Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 19, 1929, p. 3

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be 7 t r the kvime arm lord dawson dawson x j a acypvtv plain tales from the seas royal york buys champs odd tippers have you v j i insufficient cc the nerves ate fed by the blood poor blood means starved nerve tis sue insomnia irritability and depression dr williams pink pais will enrich your blood stream and rebuild your overworked nerves miss josephine m martin of kitchener ontario testi fies to this i suffered from a ncrvour breakdown she writes i had terrible sick headaches dizziness felt very weak and could not sleep had no appe tite i felt always as if some thing terrible were going to happen after taking other treatment without success on my sieters advice i tried dr williams pink pills and now all these symptoms are gone and i am strong and happy again buy dr williams pink pills now at your druggists or any dealer in medicine or by mail 50 cents postpaid from the dr williams medi cine co brockvillc ontario speaking at the recent dinner ot the royal society ot medicine mr ramsay macdonald told a story which bpeakers when pointing out to young people the opportunities that life ot ters it was the first time tn ray life i had been to buckingham palace mr nacdouald said and as the great ones ot this earth passed in their dazzllug and gorgeous uniforms a man ot peculiarly striking distinction appeared and i asked who he was i was told he was lord dawson his dignity seemed to indicate that he had been horn there after the feast was over this man in au extraordin arily familiar sort of way held out his baud and asked have you for gotten nie when i told him that i did not think we had ever met before he re minded me that under this great cloak of dignity title and circumstance was a man whom i once knew as a med ical student the last time we had met before that occasion we had is sued into cower street towards mid night after a most respectable supper we were going the same way up to the north of loudon looking at each other ho said to rae how much have you got i hav ing taken a hurried glance at a tew odd tippers said to him how much jur combined wealth was to save tis from walking from hie south end of cower street ttptto hotiosfsy station after mid night after all your skill and all your forethought and all your capacity to forecast what is going to happen if you had been a third that night over 40 years- ago could you whatever your condition have said to both of us gentlemen you will bid each other goodnight tonight at the comer of holloway station and it will be your fate not to meet again until you are invited as guests of his majesty to partake of his hospitality at bucking ham palace the prime minister did not go on comments the evening standard as he might have done to draw the moral of this really remarkable remin- a i2icivo iscence that there is much to be said oumilcss for the social system in which such a thing caii happen perhaps we have not realized to the full the ideal of the career open to the talents but it would be hard to name any country in any period of history which lias come closer to it closer certainly than was france when the phrase was first invented for careers were then open only to those whose talents were recognized as such by the emperor even in england today ot course it may be an advantage to bo born as a member of a rich or an influen tial family but it may not be and what is really important in this con nection it is by no means necessary the road of education to its very end lias been thrown open to persons of the humblest origins the slumbred child who shows signs of brains at- his elementary school may go thence by way of a secondary school to oueof the older universities where all the honors and all the prizes and all the opportun ities ot later life lie ready to his hands he may pass into the civil service and become permanent sec retary to the treasury or he may he called to the bar and become lord chancellor no profession except per haps the army and the navy now presents any insuperable obstacles to the entrance of a young man who seems likely to excel in it to most observers this widespread scattering of opportunity will seem the most precious gift ot our modern civilization the adventure of lite has been thrown open to all but it re mains an adventure has been render ed indeed even more advuturous than it was since the wellborn young man of promise finds as his grandfather did not the son ot the dustman in the field against him and no less welp equipped than he entrants for the great race are drawn from the whole population and no accident ot birth any longer pre vents ono competitor from starting or absolves another from the necessity of running his fastest conference slow trade with russia before the severance of diplomatic relations with tho soviet union wo were selling at the maximum some 0000000 worth of british manufac tured goods to the soviet union annual ly whatever may be the cause this figure has shrunk in recent years to about 2700000 a year therefore we might at first sight hope it we the country must get away from tho influence of old controversies said lord melchett at a recent meet ing of the empire producers associa tion the british people already believ ed in tho development of the