toftfmu vol xll no 42 stouffville ontario thursday december 19th 1929 a v nolan publisher exclusive distinctive carefully chosen christmas gifts and cards j appreciation of your gift de pends upon your selection storeys highest quality greatest assortment most desired lhr your christmas list j m storey druggist the home of quality drugs phone 1003 major button dies suddenly business cards medical dr s sball i j2bpslcian and surgeon office corr obrien and main phone 196 coroner for york county was identified with royal dragoons and governor gen eral body guard drs ira herbert freel dr ira freel consultation hours 9 to 12 am mon wed fri 6 to 9 pm tues sat tues thurs sat afternoons by appointments only herbert frecl 9 to 12 am tues thurs sat 6 to 9 pm tues and sat mon wed fri afternoons by appointment only dental dr e s barker lbs dds honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and of hie university of toronto office in grublns block phone 8201 markham every tuesday office in wear block dr d c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeon and of the university of toronto dr neil c smith honor graduate of royal college of dental surgeons and toronto university also post graduate of rochester childrens hospital office commerce bank up stairs phone office 1011 residence 1015 christmas security play safe with your fire haz ard by keeping a fire insurance policy in a reliable company yggult t birkett general insurance agency phone 18201 stouffviile say it with flowers no expression of sentiment more ci beautitut flowers for every occasion muston sons ph 7001 stouffville ont earl a grubin ro eyesight specialist honor graduate of the college of optometry of canada gold medal ist and first hermant prize winner in 1928 at stouffviile every thursday friday and saturday office in the grubln block eyes examined glasses fitted and re paired phono stouffviile 2105 births brewery at lot 2 con 2 uxbridge on dec 17th 1929 to mr and mrs earl b drowery a son nfor sale or exchange 54 acre gohmijey 8 room brick house 2 storey fair decorations electric available cellar good roof veranda 3 ornamental cedar hedges 2 car garage stable hen pen 2 story workshop 16x24 could be made into hen pen apple and plum treessmall fruits close to store and post office truck and cartage business hear toronto house barn 6 acres and and chevrolet truck ffbrtck store with house attacked stock of groceries boots shoes hard ware etc gas and oil trade on coun ty road dn a growing country dis trict post office stock and property turnover of 15000 for 87000 g room nearly new brick house with collar urnaco 3 picco bath hardwood floors veranda garden lawn and slirubbory close to school church and bus line 3300 chopping mill on paved road about 12 miles from toronto hydro equipped 15 grinder crusher last year chopped and crushed 33000 bags and last month did 1800 flour and fuel business here is a real money maker sale only 11000 160 acres ranch with largo brick house and bank barn some bush and good pasture 81500 geo e baker box 34 stouffviile early tuesday morning death came with great suddenness to another of our line old citizens in the person of major john it button who was 7s years of age major button died from a heart attack after making an almost complete reeoveryfrom sick ness that had confined mm to bed for some weeks at the home of his son f lome button main street the late major button was born in markhnii township a son of the late newbury button of ringwood ho fanned for some years in the township and when a young man united in marriage with alma alberta jones daughter of the late norman jones of the sth concession of whitchurch and a widely known family twentyone years ago or after their retirement to church seet stouffville mrs button died the late mr button had an envi able career as a military man hav ing taken an active part in the local militia he served for years as a captain and rose to the rank of vmajor he was a cavalryman and was identified witli the royal cana dian dragoons and the governor generals body guard having com mand of e squadron in the latter major button holds a long service medal presented from queen victoria in the early days the sight of some detachment of the toronto cavalry at ringwood was not unknown and was a spectacle worth seeing major button was a man of retir ing disposition despite his promin ence in the army he was a united church man and attended regularly the sunday service until a few weeks ago two sons survive mr f lome button barrister of stouffville and mr ernest a butto local hard ware merchant mrs ab lehman of stouffville is an only sister and one brother philip button- vs of michigan also survive the funeral on thursday after noon takes place from the