Whitchurch-Stouffville Newspaper Index

Stouffville Tribune (Stouffville, ON), December 12, 1929, p. 8

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jg stouffville december 12th 1929 groceries jamiaca snaps 2 lbs 23c fancy biscuits reg 25c 23c soda biscuits 2 lbs 25c corn flakes family size 2 pkgs 25c try our pitted dates 2 lbs 33c just arrived a large assortment of bulk candies nuts etc at lowest prices your friends would enjoy a package of neil- sons chocolates at prices to suit the purse a w scott man so nervous gets sore when spoken to it actually irritated me to have anyone talk to me i was so nervous vlnol ended this and i feel wonder- lul now wm fahy vinol is a compound ot ironphos- phates cod liver peptone etc the very first bottle makes you sleep tetter and have a big appetite nervous easily tired people are sur prised how quick the iron phos phates etc give new lite and pep vinol tastes delicious j m storey druggist stouffvllle new trucking having purchased the trucking business of lou ijiorden i solicit your trade live stock trucking a specialty h paisley phone 6411 for sale or exchange stoufjfviwle new brick bunga low 6 rooms large veranda with massive cobblestone pillars chestnut trees hard floors up and down stairs 3 piece bath electric light good cel lar lawn garden and shade trees cost over 5000 death necessitates quick sale 1350 maiikham district paved roads ttc bus service electric available solid brick house s rooms hen pen with 3 vz acres clay loam some apple trees hen pen make good tea room and wayside booth cash 500 bal ance at 6 taxes low 2500 xewliy decorated and painted bouse 7 rooms with 3 piece bath electric lights furnace hardwood floors 2 car garage garden near school and on bus line low tax rate 3500 nearly new 6 room brick house with furnace 3 piece bath hardwood floors cellar 2 verandas lawn gar den shrubs near church bus line and school low taxes 3300 stouffville district store with dwelling attached doing a good business with a nice assorted stock gas and oil trade 3 piece bath electric lights 2 car garage other interests demanding attention halt cash balance arraned s0900 geo e baker box 24 stouffvllle wanted 500 tons good quality fffist and second cut alfalfa hay cured without rain baled or in the mow also now open for any quantity wheat oats barley or buckwheat phone write or call stating what amounts you have to offer reesors marmill markham ontario ltd an extra hired man taking all the hard work out of sawing grinding filling the silo milking separating churning pumping doing the pob in onehalf to onequarter the time a toronto engine is like an extra hired man around the farm and it works year after year economically and efficiently toronto engines are built to stand long hard use simple in construction econo- mical in operation burn either kerosene or gasoline many sizes to choose from a toronto engine saw and grinder make a wonderful time and labor saving combination drop in and see them when you are in town or write for interesting free literature 115 george j lawson stouffville ontario youh pig make youh yortu prize cattle at chicago bred in cnlomille a wire from chicago to the man agement of glenburn farms owned and worked by col f h deacon yesterday conveyed the pleasing in telligence that his fine shorthorn herd following their great success at the royal winter fair in the city had met with even greater success in competition with the best american and canadian herds col deacons success is all the more remarkable by reason of the tact that it is only within the past ave orslx years that he has taken up seriously the breed ing of highclass shorthorns iu addition to the championship prizes the herd were successful in winning first on the shorthorn bull over three years first on bull calf first on three bulls owned by one exhibitor first on threeyearold cow third on aged cow ninth on senior yearling heifer fourth on junior yearling heifer and second on aged cow wth calf this is said to be a record unsurpassed in any prev ious year and reflects infinite credit on col deacon and markham town ship another york county exhibitor who scored high is t h russell ot downsview etoblcoke who capture- ed first on junior shorthorn year ling bull fourth on bull calf fourth on three bulls owned by one exhib itor third for two bulls and two or three other awards russell fleming of whitby was successful in oxford sheep and james brodle ot stouff ville came fourth for best carload victoria square at the close of a very successful standard training school sponsored by markham township religious education council held in the unit ed church markham the presenta tion of fortynine certificates was a pleasing feature our school brought home eight certificates among these successful ones were misses perry vera nichols reva nichols mrs r f boynton and messrs harold wil kinson cecil nichols joseph w brown and louis l nichols