empire as an economic unit they were work ing for an ideal object and a prac tical form would have to be reached the machinery aud methods to be used would have to be varied aud elastic one o the most practical methods of achieving the desired ob ject was concurrently with the im perial conference to hold an empire conference ot business men to dis cuss new developments there were and what measures had better be ad opted for the prosperity of tlte em pire there was no central organiza tion in existence which could deal with these matters the agenda ot tho imperial conference was always so full and those attending had al ways to consider domestic politics that it was not possible to get going during its sessions therefore it was ot the utmost importance that those who understood british trade aud im perial trade should sit down together to a frank aud free discussion of tho problem wtih the endeavour to find solutions there wa3 no doubt that with good will and a real itraire to promote the empire economic unit that any ap parent difficulties could easily be over come the country irrespective of party or faction was paying more attention to the requirements of the economic situation more and more interest was being taken in the ques tion of greater interimperial trade the statistics showed that the only direction in which british trade was advancing was in itnerimperial di rections this alone should be suffi cient- jx convince any doubters a start should bo made to develop this growing trade on organised linos peers surprised eleven peers who were members of the late government were astound ed at figures quoted in the house ot lords by the earl of midleton show ing tho bloated size of the war office heaver a wooden too used for splic and admiralty staffs says the daily mail in these days of rapid transport when people move live and thiukat top speed most ot v have our little weakness for the good old da3 j when thiugs were a bit quieter a bit more easy going we look at the sixtymileauhour express and hanker after the stagecoach for instance the romance and glamour ot those days call to us from books and pic tures but we sadly acknowledge that they are gone for aye even the great adventure ot a seavoyage is denied us now that liners start to the minute and arrive onlhe second the survivors story those were tho days we sigh when we read ot smugglers pirate kings mutiny on the high seas and other gory doings today our smug glers are rumruuner3 our pirates have their opposite number in the hjackers and mutiny simply doesnt exist well thats where we go wrong mutiny isnt as much a backnumber as we imagine there have been cases of mutiny just as desperate and blood thirsty 33 any in the history of the sea in this present century take the story of the threemasted barque veronica of 1107 tons burden which sailed from ship island mississippi for monte video with a cargo ot tim ber a forlorn group of men picked up from an uninhabited island oft the coast ot brazil declared themselves to be the 3ole survivors ot the ver onica and told a terrible tale of fire at sea and the loss of the rest of the crew spared because he could cook but one of the rescued was moses thomas a negro and his tale ran on i different and still more terrible lines the other survivors were four young germans thomas swore that these four had murdered the captain the mates and the rest of the crew aud then fired the vessel thomas him self was spared because he was the only one wiio couid cook but for the grace of heaven he concluded i was murdered too the germans made away with their victims one by one the last being the fir3t mate and the captain who though wounded took refuge in the navigationroom only to be brutally murdered later on when the mutin eers found it necessary to enter the room where they had barricaded their quarry the cooks story backed up later by one of the germans who gave evidence against his fellownut tineers reads like a lurid flight ot imagination few novelists could have conjured up a more terrible tale yet this happened in 1002 murder for murders sake the story ot the veronica is gra phically told in strange tales of the seven seas by j g lockhart mr lockharts book lives well up to it3 title indeed as he him self says in his preface reading them through in bulk i ilnd there is rather more bloodshed than i bargain ed for as in the oldtime penny dreadful there is a murder on al most every page mutiny is the theme of more than half my stories and mutiny is a desperate bloody busi ness oa february 22nd 1sc1 five men were executed in a batch aiiter a trial at tho central criminal court lou don and so ended the story of the mutiny ot tiie flowery land a vessel which sailed from london in july 1s63 for singapore among her cargo were several bags of metal coins polished to look like sovereigns and actually worth about one penny each round these bags grew up a legend that the flowery land was a treasure ship and thi3 legend had a great deal to do with what followed the crew were a very mixed crowd only five of them being englishthe captain john smith his brother george who was a passenger the first and second mates aud the shlp3 boy the others represented nearly a dozen different nationalities there was much unpleasantness right from the start of the voyage which eulmlnatedon tho night ot sep