weight forward except the deck water tanks had been shifted aft try her now mister twining cried drake eagerly sullonly the men shipped their cap stan bars again every rarn in the ship except drake stevens and ero oats put his weight to the bars heave wheezed joe bunting oh heave an bust er it was use- less starting a song the ship must be moved before she would begin to the rations twining was halfway down ladder before he could govern his voice enough to respond aye aye sir he said rothing to the men except that they were to have their dinners and a smoke he saw them troop forward in glee some of the men are ready to chuck in theii hands now said adams break out cargo in this heat have to do it 1 suppose the man knows his business its when greenland as changs of climate in the j worlds history graini in presentday deserts here then me have aa example of the way iti 1 iu which ii is possible by piecing to- i soplcrl different sets of tacts to re- jycoastruct the past we feel sure that a cetaiu stage in the past of this country there were desert conditions where now there is a typical english 3tene fossils as thermometers by professor a c sewa30 is there good reason to jappose that the climate ot the world was in for mer times different iroin what it is now how do we set about trying to find out what sort ot climates there and shale were at dinsrent periods of the worlds history lu order to obtain facts likely to throw light on what has happened in ihe course of hun dreds ot millions of years before man came into the world and therefore is th figt gssa t a damned hard though i dont believe the ship can move before spring tides ill agree its hard returned twining but it captain allien drake says he can move the ship 1 wont believe it impossible as long as he erries on trying im waiting to him set sail and back her oft yet j stevensbatched the last sailor the lintmes kit into the fore- castl- then the doctor shambled aft curling taking off us filthy apron and turning it before entering the saloon door the great hawser stretch ed taut as a harnstving along the deik a mans height up from the forecastle head leads to the fairleader on the poop it quivered to the strong rip ples of the fast ebbing tide so ter rific was the strain upon it that where it entered the sea it was scarcely more than onehalf its normal diameter possessed of tremendous elasticity 4 too as that cocoanut fibre towing hawser it exerted a pull of many tons even while stretched there mo tionless drake knew what he was about when he planned every move he had made stevens conceded that but jake stevens was thinking of many things not concerned with coir cables and strains first he must feed him self since neither mates nor men ten dered him an invitation to eat ho lowered himself to the deck and looked inside the galley the dishes let us nea lobkat the fossil pleats which have been jvnd in rocks esj peclally in such i ckx as sandstones j which are simply beds of saud and mud or clay hardened by pressure in the course of a low sue- cession ot ages it is common know ledge that in our climate it is inpus- sible to groa out of doors many of ttie plants sent to us from warmer long before there was any written countries they must be grown in hot- history we have to search among the houses can we then make use of rocks which form the surface of the fossil plants as tests ot climate as earth and can be examined in trnar- thermometers to enable us to follow ries in cliffs in ravines and in niiues changes in temperature in the pas and other places rocks are of many we cau to some extent but only pat different kinds ami ot many different tlally lu the firsi place the plants ages they are the documents which it is possible to follow 4 sessa ssssas the garstess to suppose that greenland in the crejseut it is impossible from obtained from rocks belonging to one in some of the more ancient periods such as measure the successive events which j the coal age are very different from taceous period was much warmer than it is new with the fossil ferns are leaves and fviss of many other kinds ot plants some of the fossil twigs and cone3 verv like thoso ot one of the big j sea were at one time above it air a the position and size ot change the flow and dlrec- i he stealthilv lowered himself into the water by a rope efd- slide fast enough to call for a song but to move her was a terrific jask with muscles cracking tho veins swelling on the foreheads of the few real workers only tlio clack clack claaack of three reluctant pawls resulted mr twining straightened his agonized back mr adams almost fell forward at the expiration of his heroic effort bhme im done pantad joe bunting nick coombs silent hitherto but heaving with every atom of his tremendous arm and shoulder power glared with glassy eyes from beneath lowering dripping brows shaking his head beaten ought to make everybody give is pound he grumbled and young adams knowing the man spoke the truth glanced along the deck at ste vens and at the sail lcckcrdaor he knew hew useless all this labor was ho thought he knew anyhow and the coffee had been pvelty bad adams was ready to back his skipper to the limit as was twining but lie was young and with the proiieress cf youth was likely to overlook a few things dn the heat of annoyance he watched drake pacing the poop ap parently only thinking up ways to further bedevil and bullydanm the mates and tho men what aldon drake was really thinking about was how he could get his ship afloat and on her way to her por with least delay mister twining he called out twining responded briskly here was word to quit breaking the mons hearts drake leisurely packed his old black briar pipe and as leisurely lit the tobacco the smoke was jetting free ly when twining appeared at the head of the ladder mister twining you may vast heaving for this tide twinings face brightened let the men got their dinners give em a spell for a smoke then go to work and shift tho water tanks aft twinings jaw dropped his eyes clouded drake puffed plncid- ly at his pipe and -t- in the same voice as he mil 3h ike to put buttons in m romottow if0 for