messrs francy and drumwell fill ed their stables with fine herds of feeders this week credit auction sale pure bred and grade jerseys shropshire sheep swine horses implements hay etc 6 heifer 7 heifer s heker 9 heifer 10 bull bo sure that your pigs will dovolop and fatten rapidly without sot back6 or interruptions this boon is certain to wiso breeders who regularly add provendeine to the feed dont dolay if yon wish your pigs to develop healthily provendeine is tho only product which assures conti nuous success in pig rearing time is money buy provendeine today and you will save money tomorrow breeders i make certain that your pigs will return you a handsome profitl give them provendeine from weaning onwards the sickest pig become the best and sold the highest thanks to provendeine brandon vt not 3rd 1927 an experiment with provendeine has so pleased me i feel that as producers of such a splendid product you should know the details of the test on august first i selected from a littei of young pigs eight weeks old the one that appeared to be the weakest this pig was placed in a pen near thcethcrs and wis given the same feed as the rest except for the addition of provendeine as per directions the pig picked up and thrived almost from the start and after i bad used about a box and a h llf of provendeine i let the experimental pig out in the pen with the others i called in an experienced farmer and asked him to pick out the best looking pig this gentleman knew nothing of my tests and he had never before seen the titter the condition and weight of the test pig was quite noticeable c v have recently sold all my hogs on the hoof i was offered a price per hog except for the one that i had been feeding provendeine which bf ought me 800 dollars additio nal i regret that i did not feed them all provendeine i heartily recommend your product and you may rest assured that next season i shall feed provendeine to all my hogs and i am positive that i will realise a profit far ahead of past years sgd paul t rickert provendoine is sold ovory- whero in packets at 150 manufactured by mnjon tools sandars brussels louis sanders toronto ont louis sanders co of canada limited 10 adelaide st east toronto distributors s w hastings stouffvllle c s feasby goodwood allen theaker mount albert the undersigned has received in structions to sell by public auc tion at lot 21 con 7 markham saturday dec 14th 1929 the prqperty belonging to wm j thomson pure bred jerseys 1 cow 4 years old calf by side 2 cow 2 years old due dec 3rd 3 cow 2 years old calf by side 4 cow 5 years old duo fob 14 th 5 heifer due january 19th bred november 7th due ferbruary 15th 6 months old 2 months old 2 years old grades 1 cow calf by side 2 cov due february 19th 3 cow due may 1st 4 cow jerseyayrshire due dec 9 5 cow jerseyholstelnbred oct 14 6 heifer due february 28th 7 heifer bred november 7th 8 heifer jersey due march 12 9 ihoifer 11 months old 10 her 11 months old horses 1 bay gelding hd 12 years 1 brown mare aged supposed in foal to civic chief chestnut mare gp 12 years old eay gelding gp- 5 years old gelding rising 2 years h d swine sheep and fowl 18 fat hogs 16 young pigs 2 months old 3 brood sows 20 grade shropshire breeding ewes 1 pure bred shropshire ram 3 shear 2 old geese and 1 gander hay quantity of first class hay timothy and alfalfa mixed furniture 6hole range box stove table implements deering binder 6 ft good deer- ing mower good 5 ft hay rake 10 ft good peter hamilton elastic seeder steel roller sot hariows 3 sections fleury plow no 21 1 floury plow no 21 with tinkler attachments drill plow with pota to digger 1 cockshutt gang piow nearly new turnip drill hay rack corn rack stock hack sot sleighs set sloop sleighs nearly new set log bunks wagon wito box and springs truck wagan with box 2 bugles cutter ccm bicycle corn planter i harness set team harness croch britchon 2 sets single harness 1 sot plow harness miscellaneous wintttess set plow wheels number of new doublotreestrough for oiling wheels potato sprayer set of sling ropes home mdilo p manilla logging chains wooden water trough steel water trough egg crates pair ice tongs water tank carpenters boring machine work bench hay knife turnip fork ensilage fork number of elm plank forks hose and other articles too numerous to mention i sale at 1 oclock no reservo pickering council the above council met pursuant to adjournmenfon mondaythe 2nd inst members till present the reeve in the chair minutes of last meeting read and approved a number of bills were present ed and communications read and referred to the various standing committees the standing committee on contin gencies reported and recommended payment as follows municipal world copy sessional statutes 1929 250 john murkar stationery and placards 950 london lancas hire guarantee and accident co collectors bond 20 d r beaton on aoct of salary 125 t c brown salary as caretaker 00 g m for syth