stouffville december 19th 1929 at this season we wish our many customers a very merry christmas and a bright and pros perous new year nuts the finest and choicest of quality of nuts we have ever offered california budded walnuts 35c lb soft shelled almonds 25c mixed nuts our own mix- gunoble walnuts 30 lb ing all fresh fancy goods no roasted peanuts 20c peanuts special 24c per lb large washed brazils 24c we have a large assortment of christmas candies assorted and maple creams 20clb q malaga raisins 1 lb 30c to 40c valencia large t 18c thompsons seedless 2 lbs 24c puffed and seeded at 15c per pk mince meat 2 lbs for 25c lemon and orange peel lb 22c malaga grapes the choicest of this years shipment at 30clb oranges our own selection because of the late ripening of the california oranges we strongly recommend for this season the florida orange choice sweet thin skinned and juicy florida oranges per dozen 39c 45c 60c 65c california navels per doz 30c 50c 60c mixed candy special fine sample 2 lbs 25c jelly beans per lb 20c gum drops per lb 15c licorice allsorts per lb 25c christmas rock mixed lb 17c our famous mixed chocolate 30c chocolate bars 6 for 25c kandy kanes lc 5c 10c fine well berried holly 25c per lb full assortment christmas cakes of ratcliff co town delivery phone 7112 feeds flour coal bran and shorts very scarce farmers who will require feeds will do well to order from us corn and oats at a price no higher than bran and shorts poultry feeds egg mash scratch grain crack corn corn meal and oyster shell x coal and coke always on hand s w hastings phone 169 ji rile salt stouffville cement the stouffville trd3une published etery thursday rate 200 per year j250 to the united states notes and comments next saturday is the shortest day in the year the most needed loud speaker is or the still small voice of cons cience m the last finance minister was named robb the new one is named dunning pecular how appropriate names are isnt it everyone thinks they are dunned and robbed by al most every tax it requires 1000 names of munici pal voters in their own rlgnt and title on voters lists as owners tenants or income voters to entitle a municipality to a deputy reeve i this gives a township or town twice the voting power of the smaller municipalities at county council oat3 are selling so cheaply in the united states that oatmeal manu facturers there are able to pay duty and undersell our products in the canadian market this condition may be good for the canadian farmer but its hard on canadian oatmeal millers while the laws of medes and persians never changed the same can be said of the ratepayers in the township of raglan for three successive years mr james pilgrim has been elected reeve of that town ship over mr christie schutt by a majority of one schuu has tried to smash this majority to atoms but the men of raglan are not of the kind who change their views and while schutt cannot succeed neither can pilgrim increase his majority the ratepayers are not fickle minded they make up their minds pem broke standard it would cost stouffville 1000 to nstal a four faced dock in the tower of the municipal building such a timepiece would be illumin ated at night and seen for a good distance all our citizens would like to see the town dressed up with a real clock but who will derive a means of securing the 1000 if ten citizens would come forward with 100 each the cost would be met and their names could be en graven on a memorial plate that goes with a clock that would show to the citizens for decades to come their public generosity w an interesting law case up in bruce county will be of general interest to truck drivers and others a driver of a truck which was insured against public liability and which recently ran into a herd of cattle near dunkeld breaking the legs of two animals so that they had to be despatched outright after the accident was under the im pression it seems that public ii ability covered injury to cattle as well as persons and that the insur ance company and the cattle owner would have to fight it out to deter mine who would stand good for the damages to his car and for the loss of the animals but he since we un derstand had the chagrin of learn ing that the insurance company is out of the picture so far as his case is concerned had he struck a per son it seems the insurance people would have been right into the con troversy but a eattle fatality has nt eveu a passing interest for them under this policy we are told and hence from a monetary if not a humane standpoint the motorist would be better off to have bowled over a pedestrian or two than to knock out a couple of beasts pro vided it can be shown that he was in any way to blame for the affair a point we understand that ho is stoutly disputing in this case and departmental officials have every reason to believe it will the in- centhe for farmers to produce first- class graded potatoes will be in creased greatly why do taxes come at christmas 7 new scheme for munici pal elections 5 more shopping days until christmas special christmas offer useful gifts for christmas when a member of the munici pal council desires to move up and pits himself against the mayor or reeve or some other member of the retiring council for higher office the result is that the municipality loses the services of one or other of the contestants a goderich ratepayer says the signal with an original mind suggests a plan of election which would meet this difficulty in connection with our present method of election he pro poses that all nominees for the council go on one ballot and that the one who receives the highest number of votes be mayor the next highest reeve the next deputy reeve and the next six be councillors then all the best men would be kept in the council and the munici pality would have the benefit of their ability and experience and those with any ambition would be putting their best foot forward throughout the year in order to win a higher place at the next election of course the first objection to this plan would be that electors have a habit of putting new men at the head of the poll- any untoward re sult from this tendency could be pre vented by a rule that a man must have at least one years experience in council before being eligible for the position of deputy reeve two years for reeve and three years for mayor but even without such a rule the ratepayers themselves would not vote with the sfame enthusiasm for a new- candidate if they knew the result might be the elevation of an inexperienced man to the highest office in the municipality there should also be provision whereby any man elected to one of the higher offices might if he wished decline it and allow the next highest man to take it any change in the method of electing municipal councils must be made by the legislature but if public opinion expressed itself strongly in the direction of any proposed form the