the saloon dinner were in the open oven tho doctor was preparing the table there were six lumps of boiled salt beef steaming greasily in a great dishpan they were extra rations cooked ready for certain cold meals to come there was a full bread locker jake dumped out the beef and selected the best piece this with two cobs of bread wrapped up in his jacket he replac d in the dishpan he folt in his pockets made sure he had his pocket knife and then with a swift glance along the decks he darted to the ships side nearest the shore tho island lay a cable length distant high voices could be heard from the forecastle where tired and surly men argued loudly and rebelliously ste vens grinned but without any pleasure amusement it was the grim grin o an upright man about to do some thing not quite so upstanding it was the grin of the outcast jake stevens folt his position intensely he knew he was neither master ror man neither welcome passenger nor use ful crew he had ro doubts whatever that reaching port to him meant no thing at all but loss of his certificate and starting all over again with every sinew of his powerful frame at tension he stealthily lowered himself into the water by a ropeend clutch ing the dishpan in one encircling arm until he could set it afloat then he pushed off from the ship and swam swiftly towards the shore floating the pan ahead of him he turned when he had almost reached the rocks the doctor had not appeared yet he grinned again and now there was a trace of satisfac tion in the grin jake had formed a splendid plan if he could only win out of sight from the ship bqfore the doctor discovered the loss ot the beet and bread he would scon be sitting on top of the world he scrambled out of tho water and carried his stores hurriedly out of sight beyond the waterside and crouched expect antly the doctors untidy head bob bed along above tho rail of tfie oron tes going to the galley jake listened and vatercd the daetcr reappeared rd passed back to the cabin ap- mitlj he had been so intent upon cabin dishes that he had not no- the loss of beef and bread to be centinud mako lip the history of the geologists have classified the rocks into several groups or systems each of which represents as it were a chapter of earthhistory these chap- are known as geological periods and are called by various names we gather information from the nature of the rocks themselves as well as from the remains ot animals and plants which they contain deserts in the heart of england near the centre of england in the charnwood forest district ot lices- teishue there are low hills made of hard rocks like granite which be long to a very remote epoch when there was little or no life some of the granitic hills of leicestershire were once covered by softer material belonging to a later period and con sisting of saudy mud which was or iginally spread out in layers as sedi ment from muddy water which had covered the country that is now charnwood forest in course ot time these newer laers of rock were re moved by the action of air and water by rain and frost and parts of the buried granite were gradually expose to view in the hills thus exposed we have a glimpse of a very old land scape a piece of the earths surface as it was before the days when the mud and saud levelled lue uneven floor of the older rocks we can therefore form some idea of the state of the country which for long ages had been hidden it was found that the exposed surface of the older rocks was smoothed and polished and in some places had been worn into broad grooves and rounded ridges surface- features which remind us very strong ly of those seen on hard rocks in de serts of the present day and produced by stormdriven blasts of sand this comparison suggests that at one period there may have been a desert i es earth j any that are now living and though we cau learn something of the con ditions in which they grew by exam ining their structure we cannot say much with any great confidence are trees in california a tree which is often grown iu our parks it is known as sequoia and is sometimes called by gardeners weliingtonia this tree now grows wild only in california but it is certain that trees very nearly re lated to it once flourished in green- laud there are also many leaves difficult question briefly that from time to time the land has 15th risen aud sank places whero there is now dry land were once un der water aud regions now below the about the climate which tiiey requir- preserved in the same rocks which ed they are too unlike any living be closely matched with thoseo plants with which they can he cofu- t living plane trees there are pared but when we look at collec- j leaves of magnolia and many other tions of fossil plants from rocks which powering plants without going into were formed during periods of the detail it may be said that the ma jority of the trees which agree most nearly in their foliage with those which have left traces of their exist ence in the rocks of greenland are now living either iu the south of eur ope in the southern united states or in tropical countries greenland today let us next look at greenland as it is by far the greater part of it is i deeply buried under perpetual ice aud is practically destitute of life dur ing the short summer in june july and august there is a comparatively narrow strip around the coast with little or no snow where flowers are abundant in that part of greenland in the region that is now leicester- 1 known as different kinds of gleichenia 5 which are members of a family now but is there any other eveidence are widely spread in tropical countries there anv other kind of evidence are s0ltl o llle equator there are no there any other facts which we can gleichenias iu europe at the present per earths history nearer to the- present we find a much closer resemblance to plants which are living now and it is therefore safer to make comparisons with regard to climate when greenland was a tropical country let me take as an illustration i plants collected in greenland the rocks which furnished them belong approximately to the stage of geologi cal history when