salary as reeve 150 g l middleton as 1st deputyreeve 100 el chapman as 2nd deputy reeve 100 ab mooreas councillor 100 bc rcesor as councillor 100 hugh pugh as treasurer 300 gm forsyth inspector for roads 15 g l middleton ditto 15 rc reesor ditto 15 a b moore ditto 15 and work on bylaws 15 ed glee- son att div court as bailiff 490 t gregg att div court as clerk 15 j phillips salary as school attendance olllcer 50 d r beaton work on bylaws 50gm forsytli ditto 10 tne standing committee on dam ages for sheep worried by dogs re ported and recommended payment as follows j middleton 13 lambs killed 272 j scott inspecting middletons sheep 270 the standing committee on relief reported and recommended the foll owing payment s g morrish for goods supplied c j kennedy for nov 2050 the standing committee on trans portation power and light reported and recommended payment as foll ows greenwqod street lights for sept and oct 3033 pickering village 39 lights for pickering vill age for year 429 the standing committee on roads and bridges reported and recom mended payment as follows stiver bros cement for whitevale bridge 118 so wesley petty rep machin ery 450 f woodward rep grader 210 wilson bros lumber and cement for whitevale bridge 15401 superior manfg co name plate for whitevale bridge 2754 c cooper gas oil wire nails etc for wvale bridge 3201 wm h jackson steel points for w bridge and rep grates 1940 robert purvis co elastic expansion joint wvale bridge 3854 bain david steel for whitevale bridge 951 pedlar people steel culverts 14601 greenburn sand gravel co sand and gravel for whitevale bridge and greenwood rd 42523 roy ward jynamite fuse and long distance telephone calls 2358 g hamlin iil grav con 5 haul pipes for osha- va and lumber to brougham yard 41 sj j soden gravel con 4 7 and 8 2155 f barclay haul pipes rom oshawa haul atone and sand to whitevale bridge fill at glen and linton bridges haul grav con 5 greenwood ird aud cons 5 and 04440 j coekin grav for con 8 04440 j cockln grsv for con 8 300 jas stephenson clean ditch and fill at linton bridge 10325 j gauslin ditto 4009 j middle- ton 4775 w p jones ditto 12 j milton labor onwhitvale bridge 665 d annis 870 j herbert 1455 j walters 2115h horn- shaw 075 n randal 3265 g burkholder s340 w evans fill and labor whitevale bridge rep 57505 w birkott ditto 9280 r lynn ditto 9160 j morden 5090 t condytill at glen bridge 1975 n hardy ditto 1875 e beverley ditto 3395 e jones labor w bridge fill at linton and glen bridges 5040 f carter truck fill glen and whitevale brid ges haul gravel con 8 and stone to whitevale bridge 17070 a mich- ell ditto 10170 f barclay fill road130g5 l hardy labor fill bridge and rep 905 w evans 350 j morden ditto 1050 byer change creek at the lehman bridge con 8 2550 sow and 16 small pigs for sale wm hopkins phone 1904 two cutters for sale at snap prices frank baker for sale mclaughlin cutter with doors nearly new phone 4804 for sale s little pigs 7 weeks old james brown 10th hue markham for sale clothes wringer near ly new pair girls hockey boots aud skates boys overcoat 10 yrs old size phone 173 41 for sale 1 hand sleigh set sin gle harness 2 dog houses cut- ingbox roof for bell apply at tribune office 41 cows for saijk 1 jersey duo dee 17th and holsteiu due in 2 weeks also 15 purebred leghorn and 1 cockerel james tunny phone 4807 we want all kinds of live poul try for which top market price will be paid sam golden apply at e c pennocks livery estray came to my premises about nov 29th lot 19 con 7 markham a ewe owner may have same by proving property and paying expenses ej jarvis phone 431s murkham 42 for sale a good brick house with barn one acre of land fruit trees at a very reasonable price situated in east end stouuville apply isaac boadway albert st stouffville tf for rent the shop on the south side of main street between for syths barber shop and wards garage formerly used as a butcher shop apply to the toronto gen eral trusts corporation 253 bay st elgin 4371 or to earl grubin stouffville 2405 80 acre farm for sale excel lent buildings equipped with hydro good house water con venient 20 acres bush land bal ance workable property conveni ent to lake and valuable for sub dividing apply to owner on pre mises m connor ballantrae wood prices limb wood cut short 850 cord or 2 cords for 10 body hardwood cut short 1250 or 2 cords for 24 dry hemlock and hardwood slabs rea sonably priced quantity good furnace wood cut short at 10 cord all orders delivered wm ratcliff phone 9906 machinery for sale roller for rolling oats in good order cheap separator melotte good as new fanningmill chatham with bag ger several good choppers all sizes also good gasoline engines i hp to 8 set scales power washing machine for gasoline en gine 3drum land roller all kinds of harrows and other farm machinery renj rexlin highest price for fowl and wool phone 192 stouffville farm for sale a choice fifty acre farm tot 