legislature will in due time make the neces sary enactment there is material for discussion in the goderich mans proposal why oh why must taxes coincide so nearly with christmas and why oh why must they go up ten dollirs every year last year i remember the tax man came just as the thresh ing machine moved out and this year he came on the very day we had shipped some fat stock it just seem ed as though he timed his arrival so we should not forget our financial obligation or take any sat isfaction in oui grain bins or the cheque from the stock yards from now until the 14th of december it you see a group of farmers standing at the street corner you can be pretty sure that the one topic under discussion is taxes they splutter and grumble and make an awful fuss and then when the time comes they each one hand over their hard earned money like a iamb well i suppose these things have to be and possibly in good year one would hear very little about taxes bul in lean years they certainly d scem to take the gift off the ginger bread be that as it may since iure is no way out 0 it might as well smne and look pleasant and think of taxes as a necessary evil wwdfaiad ww6 may the yule tide of 1929 bring many rich blessings in the hearts of young and old i wish you and all a very merry chistmas a g lehman x increase the daily milk flow by giving marmill ilk 3aker big 20 milk maker is an all year round dairy feed that produces more milk more cream bigger profits marmill gig 20 milk maker is rich in proteins minerals and carbohydrates which while increasing the milk flow- will fully sustain the vigor of your cows figures published by cow testing association on 2800 cows show that for t lie expenditure of 5000 in 1 year ona good commercial mixed feed the butter fat production increased from 184 pounds to 3g4 pounds or a net increase in profits of sgoo you can secure bigger profits by feed ing marmill big 20 milk maker marmill hog grower and hog fattener will give you biggist profit per hundred weight in shortest time marmill hog grower is compounded from the essential minerals proteins and carbohydrates proved by practical experience to produce the select grade ot hogs in the shortest time follow the hog grower with marmill hog fattener in five months you will sell 200 pound hogs on a select market reesor marmill ltd markham telephone markham 9600 ontario i bath bobes in heavy blanket cloth suitable for every women and child full and roomy lovely colors rose blue tan and mauve satin binding with silk tassel prices ranging from 150 to 498 j we have a good display of fancy linens cut work centres and tray cloths with heavy cream lace fancy embroidered towels lunch sets etc a good assortment to choose from at reasonable prices penman art silk and wool stockings fine art silk outside wool inside so the com fort of wool combines with the appear ance of silk all the leading shades sizes 8 to 10 at 100 a lovely gift these heavy silk stockings and every pair is full fashioned silk ex tends to the top where the edge is picoted run stop top colors are fash ionable in creole beechnut cloud mys tery nude crane biscay nude mo- derne paris plage sizes 8 to 10 at 200 see our display of tables a wonderful as sortment to choose from gifts and toys of all kinds ranging from 5c up to 95c and higher limoges china dinner sets in special selling clear white china with flower in shades of pink and yellow edges are gold with gold handles 97 pieces very special 3000 and 3500 note paper and envelopes in gift boxes each box contains sheets of assorted colored note paper and envelopes to match special per box 49c christmas cards in boxes contains 12 and 18 cards inscribed with attractive yule- tide greetings with envelopes to match 59c and 79c a box gift handkerchiefs galore novelty swiss and linen each one lovelier than the last all of fine materials with pretty colored designs in one corner prices from 5c to 150 boxed towel sets to delight the heart of any women white bath towels with rainbow colored ends and fancy embroidery hol ders with wash cloth to match prices from 79c to 200 a box that grows more preciom year otfyear lowly potato in high hat colorful fancy towels comprising the newest and latest designs and colorings have excellent absorbent qualities large size special 59c highclass rayon underwear vests and- bloomers of finest quality the vest is opera style with shoulder straps full cut bloomers our christmas prices are from 89c to 200 visit our china dept for christmas presents j the shaw store phone 9612 stouffville a new idea in the marketing of potatoes was tried out on the ont ario public by the provincial depart ment of agriculture at the royal winter fair instead of the timehonored brown 90pound bag that once was the sole standard of potato commerce the lowly spud will make its bow in neat carboard cartons and small white cloth bags bags and cartons both are designed to hold only 15 pounds that is a peck i all this is not to be dismissed simply as an indication that the humble tuber like so many other products is reaching for the high hat it is a change say departmental officials that must be made to bring the potato industry up to date once upon a time the farmer grew his potatoes chucked them holus- bolus into the big bags and sold them by the bagto the consumer but today experts say the public wants graded potatoes and further more where mother had a big cellar in which to store her winters supply every fall the modern housewife living in an apartment has no cellar at all or perhaps she is reducing doesnt servo potatoes so often and wants only the highgrade article and that in small quantities with tho new idea in marketing the grade is stamped on the bjg or carton and the potatoes must be wellgraded for a bad one will show up easily in such a small quantity so the dealer wants only highclass potatoes and the farmer must grow them that is where the department of agriculture comes in for years it has beon urging ontario farmers to grow better potatoes and grade them the result has been a growing domand for ontario potatoes and dealers who once stocked only the potatoes of other provinces havo beon compelled to keep the ontario product but if the new idea goes across be sure to purchase your sparton from an authorized sparon dealer only instru meats bearing factory serial number carry the factory guarantee the first delightful thrill of radios richest voice christmasmomingwiubeonlythefirst of endless pleasures to come night after night the companionship of this wonderradio will draw your family circle ever closer and the charm of your gift will continue through the years their pride of owning this wonderinstrument will be equalled only by your pride in giving it con vince yourself that there is no instru ment like sparton but sparton itself with its facetoface realism cober cober phono 1151 stouttrtuo sparton radio radios richest voice