our chalk was being formed mi the ocean floor this period is known as the chalk or cretaceous period from the latin word greta which means chalk halfway along the west coast of greenland in disko island and in the cliffs and the neighboring mainland artfsaud- j no trees onl stunted willows and the stones and shales which were no dwarf birch growing close to the doubt formed at a time when what is ground and rarely reaching a height now high ground on the western part of more than two or three feet the of greenland was the estuary of a hill slopes are in places covered with large river the river gradually built j a vegetation reminding us of our own moorland but there are no trees and the familiar heather of the british isles is replaced by another member of the heather family there are many small flowering plants on the hills and in the valleys which are free from snow in the summer and some ot them are well known friends at home especially on the scottish mountains and in the english lake district in the chalk period there was a rich vegetation mudtipof many different rkiudsot trees and shrubs instead of tho lowgrowing plants of today there were many ferns differing wide ly from the uw which now grow in greenland lu a word the contrast betwen the forests which ave ieft teratlons continent tiou ot ocean currents which like the warm gulf stream aud colder currents flowing from the polar seas have a great deal to do with raisins or lower ing the temperature of continents and islands the gradual lifting up of laud by some gigantic force acting on the crust of the earth to form moun tainranges also makes considerable difference in the climatw y know that there have been liany such uplifts in the course of geologs tor it is 1 sharpers reap big harvest in london oxford accent and stylish clothes help swindlers win victims old games succeed london the gd brick salesmea of this city finding that their v ret and modus operandi are parhai s be coming rather tc- well known kavo forsaken the old rackets and produced some brand new schemes the performers retain the appear ance of well hie educated men about town their accent is of oxford they sport the tics of famous schools or know crac regiments and even the most e astute cockney would not think them anything but real toffs in the bar of a good hotel a wci- drcssed man gets into conversation with some wealthy ycuth when tho party has progresd amicably for some time and one or two rounds of drinks have been consumed he offer to show his new friends a little trick- rolling a piece of white paper into a pellet he places it upon a table covers it with a briar pipe bowl downward and states that he will change the color of the pellet from white to red a crowd is soon pressing round the table and the conjurer carelessly drops his handkerchief on the floor as he stops to pick it up another mail who is in reality a confederate iv hie from under tho winks at the bystanders and to discuss this x pipe v however hard to believe that bets 20 that the trfifc j changes in the position ot laud and j jiany of the onlookers make the sea and ia the heiklit of laud above sealevel would make enough differ ence in climate to account for ike con trast between the present and the past flies headdown in peasoup fog river up a delta of sand and mud and as we see in our rivers of today leaves and branches ot trees being swept along in streams so in former times samples of the vegetation growing on the banks were carried by stream i and buried as fossils in sand and mud the greenland fossils are many ot them broken pieces of fern leaves and some of them are well enough pre served to enable us to recognize what sort of ferns they are the common- agree very closely- with ferns quote in support of the existence of desert condition in cheshire wor cestershire and in some other dis tricts there are beds ot salt and other substances such as gypsum remind ing us very strongly of deposits being formed now iu the dead sea and in other very salt waters in dry coun tries it is important to note that these salt beds of cheshire and wor cestershire belong to the same period ot the earths history as that which is recalled by the old grooved and stormlashed granites ot leicester shire some sandy rocks in various ports of england which also belong to the same geological period are mado of small particles which remind day what does this mean it means that at one time some millions of years ago there lived in greenland ferns which were members of a family that in the course of ages wandered far to the south from arctic regions and eventually settled in central and south america africa the malay archipelago and farther to the east several thousand miles away from its original home in the far north it most ot the living members o this family of ferns are now tropical are wo to conclude that when very nearly related ferns lived in greenland that country enjoyed a tropical climate it would be going too far to answer the question by a simple ves we flying upsidedown in a dense fog cutting figure eights with a light plane without touching the rudderbar shat tering a propeller by running into a flock of crows and setting fire to an old ship as part of a fourth of july celebration and watching the pyrotech- nical display from a parachute are among the thrilling and unusual ex periences of randy enslow noted crosscountry flier and undberghs former barnstorming partner who has flown more than 4000 hours in a 10- year aerial career i have heard pilots tell of battling up 2000 or 2500 feet through feg without using their instruments writes the aviator in the december issue of popular science monthly im from missouri they will have to show me when my senses tell me one thing and the little dials on the instrument beard tells me another usually the dials are right ive never doubted that after one experience i had flying it california the ship nosed into a nig cloud at about 7000 feet the fog was so thick their scattered fragments in the rocks j i could hardly see the propeller the and the vegetation which now pro- wings disappeared the tail seemed duces attractive