tember 7th when the ships hoy jim early who was at the lookout heard tho mate cry out murder help captain smith young early running courageously forward saw the mate lying on the poop with a halfbreed member ot tho crew belaboring him with a in order to ensure a full larder for the coming festive season the royal york hotel entered the list of buyers at the rayol winter fair toronto and secured the special carload lot of champion steors which created a great sensation among cattle experts throughout the fair this champion herd of fifteen hand picked steers bred and raised on the famed -mac- intyre ranch in southern alberta weighed in at slightly undei 1200 lbs apiece and was heralded on all sides as the finest bnnchot beefcattle ever to have been finished in canada it was quite a dramatic moment when the steers were brought into the coliseum and herded in the center of the ring tho managameut also purchased the grand champion wether of the fair and in addition the first prize cariot of ten lambs a final purchase was the grand champion steer play boy a perfect specimen of the shorthorn class was raised by ern est robson denned ont the royal york paid 135 per lb or a total of 1093 play boy weighed s75 lbs he is shown in the above cut iilfated ring placed on exhibii of tell the tale he was mr s who hold an appointment in india and embarked at singapore with ills wife in a vessel containing a large number of chinese convicts it was these men who mutinied and forced the british crew to walk the plank a night of horror mr ss tuj11 came at midnight he could not swim a stroke the sea was full of sharks land was a thousand miles away and the ship was in com plete possession of the convicts yet he lived to tell the tale at a london dinnerparty in falling off the plank he caught a rope towing overboard by this he hung invisible hearing successive i victims fall and distinguishing be- tween the dead aud jiving bodies by the absence in theformer case of tiie last frantic struggle for existence at length his chilled fingers lost hold of the rope but providence was kind as mr s made his final effort to keep afloat bis legs struck a hard substance it was one of the ships boats- which was towing astern halfsubmerged so he managed to support hipiself till dawn came when lie was discover ed and brought back on dack later he was confined to his cabin but one or other of his aptors camgeach day to inquire what he would like for dinner foundered in calm sea what spinner of tall stories has ever had au inspiration to match that in the sequel the mutineers were cap tured by a british naval boat famous sea mysteries such as the cases of the mary celeste and tho waratah are touched upon by jur lockhart who quotes other cases of equally mysterious accidents where however there were survivors to tell the tale one evening while the trevessa was in the middle of the indian ocean her holds began unaccountably to fill with water the crew took to the boats and most of thorn came safely through the ordeal but not one of them could ever explain what caused the sudfiettand tragic leak more recent- in july 1027 the shahzida left calcutta only to founder next mornihg on a calm sea just after entering the bay ot bengali the cap tain was roused by a strange tremor going on deck lie found water pour- ing over the fail on hie starboard when tour baby catches a in spite of all precautions little ones will take colds especially during the changeable days of our fall season when the first symptoms appear sneezing redness of the eyes running nose babys own tablets should be given at once they will rapidly break up cold and prevent more seri ous complications mothers who keep a box of babys own tablets in the home always feel safe in fact they are like having a doctor in the house they are a gen tle but thorough laxative that sweet en the stomach and regulate the bflwels thus driving out constipation and indigestion and relieving the baby ot the nialiyehildhood ailments which are the direct result of a clogged con dition of the bowels or sour stomach they are absolutely safe being guar anteed to contain no drug at all harm ful to even the youngest babe they cannot possibly do harm they always do good babys own tablets are sold by all medicine dealers or will be sent by mail at 23 cents a box from the dr williams medicine co brockville ont afghan king orders gasoline from india calcutta telegrams have reached india from king nadir in kabul re questing the dispatch of- various mer chandise including 2000 gallons of petrol and asking for quotations for copper and silver this is taken to mean that nadir hopes to mint coin in kabul but un til the kabul government establishes credits it is improbable that its re quirements can he supplied habibullah seized all tho available money in kabul substituting leather and paper money while small quantities are still in circulation yet no vauo is attached to habibullahs money nadir khan is therefore negotiating with foreign banks in the hope of arranging loan3 and is under j stood to have dispatched many cables to italy and france on this urgent question so far however consider- j at ion of the risks involved has pre vailed with those addressed banks rfl p s jofsble was jlonej bemr lotil t0 mvest money j a c0ui1 try disrupted and lorn by internecine tragedy followed use wedding tband