late home to stouffville cemetery the ser vice at the house will be held at 230 oclock the school boards final session gormley imrs wm smith who entered the hospital recently for special treat ment is progressing favorably she had her first treatment on friday last and is expefcted home about the end of the month almost 100 friends met at thos johnsons recently to shower their daughter miss marie with gifts on the eve of her marriage joseph leary of whitevale who was buried at heise hill cemetery spent his boyhood days in gormley miss pegg is holding her scliooi concert at white rose this thurs day evening gormley young people are have big fun skating these days george collard of stouffville has been in bed several weeks with an infection of the knee our community was saddened on friday by the sudden and untimely deatii of mrs jos cober who expired within half an hour of reaching the newmarket hospital mrs cober was in the prime of life being about 45 years of age her maiden name was effie heise and besides her hus band is survived by two small child ren she was mr cobers second wife on friday morning mrs cober was about her household duties as usu al when she was seized with a sudden pain in the back of the neck thought to be neurltus as she had doctored for this trouble a doctor from newmarket was summoned and on account of the snowy road drove part way here with his car and secured a horse to make the last stage he recommended that the sick lady be removed to the hospital and this was dono mrs heise rodq over way in a cutter and com pleted the journey half an hour later she expired auditorium theatre stouffville friday and saturday dec 20th and 21st the cohens and kellys in paris tuesday and wednesday dec 24 and 25 deadwood coach tom nix f our gang comedies friday and saturday dec 27 and 28 masked emotions admission 25c children 15c s g schmidt prop the final meeting of the stouff ville school board for 1929 was held on thursday evening in the council chambers the board received the report of inspector j p cowles who recently spent a couple of days at the con tinuation school the inspector sounded a note of warning respect ing the need for still greater accom modation for the science class there is need for a teachers room and a library the present school is too large to be included with the public school this- means the department will ultimately ask stouffville to build a new high school respecting the work now being accomplished inspector cowles said the staff was good and the work was being icovered satisfactory with per haps one or two subjects beg a little weak in second form this the inspector attributed to poor ground work last year fire drill is practised twice a month and too much noise in the halls interfered with work somewhat he marked the work of the caretaker as fair the heating came in for a good deal of discussion due to complaints from parents this is a difficult problem to handle some children attend school clad in woollens and others in silks and when one is too hot the other is too cold thermome ters are the only safe guide for the caretaker and he was requested to keep the heat up to 70 if the heat ing plant will do it mr watson reported 15s scholars on the roll in public school with average attendance of 136 the truant officer was directed to take legal proceedings against one or two families who permit their chilren to continually stay away from school a v nolan chairman of the board presided over the meeting with the following members present edw baker jw mcmullen and dr ball the following accounts were passed for payment nw byer electric 3340 scales 11 cabinet duplicator 40 barkey bros 250 ab lehman cartage 300 dunlop the and rubber ico hose 22 os stephens co 1st aid set 1160 pryre co 3 extinquishers 3910 hydro light 200 braitiiwaite hardware 9375 postage account 1 wb sanders dies in his 85th year was a public spirited citizen over half a century active to the last whitevale the death of joseph leary on the 6th inst removes from this sphere of action a man who commanded the respect and affection of every per son in the community he became the owner of the whitevale flouring mills in 1889 and resided here con tinuously until 1926 when he took up residence at richmond hill re turning to whitevale and again tak ing over the milling property in the spring of the present year deceased was one whose word was as good as his bond and in every respect was a splendid christian gentleman at the time of his decease he was in his 79th year he is survived by his widow mrskatharine leary the funeral on sunday was attended by a large con course of sorrowing relatives and friends interment was made dn gormley markham township ringwood imiss ada barkey- is spending a