stouffville decembfil 19th 1929 local happenings 2ss2gggwwwwtrawv5-sy- 2jsi christmas church services next sunday in most of the local churches send the tribune a list of your christmas visitors the altona public school is closed owing to an outbreak of chicken pox the school concert is also postponed on this account rg a m davison of unionville the ownshlp clerk of markliam brought home many laurels from the cuelph horse show with his stria of tine ponies both skating and curling rinks are running full time now with good sheets of ice mr a c burkholder is being urged to run for the council for 1930 mr burkholder would be a valuable member to that body 2 pair girls hockey boots and skates sizes 3 and 4 150 a pr in good condition mary doten an automobile tire found in stouffville owner prove property and pay tor adv phone 5303 wm ball was able to leave the hospital last week and arrived home on thursday mr ball has lost the sight of one eye but is otherwise improving satisfactorily the tribune will be sent to any address in canada for 2 to the cud of dee 1930 united states points 250 special christmas service in the anglican church next sunday with the tilarkham choir rendering special music on the right side of the road question since the expiession of opinion in these columns a couple of weeks agolthe 6th line school house on thurs charge freewill offering only in aid of missions the sixth line public school will hold its annual christmas concert in have days op endless fun in our near north hat the council was not moving fast enough on the road question tovards securing an engineer to survey the i west end for storm sewers iteeve unionville school concert takes i sanders assures us that he is on the several cars of turnips have been shipped recently by the local ufo to american points the farmers receiving up to 30c per bus willi a possible few cents more to come if their shipments get through with out any untorseen loss x c w petch late from winnipeg spoke at church of christ west eud on sunday last he will preach again on sunday dec 29th at 11 o clock a- m you are invited to hear him the balance of our stock of ladies hats are being sold at hair the regular prices to clear mrs 31 e watts my beauty parlor will be open from tuesday to saturdpy each week over lehmans shoe store hair- dressing and marcelling phone s904 margaret cove 41 fred mowder has taken a position in toronto driving a big cab for the ocean blend tea co he will cover most of ontario in distributing tea for this company j a wear funeral director- ambulance service funerals 70 and up phone d000 mabkham ont this is the season of the year when many beautiful shrubs are ut down to be used as christmas trees farmers who have any evergreen on their propertj are liable to be victimized by vandals unless they keep a sharp watch john mckinnon who is an ex- councillor is likely to be a candid ate for office again this year after being out of harness the past 12 months a woman in toronto charged that rural mail carriers could not read if this were true what a lot ot good entertainment they have miss ed especially in the post card season stouffville merchants have pre pared well foe this christmas season the window shopper can enjoy the season while the stores are laden with christmas gift goods place on friday this week alt hill the principal promises an interesting time for any stouflvillo friends who may drive to unionville for this event in the next issue of this paper cober cober radio dealers will announces in detail their new radio service department sooner or later every radio requires expert attention and this firm carries all repairs with experienced workmanship to install them there is not radio set they cannot fix so watch for their special display advertisement light side of the road question he has interviewed engineer uose who says there will be plenty of time to bring on the engineer next spring we are glad the reeve is keeping abreast of this question and the ratepayers will be pleased to learn that engineer hose is satisfied to have the survey held over until 1930 without endangering our chances of a high class road within a short time day evening dec 19th there will be a varied program consisting of school songs dialogues recitations etc a special feature of the evening will b songs and acting by a local comedian dont forget the date thursday dec 19th at s oclock admission 25c coming events mr percy brentnell who will be remembered as teller in the bank of commerce here two years ago when he left for chatham has en tered into business for himself mr brentnell and his brother have formed a partnership in a bakery business in voodvillenear beaver- ton give him things to wear this christmas qifts men jlpprcciatt peckxuear always acceptable especially when its only 10 more shopping days before christmas and we sug gest that you shop early and avoid the rush of the last few days gifts for dad and the boys mens allwool sweater coats in the new shades 275 to 600 ea mens fine shirts in plain and striped patterns some with two collars 195 ea mens allwool mufflers 150 mens linen initialed hdkfs 3 for 100 ties that men appreciate 55c to 150 mens lined and unlined gloves 100 to 450 mens umbrellas 149 to 5 mens bathrobes and pyjamas at various prices boys winter overcoats 795 to 1200 boys leatherettes and all- wool wind breakers sweat ers shirts pyjatias ties handkerchiefs etc r ecurti x everything in mens wear pione 5g01 stouffville mr edw walls this week pur chased the large brick house on the 10th concession north of the ceme tery belonging to imrs george boad- way this property is fadrly con venient to the small farm mr walls purchased just south of the cemetery from walter dickson edward keeps east end real estate on the move messrs edw baker edwin lloyd and a v nolan are the three members of the stouffville school board whose term of office expires this year we have not heard of any new names to fill these positions but a keener interest may be taken in the school as well as the council elections as the nomination date draws nearer the mite boxes belonging to the wms of the united church were recently emptied and the contents all in silver amounted 2540 and weighed g vt pounds this contribu tion on the part of the ladies is from what is known as pin money when you have an odd copper in change drop it in the box which all goes to show how the little odds and ends which no one misses mounts up when taken collectively dei forest crosley radio th rotai irrmot a rtai battluailt r let tadio bring good cheer you this christmas i y wfbrathwaite ope mrs clifford soden ot claremont died suddenly at her home in tor onto last week at the early age of 31 years she