by rudolfs bride vienna it is a popular tradition that marriage rings should not be used twice that there is something in it is proved by the rings which were made for the wedding of empress maria theresa to emperor franz i aud used a second time at the wedding of crown prince rudolf with princess stefauie of belgium the eight years ot rudolfs married life were filled with matrimonial strife and ended with the drama at the hunt ing lodge of mayerliug when the crown prince shot his friend baron ess vetsera aud then made au end to his own life these riugs are shown in the newly opened ecclesiastical treasury whose famous collection has been enlarged by the treasure of the capuchines which hitherto was not accessible to the public the monastery uf the capuchines held a privileged position under the hapsburgs who were baptized by capuchtne monks and buried in the monasterys vaults in the neuer mar ket in the heart of tiie city iu recog nition of the many services of the monks to the imperial family the lat ter made them precious gifts arid in dividual hapsburgers bequeathed them art works and sacred objects sacred relics on display in the monastery the gifts were added to tiie treasury to remain there entombed like their donors until after the revolution when the treasurers were handed over to the state which has added them to theecelesiastical exhibition in the former imperial pal ace some quaint mementos including the reliquaries of the pious empress anna are iu the collection there is a tree of embossed gold which bears as fruit little receptacles containing teeth and other relics ot saints the receptacles hold relics of the virgin i mother it is said also of st peter the founder- the church st cath erine st joseph and st christopho- ros another reliquary of the same em press has the shape of a miniature al tar richly ornamented with gold and set with precious stones in the cen tre is a picture showing the flagella tion of christ and the setting up ot the crown ot thorns the picture of elaborate mosaic work consists of countless little patches of variqitary richly set with pearls and rubies contains in a niche a thorn of the crown christening robes in the course of the centuries the capuchtne monastery received from its patrons many precious church utensils and embroidered vestments which are exhibited in glass vitrines most of the latter are tho work of archduchesses the christening of a hapsburg was always a great event and surrounded by traditionhallowed ceremonies the garments which the newly born archduke or archduchess wore on such occasion generally were elabor ate miniature state robes with heavy gold and silver embroidery aud flue lace several of these garments are to be sen hi the capuchins treasure among them one worn by francis josef at his baptism it served for a whole generation otbaptismal candi dates and also was donned by arch duke maxiniilian the later emperor of mexico by archduchess marie anna and the archdukes karl ludwig and ludwig victor classified advertisemxvis sjtdatiojfs vacahs moke mbm wanted uuiok- 1jiu pay easy work earn wblir ra ins barber trado under fatnot rioter imertean ulan worlds most reliable barber school system write o call immediately for free catalogue- molcr karber college 11 queen west toronto wst cemass cmint cellaps leaky tnks cisterns boie dry instructions free iron afriwooflns akents wanted caulking corauaoy us lmith drsve lo- ronto ros sale good orjition with radio battery crarc- ciieap peter abrosast mitchell uark f1 1kctitlu uultr plant religion and politics good housing is not less religions than the building of cathedrals the regulation ot the conditions ot lbir is to say the least of it as inipo at as rules for the observance of sunday honesty between nations is no less a desideratum in religion than hon esty between man and man writes dr f w norwood of the city temple on the subject of religion aud politics in the daily express between vested interests whether secular or ecclesiastical and justice betwen man and man there is ever a yawning gulf but to do justice un der obedience to a od of justice is the saving principle either in religion or politics all human life is a series ot gen eralisations and compromises be cause there are so few who can put the cause ot humanity above psrr- ticular system there has grirvrci up a distrust concerning the mixing of politics and religion but the two are not irreconcilable on the con trary they are inseparable the trouble is not confined to re ligion i wisli we could keep out ot office ever man who mistakes a class for a nation of a nation for the whole family of nations they are merely bitten by tho same insect meanwhile we are likely to potter on as we are until we learn iu the fuluess of lime that god almighty is greater than any system whatsoever and simple justice is the crown both of politics and religion tragedy we bought her the swellest gown on sale and thought it a lucky caicii but all the day she wept because she hadnt a hat to match the moment a life is truly to christ it begins to grow given for the hair ask your barber he knows bssaajbaksasakmamsmmm we pay the highest prices fc dressed poultry write for quotations the harris abattoir crxltd st lawrence market toronto 2 g r in 10h 151 j men were employed i at the war oflico at an annual cost of 155000 now to administer