few days at seneca bakers baker hill mr and mrs almor fockler and son dean were sunday visitors at walter piphors 9 th line miss lizzie pew and mrs m pryne are on the sick list dont forget the christmas tree and concert in the school house next monday night messrs j and a grove miss ada grove and mrs frank bruels were tomperancevulo visitors one day last week sale register friday dec 20th on the weth- oral farm at ringwood 16 choice holsteins all with calves at foot or close springers also jerseys durhams ayrshire cows belong ing to j a hawtln 6 months credit sale at 1 f w silver- sides auctioneer saturday deo 21st at lot 4 con 9 whitchurch farm stock and implements grain hay and a cholco dairy herd bolonglng to fred chamberlain no reserve sale at 1 oclock f w silver- sides auctioneer saturdaydec 28th milch cows and yearling cattle pigs etc be longing totcecil storry lot 23 con s pickorjng clarcmont east no reserve 6 months credit sale at 1 fted postiu auct wednesday jan 8th farm stock implements poultry and furniture belonging to mrs jos burnett bloomington sale at 1 no rosorve geo keays auct wednesday jan 15th exten- slve sale of farm stock imple ments the property of thomas bacon at clarcmont salo a 1230 noon f w sllversldes auctioneer following several weeks of severe illness all through which there was little hope of recovery death came to william b sanders in his s5th year at 9 oclock on wednesday morning this week imr sanders was active up to his final sickness and spent the summer months at his cottage at jacksons point to make his 41st consecutive year spent at this resort the funeral willi be held on friday afternoon forvhlch details are being arranged as we go to press with but one or two exceptions w b sanders had lived in stouff- yille onger than any other man at the present time born in deven- shire england in 1845 he came to canada in 1861 and five years later settled in stouffville in 1873 12 years later he entered into business as a merchant tailor and mens furnishings for some 25 years he conducted a progressive trade and was a constant advertiser in the local press on his retire ment from this business he handed it over to his son harry who took into partnership j c bundy the late mr sanders was also post master which position he held for many years with dignity and honor in all about 17 years mr sanders was also interested is the seed and grain business for some years and had two elevators at the station he also dealt in coal the greater par of his time was taken up with his hotels at jack sons point in the year 1s90 he built a small one but as the place improved lie built two more giving accommodation for one hundred and fifty guests tile notels stood in a park of 70 acres while the beach bathing is the finest on the lake of late years this business has been conducted by his son harry which the farm lands adjoining are tilled by another son artnur during his active days in business tlie late w b sanders had always been a representative man 1875 he was made deputy reeve of whit church and served the village of stouffville as reeve vjir seven years he was warden of the county of york in 1887 and was a justice of the peace in which office in those early days he was appealed to on many occasions for legal advice he was active in the municipal life of the village taking a prominent part in the incorporation of the place which separated it trom maikhani and whitchurch townships he was one of those who carried around a the hamlet into an incorporated petition for the people to sign ask ing the county council to constitute village w b sanders was the father of the now famous wardens banquet for he called the first one during the year he held that office andit has beti held annually since he- was one oithe delegates sent by the county tossee an electric car climb a steep hitfsiomewhc in the sates whore an electric trolley was in operation this was at the time the metropolitan railway was under consideration by the county fifty years ago and the peopie de clared that an electric car would never climb such a sieep hill as the hoggs hollow on their return from the states the delegation was able to tell the people something different mr sanders did a great deal towards building up ttie town from a real estate point of view he constructed the large blok now occupied by f l button and the button hardware with rooms above the main floor for living quarters his spacious residence across from the station was among the finest homes built sriine 40 years ago and hero mr sanders spent his retiring years twice married the late mr sanders is survived by five children and his second wife whose maiden name was iwabol flint a daughter of mr matthew flint of hollywood two childen to