was a daughter of the late c o bennett of claremont and formerly of uxbridge where the late mr bennett conducted the mansion house for so many years the deatli of mrs soden came as a great shock to her friends at claremont mrs ross soden of stouffville is a sister- inlaw the municipal nomination meet ing takes place next monday evening in iratcllfts hall for stouffville ratepayers it is hoped that- the cit izens wll show their interest by be ing present from 730 to s30 pm nominations will be received for reeve councillors cemetery com missioner and three school trustees whitchurch ratepayers meet in the afternoon at vandorf and markham ratepayers at unionviille uxbridge in goodwood walter dickson has sold his 39 acres of land on the 10th concession to edward walls who intends to erect a bungalo on the property next spring for some years mr dickson has worked this property in conjunction with his acreage on main street it is situated just south of the cemetery grounds mr dickson has purchased six acres of land from george simpson known as the arthur yake place imr simpson retained the house barns and a few acres one of the longest subscribers to the tribune is thos kelllngton who rendered his subscription last week mr kelllngton is living at bloom- ington although he spent all his more active life on the farm south of island lake on the 10th con cession mr kelllngton is over 70 years of age but he looks about 60 and recalls the events of 50 years ago as he remembers the doings ot a week back when the first railway train came through stouffville mr kelllngton was working in robt sangsters swamp at lincolnville assisting his father to get out a few sticks ot cedar on hearing the first train whistle young kelllngton as he was at that time ran through the swamp a halt mile to the tracks and saw the old wood burner engine go rushing by the first one over this lino of railway the sight gave thos kelllngton a thrill which he has remembered for over 50 years tuesday thursday and saturday evenings the auditorium of the stouffvillo school was well filled on thursday evening for the annual concert by tho children of the public school the various items were well received and each hold big interest for tho audloncea wealth of ability was dls- displayed in the 18 varied ilne3 on the list rendered by tho tiny tots in first room to the older pupils in fifth room certificates were presented to the entrance iclass of last mldsum- mer tho chairman stated that qf 59 pupils trying entranco from stouff ville school in the last three years all had been successful with one single excoptlon crullt is due principal watson and his staff ot the school with the appearance of santa claua who came rolling in and presented the prizes from the tree tho evening program was con cluded many expressed approval of holding the concert in tho school giving the parents an apportunity to sco the interior of this fine building for tho first time in somo instances prices for poultry are not likely to rule high at the christinas mark et in stouffville today thursday turkey prices especially will be easier but there is very little of this foul raised here the heavy supply of fowl now in storage and the american tariff which has ad vanced to 7c per pound are the two contributing factors to easy prices at porters store stouffville ringwood christmas tree and concert will be held in ringwood school house on monday night dec 23rd admission 25c and 15c dixon hill school will hold their annual christmas tree and concert in the school on friday dec 20th at s oclock admission 25 and 15c keep open friday evening dec 20th for the school concert at bethesda a good program silver collection grace nicely teacher 42 a concert consisting of dialogues drills songs and choruses will be given in mongolia school on thurs day evening dec 19th beginning at 745 admission 25 children 15c who is santa is the christmas cantata being given in the stouffville christian church monday evening at eight oclock dec 23rd there will be no admission the public is in vited keep in mind the lemonville school concert tonight thursday arents and others are requested to attend a good program by the scholars ot the school a christmas cantata the king of glory will be rendered by the stouffville baptist sunday school in their school room on monday evening dec 23rd everybody welcome no the vogue hat and novelty shop come iftand look around the gift shop you will find gifts that are different all reasonably priced box ed handkerchiefs bath towels lovely cups and saucers chinese brass in dia brass book ends fancy china and glass candlesticks lovely dolls and toys towels pillow cases and many other suitable gifts also real bargains in ladies and childrens hats store open every night until xmas do you like to near the swish ot skis through untracked snow or the sound ot a crackling log fire after sundown or the aroma ot bubbling coffee after a brisk snow- shoe tramp those are experiences you enjoy every day in tie winter sport resorts ot the highlands ot ontario the lodges in muskoka and lake of bays are open now parties are going up for weekendsa weekor a fortnight you can enjoy winter sports in ideal surroundings accom modation is as comfortable as at home wide variety of resorts from which to choose youll come back with a sparkle in your eyes- and an appetite almost embarrassing an illustrated folder has been prepared telling you where tp go the cost etc and copy may be had upon request to any agent of canadian national railways quality service feed feed feed schu feed plus your own feed try it now to make your feed last longer feeds have all appearance of getting ftirarrjh fulopep egg mash and all other kinds of poultry supplies stiver bros stouffville ontario he gift that many men will give their families this christmas will be a pogersbatteryless radio we say this without hesitation because at the new low prices now in effect the 1930 eighttube rogers is unquestionably the greatest radio value in canada four christmases ago and that is a long time in the radio industry rogers blazed the- trail- for all of the electric radios that are on the market this christmas even the word batteryless was coined by rogers to describe this canadian invention the first radio in the world to operate successfully without batteries first in the field in 1925 the rogers is still first in standards of reliability and outstanding performance proven for the past five years in thousands of canadian homes you cannot possibly make a mistake in choosing for christmas the the original beteryjuess adio rogers lowboy new reduced price rogers highboy new reduced price new reduced prices special christmas terms j m storey dealer stouffville