an made up lost ground to increase our a sma 2 000 fl mou ffwl t0 tue ext01luo 2g73 men are employed at a cost ot jcssoo000 if we are still more op- 351000 at the admiralty a staff ot 1s02 men in lolf cost 131000 now to administer a much smaller navy 2- 512 aro employed at a cost of 1187- 000 llmlstic and add to that figure the pro portion of tho trado in manufactured goods now enjoyed by our forolgn competitors we should increase it by a further sum ot 7000000 beyond this i presumo that increased credits in some way are provided these transactions will take time aud we must not count on seeing a very rapid increase in uusslon trade from a speech by mr g n gillott mp minister for overseas trado great music great music is always sad because it tells us ot tho perfect and such is tho difference between what we aro and that which tho music suggests that oven ia tho vase ot jo wo find some tears ing ropes from that moment tile work of coldblooded murder went ahead until 0 ly one of the officers remained when it came to sharing out the loot it toll to tho lot of this ofllcer to tell the mutineers that llib trea sure which had causal so much bloodshod consisted of worthless tok ens the flowery land was aftdt- wards scuppered the survivors escap ing in two boats and teaching the coast ot brazil in so many of these tales of terror the motive is very small in compar ison with the cost livos woro taken regardlessly and ships burned or sunk for a few pounds gain at times it ia truo there were grievances al leged by tho mutineers hut usually was not even time to get out the boats tho steamer sank with twenty- one men still on hoard a marine court after hearing all the evidence available decreed that the cause of the foundering of the shahzada was water finding its way into the interior of the veisel what caused the water to enter is un known as mr lockhart adds we send ourships to sen equipped with all that science can provide for the safety of crow and passengers yet the in calculable remains and the incalcu lable is at onco tho charm and tho danger of tho sea strife the wheat pools policy quebec soleil lib germany france and italy have imposed high tariffs on foreign wheat canadian wheatgrowers see the danger and admit that european governments are doing all in their power to increase local production they realize that in wishing to give the canadian farmer the greatest possible protection they have united against him all the pro ductive forces in europse which for merly bought wheat from us it is quite true that the british market remains largely open to us but john bull is not going to pay more than he should for his wheat and he buys at the best possible price wheal from all parts of the world from tho argen tine the utiitcd states australia and canada britain we must not forget has forty million months to feed and thehread item is a largo one in the natloual budget she must buy iu the the dispute thousands wonder thousands ask why the struggle why the task why tho burden what the yoke is it all the devils joke why the bar and why the bond if there is nothing there beyond head and heart quarrel and cry head shouts nothing jieart- you lie philip m itaskin i saws repaired simonds saws old saws re paired and sharpened to give good work complete stock on hand of new circular and band saws write us about snics simonds canada saw co ttd month cau toronto 729 vancouver st johntjo that irritating cough a halt teaspoon ot minards taken internally with molasses j will stop a cough and prevent complications knovledge a merchant went to a sculptor and wanted to hire him by the day to carve a statue wretch was tho re ply i havo been twentyfive ycara learning how to make that statue in twentyfive days- mo fmeasiess m stu headkolsr mmrmjg 03s si 25 all orasttih oricriatii uhti on rsaul a o leonard inc 10 filth ave ntiv york city j i cheapest possible market without re gard to the cost of production in the 1 inougu you saiu intr con cuiuu market where she seeks her supply win in a walk well they went and entorod him minards liniment for chapped hands in 1 running race i it would seem to be just murder for j the bay of banana has lecn chosen murder sake as a suitable location for a harbor inj never play cards with a bad loser one of the most curious of these the belgian congo evidently the is the advice ot a famous sportsman strongo tales recalls the ca30 of a misdon sent to investigate the cub- but that is better than playing with a man who was forced by mutineers jot tas beeu fruitful sood winner to walk the plank and yet lived to search not who spoke this or that but mark what is spoken thomas a kempls for toothache minards liniment character character is a garment which the i invisible fingers of the soul are ever 1 weaving george eliot j in issue no 51 29 public notice to employers of fcabor attention having been directed to the scarcity of wpvlc in this city at the present time employers of labor are ask ed to try and help to relieve the situation by engaging only bona fide residents of toronto on any available work nonresidents notice is hereby given that no assistance or relief will be given to nonresidents of the city on account of their being out of emplovment samuel mcbride mayors oflice mayor toronto december 12th 1929 3d

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