sunday school j lesson how silently iow silentlythe won drous gift is given tho announcement made by the an- crf to the shepherds declares the child y u u a saviour which is christ the ird that is th longpromised mes siah the son of david whose coming had been foretold again and ajun through seven centuries f israels history see for example isaiah chs j and 1j now the good tidings of great joy is to be not for israel only but to ail people and it promises glory to god in the highest and on earth peace gcxnl will to men december 22 lesson xii the child in a christian world christmas lesson luke 2 820 golden txt surfer little children and forbid 9 and 1j them not to come unto me for of such is the kingdom of heaven matthew 19 14 analysis i the child anl the kingdom matt 18 10 mark d 30 1it 42 10 1310 ii the babe os bet1u1kyi luke 2 120 what am 1 gotus introduction when all evil is i christinas this year banished from the world it will be a breast asked his mother tife and happy place for little chit- im afraid that yen wont net any dxen in the new and perfect city thins niv bird sinned his mother si the golden ags that s to come a fibers been 111 or so ion that w propnet tells us that bolt od men am h n f old women snail dwelt happily and of the city shall bi kolk whws to robins christmas a splendid view of new york architecture largest fossil handful of peanuts found by chance becomes 2vz million business in 4 years to hav itobin for kvd that the streets lull of lioys and siris playing in tit streets thereof 55ech s 4 5 in the language of poetry another prophet fells of a coming age of peace in which fierce wild beasts will be led by a little child and an infant child will play with safety on the deadly serpents den isa 11 69 the gospels show clearly that there was a warm place in the heart of jesus for little children it will be remembered with what solicitous ten derness he responded to tho request of ruler to come and heal his little daughter little girl he said i am telling you to vise moffatts translation after the memorable experience in the mountain when three disciples had a vision of his glory his first act was again to have compassion upon and to heal a sorely- afflicted child mark 5 2212 9 14- 27 the care of his apostles in their ministry for children is apparent in their letters 2 cro 12 14 eph 6 14 col 3 20 21 titus 2 4 our icmembranco of him at christmas time when we read again the story of the babe of bethlehem and the boy at nazareth is full of adoration and thanksgiving in hint all childhood becomes beautiful and sacred 0 holy child of bethlehem descend to us we pray cast out our sin and enter in be born in us today phillips brooks i the child and the kingdom matt is 16 mark 9 36 37 42 10 1316 it was near the end of jesus min istry in galilee lie was soon to turn his face again toward jerusalem and ast tragic act in the brief drama vhis earthly life there had been jgjhi controversy and much hostility jrtinsed by his rebuke of the insincer- sjjpnd wickedness which he saw in ihocitks and by his teaching of the infinite love of the heavenly father as the central and allimportant truth of religion displacing the ancient iaw srd custom which pharisees had made central jesus finds relief for the dis tress of his own mind and a lesson for iris disciples in the simple faith of a little chtld who is the greatest in tho kingdom of heaven his disciples ask and he answers by calling to him a little child who cares nothing for greatness who is content just to trust and to love compare luke 22 2427 the main purpose of jesus is not to talk of the childs velatio to the king dom- but of the spirit that his dis ciples must have if they would enter that kingdom the disciples give the iln for jesus word in their their selfimportance their ant- ition rail the teachings of jesus it is the simplicity frankness and willingness to learn together with the entire absence of selfconceit and pride that is so admirable in a little child and so worthy of imitation to receive such an one is to share his spirit tc offend is to deserve severest condemnation matt 18 1g the in cident of tho blessing of little chil dren mark 10 1316 occurred some what- later of such ho said is the kingdom of heaven ii tub babe 01- 13thlbhem luke 2 120 it was in the reign of augustus the roman emperor bc 31 to ad 11 that jesus was born the exact date seems to have been bout bc 6 when herod the great was king of judea it seems to have been the custom in the eastern provinces of the jmpirc to iiequire people to be enrolled in their original homo so joseph and mary had to return to bethlehem the city of david probably josephs birth place and there jesu- was born his birth was royally heralded by an an gel of tho lord and a multitude of the heavenly host praising god in all tho world tho most important person that night was the babe of bethlehem but only shepherds abid ing in the field keeping watch over their flocks saw the vision apd heard tho song her out of on christmas day t dont know for presents she shruged wings to show that they vt the question now when kohin hear made up his mind to do i to help his moth earn some money he said to him self and then he suddenly had a bril tliit liant idea he decided to