the second marriage survive being misslena sanders of hollywood california and mrs mclvine moore of toronto three children to the first marriage living are reeve harry sanders of stouff ville arthur sanders of jacksons point and mrs arthur wllmot of cobourg thoro nro 14 grandchldrou the deceaseds first wlfo was esther wheeler a daughter of the late edw wheeler a promfnent saw miller and business man in the early settlement of stouffville one sister also survives imr sanders mrs macklem cook of lcmonvllle and two brothors harry sanders of allandalc and thomas of florida date of rural school meetings several enquiries have come to the tribune office in regard to the date of the annual school meetings hi rural sections this year on accouutof the statutory date the last wednes day in december fulling on christ mas day this year there is no pro vision in the statutes tcufihango the date from the last wednesday and consequently rural taxpayers will meet on christinas day to receive tlie annual report of the trustees elect an auditor elect a trustee tor three years and transact miscellane ous business meetings are held at 10 in the forenoon unless a resolu tion is on the secretarys minute book changing the hour either to one or eight oclock in the afternoon thus there will be a lot of little christmas gathering of ontario yeoman in the little red school houses of ontario o christmas day 19 the secre tary mut give six clear days notice of the annual meeting by posting up notices in three conspicuous places in the section secretaries wlfo do not comply with the law these matters leave themselves open to considerable trouble and possible ex pense social personal jersey cow due to freshen lou hoover phono 1104 claremont the goodwooa ivaptist sunday school will hold their annual christmas entertainment wed december 25th christmas night a good program including a play tomkins hired man bloomington imiiss edna hill spent a week in 1oroulo i marvin lemon of toronto was home for tlie weekend mr and mrs davison of keswick spent monday evening with mrs connell dont forget the christinas concert and tree in the school tonight fred cowie of hamilton is at his home here the monthly meeting of the ladies aid of the christian church was held at tlie hoiise of mrs j d wintersteiu last week a very good meeting and enjoyable time was re ported by all present reversed the judges decision as a result of the floods of last spring the whitevale bridge was completely destroyed as the new bridge is a long structure the town- shfp couuoil maintained that it should be classed as a county bridge and took legal proceedings to sup port their claim tiflg case came be fore judge ruddy- who decided in favor of the county the township council was not satisfied with his de- oision and appealed the case through their counsel w j beaton the matter came before the court of appeal in toronto a few weeks ago and their decision was handed out last week and this upheld the con tention of the township council- the bridge therefore is a county bridge the cost of both trials is placed on the county tlie township however hss to bear a certain percentage of the cost of building and maintenance bajjed on the amount of foreign traffic the township it is estim ated will save about 6000 as a re sult of their winning the appeal stand for reelection it is generally understood that whitchurch council from the reeve down are willing to remain in their respective offices for another year should tlie ratepayers so agree at the coming nomination meeting at vandorf the councl have been faithful and endeavored to give good and wise service the one objection to them is the increased tax rate tinder their supervision what with increased county tax and a big flood in the spring who is there who could have sat around the council board and prevented the increase dominion stores ltd christmas wines port sherry grape and ginger bottle 29c christmas puddings in bowl 75c rich fruit cake 39c and 3 lb slab 105 mixed nuts 25c lb brazils 25c almonds 27c filberts 21 walnuts 23c peanuts 17c budded walnuts 35c pound shelled almonds 59c lb shelled walnuts 59c assorted spices 2 07 tin 9c almond icing lb 29c mincemeat 2 lbs 29c christies assorted biscuits 29c and 35c chocolate nibs 39c lb licorice allsorts per lb 25c assorted chocolates 1 lb 39c sweetheart chests 2lb box 89c seedless raisins 2 lbs 25c recleaned currants 23c lb bulk french cherries lb 43c stoneless dates 2 pkts 33c lemon and orange peel lb 23c shirrifts assorted jelly powder 4 for 23c custard powder tin 24c dominion stores ltd p roadway local manager harold warriner of toronto spent the weekend here bloomington public school con cert will be held on thursday even ing dec 19th admission 23c and 15c