flowers iu the short j to drop oil sitting in the cockpit was summer and lies dormant during the like riding in a little bathtub a mile i long dark winter period is about as above the earth when i dropped out great as 11 could be j of the cloud i looked over the side what makes climate change j of the ship to get my bearings from there have been very many and what j aw was very many great changes in climate in the course of the earths history since the days when life first became abundant aud hero is uo good reason for believing that the world as a whole received much more heat from the sun millions ot years ago than it does no how then can we explain differences in climate between the past and the pre- usliy their shape of the wellrounded j can only say that the facts lead us j minards linment for cou ships that pass and those that trail behind by for those who go down to the sea in ships the photograph here shows a rortion of the salmoa skeena bc being towed out ot harbor power boat blue sky and clouds i had been flyin j upside down without knowing it not long ago i tested a little plane about the size ox a mosquito for a man in the south the tiny ship got off the ground in the length of two tele phone poles it was so light that when 1 stuck my hand out one side of the cockpit the plane turned just as a boat turns when an oar is held in the water on one side by holding out a hand first on one side and then on the otlier i made a figure eight without touching the rudderbar once while flying crosscountry be tween two towns i lost my way i set the ship down in a field about the sie of a handkerchief but in barn- stormin a pilot gets used to landing on a postal card aiiil taking oil from a stamp so i wasnt worried but just before i tipped the trees a flock of crows that had settled there was scared up by the roar of the planes motor the air became black a- dozen struck the propeller it went to pictes exploding like a firecracker a black blizzard of crow feathers blinded me the motor choked dead i shoved ahead on the stick and down we came in a pasture beyond the ticosi in landing wo almost milked a cow and am j bet j thats all right says the trickster nonchalantly wouldnt take your money he then picks up the pipe and there is a red pellet pellet hidden in pipe it was secreted in the bowl and a slight tap in picking up the pipe dis lodged it the siiow of refusing to take any money is quite safe for the confederate insists on paying and tho others follow suit care is taken that the victims are that class of men what may be called the threefinger trick is almost as remunerative as tho foregoing the practictioner frequents a bar for a few weeks until he is recognized as a regular and reliable habitue ono day he tells the girl who dispenses the drinks that he has left his pocket- book at home and suggests that she lend him three pounds until the next dav signs mislead girl the girl replies thai tho managers consent must bo obtained he then goes over to the latter and asks i lie may have three drinks en credit- at the same time gesticulating with three fingers for the benefit of the barmaid the barmaid sees her employer sig nal approval as she thinks of tho loan of three pounds the trickster gets the money and is never seen in that pub again a presentable individual at a night club discovers that he is short of money and from a more or less casual acquaintance borrows 20 giving a denond stickpin as security not seeing the owner ol the pin for some time the lender visits 7r eller has the pin valued and discovers that it is worth 200 his fears are thus allayed obtains larger loans the trickster later redeems the pin and repeats the performance with tho same victim on several occasions then he borrows a larger sum say 130 giving apparently the same se curity this time however he does not liquidate the debt and a consider able period elapses before the lender finds that the security he holds is a cheap imitation although these new catches are proving very profitable maii of bz old ones are still successfully vjrkli this is no doubt due to the rcfccike of the smart worldlywise citize who does not publish the news whetie is duped but prefers to lose hisiioney rather than earn a reputation obeing simple it is remarkable hat year i year out the mock auctioneers wnxatler and fatter in spite of the fat that it must have caught thousais of londoners and visiting firemen their old standby the simple opcraln of selling a man his own mono slil renders yeoman service victim buys two watces the mock auctioneer after uc redundant verbosity offers an alted- barbcdiviropv u watch for the modest pra ot to sat down straddling a fence but after i dug pieces of crow shillings and entices an onjker out of the motors air intake and put t0 hnilj u ue amount while i has the money and the purchaser lr ll watch he proceeds in n leisure fa shion safe in the knowledge th the victim will not leave show you what ill do he outs heres the gold watch ill lit on a new prop the ship was ready go the craziest stunt i ever pulled in the air was when i was barnstorming with nick almgrim in ohio we had tagged along an old jenny biplanei that was born before the war at 8w guaranteed lady s iijuec last we got tired of having the flying witl t anli thls tcl j tumble wd around so at a fourth lo the lots yours for aim- of julv celebration at a hale town in almost every case the puiascr near columbus wc gave everybody passes up the 20 shillings if including mvsolt the thrill of their othe rc than that he wns w lives we packed the old bus with away it is not until excelsior dipped in kerosene i took purchases home and thi the it up a couple of thousand feet touch- matter over carefully in ii i s ed a match to it and crawled out with matches of the night that he him a parachute floating down i had a t instead of getting the lwratn- grandstand seat to watch the flying f ought for 10 shiili5- jjoncre j ijias paid 10 shillings each for u- f- minards liniment for distemper issue no 5129 fwhen peopls read they hf reason and when they eisoih progress if

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