go out carol singing it was a cold snowy day so he put on his check cap and muffler and his wellington boots and off he ley ho perched on a bough outside a nursery window where he could see j some children and up he piped j tweet tweet tweet tweet tweet i tweet whn they heard him the children rushed to the window look they cried a dear little robin singing in all this dreadful snow do lets throw him something and j they ran to the teatable and collected handfuls of cake and breadcrumbs which they threw out to robin hetied them up carefully in a cor- ner of his muffler and lew off to an other house i everybody was so pleased to hear j his cheerful singing that when at last it was time for him to so home he j could hardly fly he had so much to i carry j i neednt tell yon how glad his mother was to see al the titbits lie had collected she had good news for him too for father redbreast was empire ever so much better and kind mrs thrush had sent over a great big par cel of toys for robin and his brothers and stisters so after all the redbreasts h happy christmas tricks of fate lead hunter to fiftyton dinosaur the warnisg whirr of a rattlesnake led to the discovery of the largest prehistoric creature ever found the accidental stroke of geologists pick into a slab 6t sandstone disclosed re mains o the dadly of all sea ser pents how these lackly finds took place related by charles h stern berg noted hunter of fossil mon sters who in sixtyyears of search ing has uncovered more than three hundred specimens of prehistoric omethiui j j georgian develops industry with paint peddlers aid from small start columbus ga the huaible goober once the chief food of blacks la slave- holding days has made tom huston a millionaire in four years starting with a pocketful of peanuts and a wooden shack as a factory here in 1923 huston now sells 52300- 0000 worth of goobers and peanut con fections a year the wooden shack has given way to twp of the largest peanut confection factories iu the south and the- whole thing started be cause huston born on a farm near trinity tex was irate when peanut- shucking tasks left his fingers blit- tred and iaw he invented a peanut- shelling device operated with a hand crank and resembling an oldfashion ed ice cream freezer then he came to columbus and arranged witli a manufacturer to make power ma- a new hotel built where land is dear and the skys the limit view of new yorks newest hotel 45 storeys high and containing 2500 rooms which opens shortly lighting the fiery cross of empire trade a tout of the dominions by lord beaverbrook sug gested for the future ml til big appetites british army and navy to eat 1 5 tons of christmas pudding will need study london isaskiug will lord beaver brook cany in person to he domin ions before the nest imperial confer ence the fiery cross of his empire crusade and free trade within the when it will not interfere with the proper protection of key in fant industries some members oi parliament in the old country are advising the canadian peer to make an extended tour of the i dominions in order to convince the in- tlnstriialists aiid politicians that his suggestions for promoting empire j unity are sound j and certain politicians in the old country who are skeptical of sudden enthusiams to reorganize the empire and technical journals are asking j it will not be surprisin mother countrys industries obviously there will ho a serious difficulty defining what constitutes key and infant industries what principle can be invoked to govern decisions here lord beaverbrook is vague on that point any industry that has a key to pro fits under tariff protection is probably prepared to argue that it is a key in dustry every industry in canada except fox breeding is probably ready to argue that it is an infant compared with british industries there are some otter points of in terest which will not be readily clear ed up unless lord beaverbrook by a personal tour of the dominions is able to do so at first hand throws new light one go5d thing the beaverbrook campaign appears to be doing in the old country it is bringing to the light of day a lot of interesting information about british industry and british trade calculated to bring the old pol icy of laissez fa ire into disrepute a lot of information which ordinarily escapes the vigilance of even trade air designers seek to muffle noise of flight has lord beaverbrook made in- j brook makes quiries from responsible leaders of all if beaver- tour efforts to curb roar of motors held to be only partially successful efforts to eliminate the noise nuis ance in flying have been only partially successful according to the aeronau tics branch of the department of com merce but the noise has been con siderably reduced in some cabin planes by the use of soundproof ma terial in the walls and the rearrange ment of engines and mufflers soundproof walls have not been found to be entirely satisfactory by aeronautical engineis of the bureau of standards because to be really effi cient they must be so heavy as to add materially to the weight of the plane airplane designers have found how ever that the engine noise can be made less objectionable if the miigler is placed behind the cabin xoise of the propeller cannot be