mr and mrs archie millroy and mrs ft a millroy of cidar grove spent saturday lth mr and mrs ic i tarr one of the dean of our business men mr amos lehman is out again this week after an enforced holiday through illness mr dan baker of markham and formerly of ballantrae was in town friday on one of his frequent visits to his daughter mrs hector pollard last weekend mr ad morris who is manager of a farm on a country estate at rochester mich visited relatives here mr morris is an old resident of altona mr and mrs albert cheeseman and mts george boadway of toron to spent sunday with mr and mrs isaac boadway tlie tribune extends hearty good wishes to editor r j corson and imrs corson of markham for con tinued health and happiness on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary which they- celebrated tiiis week for the first time since coming to stouffville mrs elmer still held a reception at their spacious home on church street the burkholder residence on wednesday afternoon last veek the tea table was presid- ed of er by mrs h s warren and sirs richardson of toronto assisted bv mrs mcbride and another mrs nfichardson- sister of mrs still both of toronto alsomrs s s ball and mrs a v nolan mrs a c burkholder received with imrs still among the churches mennonite church rev s s shantz pastor sunday dec 22nd morning service 11 am dr i ebb of toronto sick child rens hospital will speak in the interest of the prospective hos- pital in india evening service 7 pm subject the trinity o satan versus thtrlnity of god taken trom rev 13th chap pastor in charge christianchubch e morton and f e hyde paston sunday dec 22nd there will be christmas sermons in all the churches mr morton preaching at bloomlngton 11 am church hill and stouffville at 7 pm mr hyde preaching at stouffville ringwood and altona special music at both services in stouffville sunday school and endeavor so cieties at regular hours with the ex ception of stouffville there will be no junior endeavor this week united church op canada rev h s warren ba pastor sunday dec 22nd services 11 am 230 pm 7 pm christmas spirit thoughts music let us adore him christ john j freeland the toronto butcher who was brutally murdered in liis shop at 463 gerrard street toronto on monday morning was a victoria square man where the freeland family live edward ste wart aged 33 an employee of free- land is under arrest it is thought lie murdered freeland to secure a big roll of bills known to be on the person of the victim breaks all records the price of milch cows obtained at wm j thompsons sale in mark ham township on saturday last broke all records the first four cows brought into the ring brought 195 or almost an average of 200 they were all in milk four heiers all due before april 1st averaged over 100 and the first eight animals sold realized 1328 high prices were maintained for sheep and implements 20 breeding ewes bringing 1650 each horses were the one weak spot there being little demand the whole sale totalled 4000 which prentice and prentice declar ed is the largest sale for a sixty acre farm in all their 38 years experience mr thompson has 1000 left in poultry hay and other items tlie thompson farm is located on the first sideroad south of the boyer bridge on the 8th concession o conie the lord morning carols by choirs antiphonal it came upon the midnight clear the first noel god rest you imerry gentlemen anthem o zion that bringest good tidings by j stainer evening- oarols silent night while shepherds watched their flocks o little town o bethlehem anthem nazareth by gounod baptist church rev w w fleischer pastor sunday dec 22nd 10 am bible school 11 am subject what the gospel gave to a coun try girl 3 pm service in the 9th line bap tist church t pm subject can we be sure that the souls of the departed are in glory does this question trouble you sunday night we shall discuss this problem come and bring your friends baker held and sixth link baptist churches w s whitcombe pastor sunday dec 22nd 11 am baker hill 7 pm sixth line presbyterian church rev w h fuller pastor sunday dec 22nd- 2 pm sunday school 3 pm evening worship the publiic are invited the melville christmas concert will be held in the melville united church on friday evening dec 20th at 8 oclock under the auspices of the westminster guild splendid and has been rented to jacob w numbers are arranged including a reesor president of the north york christmas play songs etc admis- plowmen slon 25c and 1bc ntupl sty jktngjb sftgffuiaij additional services christmas eve and new years eve december 24th and 31st in addition to the regular schedule an extra coach will leave toronto bay at dundas for stouftville and intermediate points at 1015 pm december 24th and 31st coach lines i