17 con 8 mark ham twp l niiles east of mark ham vijlage land clay loam all workable and well fenced a com plete set ot buildings painted brick residence nice young bear ing orchard with standard varie ties of apples also other fruits 3 wells 2cisteins- hydro passes gate rural mail possession ar ranged t w eagleson stouff ville r r 1 tf send the tribune to absent friends card of thanks we wish to thsjnk the many friends and neighbors who so kindly assist ed us in any way during the long illness and subsequent death ot our beloved wife and mother adam botz and sons pullets oajo 5013 for sale about 100 strain baxter phone estray rdog hound came to my place a few days ago henry ncsbltt ballantnie notice to creditors in the surrogate court of the county of york in tho mutter of the es tate of elias raker late of the township of whitchurcht in the county or york retired farmer decejiscd notice is hereby given pur suant to the trustee act that all per sons having claims against the es tate of tho above named elias bakek who died oil or about tho 16th day of november 1929 are re quired to send post prepaid or to de liver to the undersigned solicitors for the executriccs on or before the 21s day of december j 020 full jospparticulars of their claims with tho nature of the security if any hold by them duly verifiedr and take notice further that after the said 21st day of dec ember 1929 the said executrlces will proceed to distribute the assets of the said estate among the partios entitled thereto having regard only to those claims of which they shall then have had notice dated at stouffvllle this 2nd day of december 1929 mccullough button solicitors for executrlces l stouffville out mrs ethel black 405 clendenning avotorontoont mrs annie cobor stouffville ont executrlces pork pork we are prepared to do your custom killing of hogs -at- our slaughter house talt bros phone 3501 42 lost a sum of money between a e weldons shoo store and j itl storeys drug store stouffville on saturday last finder kindly leave at tribune office for sale one set of adams sloop sleighs equipped with bunks only u3ed part of one winter priced reasonable apply h w clark phone 802 10 ii acres of choice land for market garden shade trees 3 acres bush apples chorry and pear trees solid brick house of 10 rooms woodshed and garage barn 30x40 shed close to school and churches in bloomington farm surrounded by sugar maples apply mrs jos burnett bloom ington or stouffvllle rr2 tf notice notice is hereby given that nora kathleen eayers of tho city of tor onto- in the county of york pro vince of ontario married woman will apply to the parliament of can ada at tho next session thereof for a bill ok divorce from her husband hugh smithurst eayers of the said city of toronto manager on tho grounds of nduuery and desertion dated at toronto this 21st day of november ad 1929 price cochrane co 72 sun life building toronto solicitors for tho said nora 43 kathleen eayers a secret exposed mrs sybllla spahrs tonsilltls the great throat cough bronchitis croup catarrh head cold and tonsil remedy guaranteed good results or money back you cant lose j m story druggist stouffville cold weather is coming so be prepared for it by keeping your hand and feet warn and dry we have a good as sortment of mitts and gloves lined and un- lined you will need a pair soon also rub bers the best that are made come from kauf man rubber co mens socks heavy all- wool light and medium weight now is the time to buy all firstclass goods the only exclusive shoe store in t own store will be open all day wednesday after nov 1st a g lehman a used cars for sale ford roadster 1929 ford coach 1928 chev truck 1928 ford touring 1926 2 chev coaches 1924 2 ford coupes 1923 studbaker touring mclaughlin touring oakland touring ford coach 1922 chev touring 1924 if you buy one of these cars and are not satisfied with the car in 10 days we will give you back the price you paid for the car on any other car we have vulcanvantifreeze for sale delbert rolden ford dealer phone 184 i the reward of years of toil if you contemplate an auction sale the clos ing out of your years of effort in building up a complete farm equipment the bank of com merce is splendidly equipped to cater to your financial needs our local manager and his staff will gladly make all arrangements for the collection and discounting of all sale notes and for furnishing an extension of credit where necessary a successful sale is entirely depen dent upon sound financial arrangements the canadian bank of commerce gf uith which is amalgamated i the standard bank of canada jf w cant be done ow often have you decided 1 heat jour that no matter rooms tever eettolotewchiin this saturday afternoon apply heening forcing it to gfevalulsc downstaws r0 tffly insulex comes in con- dry raulexill add to your comtortttdswtator illiil ftasgg insulation

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