lessened by any such device the only remedy so far discovered being the million years old would ha al undiscovered such twists of fate make fossil hunting one of the most fascinating i games in the world searching forj prehistoric shells and other london while british soldiers and i parties in the dominions and if so sailors in far corners of the empire what are their views on the subject may not be blessed with real christ- 1 it is current political gossip that a massy weather during the festive representative of the beaverbrook pa- season they are assured of real erigj pers sought to draw out expressions lish fare the army xavy and air force in stitute affectionately known as naffy which looks after the can teens of british soldiers and sailors in all parts of the world issues a few figures which give some idea of the fighting services appetite fifteen tons of plum puddings are being made the puddings ranging from one to fourteen pounds apiece will fill 30000 pudding basins twenty- five hundred decorated christmas cakes will be made many of them adorned with regimental crests in ic ing six tons of mincemeat will go into jars while 1250000 mince pies will be ready for consumption doughnuts and eccles cakes are being made in thoifc- sands- one hundred and fifty tons i of opinions from canadian politicians high up in the councils of their party the aforementioned politicians said that they would like to know a lot more about some of the obscure points of the beaverbrook empire pol icy before venturing to express an opinion particular questions some of lord beaverbrooks ans wers to questions of particular inter est to canada are so involved that it is felt that a facctoface explanation of his views will be necessary to car ry conviction and make converts to his projects his principal paper the london ex press is making a great play of how agriculturists in britain would benefit from a duty on wheat coming from of the empire j heavy soundproof walls in the case shortly carrying his fiery cross of of multimotored planes the nohe empire unity he might do a lot of sometimes is increased by ike over- good at that although he would prob- lapping of slip streams causing the ably not convert the dominions to any beat that common when sound extensive program of free trade with- waves collide marine j started ove life on the onetime shore of a great ness was ocean in kansas i dropped the geo logists pick i was carrying and the sharp point accidentally struck a slab of sandstone flaking off a chip a foot long and half as wide beneath dark brown against the pale yellow sand stone was the toothslltd snout of a huge fish careful excavation reveal ed it to be a portheus molossus a pre historic fish fourteen feet long prob ably able to destroy any shark alive today sometimes the specimen a hunter i seeks is foundright at the door of his j teat as was the case in one of my ex- peditions to canada walled in by rain in tiie valley of a river in alber ta i bemoaned the fate that prevented me from searching for fossil duck bills belonging to the family of huge herbivorous dinosaurs yet later the rain had passed and 1 stepped from my tent i saw on the face of a nearby cliff clear cut as 1 with a knife the complete and almost perfect skeleton of the great and ter rible tyrannosaurns rex king of all carnivorous dinosours the rain had washed earth and some stone from the face of this wall revealing the fiftyfoot lizard the terror of the jungles in its day on earth selling them to retailers with the help of one salesman whose major activity was peddiin paint the business grew and huston built a larger factory it burned and he aln by 1927 the busi- big that huston con structed one of the largest peanut fac tories in the south and he has added another plant this year many of the machines in use are his inventions and lie has also devised packages new to the peanut trade huston still under forty is a be liever in informalityjnsisting that all his employees call him by his first nam- and his office is unguarded by office boy or secretary of currants will be utilized in various without the empire the question ways here is how can his empire free trade fruit takes a prominent place on scheme bring important benefits to this gargantuan menu the figitres the british farmer and at tho same for fresh fruits hae soared beyond time carry substantial benefits to the calculation while evaporated fruit canadian grain growers salad is so popular that more than can lord beaverbrook have his em- seven tons have to be provided dur- p ca e it too in the empire but he might stimu late empire efforts to meet the inten sified competition in the world mar ket all british countries will have to face from the united states in the near future when president hoover gets his domestic plans designed to ward off a business depression in full working order he will undoubtedly turn his attention to the job of organ izing american business for the ex pansion of ils export trade for an as sault upon the world markets of a magnitude and intensity surpassing even the prewar effort of imperial germany tills beat can be eliminated by an arrangement of the engines which does not permit the slip streams to overlap or by a change in the lines of the planes fuselage the possible elimination of the noise of flying is of particular interest to air transport operators who carry passengers as they must make flying blind pensioners notice of great importance to blind persons mr p e layton president of the canadian federation of the blind is desirous of obtaining information about all blind persons in the domini on who are in heed of pensions in sending in name and address tho rea son why the pension is required comfortable and convenient the j should be mentioned with full particu ins the christmas period if as is said is the seme on the mar in is about every days weather the moon what does moon have to talk lord beaverbrook has limited his campaign for free trade within the empire by tho siatement that it is not proposed or desired to subject infant or key industries in the dominions to unrestricted competition from the money talks yes but farewell is the only thing it ever says to me iars as to number of people depen dent present salary and any other in formation that may appear valuable it will greatly help to obtain the pen sion if reasons are given why blind people should receive this aid from the government the canadian federation of the blind has been working hard for a transport operators also are interest ed in the work of engineers looking to tho reduction of vibration in the cabin caused by the vibration of the engines the best suggestion for combating vibration is that the engine should be placed on rubber mountings that would absorb the shock before it could bo transmitted to the fuselage j long time to obtain pensions and to engine manufacturers are making the this end is endeavoring to have a bill motors run more smoothly introduced at the next session of the dominion parliament london traffic signals al win persons and those interest- londouthis big towns lack of ln lhis movement are requested to automatic traffic signals gets matiy a lafigh from visiting motorists es pecially americans accustomed to towv of new the trafficcontrol york few of them know that london tried automatic traffic signals dxty- one years ago when new york wrsj just getting back to normality after i write to their local member of parlia ment asking him to give such a bill his full support as there will be a meeting of the board of directors of the federation in ottawa early in january full infor mation should be sent at once to the headquarters canadian federation of blind coso sherbrooke street tattoo craze in paris a parisian craze in what are gen erally known as bohemian circles is for tatooing writes the paris corres pondent of the london times of course it began in montparnasse which has a life and fashions of its own the author of it is said to be the well known japanese artist foujita wiio is perhaps the most most prominent of all the denizens of montphnasse any fad or eccen tricity which he adopts is certain to be copied by a large number of other artists writers and musicians who haunt the cafe terraces on the hill until 3 or 4 oclock every morn ing recently foujita showed some of his friends a bracelet watch in rubies and emeralds which he had had tattooed on his wrist and soon after ward a tattoo ring appeared on one of his fingers both were real works of art vastly different from the hearts and anchors in blue and red which many soldiers and sailors prize so highly fbujitas example was sufficient to start the craze a poet who is one of the leaders of the advanced movement has a shoot ing star indelibly graved upon his arm and a creolo dancer proudly exr hibits to her friends a brightly color- ed starfish tattooed on the nape of her neck certain actresses music hall stars and women of fashion have already made tempting offers to artists to execute with needles upon their bodies such pictures as they usually paint on canvas tho civil west montreal ufcmu russia to be foremost wheat rival canada told montreal rivals for canadas wheat trade with great britain are numerous but the most formidable of all in the not far distant future may become a stiff competitor speaking to members of the cana dian club ii a gwynne editor of the morning post london said russia today is suffering from a ridi culous political system and a perfect ly impossible economic one yet the time is not far distant ho continued when the government of russia will be forced to return to the cultivation of her lands and the sale of her pro ducts on the sane lines of ordinary commerce when that happens he said there will be opened next door as it were to the old country a vast wheat field producing almost as much as prairie provinces of canada and at a much cheaper cost of production and trans portation argentina rumania to a small ex tent and some of tho new states of europe arc present rivals of canadas wheat trade but behind theso- there looms a greater potential rival that may do grievous harm to tho trade and lhit rival is russia ho said how it goes i some men would llko to own the earth they think thats what theyre made for 1 while others work for all theyre worth to get one small house paid for old mother hubbard went to the cup board to get her poor dog a bone found naught to her grief save bone less roast beef and o her poor dog had none 3 m l